Galyna Shevtsova | Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (original) (raw)

Papers by Galyna Shevtsova

Research paper thumbnail of Kyiv St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church: Problems of Restoration And Post-War Renovation of A Unique Monument of the Neo-Gothic Style

International Journal of Conservation Science, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The phenomenon of spontaneity in the formation of new urban centres during the industrial revolution (on the example of Khreshchatyk street, Kyiv, Ukraine)

AIP Conference Proceedings, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional settlements historic experience of “non-detached” preservation (cases of Shirakawa village Ogimachi in Japan and Kryvorivnia village in Ukraine)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The article concerns of the comparative study of traditional settlements historic experience of “... more The article concerns of the comparative study of traditional settlements historic experience of “non-detached” preservation. “Non-detached” there is understood like a way to preserve the whole settlement on its original place, with its local traditions, community system, crafts and customs, and in the harmony with natural environment. The cases of the study are mountain Shirakawa village Ogimachi in Japan and Kryvorivnia village in Ukraine. The both settlements are generally showing very similar historical background of geographically isolated life in the harmony with high mountain nature that leads to the shaping of original local architecture style, cultural traditions and community features. Similarly, the initiative of revitalization in the both cases emitting from local communities. Nevertheless, the history of preservation and revitalization efforts of the two cases is quite different. While in Shirakawa village Ogimachi local community took revitalization efforts starting fro...

Research paper thumbnail of The historic Lake Biwa Canal as a permanent catalyst for the development of Kyoto’s landscape architecture

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional water supply systems at lack of water regions and their modern situation (cases of M’zab Valley, Algeria and Miyakojima Island, Japan)

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

The historical development of water supply systems for portable and irrigation water gathering is... more The historical development of water supply systems for portable and irrigation water gathering is traditional for lack of water regions of the world. The diversity of such systems can be observed at Middle East and Asiatic cultures. Some of them are still in use or partly in use now. The study cases of the work are traditional distribution systems of rainwater in the deserted M’zab Valley, Algeria and tropical Miyakojima Island, Japan. The research is aiming to precise the modern situation of traditional water supply systems estimating the possible ways of theirs sustainable development and revitalization. The research conducted on the case grounds mainly with field studies and interview methods. The water supply system of M’zab has been implemented more than eight centuries ago and is still in use. It is a complex hydraulic system based on the principle of total utilization of torrent water and on the equitable division of this water over the entire oasis. Local people now beginning to understand its cultural significance aiming to popularise it. Miyakojima Island medieval water supply underground system consist of the network of cave sources integrated with architecture. Now it is in decay not using like a source of potable water but still preserving some sacral significance with not pointing on popularization. For the sustainability and revitalization of the traditional water supply systems now it is not enough to preserve their initial function but also need to develop the potency of tourist attraction with reservation as cultural property.

Research paper thumbnail of Romantic Works of Wooden Sacred Architecture of Architect Oleg Sletsov: World and National Ideas of Formation

Arhìtekturnij vìsnik KNUBA, Nov 18, 2019

Стаття присвячена композиційному, просторовоконструктивному та семантичному аналізу творів україн... more Стаття присвячена композиційному, просторовоконструктивному та семантичному аналізу творів українського дерев'яного сакрального зодчества архітектора Олега Слєпцова в річищі акцентування в них рис національної ідентичності та тлі залученості до процесу глобального розвитку світових ідей храмобудівництва. Дослідження виконано на основі авторського аналізу світових архетипічних моделей храмобудівництва (західна антична, іранозакавказька, південноазійська семантично-композиційні моделі), композиційних та конструктивно-просторових типів (незалежно-комбінований, центричнопідпорядкований, асиметричний та ін. типи) української дерев'яної церкви. Між світовими та суто-українськими композиційними моделями храмів проведено паралелі та визначено специфічні риси. В річищі глобальних процесів розвитку композиції, конструкції та семантики світового і національного дерев'яного храмового будівництва розглянуто наступні твори Олега Слєпцова (втілені в життя та пошукові проектні варіанти): дерев'яніцеркви Всіх Святих землі Української у с. Миронівка, св. Дмитрія Солунського в етнографічному комплексі «Українське село» під Києвом, Божої Матері в с. Олександрівці, Свято-Покровській в с. Зеленьки ті ін. Підсумовуючи результати, слід зазначити, що автор не працює цілеспрямовано у якомусь одному конкретно-завданому архітектурному стилі, річищі або напрямку. В його творчості яскраво виступає «людина світу», що створює образ храму на основі загальносвітового художньо-інформаційного поля. Проте, в творчості архітектора чітко простежується національний корінний .

