Nihat ANIL | Kirklareli University (original) (raw)
Papers by Nihat ANIL
Verimlilik Dergisi, Mar 2, 2005
In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise t... more In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise the interest of history or not are studied. As data gathering tool, a questionnaire developed by the researcher was used. Questionnaires was answered by 402 students actively continuing their education in Vocational High Schools of Kirklareli University in the spring semester of 2012-2013 academic year. In the analysis of the collected data IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program was used. For data analysis, techniques of reliability analysis, frequency analysis, t test, analysis of variance were used. As the result of this survey, historical movies and series are found out to be effective for raising the interest for history
Global Fashion Management Conference, 2015
Pacific Business Review International, 2019
Tourism: An international Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012
Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or orga... more Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or organizing small, local festivals to enhance the attractiveness of the destination for non-local visitors. Festivals are also very effective tools for developing destination image, revitalizing economy, culture, traditions, building civic pride, raising funds for special, civic or charitable projects, and providing opportunities for the community to deal with fi ne arts. Th is situation increases the importance of factors related to the satisfaction and loyalty of festival visitors, especially for small and local festivals. Th erefore, drawing on the existing literature and an assumption that festivalscape is the most important contributor to visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a small, local and municipality organized annual festivals, the present study aims to identify factors related to the festivalscape that determine visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty by using a structu...
Amac: Franchising; son yillarin populer is yapma yontemlerindendir. Gunumuzde franchising’i bildi... more Amac: Franchising; son yillarin populer is yapma yontemlerindendir. Gunumuzde franchising’i bildigimiz “ticari” halinden farkli olarak “sosyal” franchising uygulamalariyla da gormek mumkundur. Bu calismada; ticari franchising ve sosyal franchising kavramlarini ve bu kavramlar arasindaki farklari teorik cercevede ele almak amaclanmistir. Yontem: Calismada literatur taramasi yapilmis, ticari ve sosyal franchising kavramlari detayli sekilde incelenmis ve kavramlar karsilastirilmistir. Bulgular: Daha cok ticari haliyle bildigimiz franchising ; gunumuz dunyasinin sosyal ihtiyaclarina cevap olacak sekilde donuserek literaturde sosyal franchising kavramiyla karsimiza cikmaktadir. Sosyal ve ticari franchising temelde birbirlerine benzese de aralarinda farkliliklar bulunmaktadir. Sosyal franchising'te ticari kaygilar sosyal misyon ve hedeflerle dengede tutulurken, ticari franchising'te ticari kaygilar on plandadir. Sosyal franchising'in yapisinda ticari franchising’in yapisinda...
Arastirmanin temel amaci, 2013 - 2015 doneminde en buyuk 500 sirket arasina yer alan demir - celi... more Arastirmanin temel amaci, 2013 - 2015 doneminde en buyuk 500 sirket arasina yer alan demir - celik sektorune ait firmalarin verimlilik performansini incelemek, kismi verimliliklerin yani sira toplam faktor verimliligi gelisimini ve nedenlerini ortaya koymaktir. Bu calismada veri elde edilebilirligi dikkate alinarak ulkemizin en buyuk 500 sirketi icerisinde bulunan demir celik sektorunde faaliyet gosteren 13 firma incelenmistir. Bu firmalarin 2013 - 2015 yillarindaki verimlilikleri hem VZA hem de VZA’ya dayanan Malmquist toplam faktor verimliligi endeksinden yararlanilarak analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonucunda, uc yilda da tek bir firmanin etkin calisma sergiledigi VZA yontemi ile elde edilmistir. Malmquist toplam faktor verimliligi endeksi sonuclarina gore ise, on bir firmanin olumlu yonde ilerleme gosterdigi tespit edilmistir.
