Sandra Kantar | Kca - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sandra Kantar

Research paper thumbnail of Priručnik za ruralni razvoj pomoću mobilnih ruralnih hubova

Research paper thumbnail of Mura-man-nature

Research paper thumbnail of Some important factors that affect consumer's green behaviour

Continuous environmental exacerbation over the last few decades has drastically increased the con... more Continuous environmental exacerbation over the last few decades has drastically increased the consumer's consciousness of environmental problems which has had a profound effect on consumer behaviour. The changes in society are changing value systems and consumeres preferences. It is about new lifstyle ideas because some consumers have realized that their behavior has a direct impact on many environmental issues. Therefore such consumer response to marketing makes it very important step towards shaping sustainable scope of taken mesures and actions of green behaviour. Green or environmental marketing should be seen as a tool towards sustainable development and satisfaction of new green consciousness consumers and their needs. From one side it has to satify the requirements of customer and society, and from the other side its aim is to make benfits for companies and their stakeholders in a profitable and sustainable way. This paper examines aspects of environmental concerned consumers' attitudes and its potential impact on their economic and social behaviour, first of all in terms of pro-environmental purchasing behaviour. The purpose is to introduce green patterns of consumption into contemporary lifestyles as much as possible and clarify what is the role of marketing. Undertaken survey attempts to examine some factors that affect green consciousness of two college students groups in nortwest Croatia. One group were students of business administration, and other were students of agriculture. By examining factors that affect greeen consciousness it was attempted to find out their attitudes and values towards pro-environmental behaviour. Reviewed attitudes and values have showed that environmental issues play primary role in creation of green behaviour and can be used as consistent predictor of pro-environmental purchasing behaviour. Also, very importan factor is legislative too. Namely, the survey's intent is to find out how legislative effects on respondents' environmental awareness. A latent objective was to bring attention to the significant social responsibility role that green consciousness can play in the preservation of environment by adoption of certain green practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivation of Young People for Studying Agriculture

Lucrări Științifice Management Agricol, Jul 28, 2021

The paper explores the motivation of young people for studying agriculture at Križevci College of... more The paper explores the motivation of young people for studying agriculture at Križevci College of Agriculture in Croatia. Particular focus is placed on students' motivation to study agriculture and to standards in the quality of studying in general. The survey was conducted over a nine-year period from 2013/14. to 2020/21. on a appropriate sample of 413 freshmens. The results of the research show that the College needs to improve marketing promotion and quality of the students' standard. However, students have a very positive assessment of the reputation, tradition, and historical background of the College, which greatly influences the level of students' overall interest in studying. In addition, the professional study of agriculture enables students to acquire professional knowledge and create practical skills and experiences, which increase their chances for instant employment.

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture and Change in North Western Croatia

Rural development, Jan 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Success index of rural tourism development in Koprivnica-Križevci County

Svaka županija nastoji različitim mjerama potaknuti razvoj svojih ruralnih područja, a u zadnje v... more Svaka županija nastoji različitim mjerama potaknuti razvoj svojih ruralnih područja, a u zadnje vrijeme jedna od gospodarskih djelatnosti koja se uspješno razvija u ruralnom području je zasigurno ruralni turizam. Također, nacionalne mjere za razvoj ruralnog turizma usmjerene su na komponentu održivosti što znači da bi na putu tog razvoja trebalo voditi računa o ravnomjernom korištenju svih raspoloživih prirodnih, društvenih i gospodarskih resursa. Postavlja se pitanje može li se izračunati koja je županija uspješnija u provođenju mjera za razvoj ruralnog turizma te koje bi se varijable trebale pratiti da bi se to moglo dokazati. Je li dovoljno pratiti samo broj registriranih objekata za ruralni turizam i broj postelja ili na uspješan razvoj ruralnog turizma imaju utjecaj i značajne manifestacije koje se odvijaju u nekoj županiji, zatim zaštićena prirodna baština, zaštićene biljne vrste i mnoge druge varijable. Odgovor na ovo pitanje pokušava se dati kroz izračunavanje indeksa uspješ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of sustainable rural tourism: potentials of Koprivničko-križevačka county

