Tamara Grubi | Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (original) (raw)

Papers by Tamara Grubi

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring the psychological component of higher education quality using ICT tools

CTE workshop proceedings, Mar 20, 2024


Research paper thumbnail of Perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher school

Research paper thumbnail of Основні підходи до визначення гендерної толерантності

У статті визначено актуальність дослідження гендерної толерантності в сучасному суспільстві. Дове... more У статті визначено актуальність дослідження гендерної толерантності в сучасному суспільстві. Доведено, що гендерна толерантність є необхідною у міжособистісних взаєминах, сім’ї та громаді. Показано, що гендерна толерантність є об’єктом дослідження багатьох науковців в галузі психології, педагогіки та філософії. Встановлено, що існує багато визначень терміну «гендерна толерантність» і через це існують розбіжності у поглядах науковців. Автором систематизовано основні підходи до розуміння та тлумачення поняття «гендерна толерантність». Запропоновано розглядати гендерну толерантність як повагу та прийняття різних форм самовираження та проявів людської індивідуальності чоловіків і жінок, як відмову від гендерних стереотипів. У статті уточнено зміст структурних компонентів гендерної толерантності: когнітивний, емоційний та поведінковий компоненти. Автором проаналізовано основні рівні сформованості гендерної толерантності від гендерної інтолерантності, яка проявляється у неприйнятті та різ...

Research paper thumbnail of Психолінгвістична структура стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень

Psiholìngvìstika, Oct 13, 2022

Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the psycholinguistic structure of st... more Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the psycholinguistic structure of stigmatic statements about persons with intellectual (ID). The purpose of study is to investigate the specific features of the stigmatic statements of persons with an intellectual norm according to the social society of people with ID. The methods of verbal associative experiment and semantic differential were used. The results. A high word-forming productivity of invectives related to the conceptual sphere of mental retardation is found in the study. In addition to stereotyping, also there is a tendency to normalization the use of invective vocabulary towards to the people with ID, which is becoming a common stamp of language consciousness. These facts indicate the limited speech experience of the population masses in the nomination of this group, which significantly reinforces the public stigmatization of the social society of people with ID. It has been proved that typical statements about people with ID are mainly a manifestation of mental protection of intellectually preserved people from people with mental characteristics that have a negative stigmatizing effect on this social group. The psychological mechanism of the generation of stigmatic statements according to persons with ID is the mechanism of shifting the signification to the meaning-subsuming personal meaning under common meaning. Empirically explicated protective-negativistic, reflexive, illusory-mythological, protective-therapeutic and substantive-metaphorical associations, as well as psychosemantic factors that provide the need to protect people with ID from society and reflect the possibility of a threat from its representatives, persons with an intellectual norm, indicate an inactive, latent form of fixing attitude to this group. Being actualized, this form of attitude acquires an open character, releasing a negative response potential. Taking this into consideration, the stigmatic rhetoric of typical members of society in relation to persons with ID can be qualified not only as a way of mental protection, but also as a verbal aggression within the framework of conflictogenic speech behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Методики дослідження перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості: методичний посібник

Research paper thumbnail of Діагностика перфекціонізму та трудоголізму особистості: психологічний практикум

Research paper thumbnail of Адаптація психодіагностичної методики «Велика тривимірна шкала перфекціонізму»

Research paper thumbnail of Responsibility and Digital Competence of Future Socionomic Professionals: Relationship and Features of Development

Proceedings of the 2nd Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Психолінгвістична структура стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень


Вступ. Стаття присвячена дослідженню психолінгвістичної структури стигмальних висловлювань про ос... more Вступ. Стаття присвячена дослідженню психолінгвістичної структури стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень (ІВІП). Мета. Теоретично та емпірично дослідити специфіку стигмальних висловлювань суб’єктів з інтелектуальною нормою щодо соціальної спільноти людей з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень. Методи. Використовувались методи вербального асоціативного експерименту, семантичного диференціала. Результати. У дослідженні зафіксовано високу словотвірну продуктивність інвектив, пов’язаних із концептуальною сферою розумової недостатності. Крім стереотипізації, виявлено тенденцію до нормативізації вживання інвективної лексики щодо осіб з ІВІП, яка стає поширеним штампом мовної свідомості. Обидва факти свідчать про обмеженість мовленнєвого досвіду широкого загалу в номінації зазначеної групи, яка суттєво підкріплює суспільну стигматизацію останньої. Доведено, що типові висловлювання про осіб з ІВІП є переважно проявом психічного захисту...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychological peculiarities of perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school

Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2018

A perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of high school is one of the topical. An acce... more A perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of high school is one of the topical. An access to the Bologna Process and to the European educational research environment demands from teachers of high school new requirements. These factors demand an achievement of new heights, a desire to be the best, an obtaining success by focusing on avoiding failure. In the investigation of perfectionism of teachers of high school participated 1068 persons. “The Big Three Perfectionism Scale” of M. Smith, D.Saklofske, J. Stoeber, S.Sherry was used in investigation. In the article, four main approaches to perfectionism are described: as a need for self-improvement, as a mindset of personality, as a style of life, as a personal trait. It is shown that teachers of high school know well about the perfectionism and they define it as a pursuance of ideal; a pursuance of doing everything in the best way; a belief that an ideal can and should be achieved; a desire for self-improvement and improveme...

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative process as an object of management

Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2019

The article explores the term "innovation", for which the authors use modern approaches... more The article explores the term "innovation", for which the authors use modern approaches to its understanding. According author’s mind, In the world economic literature, “innovation” is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies. The issue of innovations in our country has traditionally been developed in the framework of economic research of scientific and technical progress. The term “innovation” has been actively used in the transition economy of Georgia, both independently and to denote a number of related concepts: innovation activity, innovation process, innovation solution, etc. To clarify the concept of innovation, we consider different views on its essence. After giving their own definition of the term, the authors proceed to the classification of innovations and note that their diversity and heterogeneity require some kind of work. According to the classification of the a...

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher's Activity of the Higher Education Institutions

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology, Nov 12, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт «перфекціонізм» у свідомості науково-педагогічного персоналу вищої школи

The investigation of teacher’s perfectionism is quite relevant due to the Ukrainian integration o... more The investigation of teacher’s perfectionism is quite relevant due to the Ukrainian integration of higher education into the European educational space and the conversion to a new modernized model of higher education. These factors determine the desire to be better and promotes perfectionism. In the literature there is any generally accepted conceptual basis of perfectionism and therefore there is any distinct, universal term. Using the authors’ questionnaire, which included ending incomplete sentences and content analysis of the obtained results, the authors divide the respondents' answers into several groups: «Striving for ideal and perfection», «Belief that an ideal can and should be achieved», «The desire to perform every action perfectly», «The belief that the imperfect result of work cannot be acceptable», «Harmful desire for perfection», «The need of self-improvement», «A person’s tendency to set high standards for others and for itself», «Order and discipline»

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of psychological assistance in overcoming the consequences of COVID-19: a resilience approach

Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia

Introduction: The urgency of the study is due to the appearance of an emergency caused by an extr... more Introduction: The urgency of the study is due to the appearance of an emergency caused by an extremely dangerous outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Every emergency, especially one which threatens health, is characterized by increased anxiety and depression among the population, causes chronic emotional disorders and requires provision of psychological and psychosocial assistance to the individual. In this regard, this article aims to describe and summarize theoretical and empirical research that will help identify the factors that shape the appropriate resource strategies for the development of resilience in overcoming the consequences of COVID-19. At the same time, this study revealed the role of resilience as a potential protective factor for mental health during an outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: The leading method of research is theoretical and methodological analysis, comprehension, comparison, classification and generalization of the main content of bibliographic sources that are relevant to the problem and purpose of the study. Results: The article presents the factors influencing resilience in the individual overcoming the consequences of COVID-19 taking into account the world experience. The main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person in difficult life circumstances caused by the pandemic are identified. Conclusions: The factors influencing the resilience of a person during the COVID-19 pandemic are substantiated and singled out. The materials of the article are of practical value and extremely important for psychologists, psychotherapists, and physicians working to eliminate the consequences of the pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher's Activity of the Higher Education Institutions

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of psychological assistance in overcoming the consequences COVID-19

