labyrinth_ex - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 May 2009 (#19977932)

Select Members , Moderated

The Labyrinth Fanfic Exchange

This is the home of the Labyrinth Fic Exchange, previously held at labyfic community. If you're interested in participating in a future exchange, please watch the community. All updates and announcements will be posted here when the time comes.

Reference Links:

Exchange Guidelines (Updated as of 4-16-11)
Exchange FAQ - Everything you wanted to know about the Labyrinth Fic Exchange, but were afraid to ask.
Submission Guidelines

Note: This is NOT a general fanfic archive. Unsolicited fanfic submissions will not be posted.

If you just like to read Labyrinth fanfiction, please feel free to look through the past exchanges:
2008 Exchange
2009 Exchange
2010 Exchange
2011 Exchange
2012 Exchange

All of our authors welcome comments and reviews! But please keep in mind that the exchange is more about squee than constructive criticism, no matter how gently phrased or well meant. While concrit can be invaluable feedback, this just isn't the time or place for it.

If you're not sure whether or not your remark is criticism, remember that these fanfics are gifts-- would you tell your beloved grandmother thanks for the lovely sweater but the color is hideous and the sleeves are too long? Please be gracious and understanding and if in doubt, leave it out.

Nifty journal layout from thefulcrum.

crystals, david bowie, dreams, fairies, fanfiction, fantasy, goblin king, goblins, helping hands, hoggle, it's not fair!, jareth, jareth/sarah, jim henson, labyrinth, ludo, magic dance, mornings of gold, music, owls, peaches, sir didymus, valentine evenings, writing