Research paper thumbnail of Lake Biwa Canal at Kyoto Japan: sustainable development and revitalization

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

Lake Biwa Canal (engineer Tanabe Sakuro) connects Lake Biwa and Kyoto. It was built in the end of... more Lake Biwa Canal (engineer Tanabe Sakuro) connects Lake Biwa and Kyoto. It was built in the end of the 19th c. in order to revive Kyoto, which decayed after the transfer of the capital to Edo (Tokyo) in 1868 and served to supply Kyoto with drinking and industrial water, as well as for cargo transportation. The aim of the work is to determine the historical periods of Lake Biwa Canal’s existence and to highlight its significance for ensuring the sustainable development of Kyoto. The research was conducted at Kyoto mainly with field studies and interview methods. As a result, three historical periods of the Lake Biwa Canal existence were identified. In the first period (1885-1951), the canal combined water supply, transportation and landscape-shaping functions and was fundamental to the sustainable development of Kyoto. In the second period (1951-1990th), the transport role of the canal became unclaimed, and its role in sustainable development of the city significantly decreased. In the third period (since 1990th), the canal was designated as National Historic Site, and a campaign of its revitalization began. The Canal acquired touristic and educational functions and increased its role in the sustainable development of Kyoto. Thus, at the time of its construction, the Lake Biwa Canal was the main driving force that saved Kyoto from decline. Now, we can talk about the opposite process, when Kyoto City supports the sustainable development of the Canal.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Japanese strategies of small historical towns’ revitalization: system approach and creativity


Статья посвящена анализу комплексного опыта ревитализации исторического города Канадзава, достигш... more Статья посвящена анализу комплексного опыта ревитализации исторического города Канадзава, достигшего успеха благодаря многолетней продуманной инициативе мэрии города, развернувшей ряд оригинальных стратегий. А именно: реставрация исторической застройки на основе воспитания местных кадров, новое строительство по уникальным проектам, креативная модернизация местных ремесел, учреждение «Деревни искусств» - комплекса зрелищных и выставочных залов с возможностью дешевого найма площадей под местные и международные инициативы. Немалую роль в успехе ревитализации Канадзава сыграл также выход города на мировую арену, достигнутый благодаря участию в международной сети Творческих городов ЮНЕСКО. The article is devoted to the analysis of historical Kanazawa town complex experience that was successful thanks to the longtime considerable initiative of municipality implying several original strategies. Some of them are: the historical architecture restoration based on the local specialist educatio...


The article considers modern processes and creative strategies of revitalization of ancient citie... more The article considers modern processes and creative strategies of revitalization of ancient cities of Japan: Hagi, Onomichi and Omi Khvchiman. These examples reveal a direct relationship between the historical model of governance and the modern driving force of revitalization of each of the cities, which suggests the existence of the phenomenon of their sustainable historical mode of action, which persists today

Research paper thumbnail of Ancient Settlements With Traditional Ways of Living – Revitalization and Popularization Experience: Cases of M'zab Valley in Algeria and Kryvorivnia Village in Ukraine

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2022)

This article is devoted to the comparative study of revitalization and popularization experience ... more This article is devoted to the comparative study of revitalization and popularization experience of ancient settlements preserving a traditional way of living. The cases of geographically isolated desert settlements of M'zab Valley in Algeria and Ukrainian mountain village Kryvorivnia are examined. M'zab settlements are conservative in respecting millennial customs of social coexistence, including the field of architecture and urban planning. Tourism is developing there in a controlled manner, managed by the organization of local volunteer guides. Kryvorivnia invites tourists to participate freely in the local life, rituals and festivals. In both cases, the initiative of revitalization comes from local communities. The preservation of ancient culture and architecture of the settlements is based on their historical integration in the natural environment determining both the necessity and the possibility of the sustainability of local traditions.

