Welcome_to jamiebowerlife._jamiebowerlife is your most up-to-date fan source for anything Jamie Campbell Bower. Please keep in mind that we are not Jamie, nor we have any association with him or any of his friends and family members.Community Rules_read before posting/commenting.01. As a Jamie community, no bashing of him/his family/friends will be tolerated, and posts/comments will be deleted on the spot. No member bashing will be allowed, either.02. Remember that this community wouldn't exist without members. It means you should feel free to comment and post whatever you like as long as it's related to Jamie Campbell Bower. News, questions, fan art, discussion, pictures, and embarrassing fangirl episodes are all welcome.03. Tag your post using our existing tags (if you need a new tag, please contact a mod), and before making a new question/news/etc. post, please look through the most recent pages of entries to check if the subject has been broached before. 05. Large/several images (over 500px wide) must be under an lj-cut. Do not link us to another site. When the article/interview you post is very long, the use of lj-cut would be very welcome as well.06. Posts here are meant to be public. Please do not change the setting.07. Do not use fancy text or large font sizes in your posts. The font should remain the default size/color, and bold/italics/underline should only be used as needed. Likewise, do not abuse the caps lock key or netspeak language. 08. If any of the mods feel you are being inappropriate, not following the rules, or just here to cause problems, you will be banned from the community. The mods also have the right to reject any post they deem unsuitable for the community. If you have a question regarding the deletion of your post/comment or have a similar complaint, please message one of the mods or use our Page-a-Mod message system.09. When you decide to post the pictures or news you find here on another site, do not forget to credit our community.Community Networks_where to find us.