Susumu Ueno | Konan University (original) (raw)

Susumu  Ueno

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Susumu Ueno (上埜進、1946-) is the representative of Management and Accounting Research Institute, Japan (経営会計研究所). He is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) and the Chief-Editor of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (APMAJ). He is the APMAA President from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2013.
As a member of the Japanese Association of Management Accounting (JAMA、日本管理会計学会), Ueno is the past Vice President (2008-2011) and has been the Executive Director since 2002. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan (管理会計学) since April 2014.
The Japanese Association of Management Accounting honored Professor Susumu Ueno with the Special Award (日本管理会計学会特別賞) on September 12, 2014. This award was given in recognition of his contributions to both research and education and his history of service to the academic community. The award has only been presented to highly exceptional individuals, and Professor Ueno is the 13th award recipient since the association’s foundation of July 1991.

Ueno is the author of several accounting books: Management Accounting; The Quest for Value, 4th Edition (Zeimu-keiri Kyokai, 2008); Budget Control Practices among U.S. and Japanese Companies; Cross-cultural Approach (Moriyama-Shyoten, 1997 and 1993). He is the editor and coauthor of many books. Ueno has published his research in various journals, including The Journal of International Business Studies, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, The International Journal of Accounting Education and Research (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) , The Journal of Cost Accounting Research (issued by Japan Cost Accounting Association), and etc.

Doctor Ueno, Professor of Accounting at Konan University, Japan, was born in Takaoka-city, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. He received his MBA from the University of Maryland and his DBA from the Southern Illinois University.

------------ Editor-in-Chief of Academic Journals -------------

Susumu Ueno is the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan (管理会計学), a journal of the Japanese Association of Management Accounting (JAMA). JAMA, founded in July 1991, is the academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about management and cost accounting. The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan is a peer-reviewed academic journal and is the flagship journal of the JAMA. Its current editor-in-chief is Susumu Ueno (Konan University) . The journal's scope encompasses any management and cost accounting-related subject and any research methodology. Submissions to the journal are reviewed by editorial board members and ad hoc reviewers. Ueno is the past Vice President (2008-2011) and has been the Executive Director of the association since 2002.

Susumu Ueno is the Editor-in-Chief of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal that has been jointly published by the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA - which is based in Japan), Accounting Research Institute & Faculty of Accountancy (through AMARC) and University Publication Centre (UPENA), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) since 2006. Its initial publication was once a year but effective 2010, the journal issue is increased to twice a year. Currently APMAJ is indexed in international Ebscohost and Cabell's Directories. ARI has also submitted APMAJ for possible inclusion and to be indexed by SCOPUS.
Phone: 080-6130-3083
Address: 上埜進, 経営会計研究所(Management and Accounting Research Institute, Japan)、冨山(3-7-47, Shinjo-machi, Toyama-shi, 930-0992, Japan)



Papers by Susumu Ueno

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Auditing and Classical Variables Sampling

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 1990

After a brief introduction, Section Ⅱdiscusses basic concepts which are critical to audit samplin... more After a brief introduction, Section Ⅱdiscusses basic concepts which are critical to audit sampling. SectionⅢ reviews the most commonly used sampling techniques, i.e. attribute sampling, probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling and classical variable sampling. Section Ⅳexamines key concepts in classical variables sampling, and SectionⅤpresents a numerical example which illustrates a formula approach to classical variables sampling. Summary and conclusions are offered in SectionⅥ.

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Research paper thumbnail of 多国籍企業の利益管理: 概念フレームワークの探索 (Profit Management Systems in MNCs: Exploring a Conceptual Framework)

Social Science Research Network, Oct 1, 1996

Japanese Abstract: 国境を超えてのビジネス活動が恒常化している今日、多国籍企業の経営者が会計研究者に寄せている期待の一つに、グローバル利益管理システムを設計し運営する際の理論的... more Japanese Abstract: 国境を超えてのビジネス活動が恒常化している今日、多国籍企業の経営者が会計研究者に寄せている期待の一つに、グローバル利益管理システムを設計し運営する際の理論的な指針の提示がある。本稿は、実務が国際管理会計という領域でこれまで蓄積してきた諸実践を利益管理という視角でもって捉え、多国籍企業の利益管理システムの規定因を考究し、「グローバル利益管理の基本スキーム」を提示する。また、グローバル利益管理に観察される機能障害等、組織論的・行動論的な諸問題も論議する。 English Abstract: In today’s integrated market economy, accounting researchers are expected to show MNCs theoretical guidelines that enable to design and implement profit-management-systems to improve corporate value. This study, by examining the conventional international management and accounting practices, explores determinants of effective global-profit-management systems and aims to provide a conceptual scheme that helps management of MNCs design their global-profit-management systems. Organizational and behavioral issues relating to systems design and implementation are also discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Initiating Consolidated Budgetary Control Systems in Diversified MNEs)

Social Science Research Network, 1997

Japanese Abstract: 本稿は、多角化多国籍企業が、連結予算管理を事業部ベースで、かつ、適時性を強化するよう月次ベースで展開する際に、直面するであろう問題点を洗い出し、それぞれに対... more Japanese Abstract: 本稿は、多角化多国籍企業が、連結予算管理を事業部ベースで、かつ、適時性を強化するよう月次ベースで展開する際に、直面するであろう問題点を洗い出し、それぞれに対する解答を見いだそうとするものである。構成は次の通りである。事業部別連結月次会計システムが導入される舞台となる多角化事業を担う組織形態と、その会計システムを第二節にレビューする。続く第三節では、企業集団の利益管理の中心的技法として注目されている連結月次予算管理システムを取り上げ、その導入のボトル・ネックを探ると同時に、解決策を模索する。第四節では、前節の議論をベースに、事業部別連結月次予算管理システムの構築に際し考慮すべき問題点を検討する。また、NECと松下電器産業の事例を紹介する。なお、グローバル利益管理(上埜、1996)というフレームワークの中で展開される利益計画や予算管理にまつわる諸問題を論究することは、今日、カンパニー制の導入が盛んになり、また純粋持ち株会社の解禁が迫っていることからしても、時宜を得ているといえよう。English Abstract: This paper discusses issues relating to divisional and monthly budgetary controls for MNEs at a consolidated basis, and aims to find solutions for the issues. SectionⅡreviews organization structures and accounting systems of MNEs, and sectionⅢdiscusses issues in installing consolidated monthly budgetary control systems. Section Ⅳ discusses consolidated monthly budgetary control systems implemented at NEC Corporation and Matsushita Corporation. Recently more companies in Japan have adopted divisional organization structures. In addition, regulations that allow electing a pure holding company will soon be effective in Japan. Thus the knowledge and information provided in this paper are quite timely and useful for those Japanese MNEs.

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Research paper thumbnail of 会計基準の国際的収斂の管理会計への影響:企業業績の指標をめぐって (An Influence of International Convergence of Accounting Standards on Management Accounting: Firm Performance Measures)

Social Science Research Network, Feb 1, 2010

Japanese Abstract: 上場企業をめぐる財務開示の制度(財務諸表作成を規制する会計基準、監査制度、内部統制制度等)や会計実務が国際的に収斂し、わが国でも一定の要件を満たす特定会社に... more Japanese Abstract: 上場企業をめぐる財務開示の制度(財務諸表作成を規制する会計基準、監査制度、内部統制制度等)や会計実務が国際的に収斂し、わが国でも一定の要件を満たす特定会社に2010 年3月31日以後に終了する連結会計年度から国際会計基準による連結財務諸表を含む有価証券報告書の提出を認める内閣府令が2009年12月に公布された。日本会計研究学会第68回全国大会の統一論題報告で、管理会計においても中心的概念である企業業績の代理変数である報告利益に着目し、筆者は、そのコンセプトや財務諸表表示にみられる変化がどのようなものであり、また、トップ・マネジメントの意思決定ないし経営行動にどのように影響を及ぼしているかを論じた。本稿はその統一論題報告の原稿を要約したものであり、同報告で取りあげた論点の中から、(1)当期純利益と包括利益の計算構造と解釈、(2)公正価値測定と資産負債の価額変動額、(3)資産負債の価額変動額とトップ・マネジメントのアカウンタビリティおよび(4)会計基準収斂の管理会計研究への影響を取り上げている。English Abstract: International convergence of accounting standards has changed concepts and presentations of periodic firm performances. This study examines the influence of changes in reported income on management accounting as a result of internationalization of accounting standards. The initial part of the study examines the recent development of international convergence and adoption of accounting standards in Japan, U.S., and European Union, after which income as defined under both US and International Standards is compared with the Hicks’ economic income. The comparison showed that these standards preferred the asset-liability view over the revenue-expense view in calculating firms’ reported income. The accounting standards have been shown to employ the “mixed-attribute” model in evaluating assets and liabilities until today. An increased utilization of fair value measurements has also been observed. Fair value methods recognize value changes of assets and liabilities during each holding period. However, it should be noted that the amount recognized in a period is only temporary and is subject to changes in later periods. The broader utilization of fair value therefore amplifies volatilities of reported income numbers. The above two accounting standards mandate the disclosure of multiple incomes in periodic performance reports. The disclosure satisfies different information needs of different stakeholders. The best surrogate for a top management’s periodic performance is the comprehensive income. This is because the other comprehensive income items do capture value changes caused by exposure risks for which the top management should assume full responsibility. Asset-Liability view expands scopes of asset and liability recognition and enhances utilization of fair value measurements. This study discusses accounting for in-process R&D and internally-generated intangible assets in the context. The final discussion focuses on the influence of international convergence of accounting standards on management accounting research. The whole ethos of the discussion clarifies that cross-cultural management accounting studies could enjoy parsimonious specifications when all listed-companies throughout the world use a uniform standard after the full-adoption of IFRS.