Research paper thumbnail of <Essay>Beam-pillar and blockhouse wooden construction systems in the world: the areas of domination and mixing zones written by Galyna SHEVTSOVA

Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv: Uniqueness and Universality in Historical Cultural Spaces

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most compli... more The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most complicated, most monumental architectural object that cross-links the Ukrainian architecture stylistic experience of all times. The purpose of the study is to identify the contemporary understanding and the multifaceted cultural content of this monument, which combines the logic of thinking of medieval Byzantium and the traditions of local pagan constructions, as well as European Baroque fashion in its regional variability. The square outside the cathedral was invariably fundamental to state-building cultural events, but its context also varied in each era according to urban fashion. Uniqueness and universality are combined in this building, creating endless space to reveal its cultural content. The new interpretation of this content in every scientific generation enriches and broadens the understanding of this object itself as well as hidden inside of it the genesis of the monumental archite...

Research paper thumbnail of Historic “Modus Operandi” in the Revitalization of Ancient Towns: Japanese and Polish Experience

The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns’ (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples)... more The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns’ (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples) modern revitalization processes led to the discovery of a presence of theirs historical “modus operandi” (mode of action): a direct connection between the nature of the main driving force of revitalization and initial historical governing model of each town. In particular, the cities of historical authoritarian governance (feudal castle towns of samurai’s ruling) now are characterized by revitalization, activated by local authorities. The cities of historical collective management (trade or ports towns and so) are characterized by revitalization initiated by local communities and individuals. For historical cities of mixed government, they now inherit a mixed model of revitalization initiatives’ conductors. We decided to compare it with European situation. In particular, in Poland, that like Japan is a country with strongly preserved historical memory, the presence of town's histori...

Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv: Uniqueness and Universality in Historical Cultural Spaces

The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most compli... more The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most complicated, most monumental architectural object that cross-links the Ukrainian architecture stylistic experience of all times. The purpose of the study is to identify the contemporary understanding and the multifaceted cultural content of this monument, which combines the logic of thinking of medieval Byzantium and the traditions of local pagan constructions, as well as European Baroque fashion in its regional variability. The square outside the cathedral was invariably fundamental to state-building cultural events, but its context also varied in each era according to urban fashion. Uniqueness and universality are combined in this building, creating endless space to reveal its cultural content. The new interpretation of this content in every scientific generation enriches and broadens the understanding of this object itself as well as hidden inside of it the genesis of the monumental architecture style-formation phenomenon’s in its historical and contemporary dimension. The publication demonstrates an up-to-date interpretation of the understanding of the content and form of Saint Sophia Cathedral. This is, in some meaning, a demonstration of the current state of development of Ukrainian fundamental science, which cannot have definitive answers to “eternal” questions, but aims to approach scientific truth through permanent refinements of knowledge. The article defines the planning, constructive, three-dimensional compositional, artistic-aesthetic and figurative characteristics of Sophia Kyiv’s architecture. There is also developed an innovative analysis of the genesis and sacral sense of Cathedral’s architecture based on the author’s original definition of archetypal (basic, initial) semantic models of world temples formed in different geographical and religious contexts. Cultural mutual influences and historical changes in the architecture of the monument are also noted. In the field of historical building experience, the acoustic features of Saint Sophia Cathedral are noted, which remain relevant in the modern design of temples. In conclusion, it is resulted that the Cathedral of Sophia in Kyiv is an outstanding example of combining the continental traditions of sacral construction of the Pre-Class Age with the context of the achievements of the monumental experience of Christian antique and Byzantine architecture. Sophia Cathedral, as the most monumental ideological achievement of the Kyivan Rus’ state, reflects the merger of these two lines, two traditions. That is why this monument is of utmost importance for deepening understanding of the evolution of Ukrainian and world architecture. In addition, the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv became the basis for further historical forms of Ukrainian Orthodox temple construction – both folk (wooden multi-tower churches) and stylistic professional monumental architecture (Ukrainian temples of the Renaissance and Baroque, Art Nouveau). Therefore, we consider that the Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv is a key object for the scientific study of the development of Ukrainian architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Log Roofing of Ukrainian Wooden Church in the Context of World Wooden Temples Space Construction