Many studies have sought to identify the key variables related with export performance (e.g., Mad... more Many studies have sought to identify the key variables related with export performance (e.g., Madsen 1987; Aaby and Slater 1989; Shoham 1991, 1996, 1998; Chetty and Hamilton 1993; Zou and Stan 1998). More recently Katsikeas, Leonidou, and Morgan (2000), Leonidou, Katsikeas, and Samiee (2002), Sousa, Martinez-Lopez, and Coelho (2008), and Leonidou, Katsikeas, and Coudounaris (2010) presented summaries and reviewed the export performance literature. Unfortunately, there has been little agreement on export performance conceptualization and operationalization (Aaby and Slater 1989; Cavusgil and Zou 1994; Shoham 1998; Styles 1998). Therefore, this paper develops and tests an integrative model of export performance. Specifically, we test the impact of internal and external barriers to exporting, motives for exporting, and exporters’ advantages on export performance of Turkish SMEs. We test the model based on data from 135 Turkish exporters. The data provide support for most of the study’ ...
The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its rel... more The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its relationship with student loyalty in the context of state and private universities. A 45-item Turkish questionnaire adapted from literature, to which the authors added several items, was administered to MBA students of state- and private, foundation-owned universities located in Istanbul, as the largest city of Turkey. In this study, a two-step confirmative modeling strategy was chosen to test the hypotheses of the theoretical model by using LISREL 8. As the first step of the mentioned approach, a congruent and congeneric measurement model was established for each type of universities; then, in the second stage, hypotheses were tested by analyzing structural models. Research findings show a positive correlation between satisfaction and loyalty. The most important factors of satisfaction for the students attending state-owned universities are academic quality, teaching quality, and appropria...
I hracat performans i uluslararas i pazarlama literat u r u nde en fazla ara s t i r i lan konula... more I hracat performans i uluslararas i pazarlama literat u r u nde en fazla ara s t i r i lan konulardan biri olmas i na ra g men, kavramsalla s t i r i lmas i nda ve i s levselle s tirilmesinde fikir birli g inin sa g lanamamas i ve c al is malar i n b u y u k c o g unlu g unun geli s mi s bat i l i u lke k o kenli olmas i sebebiyle geli s mekte olan u lkelere yol g o stermekte yetersiz kalmaktad i r. C al is ma sonucu literat u rden se c ilmi s ihracat performans i n i etkileyen faktorlerin gelis mekte olan u lkeler i c in T u rkiye KOB I’ leri o rne g inde incelenmi s , SPSS program i kullan i larak a ci klay i c i fakt o r ve g u venilirlik analizleri ile bu belirleyiciler ve belirleyicilerin etki dereceleri ara s t i r i lm is t i r. S i ras i yla en etkili fakt o rden ba s layarak, KOB I’ lerin ihracat performans i n i etkileyen fakt o rler raporlanm is t i r.
Amac: Bu calismada, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile genclerin online siyasi katilimi arasi... more Amac: Bu calismada, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile genclerin online siyasi katilimi arasindaki iliskiyi incelemek amaclanmistir. Yontem: Kasim 2015 Genel Secimlerinde oy kullanacagini belirten TC Kirklareli Universitesi Vize Meslek Yuksekokulu’nda kayitli 400 universite ogrencisine kolayda orneklem yontemi ile uygulanmistir. % 80 geri donus oraniyla kullanilabilir 320 adet anket aciklayici, dogrulayici faktor ve yapisal esitlik modellemesi analizlerine tabi tutulmustur. Bulgular: Sonuc olarak, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile online siyasi katilim arasinda pozitif yonlu istatistiksel olarak anlami iliski bulunmaktadir.
Organik gidalara olan talep son yillarda giderek artmaktadir. Bunun en temel sebebi bireylerin gi... more Organik gidalara olan talep son yillarda giderek artmaktadir. Bunun en temel sebebi bireylerin giderek bilinclenmesi neticesinde hem kendi sagliklarini hem de cevreyi korumak istemeleridir. Dunya’da oldugu gibi ulkemizde de organik gidalara olan tale p artmakta, ic pazar yavas da olsa gelismeye calismaktadir. Ic pazarin gelismesi , tuketicileri n taninmasi ve davranislarinin anlasilmasiyla mumkundur. Organik gida tuketen kisilerin kim olduklari, bu kisilerin organik gida satin aliminda hangi faktorlerden etkilendikleri konulari uzerinde durulmasi gereken onemli konulardir. Bu calismada; literaturde yer alan yerli ve yabanci calismalardan yola cikarak organik gida satin aliminda genel olarak tuketicileri etkileyen faktorler tespit edilmis ve bu faktorler incelenerek yorumlanmaya calisilmistir.