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Research paper thumbnail of Japanese Management Accounting: An Overview of Current Methods and Practices

Social Science Research Network, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of 多国籍企業のグローバル利益管理システム ー国際管理会計論の新たな視角 (Global Profit Management Systems in MNCs: A New Perspective in International Management Accounting)

Social Science Research Network, 1996

Japanese Abstract: 多国籍企業にフィットする利益管理システムを設計・運用しようとする実務家に包括的な指針を供することは、国際管理会計論研究者の最大の使命である。本研究は、暫定的... more Japanese Abstract: 多国籍企業にフィットする利益管理システムを設計・運用しようとする実務家に包括的な指針を供することは、国際管理会計論研究者の最大の使命である。本研究は、暫定的ではあるが、「グローバル利益管理システム」というコンセプチュアル・マップ示し、新たな視角、すなわち利益管理という視角から、実務にこれまで蓄積されてきた国際管理会計領域の知識や知恵を整理する。まず、第2章にグローバル利益管理システムがどのようなコンセプトかを論じる。続く第3章では多国籍企業の経営組織の内容をなす構成企業間の関係を規定する諸要因を論じる。第4章では、単一企業集団を構成する会社間(親子会社間および子会社間)で行われる利益配分ないし資源配分の取引がどのような目的でいかに構築されるかを検討する。English Abstract: This study aims to provide a comprehensive guideline to practitioners for their designing and running global profit and cash-flow management systems in MNCs. A conceptual map representing global profit and cash-flow management systems of a MNC is developed from an international management accounting perspective and presented tentatively. Variables defining a MNC organization structure are examined referring closely to the map developed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 analyses inter-organizational transactions in a MNC that significantly affect a MNC organization structure, i.e., the relationship between headquarters and subsidiaries, and among subsidiaries of a MNC.

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Research paper thumbnail of 会計学の研究方法とパースペクティブ(A Review of Methodologies and Research Perspectives in Accounting)

Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2003

Japanese Abstract: どのような研究の方法、パースペクティブ(perspectives)ないしパラダイム(paradigms、理論的枠組み)にもとづき、現象・事象あるいはリアリテ... more Japanese Abstract: どのような研究の方法、パースペクティブ(perspectives)ないしパラダイム(paradigms、理論的枠組み)にもとづき、現象・事象あるいはリアリティ(reality, 現実)を認識し、記述し、説明し、解釈するかにより、自然科学であれ社会科学であれ、個別研究は性格づけられる。第二次大戦後、我が国の実務や学問の多くが長らく米国の影響下にあるが、会計研究においては英語圏の学界で支配的な研究方法、パースペクティブないしパラダイムが、わが国に今日まで深く浸透しているとはいえない。このことが日本の会計研究をローカルなものにしている。本稿は、社会科学における支配的な研究方法について、それらの背後にある哲学・思想を確認し、それを分析視点に英語圏の会計研究の潮流を確認するものである。English Abstract: Research methods, perspectives and paradigms adopted in recognizing, describing, explaining and interpreting phenomena, events and realities characterize a research output in social and/or natural science. After World War II, US philosophy and culture dominate Japanese practices and academic disciplines. However, they may be digested neither properly nor unsatisfactory, and this has made Japanese accounting research outputs inequivalent to Anglo-American outputs. This paper firstly investigates philosophy and thoughts that exist behind dominant methods, perspectives and paradigms, and then describes the history and trend of mainstream Anglo-American accounting research.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Locus of Decision-Delegation Among Japanese Multinational Enterprises: An Empirical Study

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Research paper thumbnail of 業績指標と企業価値: 管理会計の視点 (Performance Metrics and Corporate Value: A Management Accounting View)

Social Science Research Network, Jul 1, 2001

Japanese Abstract: 経営環境が厳しい近年、伝統的な会計的利益やROIに加え、EVAあるいは、その類似指標を業績目標に掲げ、企業業績の持続的な改善をめざす経営(Value-bas... more Japanese Abstract: 経営環境が厳しい近年、伝統的な会計的利益やROIに加え、EVAあるいは、その類似指標を業績目標に掲げ、企業業績の持続的な改善をめざす経営(Value-based Management)を標榜する企業が日本にも現れている。業績指標の内部管理における機能を吟味する本稿は、はじめに、発生主義会計のスキームが提供する伝統的な期間業績指標である「会計的利益」を分析する。この分析を踏まえて、1990年代に研究ならびに実務への導入が深められた企業(株主)価値のコンセプトについて、それらが伝統的な業績指標の補完指標であるという認識に立ち、考察をすすめる。 English Abstract: Some companies in Japan have introduced EVA concepts in 1990s and been implementing Value-Based Management (VBM) at corporate and division levels until today. Value is created only when companies invest capital at returns that exceed the cost of that capital. This study firstly discusses conceptual issues of period profits calculated according to traditional accrual accounting systems. Then both Discounted Cash Flow Model and Residual Income Model are closely examined and discussed referring to corporate value concepts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Black-Scholes Call Option Pricing Model and Tests of the Model: A Review

Social Science Research Network, Jul 30, 1991

This paper aims to examine the theory behind the Black-Scholes call option pricing model, which h... more This paper aims to examine the theory behind the Black-Scholes call option pricing model, which has been widely used by those who deal with options to search for situations where the market price of an option differs substantially from the fair value. The empirical test of the option pricing model conducted by Black-Scholes (1972) is also reviewed in this paper. Since the test was done prior to the listed trading and is the earliest one, it seems to be outdated. A number of later empirical tests of the Black-Scholes model have shown that the model is highly successful in explaining the observed market price of options. However, the investigation of the earliest test is very meaningful in itself.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices--An Empirical Study in the U.S.A. and Japan

會計, 1992

This article reports the results of a study that hypothesized the influence of culture on six asp... more This article reports the results of a study that hypothesized the influence of culture on six aspects of budget control practices in the United States and Japan. Data were collected through questionnaires from 70 manufacturing companies in the United States and 149 such companies in Japan. Results of data analyses indicate that the Individualism-Collectivism dimension would seem to explain why the U.S. companies, compared to the Japanese companies, tend to use communication and coordination more extensively, build budget slack to a greater extent, and use long-term performance evaluations to a lesser extent. The implications of the results for further research and practice are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Thoughts on Methods in Cross-National Management Accounting Research

會計, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Management accounting in Japan

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Research paper thumbnail of The Comparative Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices in the United States and Japan

Social Science Research Network, 1993

This study reports the results of an empirical study which examined the cultural influence on bud... more This study reports the results of an empirical study which examined the cultural influence on budget control practices in the United States and Japan. The two countries were selected as research sites because a number of previous studies provided reasons to suspect cultural differences between U.S. and Japanese management control practices which are considered relevant to the present issues. Data were collected, using a questionnaire survey, to test the six hypotheses from the managers of 70 U.S. and 149 Japanese major manufacturing companies in the summer of 1990. Analysis results supported four hypotheses developed from the Individualism-Collectivism dimension, revealing that U.S. companies, compared to Japanese companies, used formal communication and coordination to a greater extent, built budget slack to a greater extent, practiced controllability of budgets to a greater extent, and used long-term performance measures to a lesser extent. The results were equivocal for the other two hypotheses which tap the extent of using long-range planning and structuring of budgetary processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices in the USA and Japan: An Empirical Study

Journal of International Business Studies, Dec 1, 1992

... In an individualistic society, where performance evaluation is based on individual achievemen... more ... In an individualistic society, where performance evaluation is based on individual achievements and ... the Individualism Index, the US corporate culture, which encourages competitive behaviors and ... Since response rates to questionnaire surveys is generally low, it was decided ...

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Research paper thumbnail of 米国外貨換算基準、SFAS No.52の早期実施にみる企業の財務特性:実証研究 (Financial Attributes of Companies Electing Early Adoption of SFAS No. 52: An Empirical Study)

Social Science Research Network, Dec 1, 1989

Japanese Abstract: SFAS No. 52 (Foreign Currency Translation) は、1981年12月15日に公表され、 1982年 12月15日または... more Japanese Abstract: SFAS No. 52 (Foreign Currency Translation) は、1981年12月15日に公表され、 1982年 12月15日または同日以降に始まる会計年度から同基準への移行が義務づけられた。なお、移行義務日以前でのSFAS No. 52の自発的な適用が奨励されたことにより、米国企業は、同義務日まで、SFAS No. 8 (Accounting for the Translation of Foreign Currency Transactions and Foreign Currency Financial Statements, 1975)およびSFAS No. 52を選択的に適用することが可能であった。数多くの米国企業が1981年12月31日に終わる事業年度において新基準であるSFAS No. 52に基づく会計処理を行った事実に着目し、本研究では、統計解析を駆使し、そうした早期にSFAS No. 52に移行した企業にいかなる財務特性が観察されるかを探った。English Abstract: FASB Statement No. 52, Foreign Currency Translation (SFAS No. 52), was issued on December 15, 1981 and is effective for fiscal years that began on or after January December 15, 1982. Although the Statement is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 1982, earlier application was encouraged (par.33). Thus, in the fiscal year ending on December 31, 1981, companies had a choice either to apply the SFAS No. 52 earlier or to apply the SFAS No. 8 (Accounting for the Translation of Foreign Currency Transactions and Foreign Currency Financial Statements) issued in October 1975. Many companies chose and applied the SFAS No. 52 earlier in the fiscal year ending on December 31, 1981. This study investigates the financial characteristics of those early adopters through statistical analyses.