Ovaj rad prikazuje sociološko viđenje održivog razvoja i integralne održivosti ruralnog turizma K... more Ovaj rad prikazuje sociološko viđenje održivog razvoja i integralne održivosti ruralnog turizma Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Ruralni turizam je značajan činitelj u aktivaciji i održivom razvoju ruralnog prostora koji pomaže očuvanju lokalnog identiteta, tradicije i običaja, štiti okoliš, jača autohtonu, tradicijsku i ekološku proizvodnju te pomaže razvoju ruralnih krajeva na temelju održivog razvoja. Osim toga, ruralni turizam je velikim dijelom zaslužan za spoznaju o potrebi održivog razvoja jer je najviše zainteresiran za održivost svih resursa koji su temelj njegova razvoja i održivosti. Dimenzije održivoga razvoja – ekološka, socio-kulturna, ekonomska i politička održivost – mogu se primijeniti na ruralni turizam te tako činiti koncept integralnog održivog razvoja u ruralnome turizmu. Pritom je važno naglasiti kako se integralna održivost može postići ukoliko se sve dimenzije nalaze u dinamičkoj ravnoteži. Ruralni turizam utemeljen na dimenzijama održivog razvoja predstavlja...

Research paper thumbnail of Indikatori za procjenu održivosti ruralnog turizma

53rd Croatian & 13th International Symposium on Agriculture eProceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Istraživanje tržišta rada za studente Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima

Društvene promjene i društvena struktura - Hrvatska 20 godina poslije : knjiga sažetaka, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Gastronomy offer of Podravina in function of rural tourism

U radu se prikazuju potencijali gastronomske ponude Podravine za razvoj ruralnog turizma i gastro... more U radu se prikazuju potencijali gastronomske ponude Podravine za razvoj ruralnog turizma i gastroturizma. Gastronomska ponuda Podravine je vrlo raznolika i očuvana, te odražava kulturu življenja i rada minulih razdoblja. Provedbom intervjua sa stručnjacima koji su povezani sa istraživačkom temom dobivena su afirmativna mišljenja o prepoznatljivosti tradicionalnih podravskih jela od kojih se najveći naglasak stavlja na hajdinu i ječmenu kašu, jela od koprive, te Bregofsku pitu. Najveću ulogu u jačanju gastronomske ponude imaju turističke zajednice, udruge i osviješteni konzumenti podravskih jela, a gastronomska ponuda može se unaprijediti putem udruživanja seljačkih gospodarstava koja u svojoj ponudi imaju tradicionalna podravska jela po prihvatljivoj cijeni, ciljanim gastronomskim manifestacijama koje populariziraju podravska jela, te korištenjem namirnica koje su proizvedene na vlastitim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima.This paper demonstrates the potential of Podravina\u27s gastrono...

Research paper thumbnail of Znanstveno-stručni skup „Tradicijom usprkos krizi – može li se?“, Vinkovci, 9.-10. rujna 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Indeks uspješnosti razvoja ruralnog turizma u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji

Agroeconomia Croatica, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Razvoj seoskog turizma sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

2. hrvatski kongres o ruralnom turizmu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem : zbornik radova, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltschutz in Stellungnahmen Und Im Benehmen Von Studenten Der Gespanschaft Koprivničko–Križevačka

U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populaci... more U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populacije u Koprivničko–križevačkoj županiji na temu zaštite okoliša. Studenti Visokog gospodarskog učilišta su senzibiliziraniji za temu zaštite okoliša u odnosu na studente Visoke poslovne škole, međutim, ukupno gledajući, njihov svakodnevni angažman u zbrinjavanju otpada nije zadovoljavajući. Samo 5% studenata je aktivno u nevladinim organizacijama za zaštitu okoliša u županiji.This paper presents data collected in preliminary research on the convenient sample of student population in Koprivnica-Križevci County regarding environment protection. The students of the College of Agriculture of Križevci are more sensitive to the issue of environment protection than the students of College of Business. However, overall, their everyday engagement in waste management is not satisfactory. Only 5% of the students are active in non-governmental organizations for environment protection in their County.I...