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2021)

Research paper thumbnail of Volume Structure of Ukrainian Wooden Church’s Log-Towers: World Analogies and Authentic

The article conducts a comparative study between volume-structures of world’s wooden religious bu... more The article conducts a comparative study between volume-structures of world’s wooden religious buildings’ roofing and different types of Ukrainian wooden church’s log-towers’ volume-structures. As the examples for this comparative study are analyzed the volume structures of Eastern and Western territories of the world including vertically developed roofing of beam-pillar, rafter and log-timber construction as well. The main topics of the investigation are different structures of pagodas and Buddhist temples, vertically developed rafter roofing of Scandinavian and Eastern European Christian churches as well as numerous vertical log-structures of Eastern European and Caucasus churches. All named above examples are consequently compared with determined five basic types of Ukrainian wooden church’s log-towers volume structures (as lateral trapeze or cylindrical elevated roofing, pyramidal roofing, so-called “zalom” tiered roofing, octagon-on-square roofing and “zalom” and octagon-on-squ...

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country’s cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country’s cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country's cultural mentality distinctiveness Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country's cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

The article analyzes the urbanistic experience of modern Japan in terms of the country's architec... more The article analyzes the urbanistic experience of modern Japan in terms of the country's architectural history. The following features of Japanese modern urbanistic are highlighted: dynamism and mobility-the ability of permanent development and modification (so called architectural metabolism); communicativeness of city space; the cohesion of the concepts of interior and exterior; freedom and novelty of architectural forms; humane and psychological comfort of urban environment. Based on the analysis of the unique climatic and seismological conditions of Japan, its geographical, ethnic and historical characteristics, it is revealed that all indicated above modern urbanistic features originate in the prerequisites of Japanese mentality formation directly related to architectural traditions. Since ancient times, Japanese culture has easily adapted to new circumstances modifying both obsolete traditional phenomena and foreign influences to a fundamentally different level. During the industrial revolution, thanks to the active borrowing of European and American engineering experience, such an approach leads in Japan to a qualitative leap of urbanism and design, forming an imaginary gap between the historical and modern architecture. In reality, urban planning and architecture of modern Japan demonstrate a deep genetic connection with historical tradition, which is present here as a permanent global evolutionary vector of ideas.

Research paper thumbnail of Historic "Modus Operandi" in the Revitalization of Ancient Towns: Japanese and Polish Experience

Atlantis Press. Series: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2020

The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns' (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples)... more The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns' (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples) modern revitalization processes led to the discovery of a presence of theirs historical "modus operandi" (mode of action): a direct connection between the nature of the main driving force of revitalization and initial historical governing model of each town. In particular, the cities of historical authoritarian governance (feudal castle towns of samurai's ruling) now are characterized by revitalization, activated by local authorities. The cities of historical collective management (trade or ports towns and so) are characterized by revitalization initiated by local communities and individuals. For historical cities of mixed government, they now inherit a mixed model of revitalization initiatives' conductors. We decided to compare it with European situation. In particular, in Poland, that like Japan is a country with strongly preserved historical memory, the presence of town's historical "modus operandi" was confirmed.

Research paper thumbnail of Kyiv St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church: Problems of Restoration And Post-War Renovation of A Unique Monument of the Neo-Gothic Style

International Journal of Conservation Science, Feb 28, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The phenomenon of spontaneity in the formation of new urban centres during the industrial revolution (on the example of Khreshchatyk street, Kyiv, Ukraine)

AIP Conference Proceedings, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional settlements historic experience of “non-detached” preservation (cases of Shirakawa village Ogimachi in Japan and Kryvorivnia village in Ukraine)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

The article concerns of the comparative study of traditional settlements historic experience of “... more The article concerns of the comparative study of traditional settlements historic experience of “non-detached” preservation. “Non-detached” there is understood like a way to preserve the whole settlement on its original place, with its local traditions, community system, crafts and customs, and in the harmony with natural environment. The cases of the study are mountain Shirakawa village Ogimachi in Japan and Kryvorivnia village in Ukraine. The both settlements are generally showing very similar historical background of geographically isolated life in the harmony with high mountain nature that leads to the shaping of original local architecture style, cultural traditions and community features. Similarly, the initiative of revitalization in the both cases emitting from local communities. Nevertheless, the history of preservation and revitalization efforts of the two cases is quite different. While in Shirakawa village Ogimachi local community took revitalization efforts starting fro...