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Research paper thumbnail of 資格・検定試験の原価計算・管理会計教育への影響:サーベイ・スタディ(An Influence of Licensing/Qualifying Examinations on Management and Cost Accounting Education: A Survey Study)

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2007

Japanese Abstract: 探索型の経験的研究である本研究は,郵便質問票(2005年に配付・回収)に対する回答をもとに,我が国の大学・大学院における原価計算・管理会計教育の現況を分析し... more Japanese Abstract: 探索型の経験的研究である本研究は,郵便質問票(2005年に配付・回収)に対する回答をもとに,我が国の大学・大学院における原価計算・管理会計教育の現況を分析している。研究課題に,会計領域の資格・検定試験が,学部・大学院の原価計算・管理会計教育に及ぼす影響,ならびに管理会計論という学科目のフレームワークに及ぼす影響を取り上げた。 English Abstract: This article reports analysis results of the mail questionnaire survey that investigated the influence of licensing/qualifying examinations on management and cost accounting education in Japan. The influence was examined not only with respect to graduate and undergraduate management and cost accounting education in general, but also with respect to the management accounting curriculum specifically. SectionⅡ describes the aim of the study and provides background information about why I engage in the study. Section Ⅲ explains methods of the mail questionnaire survey conducted. Section Ⅳ presents survey results and findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Banking on Technology

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 1992

This article discusses on what is going on in the banking industry with respect to the utilizatio... more This article discusses on what is going on in the banking industry with respect to the utilization of electronic industry. Section two reviews the evolution of electronic banking and financial innovations. Section three discusses some examples of banking systems, such as consumer payment system, a large value payment systems and a dealing room system. The issue of whether small banks can compete effectively with larger banks and nonbanks in this new environment is examined in section four. Final section provides conclusions of this article.

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Research paper thumbnail of Culture and Budget Control Practices: A Study of Manufacturing Companies in U.S.A. and Japan

Series on technology Management, Jul 1, 2000

AbstractThe following sections are included:Theoretical Framework and HypothesesCommunication and... more AbstractThe following sections are included:Theoretical Framework and HypothesesCommunication and coordinationPlanningPerformance evaluationResearch MethodPopulation and sampleSurvey instrumentsResults and DiscussionsConclusionsAppendixReferences

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Research paper thumbnail of 現在価値法による企業価値の推定とVBM (Estimating Corporate Value Based on a Present Value Method and VBM)

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2000

Japanese Abstract:「株主の富の最大化(shareholder wealth maximization)」と整合する業績指標、すなわち、経営者が株主と「目標の一致(goal co... more Japanese Abstract:「株主の富の最大化(shareholder wealth maximization)」と整合する業績指標、すなわち、経営者が株主と「目標の一致(goal congruence)」をはかれる業績指標(performance metrics)として、「企業価値(corporate value)」や「株主価値(shareholder value)」を導入する試みが先進的企業を中心に、近年、活発化している。関心の高まりに比例して解説書の出版や論文発表が盛んである。しかし、当該領域のコンセプトは、伝統的な会計学の理論に加え、corporate financeの理論を取り入れており、理解が容易でない。そこで、本稿では、米国で展開されてきた理論のエッセンスを整理し、かつ、インプリメンテーション上の問題に対する解答を探る。構成は次の通りである。企業価値というコンセプトを解明する第1節では、アナリストや機関投資家等の外部関係者が注目している、現在価値法に基づく企業価値の理論的推定法である、①割引キャッシュ・フロー・モデルと、②経済的付加価値モデルを検討する。加えて、会計数値に現在価値法を適用して「株主資本価値」を推定する、③超過利益アプローチも取り上げる。第2節では、企業価値や株主資本価値のモデルが用いる変数を内部管理のための業績指標に展開し、株主と経営者の「目標の一致」を促進するVBMの構造を、株主価値ネットワーク(shareholder value network)ならびにバランスト・スコアカード(balanced scorcards)に探求する。第3節は、VBMに対する経営者のコミットメントを高める報酬システムがどうあるべきかについての規範的見解を表明すると共に、VBMの現況をHOYA等の事例を踏まえ紹介する。English Abstract: In business and academic societies, value-based management (VBM) has become very popular recently. The concept and theory of VBM have been developed relying on corporate finance, management and accounting. They stand on multiple disciplines and are very complex. This paper aims to explain a whole picture of the VBM. It focuses on implementation issues also. SectionⅠreviews the concept of present values methods because it supplies the theoretical base of VBM. Section Ⅱdiscusses on the concepts of shareholder value network and balanced scorecards. They provide the framework for VBM. SectionⅢdiscusses on reward systems that can encourage management commitment more. Companies that have implemented VBM are also introduced in the section.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Auditing and Classical Variables Sampling

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 1990

After a brief introduction, Section Ⅱdiscusses basic concepts which are critical to audit samplin... more After a brief introduction, Section Ⅱdiscusses basic concepts which are critical to audit sampling. SectionⅢ reviews the most commonly used sampling techniques, i.e. attribute sampling, probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling and classical variable sampling. Section Ⅳexamines key concepts in classical variables sampling, and SectionⅤpresents a numerical example which illustrates a formula approach to classical variables sampling. Summary and conclusions are offered in SectionⅥ.

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Research paper thumbnail of 多国籍企業の利益管理: 概念フレームワークの探索 (Profit Management Systems in MNCs: Exploring a Conceptual Framework)

Social Science Research Network, Oct 1, 1996

Japanese Abstract: 国境を超えてのビジネス活動が恒常化している今日、多国籍企業の経営者が会計研究者に寄せている期待の一つに、グローバル利益管理システムを設計し運営する際の理論的... more Japanese Abstract: 国境を超えてのビジネス活動が恒常化している今日、多国籍企業の経営者が会計研究者に寄せている期待の一つに、グローバル利益管理システムを設計し運営する際の理論的な指針の提示がある。本稿は、実務が国際管理会計という領域でこれまで蓄積してきた諸実践を利益管理という視角でもって捉え、多国籍企業の利益管理システムの規定因を考究し、「グローバル利益管理の基本スキーム」を提示する。また、グローバル利益管理に観察される機能障害等、組織論的・行動論的な諸問題も論議する。 English Abstract: In today’s integrated market economy, accounting researchers are expected to show MNCs theoretical guidelines that enable to design and implement profit-management-systems to improve corporate value. This study, by examining the conventional international management and accounting practices, explores determinants of effective global-profit-management systems and aims to provide a conceptual scheme that helps management of MNCs design their global-profit-management systems. Organizational and behavioral issues relating to systems design and implementation are also discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Initiating Consolidated Budgetary Control Systems in Diversified MNEs)

Social Science Research Network, 1997

Japanese Abstract: 本稿は、多角化多国籍企業が、連結予算管理を事業部ベースで、かつ、適時性を強化するよう月次ベースで展開する際に、直面するであろう問題点を洗い出し、それぞれに対... more Japanese Abstract: 本稿は、多角化多国籍企業が、連結予算管理を事業部ベースで、かつ、適時性を強化するよう月次ベースで展開する際に、直面するであろう問題点を洗い出し、それぞれに対する解答を見いだそうとするものである。構成は次の通りである。事業部別連結月次会計システムが導入される舞台となる多角化事業を担う組織形態と、その会計システムを第二節にレビューする。続く第三節では、企業集団の利益管理の中心的技法として注目されている連結月次予算管理システムを取り上げ、その導入のボトル・ネックを探ると同時に、解決策を模索する。第四節では、前節の議論をベースに、事業部別連結月次予算管理システムの構築に際し考慮すべき問題点を検討する。また、NECと松下電器産業の事例を紹介する。なお、グローバル利益管理(上埜、1996)というフレームワークの中で展開される利益計画や予算管理にまつわる諸問題を論究することは、今日、カンパニー制の導入が盛んになり、また純粋持ち株会社の解禁が迫っていることからしても、時宜を得ているといえよう。English Abstract: This paper discusses issues relating to divisional and monthly budgetary controls for MNEs at a consolidated basis, and aims to find solutions for the issues. SectionⅡreviews organization structures and accounting systems of MNEs, and sectionⅢdiscusses issues in installing consolidated monthly budgetary control systems. Section Ⅳ discusses consolidated monthly budgetary control systems implemented at NEC Corporation and Matsushita Corporation. Recently more companies in Japan have adopted divisional organization structures. In addition, regulations that allow electing a pure holding company will soon be effective in Japan. Thus the knowledge and information provided in this paper are quite timely and useful for those Japanese MNEs.

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Research paper thumbnail of 会計基準の国際的収斂の管理会計への影響:企業業績の指標をめぐって (An Influence of International Convergence of Accounting Standards on Management Accounting: Firm Performance Measures)

Social Science Research Network, Feb 1, 2010

Japanese Abstract: 上場企業をめぐる財務開示の制度(財務諸表作成を規制する会計基準、監査制度、内部統制制度等)や会計実務が国際的に収斂し、わが国でも一定の要件を満たす特定会社に... more Japanese Abstract: 上場企業をめぐる財務開示の制度(財務諸表作成を規制する会計基準、監査制度、内部統制制度等)や会計実務が国際的に収斂し、わが国でも一定の要件を満たす特定会社に2010 年3月31日以後に終了する連結会計年度から国際会計基準による連結財務諸表を含む有価証券報告書の提出を認める内閣府令が2009年12月に公布された。日本会計研究学会第68回全国大会の統一論題報告で、管理会計においても中心的概念である企業業績の代理変数である報告利益に着目し、筆者は、そのコンセプトや財務諸表表示にみられる変化がどのようなものであり、また、トップ・マネジメントの意思決定ないし経営行動にどのように影響を及ぼしているかを論じた。本稿はその統一論題報告の原稿を要約したものであり、同報告で取りあげた論点の中から、(1)当期純利益と包括利益の計算構造と解釈、(2)公正価値測定と資産負債の価額変動額、(3)資産負債の価額変動額とトップ・マネジメントのアカウンタビリティおよび(4)会計基準収斂の管理会計研究への影響を取り上げている。English Abstract: International convergence of accounting standards has changed concepts and presentations of periodic firm performances. This study examines the influence of changes in reported income on management accounting as a result of internationalization of accounting standards. The initial part of the study examines the recent development of international convergence and adoption of accounting standards in Japan, U.S., and European Union, after which income as defined under both US and International Standards is compared with the Hicks’ economic income. The comparison showed that these standards preferred the asset-liability view over the revenue-expense view in calculating firms’ reported income. The accounting standards have been shown to employ the “mixed-attribute” model in evaluating assets and liabilities until today. An increased utilization of fair value measurements has also been observed. Fair value methods recognize value changes of assets and liabilities during each holding period. However, it should be noted that the amount recognized in a period is only temporary and is subject to changes in later periods. The broader utilization of fair value therefore amplifies volatilities of reported income numbers. The above two accounting standards mandate the disclosure of multiple incomes in periodic performance reports. The disclosure satisfies different information needs of different stakeholders. The best surrogate for a top management’s periodic performance is the comprehensive income. This is because the other comprehensive income items do capture value changes caused by exposure risks for which the top management should assume full responsibility. Asset-Liability view expands scopes of asset and liability recognition and enhances utilization of fair value measurements. This study discusses accounting for in-process R&D and internally-generated intangible assets in the context. The final discussion focuses on the influence of international convergence of accounting standards on management accounting research. The whole ethos of the discussion clarifies that cross-cultural management accounting studies could enjoy parsimonious specifications when all listed-companies throughout the world use a uniform standard after the full-adoption of IFRS.

