just_write - Profile (original) (raw)

on 3 February 2002 (#459056)

Hi there and welcome to just_write!!!

This is a safe haven for people that want to write and just get ideas out there for others to critique, add ideas, or even just for them to read.

All story types are welcome here...erotica, poetry, fiction, non-fiction...you name it.

As long as everyone stays on topic with the writing theme, then every type of writing is welcome!

The only rules are:

~ If you post something erotic or adult in nature...please use the lj cut feature.
~ Please include somewhere in your entry what type of story this is, when you wrote it, and if you are indeed looking for advice, or if you just want to share.

~ No flame wars...this is a safe place for people who feel like sharing their ideas, creations, and their life's work..without feeling threatened. In turn, please DO comment when you've read something if the writer asks for feedback or when moved to compliment or encourage them. We grow better through self-critique and peer critique. Be tactful and respectful, but by all means, share your opinions.

~ Last but not least, have fun and JUST WRITE!

Other great communities for writers:

atw ~ all things written



This community is moderated by fionavar...feel free to contact me at the email address above with any questions you have or questions you want to make for how to make just_write better!

graphic created by _dream and can be used to link to this community

advice, authors, automatic writing, biographies, books, burning the midnight oil, catharsis, characters, children's literature, collaboration, comics, commentaries, conflict, constructive criticism, copyrights, creation, creativity, editing, epitaphs, erotica, fables, fanfic, fantasy, feedback, free association, freelance writing, grammar, haiku, historical fiction, historical non-fiction, honest opinions, ideas, inspirations, lack of structure, letters, literary agents, literature, lyrics, magazines, manuscripts, memoirs, mentoring, muses, mythology, narration, novellas, novels, pen and paper, plays, poetry, proofreading, prose, publishing, roles, science fiction, self-expression, songwriting, stories, structure, tact, talent, the blank page, the classics, theme, tone, typewriters, verse, vision, words, writer's block, writers, writing