jonasflames - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 August 2008 (#16325348)

Select Members , Moderated

Jonas Brothers Flame Community

about usThis is a community created for the sole use of bitching about other Jonas Brothers fans. Ever go on that "uncensored" Jonas Brothers fan community and get really pissed off at almost every single person there and maybe discover it's not too "uncensored"? Yeah, it bothers us too. Or even Jonas Brothers secrets communities with all the wah wah wah and no juice? Well tough shit whiny ass Jonas fans, we dnwu and we are here to tell you about it.
how it worksSomething or someone piss you off? Make a graphic about it, it can look professional or it can look like shit, as long as you get the point across not only will we lol but it will make you feel better too. Upload the graphic and submit it to the submissions post where you shall find your graphic being looked over by us and then posted for the whole world to see (ok, just the members). Don't worry, if you fuck up and forget to comment anonymously we'll out you to your friends (omg just kidding, no, why do you think my hair is so big? it's full of secrets). This is a place of frustration, but if you must give someone a compliment you may do so, I guess.
guidelines1. No using friends locked entries or personal websites that aren't LJ (MySpace, FaceBook, etc).2. No using personal pictures (unless it's already been posted in a community for people to judge), or bashing people based on their appearance.3. No threatening or anything like it. As in, I don't want to see flames saying stuff like "I hope you die", "I hope you catch some sort of deathly disease and fall into a pit of flaming rabbits", "go slit your wrists", etc.4. THIS COMMUNITY WAS NOT MEANT TO SEVERELY INSULT OTHER PEOPLE. If you really have such a huge issue with someone that a flame won't do enough for you to vent it out, then take it up with that person.5. Don't be stupid by using your photobucket.6. If your flame isn't posted, that's because I have determined it to be too harsh. Tone it down a bit and re-submit, then maybe I'll consider posting it.
complaints?Too bad, it's not my fault no one likes you.

profile credit: refuted
layout credit: refutare
banners/headers credit: jonasflames

big rob, boners, burning up, chastity, chelsea handler, christianity, demi lovato, diabetes, disney, eyebrows, fans, flame, frankie jonas, god, greg garbowsky, guitar, jack lawless, jew curls, joe jonas, john taylor, jonas brothers, kevin jonas, manpris, miley cyrus, milf, moles, new jersey, nick jonas, purity, selena gomez, sideburns, tambourine, teenage girls, third base, thunder thighs, virgins