<jats:p>The urgency of the study is due to the appearing of an emergency caused by an extre... more <jats:p>The urgency of the study is due to the appearing of an emergency caused by an extremely dangerous outbreak of the COVID -19 pandemic. Every emergency, especially one which threatens health, is characterized by increased anxiety and depression among the population, causes chronic emotional disorders and requires providing psychological and psychosocial assistance to the individual. In this regard, this article aims to disclose and summarize theoretical and empirical research that will help identify the factors that shape the appropriate resource strategies for the development of resilience in overcoming the consequences of COVID - 19. At the same time, this study revealed the role of resilience as a potential protective factor for mental health during an outbreak of the COVID - 19 pandemic. The leading method of research is theoretical and methodological analysis, comprehension, comparison, classification and generalization of the main provisions of bibliographic sources that are relevant to the problem and purpose of the study. The article presents the factors influencing resilience in the individualovercoming the consequences of COVID - 19 taking into account the world experience. The main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person in difficult life circumstances caused by a pandemic are identified.</jats:p>

Research paper thumbnail of Research techniques of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination: method book

Методичний посібник присвячено висвітленню особливостей діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму ... more Методичний посібник присвячено висвітленню особливостей діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості. Розробка містить 26 методик для діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості, основні напрямки їх застосування та список використаної літератури. Методичний посібник призначено викладачам закладів вищої освіти, слухачам інститутів післядипломної освіти, керівникам, психологам організацій, а також усім, хто цікавиться проблемами діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості.The method book is devoted to the peculiarities of research techniques of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination of personality. The method book consists of 26 questioners for the diagnostics of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination of personality, the main directions of their application and a list of references. The method book is intended for scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school, students of inst...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors in university teaching staff perfectionism

Організаційна психологія Економічна психологія, 2021

Introduction. The attention to the study of perfectionism in universities in Ukraine can be expla... more Introduction. The attention to the study of perfectionism in universities in Ukraine can be explained with modernization and development of Ukrainian higher education, as an access to the European educational research environment. The interest to the perfectionism in teaching staff of university can be explained by new requirements for professional activity and these factors demand from a teacher of higher school can be an achievement of new standards, obtaining successfully by focusing on avoiding failures. The study is conducted within the pedagogy field. Aim. In this article, the author identifies and analyzes the impact of social-demographic factors (such as age, gender, place of residence), organizational and professional factors (such as job experience, academic degree, post, direction of teaching activity, number of students, university status, level of social-psychological climate etc.) on the manifestations of perfectionism. Results. The four manifestations of perfectionism...

Research paper thumbnail of Psycholinguistic Issues of Translation, Adaptation and Validation of «The Big Three Perfectionism Scale»

Psycholinguistics in a Modern World

Increased interest in the study of perfectionism of a person is becoming more and more relevant, ... more Increased interest in the study of perfectionism of a person is becoming more and more relevant, it can be explained by the rapid pace of life, increasing competition, the cult of perfectionism and individual accomplishments. To diagnose perfectionism they use questionnaires, however, the vast majority of them have two scales. In the «Great Triennial Scale of Perfectionism», perfectionism is viewed as a richly varied construct that combines three types – «hard», «self-critical» and «narcissistic». In turn, each of these types is composed of several scales, which are included in the inventory in order to increase reliability and accuracy in the assessment. The results of the process of translation, adaptation and standardization of the quantifier are presented. Data on primary statistical data processing, reliability, validity of the technique, correlation and factor analysis of its indicators according to psychometric requirements are given. The reliability and validity of the instr...

