legend_fans - Profile (original) (raw)
on 10 September 2003 (#1317168)
Once long ago, before there was such
a thing as time, the world was shrouded
in darkness.
Then came the splendor of light,
bringing life and love into the universe,
and the Lord of Darkness retreated deep
into the shadows of the earth, plotting
his return to power...by banishing light
But precious light is protected,
harbored in the souls of unicorns, the
most mystical of all creatures.
Unicorns are safe from the Lord of
Darkness, they can only be found by
the purest of mortals... Such a mortal
is Jack, who lives in solitude with the
animals of the forest.
A beautiful girl named Lili loves Jack
with all her heart. In their innocence, they
believe only goodness exists in the world.
Together they will learn there can be
no good without evil...no love without
hate...no heaven without hell...no light
without darkness.
The harmony of the universe
depends upon an eternal balance. Out
of the struggle to maintain this balance
comes the birth of Legends.
This is a community for all things Legend. Discuss away!
- No off-topic entries. If you make an off-topic entry, I will remove it without notice.
- Unless it is Legend-oriented, do not promote your community here. That is what community_promo is for.
- Be nice and happy or I will send Kiki and a Keraoke machine after you to "cheer you up"!
Other communities of interest:the_labyrinth
Please contact merona if you have any questions.
alicorn, blix, blunder, brown tom, darkness, faeries, fairies, goblins, gump, honeythorn gump, jack, jack o' the green, legend, legend of darkness, lili, meg mucklebones, mia sara, oona, pox, princess lili, screwball, the darkness, tim curry, tom cruise, unicorns, water hags, wood elves
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