knittinggoddess - Profile (original) (raw)
on 16 November 2002 (#779476)
a DJ who lived in seclusion
Portland, Oregon, United States
my mood theme is courtesy of crackified
LaTeX, -aceae, americorps, anal-retentiveness, animal behavior, anti-pride, apple computer, art, astrobiology, astronomy, attention deficit disorder, avoiding procrastination, bacteria, being a role model, biological species concept, biology, botany, but i'm a cheerleader, camp sealth, camp songs, city year, crawdads, crayfish, d. radiodurans, darwin, darwineers, denying fannish tendencies, dirty pop, diva cup, dyke music, e. coli, early evolution, ecology, ethology, evolution, evolutionary biology, failed vegetarianism, femme lesbians, femmey mc femmefemme, fictive kin, firefly, flowers, folk music, forensics, genetics, girly drinks, girly girls, grammatical hypocrisy, happiness, horseback riding, indigo girls, knitting, lesbians, macrobiology, macroevolution, magic school bus, makeup for fun, margaritas, melissa etheridge, melissa ferrick, microbiology, morphology, ms frizzle, not driving, not-hipster blue collars, obsessive tendencies, open source, origin of life, p-values, petri dishes, phylogenies, pride, pyrex, queer rights, queers, reed, reed college, salsa music, scientific self-righteousness, singing off-key, sleeping in, sock knitting, sorkin-era west wing, sparkly things, speciation, species concepts, star trek, statistics, taxonomies, teaching science, tegan & sara, tex, the solar system, the west wing, three dead trolls, v. fischeri, wildlife biology