kintotech_labs - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 May 2005 (#7181655)

Yeah, it's safe to assume that this was out of date.

I'll toss up something later.

[censored], airships, ancient evils, anime, art, artwork, blonde moments, boobies, breasts, cartoons, chaos, colour, computers, death, destruction, drawing, faeries, flying boats, freedom, friends, gameboy advance, gamecube, gazongas, heaven and hell, hooters, insanity, jugs, lava lamps, lesbians, life, light and sound, love, mcjob, mcslave, mcslavery, mcslaves, megaman series, megaman x, melons, money, monty python, more boobies, more lesbians, myths and legends, nasr, nintendo, omgftw, omgwtf, parodies, psychotic old guys, purple, purple and gold, randomness, really pissed off mavericks, rpg's, rping, sandals, science fiction, shinies, shiny objects, skies of arcadia, squii, star trek, tits, usagi, valua, video game music, video games, videogames, we mention boobies?, webcomics, xd, yellow