Research paper thumbnail of The historic Lake Biwa Canal as a permanent catalyst for the development of Kyoto’s landscape architecture

Research paper thumbnail of Traditional water supply systems at lack of water regions and their modern situation (cases of M’zab Valley, Algeria and Miyakojima Island, Japan)

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

The historical development of water supply systems for portable and irrigation water gathering is... more The historical development of water supply systems for portable and irrigation water gathering is traditional for lack of water regions of the world. The diversity of such systems can be observed at Middle East and Asiatic cultures. Some of them are still in use or partly in use now. The study cases of the work are traditional distribution systems of rainwater in the deserted M’zab Valley, Algeria and tropical Miyakojima Island, Japan. The research is aiming to precise the modern situation of traditional water supply systems estimating the possible ways of theirs sustainable development and revitalization. The research conducted on the case grounds mainly with field studies and interview methods. The water supply system of M’zab has been implemented more than eight centuries ago and is still in use. It is a complex hydraulic system based on the principle of total utilization of torrent water and on the equitable division of this water over the entire oasis. Local people now beginning to understand its cultural significance aiming to popularise it. Miyakojima Island medieval water supply underground system consist of the network of cave sources integrated with architecture. Now it is in decay not using like a source of potable water but still preserving some sacral significance with not pointing on popularization. For the sustainability and revitalization of the traditional water supply systems now it is not enough to preserve their initial function but also need to develop the potency of tourist attraction with reservation as cultural property.

Research paper thumbnail of Romantic Works of Wooden Sacred Architecture of Architect Oleg Sletsov: World and National Ideas of Formation

Arhìtekturnij vìsnik KNUBA, Nov 18, 2019

Стаття присвячена композиційному, просторовоконструктивному та семантичному аналізу творів україн... more Стаття присвячена композиційному, просторовоконструктивному та семантичному аналізу творів українського дерев'яного сакрального зодчества архітектора Олега Слєпцова в річищі акцентування в них рис національної ідентичності та тлі залученості до процесу глобального розвитку світових ідей храмобудівництва. Дослідження виконано на основі авторського аналізу світових архетипічних моделей храмобудівництва (західна антична, іранозакавказька, південноазійська семантично-композиційні моделі), композиційних та конструктивно-просторових типів (незалежно-комбінований, центричнопідпорядкований, асиметричний та ін. типи) української дерев'яної церкви. Між світовими та суто-українськими композиційними моделями храмів проведено паралелі та визначено специфічні риси. В річищі глобальних процесів розвитку композиції, конструкції та семантики світового і національного дерев'яного храмового будівництва розглянуто наступні твори Олега Слєпцова (втілені в життя та пошукові проектні варіанти): дерев'яніцеркви Всіх Святих землі Української у с. Миронівка, св. Дмитрія Солунського в етнографічному комплексі «Українське село» під Києвом, Божої Матері в с. Олександрівці, Свято-Покровській в с. Зеленьки ті ін. Підсумовуючи результати, слід зазначити, що автор не працює цілеспрямовано у якомусь одному конкретно-завданому архітектурному стилі, річищі або напрямку. В його творчості яскраво виступає «людина світу», що створює образ храму на основі загальносвітового художньо-інформаційного поля. Проте, в творчості архітектора чітко простежується національний корінний .

