jan2012_babies - Profile (original) (raw)
on 20 May 2011 (#38101138)
A community for people with babies due in January 2012
This is a due date community for babies expected in January 2012. Moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., are all welcome! Feel free to post stories, pictures, questions, progress posts, anything you feel like! Remember, these parents are going through the same things you are, and you are among friends.
Community Guidelines
1. Please introduce yourself after joining.
2. Pregnancy, birth and parenting are full of controversial issuess. Intelligent discussion (with facts, links, and mature responses) are allowed and encouraged, but judgements and drama are not.
3. Do not delete comments or posts.
4. Put all pictures, long entries and offensive material under an lj-cut.
When you join, please post the following introduction:
1. Your name
2. Your age
3. Location
4. Married/partnered/single?
5. When are you due?
6. Do you have any other children? How old are they?
7. What sort of birth are you planning (Normal, medicated, c-section? Home, birthing center, hospital?)
8. Anything else you'd like to share?
Mods will make posts on the following days:
Post pictures of your belly, other children, holidays and events!
A weekly post to see how we are doing.
Survey during pregnancy:
How far along are you?
What symptoms are you experiencing?
How are you feeling?
Any Dr. appointments/ultrasounds/tests this past week and how did they go?
Anything big happening in your personal life (moving, work related, family, etc.)?
Any food cravings?
Tell us your favorite thing about your pregnancy this week.
Any questions you want to ask?
Survey after baby is born:
How old is your baby this week?
What's up with you emotionally & mentally this week?
What has been your biggest challenge this week?
Has your baby accomplished a new milestone this week? If so, what?
Has your baby had any appointments or play dates? How did they go?
Random things of note?
babies, baby boys, baby care, baby gear, baby girls, baby stuff, baby wearing, being pregnant, birth, breast feeding, c sections, child birth, cloth diapering, daddies, dads, due date buddies, expecting, expecting a baby, having a baby, health care, home birth, hormones, induction, infants, mamas, mommies, morning sickness, motherhood, mothering, mothers, natural birth, new moms, newborn care, newborns, parenthood, parenting, pregnancy, pregnancy concerns, pregnancy questions, pregnant, pregnant friends, pregnant women, talking about pregnancy, ultrasounds, unassisted birth, water birth, winter babies