Jeremy Sacramento | King's College London (original) (raw)
Journal articles by Jeremy Sacramento
Ethnopolitics, 2022
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs intérêts au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la même façon sur la scène internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de sécession, les acteurs infra-étatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en général de la part de la politique étrangère au niveau étatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacré aux stratégies para-diplomatiques qu’a employées la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la période troublée allant de 2012 à 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont été gravement affectés par les stratégies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique extérieure de l’Espagne.
Papers by Jeremy Sacramento
Ethnopolitics, Oct 31, 2022
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-etatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallele (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-etatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallele (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs interets au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la meme facon sur la scene internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de secession, les acteurs infra-etatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en general de la part de la politique etrangere au niveau etatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacre aux strategies para-diplomatiques qu’a employees la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la periode troublee allant de 2012 a 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont ete gravement affectes par les strategies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique exterieure de l’Espagne.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interes... more Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interests internationally. Yet, not all paradiplomatic engagement has the same reception on the international stage. In fact, in some cases, particularly those with secession undertones, sub-state actors encounter friction and obstruction to their paradiplomacy, typically from state-level foreign policy; a process that we term counter-paradiplomacy. This article focuses on the paradiplomatic strategies pursued by Catalonia, and the corresponding counter-paradiplomatic measures employed by Spain during the turbulent period of 2012–2017. It argues that Catalonia’s paradiplomatic objectives have been severely affected by Spain’s counter-paradiplomatic strategies, and that these strategies have become a pillar of Spain’s foreign policy.
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs intérêts au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la même façon sur la scène internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de sécession, les acteurs infra-étatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en général de la part de la politique étrangère au niveau étatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacré aux stratégies para-diplomatiques qu’a employées la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la période troublée allant de 2012 à 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont été gravement affectés par les stratégies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique extérieure de l’Espagne.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interes... more Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interests internationally. Yet, not all paradiplomatic engagement has the same reception on the international stage. In fact, in some cases, particularly those with secession undertones, sub-state actors encounter friction and obstruction to their paradiplomacy, typically from state-level foreign policy; a process that we term counter-paradiplomacy. This article focuses on the paradiplomatic strategies pursued by Catalonia, and the corresponding counter-paradiplomatic measures employed by Spain during the turbulent period of 2012–2017. It argues that Catalonia’s paradiplomatic objectives have been severely affected by Spain’s counter-paradiplomatic strategies, and that these strategies have become a pillar of Spain’s foreign policy.
Danish Institute for International Studies, 2020
2 Introduction 3 Scotland: a door open to a second referendum? 6 Gibaltar and the reignited Spani... more 2 Introduction 3 Scotland: a door open to a second referendum? 6 Gibaltar and the reignited Spanish soverignty claim 8 Northern Ireland: the return of the territorial debate 11 Conclusion 14 End notes 17 References 18 DIIS WORKING PAPER 2020: 02 2
Ethnopolitics, 2022
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs intérêts au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la même façon sur la scène internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de sécession, les acteurs infra-étatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en général de la part de la politique étrangère au niveau étatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacré aux stratégies para-diplomatiques qu’a employées la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la période troublée allant de 2012 à 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont été gravement affectés par les stratégies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique extérieure de l’Espagne.
Ethnopolitics, Oct 31, 2022
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-etatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallele (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-etatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallele (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs interets au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la meme facon sur la scene internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de secession, les acteurs infra-etatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en general de la part de la politique etrangere au niveau etatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacre aux strategies para-diplomatiques qu’a employees la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la periode troublee allant de 2012 a 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont ete gravement affectes par les strategies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique exterieure de l’Espagne.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interes... more Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interests internationally. Yet, not all paradiplomatic engagement has the same reception on the international stage. In fact, in some cases, particularly those with secession undertones, sub-state actors encounter friction and obstruction to their paradiplomacy, typically from state-level foreign policy; a process that we term counter-paradiplomacy. This article focuses on the paradiplomatic strategies pursued by Catalonia, and the corresponding counter-paradiplomatic measures employed by Spain during the turbulent period of 2012–2017. It argues that Catalonia’s paradiplomatic objectives have been severely affected by Spain’s counter-paradiplomatic strategies, and that these strategies have become a pillar of Spain’s foreign policy.
While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attentio... more While Paradiplomacy has received substantial scholarly attention in recent decades, less attention has been given to its antithetical dynamic: counter-paradiplomacy (CPD). This paper fills this gap by providing a comprehensive scrutiny of states' reactive policies against subnational diplomatic engagement. We use a typological analysis to differentiate between various forms of CPD, which is impacted by both the nature of the actors involved and the power asymmetries between them. Each typology is illustrated with contemporary cases that highlight these different forms of frictional interactions between states and subnational actors.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (o... more Les acteurs gouvernementaux infra-étatiques pratiquent de plus en plus la diplomatie parallèle (ou para-diplomatie) pour promouvoir leurs intérêts au niveau international. Pourtant, toutes les pratiques para-diplomatiques ne sont pas accueillies de la même façon sur la scène internationale. En fait, dans certains cas, en particulier lorsqu’il y a risque de sécession, les acteurs infra-étatiques voient leur para-diplomatie susciter frictions et obstruction, en général de la part de la politique étrangère au niveau étatique, processus que nous appelons contre-para-diplomatie. Cet article est consacré aux stratégies para-diplomatiques qu’a employées la Catalogne, et aux mesures contre-para-diplomatiques auxquelles l’Espagne a eu recours durant la période troublée allant de 2012 à 2017. Selon nos conclusions, les objectifs para-diplomatiques de la Catalogne ont été gravement affectés par les stratégies contre-para-diplomatiques, devenues l’un des piliers de la politique extérieure de l’Espagne.
Relations Internationales, 2019
Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interes... more Sub-state governmental actors are increasingly engaging in paradiplomacy to promote their interests internationally. Yet, not all paradiplomatic engagement has the same reception on the international stage. In fact, in some cases, particularly those with secession undertones, sub-state actors encounter friction and obstruction to their paradiplomacy, typically from state-level foreign policy; a process that we term counter-paradiplomacy. This article focuses on the paradiplomatic strategies pursued by Catalonia, and the corresponding counter-paradiplomatic measures employed by Spain during the turbulent period of 2012–2017. It argues that Catalonia’s paradiplomatic objectives have been severely affected by Spain’s counter-paradiplomatic strategies, and that these strategies have become a pillar of Spain’s foreign policy.
Danish Institute for International Studies, 2020
2 Introduction 3 Scotland: a door open to a second referendum? 6 Gibaltar and the reignited Spani... more 2 Introduction 3 Scotland: a door open to a second referendum? 6 Gibaltar and the reignited Spanish soverignty claim 8 Northern Ireland: the return of the territorial debate 11 Conclusion 14 End notes 17 References 18 DIIS WORKING PAPER 2020: 02 2