Research paper thumbnail of Lake Biwa Canal at Kyoto Japan: sustainable development and revitalization

IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2022

Lake Biwa Canal (engineer Tanabe Sakuro) connects Lake Biwa and Kyoto. It was built in the end of... more Lake Biwa Canal (engineer Tanabe Sakuro) connects Lake Biwa and Kyoto. It was built in the end of the 19th c. in order to revive Kyoto, which decayed after the transfer of the capital to Edo (Tokyo) in 1868 and served to supply Kyoto with drinking and industrial water, as well as for cargo transportation. The aim of the work is to determine the historical periods of Lake Biwa Canal’s existence and to highlight its significance for ensuring the sustainable development of Kyoto. The research was conducted at Kyoto mainly with field studies and interview methods. As a result, three historical periods of the Lake Biwa Canal existence were identified. In the first period (1885-1951), the canal combined water supply, transportation and landscape-shaping functions and was fundamental to the sustainable development of Kyoto. In the second period (1951-1990th), the transport role of the canal became unclaimed, and its role in sustainable development of the city significantly decreased. In the third period (since 1990th), the canal was designated as National Historic Site, and a campaign of its revitalization began. The Canal acquired touristic and educational functions and increased its role in the sustainable development of Kyoto. Thus, at the time of its construction, the Lake Biwa Canal was the main driving force that saved Kyoto from decline. Now, we can talk about the opposite process, when Kyoto City supports the sustainable development of the Canal.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Japanese strategies of small historical towns’ revitalization: system approach and creativity


Статья посвящена анализу комплексного опыта ревитализации исторического города Канадзава, достигш... more Статья посвящена анализу комплексного опыта ревитализации исторического города Канадзава, достигшего успеха благодаря многолетней продуманной инициативе мэрии города, развернувшей ряд оригинальных стратегий. А именно: реставрация исторической застройки на основе воспитания местных кадров, новое строительство по уникальным проектам, креативная модернизация местных ремесел, учреждение «Деревни искусств» - комплекса зрелищных и выставочных залов с возможностью дешевого найма площадей под местные и международные инициативы. Немалую роль в успехе ревитализации Канадзава сыграл также выход города на мировую арену, достигнутый благодаря участию в международной сети Творческих городов ЮНЕСКО. The article is devoted to the analysis of historical Kanazawa town complex experience that was successful thanks to the longtime considerable initiative of municipality implying several original strategies. Some of them are: the historical architecture restoration based on the local specialist educatio...


The article considers modern processes and creative strategies of revitalization of ancient citie... more The article considers modern processes and creative strategies of revitalization of ancient cities of Japan: Hagi, Onomichi and Omi Khvchiman. These examples reveal a direct relationship between the historical model of governance and the modern driving force of revitalization of each of the cities, which suggests the existence of the phenomenon of their sustainable historical mode of action, which persists today

Research paper thumbnail of Ancient Settlements With Traditional Ways of Living – Revitalization and Popularization Experience: Cases of M'zab Valley in Algeria and Kryvorivnia Village in Ukraine

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2022)

This article is devoted to the comparative study of revitalization and popularization experience ... more This article is devoted to the comparative study of revitalization and popularization experience of ancient settlements preserving a traditional way of living. The cases of geographically isolated desert settlements of M'zab Valley in Algeria and Ukrainian mountain village Kryvorivnia are examined. M'zab settlements are conservative in respecting millennial customs of social coexistence, including the field of architecture and urban planning. Tourism is developing there in a controlled manner, managed by the organization of local volunteer guides. Kryvorivnia invites tourists to participate freely in the local life, rituals and festivals. In both cases, the initiative of revitalization comes from local communities. The preservation of ancient culture and architecture of the settlements is based on their historical integration in the natural environment determining both the necessity and the possibility of the sustainability of local traditions.

Research paper thumbnail of <Essay>Beam-pillar and blockhouse wooden construction systems in the world: the areas of domination and mixing zones written by Galyna SHEVTSOVA

Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv: Uniqueness and Universality in Historical Cultural Spaces

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most compli... more The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most complicated, most monumental architectural object that cross-links the Ukrainian architecture stylistic experience of all times. The purpose of the study is to identify the contemporary understanding and the multifaceted cultural content of this monument, which combines the logic of thinking of medieval Byzantium and the traditions of local pagan constructions, as well as European Baroque fashion in its regional variability. The square outside the cathedral was invariably fundamental to state-building cultural events, but its context also varied in each era according to urban fashion. Uniqueness and universality are combined in this building, creating endless space to reveal its cultural content. The new interpretation of this content in every scientific generation enriches and broadens the understanding of this object itself as well as hidden inside of it the genesis of the monumental archite...