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring the psychological component of higher education quality using ICT tools

CTE workshop proceedings, Mar 20, 2024


Research paper thumbnail of Perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher school

Research paper thumbnail of Основні підходи до визначення гендерної толерантності

У статті визначено актуальність дослідження гендерної толерантності в сучасному суспільстві. Дове... more У статті визначено актуальність дослідження гендерної толерантності в сучасному суспільстві. Доведено, що гендерна толерантність є необхідною у міжособистісних взаєминах, сім’ї та громаді. Показано, що гендерна толерантність є об’єктом дослідження багатьох науковців в галузі психології, педагогіки та філософії. Встановлено, що існує багато визначень терміну «гендерна толерантність» і через це існують розбіжності у поглядах науковців. Автором систематизовано основні підходи до розуміння та тлумачення поняття «гендерна толерантність». Запропоновано розглядати гендерну толерантність як повагу та прийняття різних форм самовираження та проявів людської індивідуальності чоловіків і жінок, як відмову від гендерних стереотипів. У статті уточнено зміст структурних компонентів гендерної толерантності: когнітивний, емоційний та поведінковий компоненти. Автором проаналізовано основні рівні сформованості гендерної толерантності від гендерної інтолерантності, яка проявляється у неприйнятті та різ...

Research paper thumbnail of Психолінгвістична структура стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень

Psiholìngvìstika, Oct 13, 2022

Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the psycholinguistic structure of st... more Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the psycholinguistic structure of stigmatic statements about persons with intellectual (ID). The purpose of study is to investigate the specific features of the stigmatic statements of persons with an intellectual norm according to the social society of people with ID. The methods of verbal associative experiment and semantic differential were used. The results. A high word-forming productivity of invectives related to the conceptual sphere of mental retardation is found in the study. In addition to stereotyping, also there is a tendency to normalization the use of invective vocabulary towards to the people with ID, which is becoming a common stamp of language consciousness. These facts indicate the limited speech experience of the population masses in the nomination of this group, which significantly reinforces the public stigmatization of the social society of people with ID. It has been proved that typical statements about people with ID are mainly a manifestation of mental protection of intellectually preserved people from people with mental characteristics that have a negative stigmatizing effect on this social group. The psychological mechanism of the generation of stigmatic statements according to persons with ID is the mechanism of shifting the signification to the meaning-subsuming personal meaning under common meaning. Empirically explicated protective-negativistic, reflexive, illusory-mythological, protective-therapeutic and substantive-metaphorical associations, as well as psychosemantic factors that provide the need to protect people with ID from society and reflect the possibility of a threat from its representatives, persons with an intellectual norm, indicate an inactive, latent form of fixing attitude to this group. Being actualized, this form of attitude acquires an open character, releasing a negative response potential. Taking this into consideration, the stigmatic rhetoric of typical members of society in relation to persons with ID can be qualified not only as a way of mental protection, but also as a verbal aggression within the framework of conflictogenic speech behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of Методики дослідження перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості: методичний посібник

Research paper thumbnail of Діагностика перфекціонізму та трудоголізму особистості: психологічний практикум

Research paper thumbnail of Адаптація психодіагностичної методики «Велика тривимірна шкала перфекціонізму»

Research paper thumbnail of Responsibility and Digital Competence of Future Socionomic Professionals: Relationship and Features of Development

Proceedings of the 2nd Myroslav I. Zhaldak Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Психолінгвістична структура стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень


Вступ. Стаття присвячена дослідженню психолінгвістичної структури стигмальних висловлювань про ос... more Вступ. Стаття присвячена дослідженню психолінгвістичної структури стигмальних висловлювань про осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень (ІВІП). Мета. Теоретично та емпірично дослідити специфіку стигмальних висловлювань суб’єктів з інтелектуальною нормою щодо соціальної спільноти людей з інвалідністю внаслідок інтелектуальних порушень. Методи. Використовувались методи вербального асоціативного експерименту, семантичного диференціала. Результати. У дослідженні зафіксовано високу словотвірну продуктивність інвектив, пов’язаних із концептуальною сферою розумової недостатності. Крім стереотипізації, виявлено тенденцію до нормативізації вживання інвективної лексики щодо осіб з ІВІП, яка стає поширеним штампом мовної свідомості. Обидва факти свідчать про обмеженість мовленнєвого досвіду широкого загалу в номінації зазначеної групи, яка суттєво підкріплює суспільну стигматизацію останньої. Доведено, що типові висловлювання про осіб з ІВІП є переважно проявом психічного захисту...