In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise t... more In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise the interest of history or not are studied. As data gathering tool, a questionnaire developed by the researcher was used. Questionnaires was answered by 402 students actively continuing their education in Vocational High Schools of Kirklareli University in the spring semester of 2012-2013 academic year. In the analysis of the collected data IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program was used. For data analysis, techniques of reliability analysis, frequency analysis, t test, analysis of variance were used. As the result of this survey, historical movies and series are found out to be effective for raising the interest for history
International Journal of Business Research, 2016
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
Turizam Znanstveno Strucni Casopis, Nov 22, 2012
Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or orga... more Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or organizing small, local festivals to enhance the attractiveness of the destination for non-local visitors. Festivals are also very effective tools for developing destination image, revitalizing economy, culture, traditions, building civic pride, raising funds for special, civic or charitable projects, and providing opportunities for the community to deal with fi ne arts. Th is situation increases the importance of factors related to the satisfaction and loyalty of festival visitors, especially for small and local festivals. Th erefore, drawing on the existing literature and an assumption that festivalscape is the most important contributor to visitors' satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a small, local and municipality organized annual festivals, the present study aims to identify factors related to the festivalscape that determine visitors' satisfaction and loyalty by using a structural equation modeling. Th e study examines several variables as the antecedents of the festival visitors' satisfaction and loyalty such as staff , festival area, food, souvenir, informational adequacy and convenience. As a result of the analysis, the study reveals three dimensions related to the festivalscape environmental factors which are food, festival area, and convenience and examines how these factors aff ect the visitors' satisfaction and, in turn, their loyalty.
International Journal of Export Marketing
Verimlilik Dergisi, Mar 2, 2005
In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise t... more In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise the interest of history or not are studied. As data gathering tool, a questionnaire developed by the researcher was used. Questionnaires was answered by 402 students actively continuing their education in Vocational High Schools of Kirklareli University in the spring semester of 2012-2013 academic year. In the analysis of the collected data IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program was used. For data analysis, techniques of reliability analysis, frequency analysis, t test, analysis of variance were used. As the result of this survey, historical movies and series are found out to be effective for raising the interest for history
Global Fashion Management Conference, 2015
Pacific Business Review International, 2019
Tourism: An international Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012
Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or orga... more Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or organizing small, local festivals to enhance the attractiveness of the destination for non-local visitors. Festivals are also very effective tools for developing destination image, revitalizing economy, culture, traditions, building civic pride, raising funds for special, civic or charitable projects, and providing opportunities for the community to deal with fi ne arts. Th is situation increases the importance of factors related to the satisfaction and loyalty of festival visitors, especially for small and local festivals. Th erefore, drawing on the existing literature and an assumption that festivalscape is the most important contributor to visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a small, local and municipality organized annual festivals, the present study aims to identify factors related to the festivalscape that determine visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty by using a structu...
Amac: Franchising; son yillarin populer is yapma yontemlerindendir. Gunumuzde franchising’i bildi... more Amac: Franchising; son yillarin populer is yapma yontemlerindendir. Gunumuzde franchising’i bildigimiz “ticari” halinden farkli olarak “sosyal” franchising uygulamalariyla da gormek mumkundur. Bu calismada; ticari franchising ve sosyal franchising kavramlarini ve bu kavramlar arasindaki farklari teorik cercevede ele almak amaclanmistir. Yontem: Calismada literatur taramasi yapilmis, ticari ve sosyal franchising kavramlari detayli sekilde incelenmis ve kavramlar karsilastirilmistir. Bulgular: Daha cok ticari haliyle bildigimiz franchising ; gunumuz dunyasinin sosyal ihtiyaclarina cevap olacak sekilde donuserek literaturde sosyal franchising kavramiyla karsimiza cikmaktadir. Sosyal ve ticari franchising temelde birbirlerine benzese de aralarinda farkliliklar bulunmaktadir. Sosyal franchising'te ticari kaygilar sosyal misyon ve hedeflerle dengede tutulurken, ticari franchising'te ticari kaygilar on plandadir. Sosyal franchising'in yapisinda ticari franchising’in yapisinda...