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltschutz in Stellungnahmen Und Im Benehmen Von Studenten Der Gespanschaft Koprivničko–Križevačka

U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populaci... more U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populacije u Koprivničko–križevačkoj županiji na temu zaštite okoliša. Studenti Visokog gospodarskog učilišta su senzibiliziraniji za temu zaštite okoliša u odnosu na studente Visoke poslovne škole, međutim, ukupno gledajući, njihov svakodnevni angažman u zbrinjavanju otpada nije zadovoljavajući. Samo 5% studenata je aktivno u nevladinim organizacijama za zaštitu okoliša u županiji.This paper presents data collected in preliminary research on the convenient sample of student population in Koprivnica-Križevci County regarding environment protection. The students of the College of Agriculture of Križevci are more sensitive to the issue of environment protection than the students of College of Business. However, overall, their everyday engagement in waste management is not satisfactory. Only 5% of the students are active in non-governmental organizations for environment protection in their County.I...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Sustainable Rural Tourism


This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural... more This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural tourism in Koprivnica-Krizevci county, which is located in the north-western part of Croatia. The possibilities for developing rural tourism within the concept of sustainable development have been researched through qualitative empirical research interview method. Research subjects were the owners of tourist farms, decision makers, experts and other stakeholders in the tourism development. Rural tourism represents an alternative to maritime tourism and is relatively undeveloped but important in terms of development of rural areas and family farms. This paper enables an insight into an integrated sustainability of rural tourism which consists of four dimensions: biologicalecological, economic, socio-cultural and political sustainability. In conclusion, integral sustainability in rural tourism is not achieved in all dimensions. Therefore, rural tourism could be a strategy for sustainable ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Sustainable Rural Tourism

DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development

This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural... more This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural tourism in Koprivnica-Krizevci county, which is located in the northwestern part of Croatia. The possibilities for developing rural tourism within the concept of sustainable development have been researched through qualitative empirical research interview method. Research subjects were the owners of tourist farms, decision makers, experts and other stakeholders in the tourism development. Rural tourism represents an alternative to maritime tourism and is relatively undeveloped but important in terms of development of rural areas and family farms. This paper enables an insight into an integrated sustainability of rural tourism which consists of four dimensions: biologicalecological, economic, socio-cultural and political sustainability. In conclusion, integral sustainability in rural tourism is not achieved in all dimensions. Therefore, rural tourism could be a strategy for sustainable development for rural areas and also could be a tool for product differentiation for area that are at stagnation stage.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of rural tourism supply in Dalmatian tourist regions

The paper deals with the characteristics of Dalmatia's rural tourism supply based on the regi... more The paper deals with the characteristics of Dalmatia's rural tourism supply based on the registered rural-tourist farms listed in the National Catalog of Rural Tourism of Croatia. The aim of this paper is to determine the present state and potential of Dalmatia in the development of rural tourism. Moreover, the intetion is to point out the unexploited possibilities of the area by comparing the four Dalmatian tourist regions: Dalmacija – Zadar, Dalmacija – Šibenik, Dalmacija – Split, Dalmacija – Dubrovnik. The research results indicate that all the explored regions are rich in natural and cultural heritage, which are crucial for the development of rural tourism. There are differences in the number of registered facilities for rural tourism and the services offered. This is seen as an opportunity for launching investment projects and programs with the goal of preserving and developing those rural areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Prednosti i nedostaci razvoja ruralnog turizma prekograničnog područja