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Research paper thumbnail of Japanese Management Accounting: An Overview of Current Methods and Practices

Social Science Research Network, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of 多国籍企業のグローバル利益管理システム ー国際管理会計論の新たな視角 (Global Profit Management Systems in MNCs: A New Perspective in International Management Accounting)

Social Science Research Network, 1996

Japanese Abstract: 多国籍企業にフィットする利益管理システムを設計・運用しようとする実務家に包括的な指針を供することは、国際管理会計論研究者の最大の使命である。本研究は、暫定的... more Japanese Abstract: 多国籍企業にフィットする利益管理システムを設計・運用しようとする実務家に包括的な指針を供することは、国際管理会計論研究者の最大の使命である。本研究は、暫定的ではあるが、「グローバル利益管理システム」というコンセプチュアル・マップ示し、新たな視角、すなわち利益管理という視角から、実務にこれまで蓄積されてきた国際管理会計領域の知識や知恵を整理する。まず、第2章にグローバル利益管理システムがどのようなコンセプトかを論じる。続く第3章では多国籍企業の経営組織の内容をなす構成企業間の関係を規定する諸要因を論じる。第4章では、単一企業集団を構成する会社間(親子会社間および子会社間)で行われる利益配分ないし資源配分の取引がどのような目的でいかに構築されるかを検討する。English Abstract: This study aims to provide a comprehensive guideline to practitioners for their designing and running global profit and cash-flow management systems in MNCs. A conceptual map representing global profit and cash-flow management systems of a MNC is developed from an international management accounting perspective and presented tentatively. Variables defining a MNC organization structure are examined referring closely to the map developed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 analyses inter-organizational transactions in a MNC that significantly affect a MNC organization structure, i.e., the relationship between headquarters and subsidiaries, and among subsidiaries of a MNC.

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Research paper thumbnail of 会計学の研究方法とパースペクティブ(A Review of Methodologies and Research Perspectives in Accounting)

Social Science Research Network, Nov 1, 2003

Japanese Abstract: どのような研究の方法、パースペクティブ(perspectives)ないしパラダイム(paradigms、理論的枠組み)にもとづき、現象・事象あるいはリアリテ... more Japanese Abstract: どのような研究の方法、パースペクティブ(perspectives)ないしパラダイム(paradigms、理論的枠組み)にもとづき、現象・事象あるいはリアリティ(reality, 現実)を認識し、記述し、説明し、解釈するかにより、自然科学であれ社会科学であれ、個別研究は性格づけられる。第二次大戦後、我が国の実務や学問の多くが長らく米国の影響下にあるが、会計研究においては英語圏の学界で支配的な研究方法、パースペクティブないしパラダイムが、わが国に今日まで深く浸透しているとはいえない。このことが日本の会計研究をローカルなものにしている。本稿は、社会科学における支配的な研究方法について、それらの背後にある哲学・思想を確認し、それを分析視点に英語圏の会計研究の潮流を確認するものである。English Abstract: Research methods, perspectives and paradigms adopted in recognizing, describing, explaining and interpreting phenomena, events and realities characterize a research output in social and/or natural science. After World War II, US philosophy and culture dominate Japanese practices and academic disciplines. However, they may be digested neither properly nor unsatisfactory, and this has made Japanese accounting research outputs inequivalent to Anglo-American outputs. This paper firstly investigates philosophy and thoughts that exist behind dominant methods, perspectives and paradigms, and then describes the history and trend of mainstream Anglo-American accounting research.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Locus of Decision-Delegation Among Japanese Multinational Enterprises: An Empirical Study

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Research paper thumbnail of 業績指標と企業価値: 管理会計の視点 (Performance Metrics and Corporate Value: A Management Accounting View)

Social Science Research Network, Jul 1, 2001

Japanese Abstract: 経営環境が厳しい近年、伝統的な会計的利益やROIに加え、EVAあるいは、その類似指標を業績目標に掲げ、企業業績の持続的な改善をめざす経営(Value-bas... more Japanese Abstract: 経営環境が厳しい近年、伝統的な会計的利益やROIに加え、EVAあるいは、その類似指標を業績目標に掲げ、企業業績の持続的な改善をめざす経営(Value-based Management)を標榜する企業が日本にも現れている。業績指標の内部管理における機能を吟味する本稿は、はじめに、発生主義会計のスキームが提供する伝統的な期間業績指標である「会計的利益」を分析する。この分析を踏まえて、1990年代に研究ならびに実務への導入が深められた企業(株主)価値のコンセプトについて、それらが伝統的な業績指標の補完指標であるという認識に立ち、考察をすすめる。 English Abstract: Some companies in Japan have introduced EVA concepts in 1990s and been implementing Value-Based Management (VBM) at corporate and division levels until today. Value is created only when companies invest capital at returns that exceed the cost of that capital. This study firstly discusses conceptual issues of period profits calculated according to traditional accrual accounting systems. Then both Discounted Cash Flow Model and Residual Income Model are closely examined and discussed referring to corporate value concepts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Black-Scholes Call Option Pricing Model and Tests of the Model: A Review

Social Science Research Network, Jul 30, 1991

This paper aims to examine the theory behind the Black-Scholes call option pricing model, which h... more This paper aims to examine the theory behind the Black-Scholes call option pricing model, which has been widely used by those who deal with options to search for situations where the market price of an option differs substantially from the fair value. The empirical test of the option pricing model conducted by Black-Scholes (1972) is also reviewed in this paper. Since the test was done prior to the listed trading and is the earliest one, it seems to be outdated. A number of later empirical tests of the Black-Scholes model have shown that the model is highly successful in explaining the observed market price of options. However, the investigation of the earliest test is very meaningful in itself.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices--An Empirical Study in the U.S.A. and Japan

會計, 1992

This article reports the results of a study that hypothesized the influence of culture on six asp... more This article reports the results of a study that hypothesized the influence of culture on six aspects of budget control practices in the United States and Japan. Data were collected through questionnaires from 70 manufacturing companies in the United States and 149 such companies in Japan. Results of data analyses indicate that the Individualism-Collectivism dimension would seem to explain why the U.S. companies, compared to the Japanese companies, tend to use communication and coordination more extensively, build budget slack to a greater extent, and use long-term performance evaluations to a lesser extent. The implications of the results for further research and practice are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Some Thoughts on Methods in Cross-National Management Accounting Research

會計, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of Management accounting in Japan

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Research paper thumbnail of The Comparative Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices in the United States and Japan

Social Science Research Network, 1993

This study reports the results of an empirical study which examined the cultural influence on bud... more This study reports the results of an empirical study which examined the cultural influence on budget control practices in the United States and Japan. The two countries were selected as research sites because a number of previous studies provided reasons to suspect cultural differences between U.S. and Japanese management control practices which are considered relevant to the present issues. Data were collected, using a questionnaire survey, to test the six hypotheses from the managers of 70 U.S. and 149 Japanese major manufacturing companies in the summer of 1990. Analysis results supported four hypotheses developed from the Individualism-Collectivism dimension, revealing that U.S. companies, compared to Japanese companies, used formal communication and coordination to a greater extent, built budget slack to a greater extent, practiced controllability of budgets to a greater extent, and used long-term performance measures to a lesser extent. The results were equivocal for the other two hypotheses which tap the extent of using long-range planning and structuring of budgetary processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Culture on Budget Control Practices in the USA and Japan: An Empirical Study

Journal of International Business Studies, Dec 1, 1992

... In an individualistic society, where performance evaluation is based on individual achievemen... more ... In an individualistic society, where performance evaluation is based on individual achievements and ... the Individualism Index, the US corporate culture, which encourages competitive behaviors and ... Since response rates to questionnaire surveys is generally low, it was decided ...

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Research paper thumbnail of 米国外貨換算基準、SFAS No.52の早期実施にみる企業の財務特性:実証研究 (Financial Attributes of Companies Electing Early Adoption of SFAS No. 52: An Empirical Study)

Social Science Research Network, Dec 1, 1989

Japanese Abstract: SFAS No. 52 (Foreign Currency Translation) は、1981年12月15日に公表され、 1982年 12月15日または... more Japanese Abstract: SFAS No. 52 (Foreign Currency Translation) は、1981年12月15日に公表され、 1982年 12月15日または同日以降に始まる会計年度から同基準への移行が義務づけられた。なお、移行義務日以前でのSFAS No. 52の自発的な適用が奨励されたことにより、米国企業は、同義務日まで、SFAS No. 8 (Accounting for the Translation of Foreign Currency Transactions and Foreign Currency Financial Statements, 1975)およびSFAS No. 52を選択的に適用することが可能であった。数多くの米国企業が1981年12月31日に終わる事業年度において新基準であるSFAS No. 52に基づく会計処理を行った事実に着目し、本研究では、統計解析を駆使し、そうした早期にSFAS No. 52に移行した企業にいかなる財務特性が観察されるかを探った。English Abstract: FASB Statement No. 52, Foreign Currency Translation (SFAS No. 52), was issued on December 15, 1981 and is effective for fiscal years that began on or after January December 15, 1982. Although the Statement is effective for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 1982, earlier application was encouraged (par.33). Thus, in the fiscal year ending on December 31, 1981, companies had a choice either to apply the SFAS No. 52 earlier or to apply the SFAS No. 8 (Accounting for the Translation of Foreign Currency Transactions and Foreign Currency Financial Statements) issued in October 1975. Many companies chose and applied the SFAS No. 52 earlier in the fiscal year ending on December 31, 1981. This study investigates the financial characteristics of those early adopters through statistical analyses.