Arastirmanin temel amaci, 2013 - 2015 doneminde en buyuk 500 sirket arasina yer alan demir - celi... more Arastirmanin temel amaci, 2013 - 2015 doneminde en buyuk 500 sirket arasina yer alan demir - celik sektorune ait firmalarin verimlilik performansini incelemek, kismi verimliliklerin yani sira toplam faktor verimliligi gelisimini ve nedenlerini ortaya koymaktir. Bu calismada veri elde edilebilirligi dikkate alinarak ulkemizin en buyuk 500 sirketi icerisinde bulunan demir celik sektorunde faaliyet gosteren 13 firma incelenmistir. Bu firmalarin 2013 - 2015 yillarindaki verimlilikleri hem VZA hem de VZA’ya dayanan Malmquist toplam faktor verimliligi endeksinden yararlanilarak analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonucunda, uc yilda da tek bir firmanin etkin calisma sergiledigi VZA yontemi ile elde edilmistir. Malmquist toplam faktor verimliligi endeksi sonuclarina gore ise, on bir firmanin olumlu yonde ilerleme gosterdigi tespit edilmistir.
Many studies have sought to identify the key variables related with export performance (e.g., Mad... more Many studies have sought to identify the key variables related with export performance (e.g., Madsen 1987; Aaby and Slater 1989; Shoham 1991, 1996, 1998; Chetty and Hamilton 1993; Zou and Stan 1998). More recently Katsikeas, Leonidou, and Morgan (2000), Leonidou, Katsikeas, and Samiee (2002), Sousa, Martinez-Lopez, and Coelho (2008), and Leonidou, Katsikeas, and Coudounaris (2010) presented summaries and reviewed the export performance literature. Unfortunately, there has been little agreement on export performance conceptualization and operationalization (Aaby and Slater 1989; Cavusgil and Zou 1994; Shoham 1998; Styles 1998). Therefore, this paper develops and tests an integrative model of export performance. Specifically, we test the impact of internal and external barriers to exporting, motives for exporting, and exporters’ advantages on export performance of Turkish SMEs. We test the model based on data from 135 Turkish exporters. The data provide support for most of the study’ ...
The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its rel... more The purpose of this paper is to explore the construct of student satisfaction and analyze its relationship with student loyalty in the context of state and private universities. A 45-item Turkish questionnaire adapted from literature, to which the authors added several items, was administered to MBA students of state- and private, foundation-owned universities located in Istanbul, as the largest city of Turkey. In this study, a two-step confirmative modeling strategy was chosen to test the hypotheses of the theoretical model by using LISREL 8. As the first step of the mentioned approach, a congruent and congeneric measurement model was established for each type of universities; then, in the second stage, hypotheses were tested by analyzing structural models. Research findings show a positive correlation between satisfaction and loyalty. The most important factors of satisfaction for the students attending state-owned universities are academic quality, teaching quality, and appropria...
I hracat performans i uluslararas i pazarlama literat u r u nde en fazla ara s t i r i lan konula... more I hracat performans i uluslararas i pazarlama literat u r u nde en fazla ara s t i r i lan konulardan biri olmas i na ra g men, kavramsalla s t i r i lmas i nda ve i s levselle s tirilmesinde fikir birli g inin sa g lanamamas i ve c al is malar i n b u y u k c o g unlu g unun geli s mi s bat i l i u lke k o kenli olmas i sebebiyle geli s mekte olan u lkelere yol g o stermekte yetersiz kalmaktad i r. C al is ma sonucu literat u rden se c ilmi s ihracat performans i n i etkileyen faktorlerin gelis mekte olan u lkeler i c in T u rkiye KOB I’ leri o rne g inde incelenmi s , SPSS program i kullan i larak a ci klay i c i fakt o r ve g u venilirlik analizleri ile bu belirleyiciler ve belirleyicilerin etki dereceleri ara s t i r i lm is t i r. S i ras i yla en etkili fakt o rden ba s layarak, KOB I’ lerin ihracat performans i n i etkileyen fakt o rler raporlanm is t i r.