Rad predstavlja dio istraživanja u okviru IPA Programa za prekograničnu suradnju Mađarska-Hrvatsk... more Rad predstavlja dio istraživanja u okviru IPA Programa za prekograničnu suradnju Mađarska-Hrvatska na projektu INVEST-PRO. Istraživačko području obuhvaća dvije hrvatske (Koprivničko-križevačka i Varaždinska) i dvije mađarske županije (Zala i Somogy). U radu se polazi od činjenice da je ruralni turizam u kontinentalnim krajevima slabo razvijen u odnosu na morski turizam u Hrvatskoj ili odmorišni turizam na jezeru Balaton u Mađarskoj. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju zajedničke prednosti i nedostatke razvoja ruralnog turizma prekograničnog područja. Uočene su prednosti temelj za razvoj zajedničkih budućih turističkih proizvoda radi stvaranja prepoznatljivog imidža turističke destinacije kontinentalnog turizma. S druge strane, uočeni nedostaci predstavljaju podlogu za donositelje odluka za kreiranje regionalnih ili županijskih razvojnih turističkih strategija.

Research paper thumbnail of Rural tourism development through establishment of cluster - example of regional-tourism cluster "Kuna

U radu se prikazuje primjer udruživanja poduzetnika u regionalno-turisticki klaster „Kuna“ na pod... more U radu se prikazuje primjer udruživanja poduzetnika u regionalno-turisticki klaster „Kuna“ na podrucju gradova Pakraca i Lipika, kako bi kroz ruralni turizam unaprijedili i prosirili svoje poslovanje. S obzirom da je osnivanje klastera u Hrvatskoj u samom zacetku, a narocito u ruralnom turizmu, cilj rada je kroz intervju s clanovima klastera napraviti SWOT analizu odnosno prikazati pozitivne i negativne elemente ovog oblika udruživanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ce s vremenom buducu odgovornost za uspjesno poslovanje klastera morati preuzeti sami clanovi, jer jos uvijek najvecu organizacijsku ulogu u razvoju analiziranog klastera ima Poduzetnicki centar Pakrac. Ipak, kljucnu ulogu u daljnjem razvoju klastera imati ce buduci upravitelj klastera, koji bi trebao iskoristiti sadasnje prednosti i buduce prilike klastera u prepoznatljivosti ruralno turisticke ponude na stranom i domacem tržistu.

Research paper thumbnail of Priručnik za ruralni razvoj pomoću mobilnih ruralnih hubova

Research paper thumbnail of Mura-man-nature

Research paper thumbnail of Some important factors that affect consumer's green behaviour

Continuous environmental exacerbation over the last few decades has drastically increased the con... more Continuous environmental exacerbation over the last few decades has drastically increased the consumer's consciousness of environmental problems which has had a profound effect on consumer behaviour. The changes in society are changing value systems and consumeres preferences. It is about new lifstyle ideas because some consumers have realized that their behavior has a direct impact on many environmental issues. Therefore such consumer response to marketing makes it very important step towards shaping sustainable scope of taken mesures and actions of green behaviour. Green or environmental marketing should be seen as a tool towards sustainable development and satisfaction of new green consciousness consumers and their needs. From one side it has to satify the requirements of customer and society, and from the other side its aim is to make benfits for companies and their stakeholders in a profitable and sustainable way. This paper examines aspects of environmental concerned consumers' attitudes and its potential impact on their economic and social behaviour, first of all in terms of pro-environmental purchasing behaviour. The purpose is to introduce green patterns of consumption into contemporary lifestyles as much as possible and clarify what is the role of marketing. Undertaken survey attempts to examine some factors that affect green consciousness of two college students groups in nortwest Croatia. One group were students of business administration, and other were students of agriculture. By examining factors that affect greeen consciousness it was attempted to find out their attitudes and values towards pro-environmental behaviour. Reviewed attitudes and values have showed that environmental issues play primary role in creation of green behaviour and can be used as consistent predictor of pro-environmental purchasing behaviour. Also, very importan factor is legislative too. Namely, the survey's intent is to find out how legislative effects on respondents' environmental awareness. A latent objective was to bring attention to the significant social responsibility role that green consciousness can play in the preservation of environment by adoption of certain green practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Motivation of Young People for Studying Agriculture

Lucrări Științifice Management Agricol, Jul 28, 2021

The paper explores the motivation of young people for studying agriculture at Križevci College of... more The paper explores the motivation of young people for studying agriculture at Križevci College of Agriculture in Croatia. Particular focus is placed on students' motivation to study agriculture and to standards in the quality of studying in general. The survey was conducted over a nine-year period from 2013/14. to 2020/21. on a appropriate sample of 413 freshmens. The results of the research show that the College needs to improve marketing promotion and quality of the students' standard. However, students have a very positive assessment of the reputation, tradition, and historical background of the College, which greatly influences the level of students' overall interest in studying. In addition, the professional study of agriculture enables students to acquire professional knowledge and create practical skills and experiences, which increase their chances for instant employment.