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Research paper thumbnail of 資格・検定試験の原価計算・管理会計教育への影響:サーベイ・スタディ(An Influence of Licensing/Qualifying Examinations on Management and Cost Accounting Education: A Survey Study)

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2007

Japanese Abstract: 探索型の経験的研究である本研究は,郵便質問票(2005年に配付・回収)に対する回答をもとに,我が国の大学・大学院における原価計算・管理会計教育の現況を分析し... more Japanese Abstract: 探索型の経験的研究である本研究は,郵便質問票(2005年に配付・回収)に対する回答をもとに,我が国の大学・大学院における原価計算・管理会計教育の現況を分析している。研究課題に,会計領域の資格・検定試験が,学部・大学院の原価計算・管理会計教育に及ぼす影響,ならびに管理会計論という学科目のフレームワークに及ぼす影響を取り上げた。 English Abstract: This article reports analysis results of the mail questionnaire survey that investigated the influence of licensing/qualifying examinations on management and cost accounting education in Japan. The influence was examined not only with respect to graduate and undergraduate management and cost accounting education in general, but also with respect to the management accounting curriculum specifically. SectionⅡ describes the aim of the study and provides background information about why I engage in the study. Section Ⅲ explains methods of the mail questionnaire survey conducted. Section Ⅳ presents survey results and findings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Banking on Technology

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 1992

This article discusses on what is going on in the banking industry with respect to the utilizatio... more This article discusses on what is going on in the banking industry with respect to the utilization of electronic industry. Section two reviews the evolution of electronic banking and financial innovations. Section three discusses some examples of banking systems, such as consumer payment system, a large value payment systems and a dealing room system. The issue of whether small banks can compete effectively with larger banks and nonbanks in this new environment is examined in section four. Final section provides conclusions of this article.

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Research paper thumbnail of Culture and Budget Control Practices: A Study of Manufacturing Companies in U.S.A. and Japan

Series on technology Management, Jul 1, 2000

AbstractThe following sections are included:Theoretical Framework and HypothesesCommunication and... more AbstractThe following sections are included:Theoretical Framework and HypothesesCommunication and coordinationPlanningPerformance evaluationResearch MethodPopulation and sampleSurvey instrumentsResults and DiscussionsConclusionsAppendixReferences

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Research paper thumbnail of 現在価値法による企業価値の推定とVBM (Estimating Corporate Value Based on a Present Value Method and VBM)

Social Science Research Network, Mar 1, 2000

Japanese Abstract:「株主の富の最大化(shareholder wealth maximization)」と整合する業績指標、すなわち、経営者が株主と「目標の一致(goal co... more Japanese Abstract:「株主の富の最大化(shareholder wealth maximization)」と整合する業績指標、すなわち、経営者が株主と「目標の一致(goal congruence)」をはかれる業績指標(performance metrics)として、「企業価値(corporate value)」や「株主価値(shareholder value)」を導入する試みが先進的企業を中心に、近年、活発化している。関心の高まりに比例して解説書の出版や論文発表が盛んである。しかし、当該領域のコンセプトは、伝統的な会計学の理論に加え、corporate financeの理論を取り入れており、理解が容易でない。そこで、本稿では、米国で展開されてきた理論のエッセンスを整理し、かつ、インプリメンテーション上の問題に対する解答を探る。構成は次の通りである。企業価値というコンセプトを解明する第1節では、アナリストや機関投資家等の外部関係者が注目している、現在価値法に基づく企業価値の理論的推定法である、①割引キャッシュ・フロー・モデルと、②経済的付加価値モデルを検討する。加えて、会計数値に現在価値法を適用して「株主資本価値」を推定する、③超過利益アプローチも取り上げる。第2節では、企業価値や株主資本価値のモデルが用いる変数を内部管理のための業績指標に展開し、株主と経営者の「目標の一致」を促進するVBMの構造を、株主価値ネットワーク(shareholder value network)ならびにバランスト・スコアカード(balanced scorcards)に探求する。第3節は、VBMに対する経営者のコミットメントを高める報酬システムがどうあるべきかについての規範的見解を表明すると共に、VBMの現況をHOYA等の事例を踏まえ紹介する。English Abstract: In business and academic societies, value-based management (VBM) has become very popular recently. The concept and theory of VBM have been developed relying on corporate finance, management and accounting. They stand on multiple disciplines and are very complex. This paper aims to explain a whole picture of the VBM. It focuses on implementation issues also. SectionⅠreviews the concept of present values methods because it supplies the theoretical base of VBM. Section Ⅱdiscusses on the concepts of shareholder value network and balanced scorecards. They provide the framework for VBM. SectionⅢdiscusses on reward systems that can encourage management commitment more. Companies that have implemented VBM are also introduced in the section.

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Research paper thumbnail of Current Management Accounting Practices among Large Japanese Manufacturing Companies (PPT slides presented at Universitas Merdeka Malang Indonesia August 11, 2017 )

Universitas Merdeka Malang Indonesia August 11, 2017 , 2017

(1) First research question is “to confirm what current Japanese management accounting practices ... more (1) First research question is “to confirm what current Japanese management accounting practices are.”
→At the corporate level, medium-range business & profit planning and annual budgeting (traditional methods) are pervasive. At the front-line, standard costing and company-wide quality control are pervasive.

(2) Second research question asked “ to what extent the “so-called” Innovative and/or “advanced” practices are actually used.
→This study concludes, Japanese manufactures have not been much attracted to the BSC, EVA and/or ABC (that were developed in the United States).

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Research paper thumbnail of Japanese Management Accounting  (PPT slides for the APMAA 2016 Conference presented on Oct. 6, 2016)

【Abstract: This paper provides scholars and practicing accountants a comprehensive and objective ... more 【Abstract: This paper provides scholars and practicing accountants a comprehensive and objective picture of current Japanese management accounting methods and practices. The picture is comprised of discussions of three fields related to specific aspects of organizations (corporate-level management methods and practices, front-line management accounting methods and practices and management accounting methods and practices at small and medium-sized enterprises), as well as the pervasive changes to all organizations due to information and communication technology (ICT) and disclosure rule changes.
Firstly, we discuss the development and status of corporate-level management methods and practices used by large Japanese companies. Corporate-level management accounting methods and practices discussed include planning and budgeting, hoshin kanri, the balanced scorecard, performance management, and compensation management. Second, we move to topics of front-line management accounting methods and practices often observed in Japan. The topics include the relationship between management accounting and Cost Accounting Standards, JIT production and business continuity management (BCM) and quality control. Third, since a majority of companies in Japan are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we discuss current use of management accounting methods and practices at SMEs.
In the past decades, management accounting practices in Japan have changed markedly by adapting to innovations in information and communication technology (ICT). More recently, revised disclosure rules also caused significant changes to Japanese management accounting practices. Thus, throughout this paper, we examine the impacts of ICT and new disclosure rules to Japanese management accounting practices.
The knowledge and analysis in this study provide an insightful basis for the improvement and development of managerial accounting methods and practices.】

This paper was developed based on our draft of "Management Accounting in Japan: Current Practices" that will apper as one chapter in the "Routledge Handbook of Accounting in Asia" (edited by Professor LIN Zhijun). The book will be published in2017 ( Full paper will be available to you after the publication of the book.

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Research paper thumbnail of 統合報告 (Integrated reporting ) と は  -その歩みと現況- (PPT slides)

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日本管理会計学会 2014年度第三回フォーラム
2014 3rd Forum, Japanese Association of Management Accounting
日時 2014年12月6日(土)
Date: Decemebr 6th, 2014
甲南大学岡本キャンパス 2号館1階212教室
Forum Venue: Konan University, Japan
(13.00-13.10) 開会挨拶 (上埜 進)
Opening Message: Susumu Ueno
(13.10-14.50) 第1セッション: 統合報告の管理会計へのインプリケーションズ
Session 1: Integrating Reporting and its Implications to Management Accounting
(15.10-16.50) 第2セッション: 管理会計・原価計算の教育をめぐる課題と対応
Session 2: Issues on Management and Cost Accounting Educations
(17.00 -18:30) 懇親会

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Research paper thumbnail of Management Accounting Research in Japan:    Evolution, Current Status and Way Forward (PPT slides)

上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。The URL[ more ](;)上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary.

This presentation is based on the paper ( that describes the evolution, current status and way forward of management accounting research in Japan. In this study, Japanese management accounting research published in the past three decades are investigated according to research topics, research settings, research theories, research methods and primary data analysis techniques. The investigation provides not only a picture of the current status of Japanese management accounting research but also the way to forward for research in the discipline. Although diversity of research topics and methods are clearly observed in Japan, more research that focuses on influences of changing income concepts and presentations in financial reporting on management accounting is expected. Increased collaborative management accounting research across disciplines and/or countries is also expected.

( Susumu Ueno, 2011, Management accounting research in Japan: Evolution, current status and way forward, Proceedings of the 7th APMAA Conference of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association, held at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

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Research paper thumbnail of The Direction of Future Management Accounting Research in the Asia-Pacific Region (PPT slides)

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provi... more The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。

APMAA 2011 Panel Session: from 11.30 am till 1.10 p.m. on 17th November, 2011.

