kid_crafts - Profile (original) (raw)
on 10 September 2008 (#16563351)
Arts and Crafts for Kids!
Sharing ideas for arts and crafts for kids.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, day care provider, babysitter, older sibling or cousin, here is a place to discuss artsy or crafty projects to do or make with the kids in your life! We are here to both share and find ideas, so whether you're a seasoned artist/crafter or feeling rather amateur, please stop in and look around!
The main focus will be for kids ages 2-12. Please be specific about which age you are working with when you share or ask for ideas. Also, feel free to post photos of the results!
acrylic paint, art, art supplies, arts and crafts, baking, being a kid, cardboard, chalkboards, children, children's activities, clay, collage, color theory, construction paper, craft supplies, crafts, crayons, creativity, crocheting, cute snacks, drawing, dry corncobs, dry macaroni, easels, fabric scraps, felt, fingerpainting, food coloring, glitter, glue, goop, holiday crafts, homeschooling, imagination, kids, knitting, making, molding, nature, painting, pasting, pinecones, pipettes, playdough, pompoms, popcicle sticks, posterboard, prints, puppets, scouting, sewing, sidewalk chalk, students, tempera, watercolors, yarn
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