Research paper thumbnail of Historic “Modus Operandi” in the Revitalization of Ancient Towns: Japanese and Polish Experience

The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns’ (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples)... more The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns’ (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples) modern revitalization processes led to the discovery of a presence of theirs historical “modus operandi” (mode of action): a direct connection between the nature of the main driving force of revitalization and initial historical governing model of each town. In particular, the cities of historical authoritarian governance (feudal castle towns of samurai’s ruling) now are characterized by revitalization, activated by local authorities. The cities of historical collective management (trade or ports towns and so) are characterized by revitalization initiated by local communities and individuals. For historical cities of mixed government, they now inherit a mixed model of revitalization initiatives’ conductors. We decided to compare it with European situation. In particular, in Poland, that like Japan is a country with strongly preserved historical memory, the presence of town's histori...

Research paper thumbnail of The Architecture of the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv: Uniqueness and Universality in Historical Cultural Spaces

The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most compli... more The Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv (from the beginning of 11th c.) is the largest, most complicated, most monumental architectural object that cross-links the Ukrainian architecture stylistic experience of all times. The purpose of the study is to identify the contemporary understanding and the multifaceted cultural content of this monument, which combines the logic of thinking of medieval Byzantium and the traditions of local pagan constructions, as well as European Baroque fashion in its regional variability. The square outside the cathedral was invariably fundamental to state-building cultural events, but its context also varied in each era according to urban fashion. Uniqueness and universality are combined in this building, creating endless space to reveal its cultural content. The new interpretation of this content in every scientific generation enriches and broadens the understanding of this object itself as well as hidden inside of it the genesis of the monumental architecture style-formation phenomenon’s in its historical and contemporary dimension. The publication demonstrates an up-to-date interpretation of the understanding of the content and form of Saint Sophia Cathedral. This is, in some meaning, a demonstration of the current state of development of Ukrainian fundamental science, which cannot have definitive answers to “eternal” questions, but aims to approach scientific truth through permanent refinements of knowledge. The article defines the planning, constructive, three-dimensional compositional, artistic-aesthetic and figurative characteristics of Sophia Kyiv’s architecture. There is also developed an innovative analysis of the genesis and sacral sense of Cathedral’s architecture based on the author’s original definition of archetypal (basic, initial) semantic models of world temples formed in different geographical and religious contexts. Cultural mutual influences and historical changes in the architecture of the monument are also noted. In the field of historical building experience, the acoustic features of Saint Sophia Cathedral are noted, which remain relevant in the modern design of temples. In conclusion, it is resulted that the Cathedral of Sophia in Kyiv is an outstanding example of combining the continental traditions of sacral construction of the Pre-Class Age with the context of the achievements of the monumental experience of Christian antique and Byzantine architecture. Sophia Cathedral, as the most monumental ideological achievement of the Kyivan Rus’ state, reflects the merger of these two lines, two traditions. That is why this monument is of utmost importance for deepening understanding of the evolution of Ukrainian and world architecture. In addition, the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kyiv became the basis for further historical forms of Ukrainian Orthodox temple construction – both folk (wooden multi-tower churches) and stylistic professional monumental architecture (Ukrainian temples of the Renaissance and Baroque, Art Nouveau). Therefore, we consider that the Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv is a key object for the scientific study of the development of Ukrainian architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Log Roofing of Ukrainian Wooden Church in the Context of World Wooden Temples Space Construction

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2021)

Research paper thumbnail of Volume Structure of Ukrainian Wooden Church’s Log-Towers: World Analogies and Authentic

The article conducts a comparative study between volume-structures of world’s wooden religious bu... more The article conducts a comparative study between volume-structures of world’s wooden religious buildings’ roofing and different types of Ukrainian wooden church’s log-towers’ volume-structures. As the examples for this comparative study are analyzed the volume structures of Eastern and Western territories of the world including vertically developed roofing of beam-pillar, rafter and log-timber construction as well. The main topics of the investigation are different structures of pagodas and Buddhist temples, vertically developed rafter roofing of Scandinavian and Eastern European Christian churches as well as numerous vertical log-structures of Eastern European and Caucasus churches. All named above examples are consequently compared with determined five basic types of Ukrainian wooden church’s log-towers volume structures (as lateral trapeze or cylindrical elevated roofing, pyramidal roofing, so-called “zalom” tiered roofing, octagon-on-square roofing and “zalom” and octagon-on-squ...