The Direction of Future Management Accounting Research in the Asia-Pacific Region

Susumu Ueno (, Konan University, Japan
Tae-Young Paik (, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU), Korea
Grahita Chandrarin (, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia Wila-sini Wongkaew ( ), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Gu Liang Tang (, University of International Business and Economics , China

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Research paper thumbnail of Accounting transition in Japan: IFRS in Management Accountant Perspective (PPT slides)

View Ueno's research at\.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Influence of Culture on Management (Accounting) Practices and Research (PPT slides)

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provi... more The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。

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Research paper thumbnail of The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan Supplement 2: SPECIAL 20TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

EDITORIAL PREFACE It is our great pleasure to introduce the second Supplement of The Journal of ... more EDITORIAL PREFACE

It is our great pleasure to introduce the second Supplement of The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan (JMAJ), a Special 20th Anniversary Issue. The principal goal of the Supplement series is disseminating leading-edge research output developed by the members of the Japanese Association of Management Accounting (JAMA) to both overseas and domestic audiences.

The series have been open to contributions encompassing theory, modeling, empirics, and experiments. Articles included in this special issue discuss not only traditional management accounting topics, but also a wide variety of issues related to recent developments in management accounting and management control. They conduct analyses to explore theories behind social, economic, and organizational phenomena. These analyses greatly expand and integrate existing disciplines and knowledge in social science. All articles included in this issue are high quality peer-reviewed scholarly articles that satisfy rigorous and professional criteria. ---------------------------------------

Susumu Ueno, Konan University
Ella Mae Matsumura, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。

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Research paper thumbnail of 管理会計 -価値創出をめざして- 第4版 (Management Accounting: A Quest for Corporate Value, 4th Ed.)

""""This is a well-balanced intermediate management accounting textbook. It shows not only how co... more """"This is a well-balanced intermediate management accounting textbook. It shows not only how costs and net present values are calculated but also how concepts of management and cost accounting are used in actual situations. It encompasses important new topics such as value-based management, balanced scorecard, ERP, production management, TOC, activity-based cost systems, target costing, life-cycle costing, quality costing and environmental costing, in addition to traditional topics such as cost estimation, CVP analysis, planning, budgeting, and standard costing. Short history of management accounting and chapter introductions help students to understand a big picture of management accounting as well as small details. The book provides insightful knowledge about how management accounting information facilitates decision- making through various analysis tools.

View my books on AMAZON Author page:上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
View Ueno's research at

単行本: 456ページ
出版社: 税務経理協会; 第4版 (2008/04)
ISBN-10: 4419051167
ISBN-13: 978-4419051167
発売日: 2008/04

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。


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Research paper thumbnail of 日米企業の予算管理 -比較文化論的アプローチ-  第2版 (Budget Control Practices among U.S. and Japanese Companies; Cross-cultural Approach 2nd Ed.)

"""日米企業の予算管理 -比較文化論的アプローチ- 第2版 “Budget Control Practices among U.S. and Japanese Companies; Cros... more """日米企業の予算管理 -比較文化論的アプローチ- 第2版
“Budget Control Practices among U.S. and Japanese Companies; Cross-cultural Approach,” Moriyama-Shoten (2nd Ed. 1997, 1st Ed. 1993) (in Japanese)
単行本: 214ページ
出版社: 森山書店; 増補版 (1997/09 |初版1993年8月)
ISBN-10: 4839418543
ISBN-13: 978-4839418540

View my books on AMAZON Author page:上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
View Ueno's research at

第1章 予算管理システムとは(予算管理のプロセス/予算管理と本研究のリサーチ・ドメイン/予算管理に係わる日米比較研究)/第2章 日米企業の経営管理の特徴(日米企業の経営管理制度の特徴/日本的経営論と集団主義/アメリカの歴史と経営風土)/第3章 理論フレームワーク(ホフステードの四つの文化次元/予算管理実践と文化の影響)/第4章 研究の方法(サンプリング・デザイン/変数と測定尺度/データ解析の方法/データの収集とサンプルの特徴)/第5章 分析の結果とその解釈(因子分析および信頼性の検定の結果/仮説の検定とその解釈/ステートメント・レベルでの分析/多変量回帰分析の結果/議論の展開)/付録(実証研究ならびにクロス・カルチュラル・スタディの方法/英文郵便質問票/質問票回答協力会社一覧)


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Research paper thumbnail of 日本の多国籍企業の管理会計実務 郵便質問票調査からの知見 (Management Accounting Practices among Japanese MNEs: Findings from a Mail Questionnaire Survey)

"View my books on AMAZON Author page:上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt\_athr\_dp\_p...[ more ](;)"View my books on AMAZON Author page:上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
View Ueno's research at

著者: 上埜 進(編著), 椎葉 淳, 長坂悦敬, 朝倉洋子, 杉山善浩
単行本: 139ページ
出版社: 日本管理会計学会 (2007/06)
ISBN-10: 4419070056
ISBN-13: 978-4419070052
発売日: 2007/06

第1章 日本の多国籍企業における管理会計実務-概観ならびに分析(研究ドメイン、研究課題および分析フレームワーク/データの収集 ほか)/第2章 多国籍企業における国際移転価格の役割-日系多国籍企業の実務(移転価格の設定方法/移転価格の設定方法に関する調査結果 ほか)/第3章 管理会計におけるIT活用-日系多国籍企業の実務(多国籍企業におけるビジネス・プロセスと管理会計/会計システムとERP ほか)/第4章 業績評価-日系多国籍企業の実務(多国籍企業における業績評価の基礎/調査の結果-業績指標およびBSCの導入状況 ほか)/第5章 国際資本予算-日系多国籍企業の実務(国際資本予算の事例/国際資本予算における理論と実務 ほか)""

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。

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Research paper thumbnail of 工業簿記・原価計算の基礎-理論と計算-〔第2版〕 Fundamentals of Factory Bookkeeping and Cost Accounting  (2011, 2nd Ed. 2007, 1st Ed. 2009)

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Research paper thumbnail of 工業簿記・原価計算演習―理論と計算 Factory Bookkeeping and Cost Accounting  (3rd Ed. 2008, 2nd Ed. 2007, 1st Ed. 2005)

"View my books on AMAZON Author page: (上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt\_athr\_dp\_...[ more ](;)"View my books on AMAZON Author page: (上埜-進/e/B001I7HGA6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1) (

The URL links to Ueno’s SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary. 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。

上埜 進(編著)、 島田美智子、川島和浩、朴 景淑、長坂悦敬、杉山善浩、諸藤裕美、小倉幸雄、河野充央、李 建永(著)
View Ueno's research at
"単行本: 296ページ
出版社: 税務経理協会; 第3版 (2008/05)
ISBN-10: 441905106X
ISBN-13: 978-4419051068
発売日: 2008/05

2005年に初版を刊行しました「工業簿記・原価計算演習」は多くの学部や大学院の原価計算講義、ゼミなどでご使用頂いております。レベルの異なる豊富な練習問題は、鉛筆と電卓 を携え工業簿記・原価計算を修得しようとする、初学者から簿記検定一級受験者、会計士試験受験者まで、多様な学習者から強い支持を 獲得しております。
第3版は,学習の要点の説明,ならびに計算練習の問題と解答を一層洗練されたものにして、信頼のおける 利用者に優しい学習書に仕上げております。第10章の章末に,近似するコンセプトを解説するために,「限界原価と変動費,限界利益と貢献利益」というコラムを挿入しましたのも、そうした意図にもとづきます。計算練習では、第12章に新たに発展問題2「営業店の予算実績差異の要因別分析」を加えました。

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA Bangladesh Webinar (June 1, 2024) Report (June 5 Issue)

2024 Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Webinars, BANGLADESH CHAPTER Topic: ... more 2024 Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Webinars,
Date: June 01, 2024 (13.45-15.45 Dhaka Time. GMT+6)
Venue: The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh

The Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) is a leading organization dedicated to advancing the field of management accounting through research, education, and collaboration. Established to foster dialogue and exchange among academics, professionals, and students, APMAA organizes annual conferences and webinars that address contemporary issues and innovations in management accounting.

The 2024 Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Webinars, Bangladesh Chapter, focused on the theme "Accounting in the Changing Environment." This year's event was a collaborative effort, jointly organized by APMAA, the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB), and the Bangladesh Accounting Association (BAA).

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2024 Conference Call for Papers (March 1. 2024 Issue)

Call for Papers (March 1, 2024, Issue) 2024 Annual Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam of Asia-Pacific M... more Call for Papers (March 1, 2024, Issue)
2024 Annual Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam of Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association

pp.2- Call for Papers: Academic Paper Sessions: Details the process and submission requirements.
pp.8- Call for Papers: Doctoral Colloquium Sessions: Specifically caters to doctoral students later in their studies, offering information on submitting research papers.
pp.11- Reference: "Review Questions" for Academic Papers: Provides questions intended to help authors assess and improve the quality of their academic papers.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Reflections from the 2023 Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Annual Conference.' アジア太平洋管理会計学会2023年度大会を終えて

This article, written by Susumu Ueno (Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Representati... more This article, written by Susumu Ueno (Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Representative and Professor Emeritus at Konan University), is a report titled 'Reflections from the 2023 Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Annual Conference.'