Research paper thumbnail of Agriculture and Change in North Western Croatia

Rural development, Jan 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Success index of rural tourism development in Koprivnica-Križevci County

Svaka županija nastoji različitim mjerama potaknuti razvoj svojih ruralnih područja, a u zadnje v... more Svaka županija nastoji različitim mjerama potaknuti razvoj svojih ruralnih područja, a u zadnje vrijeme jedna od gospodarskih djelatnosti koja se uspješno razvija u ruralnom području je zasigurno ruralni turizam. Također, nacionalne mjere za razvoj ruralnog turizma usmjerene su na komponentu održivosti što znači da bi na putu tog razvoja trebalo voditi računa o ravnomjernom korištenju svih raspoloživih prirodnih, društvenih i gospodarskih resursa. Postavlja se pitanje može li se izračunati koja je županija uspješnija u provođenju mjera za razvoj ruralnog turizma te koje bi se varijable trebale pratiti da bi se to moglo dokazati. Je li dovoljno pratiti samo broj registriranih objekata za ruralni turizam i broj postelja ili na uspješan razvoj ruralnog turizma imaju utjecaj i značajne manifestacije koje se odvijaju u nekoj županiji, zatim zaštićena prirodna baština, zaštićene biljne vrste i mnoge druge varijable. Odgovor na ovo pitanje pokušava se dati kroz izračunavanje indeksa uspješ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of sustainable rural tourism: potentials of Koprivničko-križevačka county

Ovaj rad prikazuje sociološko viđenje održivog razvoja i integralne održivosti ruralnog turizma K... more Ovaj rad prikazuje sociološko viđenje održivog razvoja i integralne održivosti ruralnog turizma Koprivničko-križevačke županije. Ruralni turizam je značajan činitelj u aktivaciji i održivom razvoju ruralnog prostora koji pomaže očuvanju lokalnog identiteta, tradicije i običaja, štiti okoliš, jača autohtonu, tradicijsku i ekološku proizvodnju te pomaže razvoju ruralnih krajeva na temelju održivog razvoja. Osim toga, ruralni turizam je velikim dijelom zaslužan za spoznaju o potrebi održivog razvoja jer je najviše zainteresiran za održivost svih resursa koji su temelj njegova razvoja i održivosti. Dimenzije održivoga razvoja – ekološka, socio-kulturna, ekonomska i politička održivost – mogu se primijeniti na ruralni turizam te tako činiti koncept integralnog održivog razvoja u ruralnome turizmu. Pritom je važno naglasiti kako se integralna održivost može postići ukoliko se sve dimenzije nalaze u dinamičkoj ravnoteži. Ruralni turizam utemeljen na dimenzijama održivog razvoja predstavlja...

Research paper thumbnail of Indikatori za procjenu održivosti ruralnog turizma

53rd Croatian & 13th International Symposium on Agriculture eProceedings, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Istraživanje tržišta rada za studente Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima

Društvene promjene i društvena struktura - Hrvatska 20 godina poslije : knjiga sažetaka, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Gastronomy offer of Podravina in function of rural tourism