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country’s cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country’s cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country's cultural mentality distinctiveness Modern specific of Japanese urbanism as a result of the country's cultural mentality distinctiveness

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

The article analyzes the urbanistic experience of modern Japan in terms of the country's architec... more The article analyzes the urbanistic experience of modern Japan in terms of the country's architectural history. The following features of Japanese modern urbanistic are highlighted: dynamism and mobility-the ability of permanent development and modification (so called architectural metabolism); communicativeness of city space; the cohesion of the concepts of interior and exterior; freedom and novelty of architectural forms; humane and psychological comfort of urban environment. Based on the analysis of the unique climatic and seismological conditions of Japan, its geographical, ethnic and historical characteristics, it is revealed that all indicated above modern urbanistic features originate in the prerequisites of Japanese mentality formation directly related to architectural traditions. Since ancient times, Japanese culture has easily adapted to new circumstances modifying both obsolete traditional phenomena and foreign influences to a fundamentally different level. During the industrial revolution, thanks to the active borrowing of European and American engineering experience, such an approach leads in Japan to a qualitative leap of urbanism and design, forming an imaginary gap between the historical and modern architecture. In reality, urban planning and architecture of modern Japan demonstrate a deep genetic connection with historical tradition, which is present here as a permanent global evolutionary vector of ideas.

Research paper thumbnail of Historic "Modus Operandi" in the Revitalization of Ancient Towns: Japanese and Polish Experience

Atlantis Press. Series: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2020

The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns' (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples)... more The comparative study of Japanese small historical towns' (Hagi, Onomichi, Omi Hachiman examples) modern revitalization processes led to the discovery of a presence of theirs historical "modus operandi" (mode of action): a direct connection between the nature of the main driving force of revitalization and initial historical governing model of each town. In particular, the cities of historical authoritarian governance (feudal castle towns of samurai's ruling) now are characterized by revitalization, activated by local authorities. The cities of historical collective management (trade or ports towns and so) are characterized by revitalization initiated by local communities and individuals. For historical cities of mixed government, they now inherit a mixed model of revitalization initiatives' conductors. We decided to compare it with European situation. In particular, in Poland, that like Japan is a country with strongly preserved historical memory, the presence of town's historical "modus operandi" was confirmed.

Research paper thumbnail of Історія японської архітектури і мистецтва  History of Japanese Architecture and Art

Grani-T, 2011

The book “History of Japanese Architecture and Art” is intended for students of architectural uni... more The book “History of Japanese Architecture and Art” is intended for students of architectural universities, students of arts and oriental specialties, as well as for anyone interested in the culture of Japan. The book introduces to the history and theory of the development of architecture and certain, closely related to architecture, themes of monumental art of Japan from the Neolithic period to the beginning of the 20th century. The basis for the creation of the book was the personal experience of its author, who spent many years training and working in Japan, studying and restoring architectural monuments. Thus, the reader receives exclusive first-hand information about the architecture of Japan.
The book is published in Ukrainian, containing English and Japanese forewords.

Навчальний посібник «Історія японської архітектури і мистецтва» призначено для студентів архітектурних вузів, студентів мистецьких та сходознавчих спеціальностей, а також всіх, хто цікавиться культурою Японії. Книга ознайомлює читача з історією та теорією розвитку архітектури і певних, тісно пов’язаних з архітектурною, галузей монументального мистецтва Японії від доби Неоліту до початку ХХ сторіччя.
Це унікальне видання, подібних якому ніколи не видавалося ані українською, ані російською мовами. Основою для створення книги став особистий досвід її автора, яка багато років стажувалася і працювала в Японії, де займалася вивченням та реставрацією пам’яток архітектури. Таким чином, український читач отримує ексклюзивну інформацію про архітектуру Японії з перших рук.