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA News January 1. 2024 Second Edition (Edited in Dec. 31)

APMAA NEWS January 1, 2024 Issue Contents 1. New Year Greetings from the APMAA Chairperson ... more APMAA NEWS January 1, 2024 Issue

1. New Year Greetings from the APMAA Chairperson
2. 2024 Proposed APMAA Activities
3. Organizational Structure for 2024 APMAA
4. Commitments from 2024 APMAA Director Candidates
5. Insights from Head Leads of 2024 Teams and Local Chapters
6. Exploratory Essays and Articles

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2023 Conference Report (Second version. Edited on Nov 12) Indonesia

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) hosted the APMAA 2023 Annual Conference on... more Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) hosted the APMAA 2023 Annual Conference online from October 24 to 26. I am pleased to share the comprehensive APMAA 2023 Conference Report with you. The report encompasses the following sections:
1. Appreciation Remarks from the APMAA Chairperson
2. 2023 Program with Photos
3. Opening and Closing Remarks
4. Statistics of the 2023 APMAA Conference
5. Congratulations Emails from the APMAA 2023 Participants
6. 2023 APMAA Member List

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2023 Forum "APMAA Journey after 2010" Prof. Ueno's Talk on October 26

My presentation today is more of a continuous talk, without distinct sections. the key focal poin... more My presentation today is more of a continuous talk, without distinct sections. the key focal points are as follows:
The Early Years Following APMAA's Inception
formative years of APMAA after its establishment.
Highlights from past Annual Conferences
snapshots of key events and noteworthy aspects of annual conferences.
3.Adapting to COVID-19 Pandemic
how the organization coped with the pandemic in 2019 and its shift towards online technologies, including webinars.
4.Quality Control Challenges
Issues related to submission review systems and the utilization of the Microsoft Conference Toolkit.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2023 Annual Conference Program (Oct. 24, 2023 version)

The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) is thrilled to announce the APMAA 2023... more The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) is thrilled to announce the APMAA 2023 Annual Conference, centered around the theme "Challenges and Opportunities for Management Accounting in the Digital Era." The conference is cohosted with Trisakti University, Indonesia, and will be online from October 24 (Tuesday) to October 26 (Thursday), 2023. Trisakti University is Indonesia's largest private university and is located in Jakarta. It is the only private university in Indonesia established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Originally planned as a hybrid event to be hosted at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), the circumstances took a different turn when XJTU withdrew from its role as the cohost in early August. In our quest to find an alternative solution, we were fortunate to connect with Professor Sekar Mayangsari from Trisakti University in Indonesia, who generously agreed to provide the conference platform and support staff for the 2023 event. Trisakti University's team has a commendable track record of successfully hosting previous APMAA events, such as the 2021 online annual conference and a webinar held on July 18, 2023. We are truly fortunate to have the experienced team led by Professor Sekar at the helm of APMAA 2023. As for the Doctoral Colloquium, the University of Merdeka Malang, under the leadership of Professor Grahita Chandrarin, provides the Zoom Platform.

APMAA 2023 comprises Conference Sessions on Days 2 and 3 and Doctoral Colloquium on Day 1. The Conference Sessions include 9 Academic Paper Sessions with multiple papers at each session, a Plenary session, and a Forum. The Doctoral Colloquium has a Paper Session and two Dissertation Proposal Presentation Sessions.

Academic Paper Sessions
APMAA places utmost significance on the Academic Paper Sessions and upholds the annual conference policy of "Quality is paramount. Return to our roots." In the 6th Annual Forum, hosted at National Taiwan University in 2010, APMAA introduced a discussant system for all scholarly presentations. This system aimed to enhance the depth of academic discussions. In the 9th Annual Conference, which took place in Nagoya, Japan, in 2013, APMAA adopted the MS-CMT (Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit) as its platform for the first time. This transition marked a significant improvement in the transparency of the submission and review processes, ensuring a more efficient and reliable evaluation of research contributions.

APMAA 2023 Academic Paper Sessions garnered 34 submissions, and after a rigorous review process, we are delighted to announce the acceptance of 23 high-quality papers for presentation. This accomplishment was made possible by our dedicated paper review team, consisting of 23 volunteer reviewers, who diligently adhered to our "Guideline for Authors." Their unwavering commitment to maintaining the caliber of papers accepted for the "2023 Academic Paper Sessions" is highly commendable.

We have designated Wednesday, October 25 (Day 2) afternoons for scheduling the Academic Paper Sessions and Thursday, October 26 (Day 3). Each presentation is allotted 35 minutes, which includes 20 minutes for the presentation itself, 10 minutes for discussion, and 5 minutes for questions and answers. We look forward to the insightful talks and knowledge sharing during these sessions.

Plenary Session
On the second day of the conference, which falls on Wednesday, October 25, we are thrilled to present a compelling plenary session focusing on the theme "Challenges and Opportunities for Management Accounting in the Digital Era." During this session, three distinguished Chinese professors will share their expertise and insights on utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in management accounting.

Firstly, Prof. Rong Huang from Fudan University will delve into "The Application of New Technology in Management Accounting Research." Next, Prof. Nan Hu from Xi'an Jiaotong University will address "Exploring the Frontier of Management Accounting Research: The Reshaping Influence of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (L.L.M.s)." Lastly, we are honored to have Prof. Yasheng Chen from Xiamen University, who will present on the intriguing topic of "Algorithmic Management Accounting."

In the afternoon of October 26, we will hold the 2023 Forum addressing " How Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Has Survived." This Forum aims to analyze the key factors that have contributed to the survival of the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) and strategies that ensured its continued success. By examining the association's journey, we share valuable experiences to run an academic association. Speakers are Prof. Mayangsari, Sekar, Trisakti University, Indonesia; Prof. Elgammal, Mohammed, Qatar University, Qatar. Dr. Farhana Begum, Bangladesh Ministry of Education, and Susumu Ueno, Emeritus Professor of Konan University, Japan.

Doctoral Colloquium
APMAA introduced the Doctoral Colloquium Sessions during the 7th Annual Conference held at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, in 2011. An APMAA's doctoral Colloquium is an academic gathering where "late-stage" doctoral students present their research and receive feedback from faculty members, peers, and occasionally external experts. We hold the 2023 APMAA Doctoral Colloquium on Tuesday, October 24 (Day 1). This year's Colloquium features two types of sessions: a Paper Session and a Dissertation Proposal Presentation Session. In the Dissertation Proposal Presentation Session, students in an early stage of the dissertation process present their proposal in a public setting to get feedback from mentors and audiences from various fields. A total of 6 students will present their papers in the 2023 Doctoral Colloquium.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the authors who contributed their manuscript submissions, without whom this year's conference would not have been possible. I thank the reviewers, mentors, presenters, discussants, and moderators for their exceptional dedication to this event. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the support of the APMAA members and Board directors. My special appreciation goes to the team members and staff of Trisakti University and the University of Merdeka Malang for supporting the 2023 annual conference.

The 2023 Program promises to be captivating, and it is now time for our collective efforts to be duly recognized. I am confident you will thoroughly enjoy this online conference, which provides ample opportunities for learning, networking, and forging new friendships.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your valuable contributions, support, and participation.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA June 22 Bangladesh Webinar Report (Management Accounting (Education) in the Resurgent Era)

Bangladesh Webinar: June 22, 2023 (Thursday) APMAA June 22 Bangladesh Webinar Report Management A... more Bangladesh Webinar: June 22, 2023 (Thursday)
APMAA June 22 Bangladesh Webinar Report
Management Accounting (Education) in the Resurgent Era: Role of Academics and Professionals
Webinar Chair: Prof. Dr. M Harunur Rashid, President, Bangladesh Accounting Association
Webinar Co-chair: Dr. Farhana Begum, APMAA Director
APMAA Board Chair: Prof. Dr. Susumu Ueno

APMAA Webinars (2023, 2022, and 2021) (
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Official Site (

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2023 Conference Call for Papers. Feb. 20. 2023 Issue-

The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) holds its 2023 Annual Conference (APMA... more The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) holds its 2023 Annual Conference (APMAA 2023) at Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, from 24 (Tuesday) to 27 (Friday) October 2023.
The conference theme is "Challenges and Opportunities to Management Accounting in the Digital Era." This theme sheds light on the development of management accounting tools, techniques, and practices for a digital revolution to reveal the real world. As in every other year, APMAA 2023 provides subject areas encompassing various fields and will accept manuscripts of an extensive range of accounting subjects. We encourage prospective authors to contribute to and help shape the 2023 conference program through their research products.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA NEWS January 1. 2023 Issue (No.39) Jan.1 version

APMAA NEWS January 1, 2023 Issue Contents 1. Messages from the APMAA Board 2. 2023 APMAA Governan... more APMAA NEWS January 1, 2023 Issue
1. Messages from the APMAA Board
2. 2023 APMAA Governance Structure
3. APMAA 2023 and 2024 Annual Conferences
4. APMAA 2022 Experience

The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) recognizes its mission to provide a platform for management accounting academics and practitioners in the Asia Pacific region. APMAA members share many common values, including the importance of integrity and good behavior, objectivity, a sense of community, respect for others, and high ethical values.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022 APMAA Annual Conference Report (Dec. 31, 2022): APMAA 2022 in Bangkok

APMAA 2022 Conference Report (December 10, 2022) Contents 1. Greeting from the APMAA Board Chai... more APMAA 2022 Conference Report (December 10, 2022)

1. Greeting from the APMAA Board Chair
2. APMAA 2022 Statistics
3. Program and Pictures
4. Thank you emails from participants

We completed the APMAA 2022 annual conference on November 11 (Friday). We held this year's Conference in a hybrid mode.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2022 annual conference report (2022年バンコク大会記) 2022年12月4日

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association(APMAA)は、11月8日(火曜日)から11月11日(金曜日)までの4日間、2022年度大会(APM... more Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association(APMAA)は、11月8日(火曜日)から11月11日(金曜日)までの4日間、2022年度大会(APMAA 2022)をタイのバンコクにてハイブリッド・モードで開催した。例年通り、初日をドクトラル・コロキュラム(Doctoral Colloquium)の日とし、院生論文セッションとドクトラル・セミナーに充てた。2日目と3日目は、会員による学術論文セッション(Academic Paper Sessions)、招聘者によるスピーチ、ならびにフォーラムに充て、最終日にone-day tourを催した。大会テーマを『管理会計―デジタル未来に向けての最近の論題と方向―(Management Accounting: Recent Themes and Directions for a Digital Future)』と設定した同大会に、180名のAPMAA会員が参加し、現地の非会員も数十名参加した。

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Research paper thumbnail of History of the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association. edited by Susumu Ueno on Dec.31, 2022

Look at past Annual Conferences History of APMAA Edited by Susumu Ueno on September 20, 2022... more Look at past Annual Conferences History of APMAA Edited by Susumu Ueno on September 20, 2022
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Official Site