U radu se prikazuju potencijali gastronomske ponude Podravine za razvoj ruralnog turizma i gastro... more U radu se prikazuju potencijali gastronomske ponude Podravine za razvoj ruralnog turizma i gastroturizma. Gastronomska ponuda Podravine je vrlo raznolika i očuvana, te odražava kulturu življenja i rada minulih razdoblja. Provedbom intervjua sa stručnjacima koji su povezani sa istraživačkom temom dobivena su afirmativna mišljenja o prepoznatljivosti tradicionalnih podravskih jela od kojih se najveći naglasak stavlja na hajdinu i ječmenu kašu, jela od koprive, te Bregofsku pitu. Najveću ulogu u jačanju gastronomske ponude imaju turističke zajednice, udruge i osviješteni konzumenti podravskih jela, a gastronomska ponuda može se unaprijediti putem udruživanja seljačkih gospodarstava koja u svojoj ponudi imaju tradicionalna podravska jela po prihvatljivoj cijeni, ciljanim gastronomskim manifestacijama koje populariziraju podravska jela, te korištenjem namirnica koje su proizvedene na vlastitim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima.This paper demonstrates the potential of Podravina\u27s gastrono...

Research paper thumbnail of Znanstveno-stručni skup „Tradicijom usprkos krizi – može li se?“, Vinkovci, 9.-10. rujna 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Indeks uspješnosti razvoja ruralnog turizma u Koprivničko-križevačkoj županiji

Agroeconomia Croatica, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Razvoj seoskog turizma sjeverozapadne Hrvatske

2. hrvatski kongres o ruralnom turizmu s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem : zbornik radova, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltschutz in Stellungnahmen Und Im Benehmen Von Studenten Der Gespanschaft Koprivničko–Križevačka

U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populaci... more U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populacije u Koprivničko–križevačkoj županiji na temu zaštite okoliša. Studenti Visokog gospodarskog učilišta su senzibiliziraniji za temu zaštite okoliša u odnosu na studente Visoke poslovne škole, međutim, ukupno gledajući, njihov svakodnevni angažman u zbrinjavanju otpada nije zadovoljavajući. Samo 5% studenata je aktivno u nevladinim organizacijama za zaštitu okoliša u županiji.This paper presents data collected in preliminary research on the convenient sample of student population in Koprivnica-Križevci County regarding environment protection. The students of the College of Agriculture of Križevci are more sensitive to the issue of environment protection than the students of College of Business. However, overall, their everyday engagement in waste management is not satisfactory. Only 5% of the students are active in non-governmental organizations for environment protection in their County.I...

Research paper thumbnail of Umweltschutz in Stellungnahmen Und Im Benehmen Von Studenten Der Gespanschaft Koprivničko–Križevačka

U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populaci... more U ovom radu prezentiraju se podaci dobiveni istraživanjem na prigodnom uzorku studentske populacije u Koprivničko–križevačkoj županiji na temu zaštite okoliša. Studenti Visokog gospodarskog učilišta su senzibiliziraniji za temu zaštite okoliša u odnosu na studente Visoke poslovne škole, međutim, ukupno gledajući, njihov svakodnevni angažman u zbrinjavanju otpada nije zadovoljavajući. Samo 5% studenata je aktivno u nevladinim organizacijama za zaštitu okoliša u županiji.This paper presents data collected in preliminary research on the convenient sample of student population in Koprivnica-Križevci County regarding environment protection. The students of the College of Agriculture of Križevci are more sensitive to the issue of environment protection than the students of College of Business. However, overall, their everyday engagement in waste management is not satisfactory. Only 5% of the students are active in non-governmental organizations for environment protection in their County.I...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Sustainable Rural Tourism


This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural... more This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural tourism in Koprivnica-Krizevci county, which is located in the north-western part of Croatia. The possibilities for developing rural tourism within the concept of sustainable development have been researched through qualitative empirical research interview method. Research subjects were the owners of tourist farms, decision makers, experts and other stakeholders in the tourism development. Rural tourism represents an alternative to maritime tourism and is relatively undeveloped but important in terms of development of rural areas and family farms. This paper enables an insight into an integrated sustainability of rural tourism which consists of four dimensions: biologicalecological, economic, socio-cultural and political sustainability. In conclusion, integral sustainability in rural tourism is not achieved in all dimensions. Therefore, rural tourism could be a strategy for sustainable ...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Sustainable Rural Tourism

DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development

This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural... more This paper presents a sociological view of possibilities for the development of sustainable rural tourism in Koprivnica-Krizevci county, which is located in the northwestern part of Croatia. The possibilities for developing rural tourism within the concept of sustainable development have been researched through qualitative empirical research interview method. Research subjects were the owners of tourist farms, decision makers, experts and other stakeholders in the tourism development. Rural tourism represents an alternative to maritime tourism and is relatively undeveloped but important in terms of development of rural areas and family farms. This paper enables an insight into an integrated sustainability of rural tourism which consists of four dimensions: biologicalecological, economic, socio-cultural and political sustainability. In conclusion, integral sustainability in rural tourism is not achieved in all dimensions. Therefore, rural tourism could be a strategy for sustainable development for rural areas and also could be a tool for product differentiation for area that are at stagnation stage.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of rural tourism supply in Dalmatian tourist regions

The paper deals with the characteristics of Dalmatia's rural tourism supply based on the regi... more The paper deals with the characteristics of Dalmatia's rural tourism supply based on the registered rural-tourist farms listed in the National Catalog of Rural Tourism of Croatia. The aim of this paper is to determine the present state and potential of Dalmatia in the development of rural tourism. Moreover, the intetion is to point out the unexploited possibilities of the area by comparing the four Dalmatian tourist regions: Dalmacija – Zadar, Dalmacija – Šibenik, Dalmacija – Split, Dalmacija – Dubrovnik. The research results indicate that all the explored regions are rich in natural and cultural heritage, which are crucial for the development of rural tourism. There are differences in the number of registered facilities for rural tourism and the services offered. This is seen as an opportunity for launching investment projects and programs with the goal of preserving and developing those rural areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Prednosti i nedostaci razvoja ruralnog turizma prekograničnog područja

Rad predstavlja dio istraživanja u okviru IPA Programa za prekograničnu suradnju Mađarska-Hrvatsk... more Rad predstavlja dio istraživanja u okviru IPA Programa za prekograničnu suradnju Mađarska-Hrvatska na projektu INVEST-PRO. Istraživačko području obuhvaća dvije hrvatske (Koprivničko-križevačka i Varaždinska) i dvije mađarske županije (Zala i Somogy). U radu se polazi od činjenice da je ruralni turizam u kontinentalnim krajevima slabo razvijen u odnosu na morski turizam u Hrvatskoj ili odmorišni turizam na jezeru Balaton u Mađarskoj. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju zajedničke prednosti i nedostatke razvoja ruralnog turizma prekograničnog područja. Uočene su prednosti temelj za razvoj zajedničkih budućih turističkih proizvoda radi stvaranja prepoznatljivog imidža turističke destinacije kontinentalnog turizma. S druge strane, uočeni nedostaci predstavljaju podlogu za donositelje odluka za kreiranje regionalnih ili županijskih razvojnih turističkih strategija.

Research paper thumbnail of Rural tourism development through establishment of cluster - example of regional-tourism cluster "Kuna

U radu se prikazuje primjer udruživanja poduzetnika u regionalno-turisticki klaster „Kuna“ na pod... more U radu se prikazuje primjer udruživanja poduzetnika u regionalno-turisticki klaster „Kuna“ na podrucju gradova Pakraca i Lipika, kako bi kroz ruralni turizam unaprijedili i prosirili svoje poslovanje. S obzirom da je osnivanje klastera u Hrvatskoj u samom zacetku, a narocito u ruralnom turizmu, cilj rada je kroz intervju s clanovima klastera napraviti SWOT analizu odnosno prikazati pozitivne i negativne elemente ovog oblika udruživanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ce s vremenom buducu odgovornost za uspjesno poslovanje klastera morati preuzeti sami clanovi, jer jos uvijek najvecu organizacijsku ulogu u razvoju analiziranog klastera ima Poduzetnicki centar Pakrac. Ipak, kljucnu ulogu u daljnjem razvoju klastera imati ce buduci upravitelj klastera, koji bi trebao iskoristiti sadasnje prednosti i buduce prilike klastera u prepoznatljivosti ruralno turisticke ponude na stranom i domacem tržistu.