Amac: Bu calismada, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile genclerin online siyasi katilimi arasi... more Amac: Bu calismada, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile genclerin online siyasi katilimi arasindaki iliskiyi incelemek amaclanmistir. Yontem: Kasim 2015 Genel Secimlerinde oy kullanacagini belirten TC Kirklareli Universitesi Vize Meslek Yuksekokulu’nda kayitli 400 universite ogrencisine kolayda orneklem yontemi ile uygulanmistir. % 80 geri donus oraniyla kullanilabilir 320 adet anket aciklayici, dogrulayici faktor ve yapisal esitlik modellemesi analizlerine tabi tutulmustur. Bulgular: Sonuc olarak, sosyal ag kullanimi ve siyasi ilgi ile online siyasi katilim arasinda pozitif yonlu istatistiksel olarak anlami iliski bulunmaktadir.
Organik gidalara olan talep son yillarda giderek artmaktadir. Bunun en temel sebebi bireylerin gi... more Organik gidalara olan talep son yillarda giderek artmaktadir. Bunun en temel sebebi bireylerin giderek bilinclenmesi neticesinde hem kendi sagliklarini hem de cevreyi korumak istemeleridir. Dunya’da oldugu gibi ulkemizde de organik gidalara olan tale p artmakta, ic pazar yavas da olsa gelismeye calismaktadir. Ic pazarin gelismesi , tuketicileri n taninmasi ve davranislarinin anlasilmasiyla mumkundur. Organik gida tuketen kisilerin kim olduklari, bu kisilerin organik gida satin aliminda hangi faktorlerden etkilendikleri konulari uzerinde durulmasi gereken onemli konulardir. Bu calismada; literaturde yer alan yerli ve yabanci calismalardan yola cikarak organik gida satin aliminda genel olarak tuketicileri etkileyen faktorler tespit edilmis ve bu faktorler incelenerek yorumlanmaya calisilmistir.
In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise t... more In this survey, opinions of students for the question whether historical movies or series raise the interest of history or not are studied. As data gathering tool, a questionnaire developed by the researcher was used. Questionnaires was answered by 402 students actively continuing their education in Vocational High Schools of Kirklareli University in the spring semester of 2012-2013 academic year. In the analysis of the collected data IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program was used. For data analysis, techniques of reliability analysis, frequency analysis, t test, analysis of variance were used. As the result of this survey, historical movies and series are found out to be effective for raising the interest for history
International Journal of Business Research, 2016
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
Turizam Znanstveno Strucni Casopis, Nov 22, 2012
Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or orga... more Festivals have been proliferating worldwide, and local authorities are either supporting, or organizing small, local festivals to enhance the attractiveness of the destination for non-local visitors. Festivals are also very effective tools for developing destination image, revitalizing economy, culture, traditions, building civic pride, raising funds for special, civic or charitable projects, and providing opportunities for the community to deal with fi ne arts. Th is situation increases the importance of factors related to the satisfaction and loyalty of festival visitors, especially for small and local festivals. Th erefore, drawing on the existing literature and an assumption that festivalscape is the most important contributor to visitors' satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a small, local and municipality organized annual festivals, the present study aims to identify factors related to the festivalscape that determine visitors' satisfaction and loyalty by using a structural equation modeling. Th e study examines several variables as the antecedents of the festival visitors' satisfaction and loyalty such as staff , festival area, food, souvenir, informational adequacy and convenience. As a result of the analysis, the study reveals three dimensions related to the festivalscape environmental factors which are food, festival area, and convenience and examines how these factors aff ect the visitors' satisfaction and, in turn, their loyalty.
International Journal of Export Marketing