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA NEWS September 1, 2022, Issue No 38 (2022 membership fee, and others)

3-2. Tentative Program of the 2022 Doctoral Colloquium 3-3. Outlines of Talks for Plenary Session... more 3-2. Tentative Program of the 2022 Doctoral Colloquium 3-3. Outlines of Talks for Plenary Sessions, Forums, and Doctoral Colloquium Seminar 4. Message from the APMAA Board Chair The mission of the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) is to provide a platform for management accounting academics and practitioners in the Asia Pacific region to connect. We acknowledge that our members share many common values, including the importance of implanting integrity and good behaviors, objectivity, a sense of community, respect for others, and high ethical values. We strive to contribute toward global scholarship and the lives of the regions.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA August 25. 2022 Webinar -Indonesia Chapter. Theme: The Challenges and Opportunities of Management Accounting in the New Business Environment

We are pleased to announce that APMAA Indonesia Chapter will hold Summer Webinar on August 25, 20... more We are pleased to announce that APMAA Indonesia Chapter will hold Summer Webinar on August 25, 2022. Prominent speakers, invited from both academics and business in Indonesia, address the business challenges and opportunities in the digital era, emphasizing the future of management accounting. “The Challenges and Opportunities of Management Accounting in the New Business Environment” is the theme. Please open the PDF file attached above to see the webinar details. We look forward to seeing you on August 25.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2022 Conference News July 3 (Version 2) 2022 Bangkok conference

APMAA 2022 Conference Theme: Management Accounting: Recent Themes and Directions for a Digi... more APMAA 2022 Conference
Theme: Management Accounting: Recent Themes and Directions for a Digital Future
Conference Date: 8 (Tuesday) - 11 (Friday) November 2022
Venue: Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand

Contents of the newsletter
1. Messages from APMAA 2022 organizer
2. Outline of the APMAA 2022 Conference
3. APMAA 2022 Conference and Doctoral Colloquium Call for Papers
4. Registration and Membership/Participation Fee Payment
5. Conference Venue and Accommodations

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Research paper thumbnail of The Strategic Value Added of Management Accountants Post COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities (The flyer of APMAA 2022 Spring Webinar on May 24 & 25)

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association will hold the 2022 Spring Webinar on May 24 (Tuesd... more Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association will hold the 2022 Spring Webinar on May 24 (Tuesday) and 25 (Wednesday). In the webinar, we will discuss the strategic value of management accountants in the era of COVID-19, emphasizing the anticipated challenges and opportunities for both practitioners and academics. This is the flyer of the webinar. The online seminar is free of charge, and you can join it via the link shown in the flyer.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2022 Conference News. March 20. 2022 Issue. version (The Guide to APMAA 2022 Annual Conference in November)

We are pleased to send you the APMAA 2022 Conference News, March 20, 2022 Issue. The Asia-Pacific... more We are pleased to send you the APMAA 2022 Conference News, March 20, 2022 Issue. The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) holds its Annual Conference (APMAA 2022) at Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand, from 9 (Wednesday) to 11(Friday), November 2022.
This issue is the Official Guideline of the APMAA 2022 Annual Conference whose contents are as follows:
1. Welcome Message from the Chair of the APMAA Board of Directors
2. Words from the head of APMAA 2022 Conference Organizing Team
3. APMAA 2022 Conference Call for Papers (Academic Paper Sessions)
4. APMAA 2022 Doctoral Colloquium Call for Papers
5. Volunteer Opportunities (reviewers, moderators, discussants, mentors)
6. Conference Program (tentative)
7. APMAA 2022 Conference Organizing Committee (tentative)

As in every other year, the 2022 Academic Paper Sessions provide subject areas that encompass various fields and accept manuscripts of almost any accounting subject. Please consult with sections 3 and 4 when you submit your paper to the Academic Paper Sessions and Doctoral Colloquium. To attract good quality papers relevant to the 2022 conference theme, "Management Accounting: Recent Themes and Directions for a Digital Future," APMAA 2022 Annual Conference will have a Research Prize. Please visit pages 8-9 to get detailed information about the 2022 APMAA Research Prize Papers. If you are thinking of serving as a reviewer, discussants and/or mentors, please obtain detailed information from section 5.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA NEWS January 1. 2022 Issue (No.37) Dec. 31. 2021 version-

Contents 1. Messages from the Representative Directors 2. 2022 APMAA Governance Structure 3. Me... more Contents
1. Messages from the Representative Directors
2. 2022 APMAA Governance Structure
3. Messages from the 2022 team leaders
4. APMAA 2022 Annual Conference
5. My APMAA 2021experience

The Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) recognizes its mission to provide a platform for management accounting academics and practitioners in the Asia Pacific region. The task is to improve contribution towards global scholarship and the life of the region. We acknowledge that our members share many common values, including the importance of integrity and good behavior, objectivity, a sense of community, respect for others, and high ethical values. Members are part of the APMAA Community, a personalized platform for management accounting researchers and enthusiasts to connect.

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Research paper thumbnail of APMAA 2021 Conference Report (in Indonesia) December 20, 2021

Contents 1. Appreciation Greetings from the 2021 APMAA Board 2. 2021 Program with Photos 3. My ... more Contents
1. Appreciation Greetings from the 2021 APMAA Board
2. 2021 Program with Photos
3. My Sketches and Experiences of the APMAA 2021
4. Opening and Closing Remarks from Conference Organizers
5. Statistics of the APMAA 2021 Conference
6. Congratulations Emails from the APMAA 2021 Participants

The APMAA 2021 Annual Conference was held virtually due to the COVID 19 pandemic. It was held in two different locations, Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and Denpasar, Bali. APMAA believes that the diverse and dynamic group of presenters, moderators, mentors, and discussants provided insights beneficial for developing research relating to management and accounting to all attendees. Your energetic presence made the APMAA 2021 productive and enjoyable. Thank you!

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Research paper thumbnail of Theme: The Strategic Value Added of Management Accountants Post COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities

This webinar addresses the strategic value added of management accountants in the era of COVID-19... more This webinar addresses the strategic value added of management accountants in the era of COVID-19 with an emphasis on the anticipated challenges and opportunities for both the practitioners and academics. 24-25.05.2022 10.00-14.00* via Microsoft Teams *Qatar time zone (Arabia Standard Time, GMT +3)

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Research paper thumbnail of 統合報告と実務・研究の課題 ( Integrated Reporting: Issues in Practices and Research)

統合報告 Integrated Reporting (Feb. 28. 2015 JAMA NEWS No.39) . 上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をhttp://ssr...[ more ](;)統合報告 Integrated Reporting (Feb. 28. 2015 JAMA NEWS No.39) .

上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。The URL links to Ueno's SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary.

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Research paper thumbnail of 管理会計  『経営学研究しおり』(Management Accounting: An overview)

(November 18,2001 甲南大学経営学部『経営学研究しおり』 Management Accounting: An overview... more (November 18,2001 甲南大学経営学部『経営学研究しおり』
Management Accounting: An overview
This manuscript provides an overview on Management Accounting. It is prepared as a guidance for students who take the management accounting course provided by Professor Susumu Ueno at School of Management, konan University, Japan.

管理会計(論)の学習ガイダンスとして執筆した本稿は、①管理会計とはどのような領域なのか、 ②管理会計論の体系がどのようなものなのか、③管理会計(論)の変遷はどうだったのか、④管理会計をどのように学習するのか、 といった点を論述するものである。

上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。The URL links to Ueno's SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary.

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Research paper thumbnail of 大学生とビジネス・インターンシップ (Internships for undergraduate business students in Japan)

Written in April, 2000 (「ビジネス・インターンシップと甲南大学の取り組み」『関西経協(関西経営者協会)』第54 巻第6 号、平成12(2000)年6 月の草稿として執筆... more Written in April, 2000
(「ビジネス・インターンシップと甲南大学の取り組み」『関西経協(関西経営者協会)』第54 巻第6 号、平成12(2000)年6 月の草稿として執筆した)

Internships have been an integral component of many academic programs in the US offering benefits to all participating parties: students, schools and employers. This brief paper reviews the recent development and current situation of internships observed at the business undergraduate education in Japan.
日本で近年急速にインターンシップ導入の議論が高まっているが、その背景に、これに直接関与する企業、学生、大学という3者のそれぞれが置かれれている環境の変化がある。本稿では、はじめに、米国のにおけるビジネス・インターンシップの変遷を手短に紹介し、続いて、日本におけるビジネス・インターンシップの現況を概観する。後半では甲南大学におけるビジネス・インターンシップの経緯と現況を述べる。、なお、筆者が1999 年2 月中旬(2/9-2/19) に米国で行ったビジネス・インターンシップに関する調査結果を本稿の付録として添付している。

上埜進のSSRN eLibraryにある全ての論文をから入手できます。The URL links to Ueno's SSRN Author Home Page. This web page provides easy access to all of Ueno’s publicly available papers in the SSRN eLibrary.

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Research paper thumbnail of Looking back at my research and academic activities, by Susumu Ueno (私の研究と学会活動を振り返る, 上埜 進)  

日本管理会計学会創設「30周年記念Web部会」第1回部会 特別講演 2021年12 月4日 セクション1: 研究活動を振り返る 1. 著作をグループ分けし、グループごとの視点や特徴を ... more 日本管理会計学会創設「30周年記念Web部会」第1回部会 特別講演 2021年12 月4日

セクション1: 研究活動を振り返る
1. 著作をグループ分けし、グループごとの視点や特徴を (Dissertationと予算管理のcross-cultural studies、管理会計研究の方法、多国籍企業の利益管理、価値創出経営)
2. 教育研究 (管理会計・原価計算・工業簿記の教科書づくり、管理会計・原価計算教育の調査) 3. 研究と研究活動に関する自分の思い

セクション2: 学会活動を振り返る
1. 日本管理会計学会での思い出
2. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA)での活動

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