Research paper thumbnail of Psychological peculiarities of perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school

Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2018

A perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of high school is one of the topical. An acce... more A perfectionism of scientific and pedagogical staff of high school is one of the topical. An access to the Bologna Process and to the European educational research environment demands from teachers of high school new requirements. These factors demand an achievement of new heights, a desire to be the best, an obtaining success by focusing on avoiding failure. In the investigation of perfectionism of teachers of high school participated 1068 persons. “The Big Three Perfectionism Scale” of M. Smith, D.Saklofske, J. Stoeber, S.Sherry was used in investigation. In the article, four main approaches to perfectionism are described: as a need for self-improvement, as a mindset of personality, as a style of life, as a personal trait. It is shown that teachers of high school know well about the perfectionism and they define it as a pursuance of ideal; a pursuance of doing everything in the best way; a belief that an ideal can and should be achieved; a desire for self-improvement and improveme...

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative process as an object of management

Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2019

The article explores the term "innovation", for which the authors use modern approaches... more The article explores the term "innovation", for which the authors use modern approaches to its understanding. According author’s mind, In the world economic literature, “innovation” is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies. The issue of innovations in our country has traditionally been developed in the framework of economic research of scientific and technical progress. The term “innovation” has been actively used in the transition economy of Georgia, both independently and to denote a number of related concepts: innovation activity, innovation process, innovation solution, etc. To clarify the concept of innovation, we consider different views on its essence. After giving their own definition of the term, the authors proceed to the classification of innovations and note that their diversity and heterogeneity require some kind of work. According to the classification of the a...

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher's Activity of the Higher Education Institutions

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology, Nov 12, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Концепт «перфекціонізм» у свідомості науково-педагогічного персоналу вищої школи

The investigation of teacher’s perfectionism is quite relevant due to the Ukrainian integration o... more The investigation of teacher’s perfectionism is quite relevant due to the Ukrainian integration of higher education into the European educational space and the conversion to a new modernized model of higher education. These factors determine the desire to be better and promotes perfectionism. In the literature there is any generally accepted conceptual basis of perfectionism and therefore there is any distinct, universal term. Using the authors’ questionnaire, which included ending incomplete sentences and content analysis of the obtained results, the authors divide the respondents' answers into several groups: «Striving for ideal and perfection», «Belief that an ideal can and should be achieved», «The desire to perform every action perfectly», «The belief that the imperfect result of work cannot be acceptable», «Harmful desire for perfection», «The need of self-improvement», «A person’s tendency to set high standards for others and for itself», «Order and discipline»

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of psychological assistance in overcoming the consequences of COVID-19: a resilience approach

Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia

Introduction: The urgency of the study is due to the appearance of an emergency caused by an extr... more Introduction: The urgency of the study is due to the appearance of an emergency caused by an extremely dangerous outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Every emergency, especially one which threatens health, is characterized by increased anxiety and depression among the population, causes chronic emotional disorders and requires provision of psychological and psychosocial assistance to the individual. In this regard, this article aims to describe and summarize theoretical and empirical research that will help identify the factors that shape the appropriate resource strategies for the development of resilience in overcoming the consequences of COVID-19. At the same time, this study revealed the role of resilience as a potential protective factor for mental health during an outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: The leading method of research is theoretical and methodological analysis, comprehension, comparison, classification and generalization of the main content of bibliographic sources that are relevant to the problem and purpose of the study. Results: The article presents the factors influencing resilience in the individual overcoming the consequences of COVID-19 taking into account the world experience. The main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person in difficult life circumstances caused by the pandemic are identified. Conclusions: The factors influencing the resilience of a person during the COVID-19 pandemic are substantiated and singled out. The materials of the article are of practical value and extremely important for psychologists, psychotherapists, and physicians working to eliminate the consequences of the pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of using ICT Tools for Monitoring the Psychological Component of the Quality of Teacher's Activity of the Higher Education Institutions

Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology

Research paper thumbnail of Peculiarities of psychological assistance in overcoming the consequences COVID-19

