katieleungfans - Profile (original) (raw)
on 25 December 2004 (#5553637)
Welcome to katieleungfans! As you can tell my the name, this is a community dedicated to the upcoming star, Katie Leung:D She is the girl who is playing the role that many girls all around the world would die to have, Cho Chang from the Harry Potter francise. Feel free to discuss anything and everything Katie Leung related. Until more information about Katie is release from the Warner Bros and the Harry Potter people, we just got to wait patiently...We hope this to be the biggest Katie Leung community around, so we'll need all your help! If you could, post your news, icons, graphics, pictures, or just anything that would start up a discussion. And another way to help out is to TELL PEOPLE about us! Tell them to join and participate in the community. Don't be shy, we won't bite^_^ What are you waiting for? Click the join button;)
- Your moderator, Kate
Katie Leung was just a normal girl, but that all changed. She beat out 4,000 hopeful girls for the role of Cho Chang in the Harry Potter film. Her father is very proud of her indeed. She lives in a £400,000 house in an exclusive district of Motherwell, near Glasgow with her two brothers and a younger sister. This rich girl attend Scotland's most prestigious private schools, a £5,000-a-year college. Though people around her doesn't seem to think that fame will goes to her head. Well, we hope so too. She is one lucky girl.
1) We know that not many people are fond of the idea of Katie getting the part of Cho Chang. In reality, the thing is, she did; so, we got to respect that and be civilize about it. Your honest opinion are very important to us, but please, state your word wisely. No name calling! Let's not act like children here people! If, by some unknown reason, you choose to go against this, you'll be warned. Though if that doesn't work, you'll be bad from the community. But no one is going to get bad, isn't that right?
2) Also, be polite and respectful toward other members. If there are any disagreements then keep it manage here at the community. Take it outside if you must, but not in here. Like the rule above, the first time you'll be warned, but if you continue, then it will result in your ban from the community.
3) Don't hotlink any images. If you don't know what that is, please click here. Upload the files onto image hosting sites such as Photobucket or any other places.
4) Please put any large pictures/graphics behind LJ cuts. That is also if you're going to post a lot of images, icons, etc.
You should also use an LJ cut if you are posting a lot of pictures, icons, etc.
5) Please do not promote your community here unless it's directly related to Katie Leung and/or Harry Potter. And by directly I mean d.i.r.e.c.t.l.y. Not a claims community or rating community.
That's all folks! That wasn't so bad, was it? Just remember to have fun, but respectful, and you'll be fine!
asian girls, beautiful, cedric, cedric diggory, chang, cho, cho chang, fan, fans, glasgow, goblet of fire, harry, harry potter, katie, katie leung, leung, lucky girl, motherwell, ravenclaw, rich girl, seeker, uk
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