kinky_curves - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 July 2005 (#7794796)

Welcome to Kinky Curves

There are plenty of communities where stick-figure fetish models can have praise heaped on them. This is a community for people who realize that kinky beauty comes in all sizes and shapes.

- This community is mostly for posting pictures of the curvier side of kink (we are not anti-skinny, we just feel they are over-represented in other groups).
- We also encourage discussion of the issues addressing curvier kinksters (a particularly bad chaffing incident under a cute little school girl outfit during a long scene comes to mind).
- All genders and sexual identities are welcome to post. Pansexuality rocks.
- Nudity also rocks. Post what you're willing to show. But remember this is a group for kinky pictures, not just porn.

So post your kinky, sexy, fetishy pictures here!! We can’t wait to see them!!!

The Rules:

1. You must be 18+ to read this community. Please add your birth year to your profile, even if you hide it from other LJ members. This will allow you to see the content in this community.

2. All posts are marked friends only and explicit. This is for your protection and mine. Recent US laws regarding naughty bits on the internet have made this necessary.

3. Like your mother/guardian/parole office always said: If you can't say anything nice, shut the hell up. This means no flaming. Got it?

4. Post all pictures behind an lj-cut. If you don't know how to do that, go here.

5. Sales and auctions are allowed, but only for kinky or fetish gear. If you're selling all of your plus-sized clothes (even if they're black and gothic), please post in another community.

6. If your community is on-topic, feel free to promote it. Once. If you don't think it's on topic, check with st_andrews_girl or embarkation1977 first.

Any questions? Contact your lovely mods at st_andrews_girl or embarkation1977

bdsm, beautiful, beauty in all forms, chains, curves, curvy, erotic art, erotic photography, fetish, full-figured, kink, kinky, latex, leather, photos, positive body image, pvc, rope, s&m, sex, sexy, whips