<jats:p>The urgency of the study is due to the appearing of an emergency caused by an extre... more <jats:p>The urgency of the study is due to the appearing of an emergency caused by an extremely dangerous outbreak of the COVID -19 pandemic. Every emergency, especially one which threatens health, is characterized by increased anxiety and depression among the population, causes chronic emotional disorders and requires providing psychological and psychosocial assistance to the individual. In this regard, this article aims to disclose and summarize theoretical and empirical research that will help identify the factors that shape the appropriate resource strategies for the development of resilience in overcoming the consequences of COVID - 19. At the same time, this study revealed the role of resilience as a potential protective factor for mental health during an outbreak of the COVID - 19 pandemic. The leading method of research is theoretical and methodological analysis, comprehension, comparison, classification and generalization of the main provisions of bibliographic sources that are relevant to the problem and purpose of the study. The article presents the factors influencing resilience in the individualovercoming the consequences of COVID - 19 taking into account the world experience. The main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person in difficult life circumstances caused by a pandemic are identified.</jats:p>

Research paper thumbnail of Research techniques of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination: method book

Методичний посібник присвячено висвітленню особливостей діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму ... more Методичний посібник присвячено висвітленню особливостей діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості. Розробка містить 26 методик для діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості, основні напрямки їх застосування та список використаної літератури. Методичний посібник призначено викладачам закладів вищої освіти, слухачам інститутів післядипломної освіти, керівникам, психологам організацій, а також усім, хто цікавиться проблемами діагностики перфекціонізму, трудоголізму та прокрастинації особистості.The method book is devoted to the peculiarities of research techniques of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination of personality. The method book consists of 26 questioners for the diagnostics of perfectionism, work addiction and procrastination of personality, the main directions of their application and a list of references. The method book is intended for scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school, students of inst...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors in university teaching staff perfectionism

Організаційна психологія Економічна психологія, 2021

Introduction. The attention to the study of perfectionism in universities in Ukraine can be expla... more Introduction. The attention to the study of perfectionism in universities in Ukraine can be explained with modernization and development of Ukrainian higher education, as an access to the European educational research environment. The interest to the perfectionism in teaching staff of university can be explained by new requirements for professional activity and these factors demand from a teacher of higher school can be an achievement of new standards, obtaining successfully by focusing on avoiding failures. The study is conducted within the pedagogy field. Aim. In this article, the author identifies and analyzes the impact of social-demographic factors (such as age, gender, place of residence), organizational and professional factors (such as job experience, academic degree, post, direction of teaching activity, number of students, university status, level of social-psychological climate etc.) on the manifestations of perfectionism. Results. The four manifestations of perfectionism...

Research paper thumbnail of Psycholinguistic Issues of Translation, Adaptation and Validation of «The Big Three Perfectionism Scale»

Psycholinguistics in a Modern World

Increased interest in the study of perfectionism of a person is becoming more and more relevant, ... more Increased interest in the study of perfectionism of a person is becoming more and more relevant, it can be explained by the rapid pace of life, increasing competition, the cult of perfectionism and individual accomplishments. To diagnose perfectionism they use questionnaires, however, the vast majority of them have two scales. In the «Great Triennial Scale of Perfectionism», perfectionism is viewed as a richly varied construct that combines three types – «hard», «self-critical» and «narcissistic». In turn, each of these types is composed of several scales, which are included in the inventory in order to increase reliability and accuracy in the assessment. The results of the process of translation, adaptation and standardization of the quantifier are presented. Data on primary statistical data processing, reliability, validity of the technique, correlation and factor analysis of its indicators according to psychometric requirements are given. The reliability and validity of the instr...


Переклад методики SWLS (THE SATISFACTION WITH LIFE SCALE) - Шкала задоволеності життям на українс... more Переклад методики SWLS (THE SATISFACTION WITH LIFE SCALE) - Шкала задоволеності життям на українську мову

Research paper thumbnail of Практикум з соціальної психології

Практикум з соціальної психології , 2011

У запропонованому посібнику подано розробки практичних занять, що включають план проведення занят... more У запропонованому посібнику подано розробки практичних занять, що включають план проведення заняття та методичне забезпечення до нього, що дозволяє закріпити теоретичні знання та засвоїти практичні прийоми діагностування психологічних особливостей особистості.
Посібник призначено для викладачів вищої школи та студентів вищих навчальних закладів педагогічних спеціальностей, які вивчають психологію. Посібник може бути корисним також шкільним педагогам та психологам, практичним психологам, , всім, хто цікавиться психологією.