Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen | Universiteit Leiden (original) (raw)

Books by Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen

Research paper thumbnail of EL CÓDICE TONINDEYE (ZOUCHE-NUTTALL), CRÓNICA MIXTECA Apuntes para una nueva lectura

Codex Tonindeye (Codex Zouche-Nuttall) is a pictographic screenfold book, a precolonial chronicle... more Codex Tonindeye (Codex Zouche-Nuttall) is a pictographic screenfold book, a precolonial chronicle of the Ñuu Dzaui or Mixtec nation in Southern Mexico. This study offers an update of the earlier commentary by Anders, Jansen and Pérez Jiménez (1992), including a number of new insights and new hypotheses.
This preprint may be used together with a facsimile, drawings or photographs of the codex.
See for example the high resolution photos that are accessible through the website of the British Museum [] or the online edition of the publication of drawings with introduction by Zelia Nuttall in 1902 [].

Research paper thumbnail of Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art, 2017

In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present... more In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present new interpretations of enigmatic masterpieces from ancient Mexico. Combining iconographical analysis with the study of archaeological contexts, historical sources and living cultural traditions, they shed light on central symbols and values of the religious heritage of indigenous peoples, paying special attention to precolonial perceptions of time and the importance of ancestor worship. They decipher the meaning of the treasure deposited in Tomb 7 at Monte Albán (Oaxaca) and of artworks such as the Roll of the New Fire (Selden Roll), the Aztec religious sculptures and, last but not least, the mysterious chapter of temple scenes from the Book of Night and Wind (Codex Borgia).
[ For high quality open access of each chapter > ]

Research paper thumbnail of The Mixtec Pictorial Manuscripts: Time, Agency and Memory in Ancient Mexico

[ ], 2011

The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-co... more The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-colonial Mesoamerica. Among its characteristic products were highly artistic pictographic codices depicting the history and dynasties of its city-states. This handbook surveys and describes the illustrated Mixtec manuscripts that survive in Europe, the United States and Mexico, outlines the history of their decipherment, current questions, discussions and methodologies relating to readings, social organisation, religion and historical drama, and surveys the six centuries of Mixtec history covered in the texts.
[For high quality open access of each chapter > ]

Research paper thumbnail of Encounter with the Plumed Serpent. Drama and Power in the Heart of Mesoamerica

Reconstruction of early Mixtec history, in particular the narrative of the origin of the Mixtec r... more Reconstruction of early Mixtec history, in particular the narrative of the origin of the Mixtec rulers and the epic story of Lord 8 Deer.

Research paper thumbnail of La Lengua Señorial de Ñuu Dzaui. Cultura literaria de los antiguos reinos y transformación colonial.

Research paper thumbnail of Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico). Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593).

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico). Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)., 2009

The Spanish-Mixtec Vocabulary published by the dominican friar Francisco de Alvarado in 1593 is h... more The Spanish-Mixtec Vocabulary published by the dominican friar Francisco de Alvarado in 1593 is here converted into a Mixtec-Spanish dictionary. The variant of the Mixtec language (Dzaha Dzavui) is that of Yucu Ndaa (Teposcolula).

Research paper thumbnail of El Lienzo de Otla. Memoria de un Paisaje Sagrado

Victor Hugo Ruiz Ortiz & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: El Lienzo de Otla. Memoria de un Paisaje Sagrado, 2009

Interpretation of the Lienzo of Otla, an indigenous pictographic document from the Coixtlahuaca a... more Interpretation of the Lienzo of Otla, an indigenous pictographic document from the Coixtlahuaca area (Oaxaca, Mexico) by Victor Hugo Ruiz Ortiz and Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen

Research paper thumbnail of Historia, literatura e ideologia de Ñuu Dzaui. El Códice Añute y su contexto histórico-cultural

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Historia, literatura e ideología de Ñuu Dzaui El Códice Añute y su contexto histórico-cultural, 2013

Commentary on the Mixtec historical Codex Añute (Codex Selden 3135). The origin and history of th... more Commentary on the Mixtec historical Codex Añute (Codex Selden 3135). The origin and history of the pictographic manuscript. Discussion of the pictorial writing system, exemplified with an interpretive study of the Map of Sosola. Discussion of Mixtec literature and literary language (ceremonial discourse and poetic expressions). Discussion of the Inquisition Process against the indigenous ruler and nobles of Yanhuitlan (1544). Complete reading and interpretation of the scenes of the pictorial manuscript Codex Añute (Selden). Discussion of main themes of Mesoamerican religious symbolism as present in Mixtec visual art.
See for the individual chapters also:

Research paper thumbnail of Codex Bodley. A Painted Chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Codex Bodley. A Painted Chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico (Bodleian Library, Oxford), 2005

Codex Bodley (Codex Ñuu Tnoo - Ndisi Nuu) is a precolonial Mexican pictorial manuscript, stemming... more Codex Bodley (Codex Ñuu Tnoo - Ndisi Nuu) is a precolonial Mexican pictorial manuscript, stemming from the Mixtec region (Ñuu Dzaui). It tells the history and genealogy of the rulers of the Mixtec city-states Tilantongo (Ñuu Tnoo) and Tlaxiaco (Ndisi Nuu) during the five centuries before the Spanish conquest (1521).
This book contains a general introduction to ancient Mixtec pictography, which discusses the history of the manuscript, its cultural-historical context and indicates how to read the manuscript, as well as a full page-by-page reading of both the obverse part of the codex (dealing with the dynasty of Tilantongo) and of the reverse part of the codex (dealing with the dynasty of Tlaxiaco).

Research paper thumbnail of Libro de la Vida. Texto explicativo del llamado Códice Magliabechiano

Commentary on the colonial Mexican religious Codex Magliabechi, paying special attention to the "... more Commentary on the colonial Mexican religious Codex Magliabechi, paying special attention to the "spiritual conquest" of Mexico (evangelization), and issues of representation in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Religión, Costumbres e Historia de los Antiguos Mexicanos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano A (Códice Vaticano 3738)

Commentary (including transcription and translation of the Italian text) on the colonial Mexican ... more Commentary (including transcription and translation of the Italian text) on the colonial Mexican religious and historical Codex Vaticanus A (3738), which contains detailed information on Aztec religion, rituals and history.

Research paper thumbnail of La Gran Familia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo de los llamados Códices Egerton y Becker II.

Commentary on several small Mixtec codices with edition and translation of colonial texts written... more Commentary on several small Mixtec codices with edition and translation of colonial texts written in the Mixtec language with the Spanish alphabet. Mixtec society in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Pintura de la Muerte y de los Destinos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Laud

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: Pintura de la Muerte y de los Destinos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Laud, 1994

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Laud (Codex Mictlan), with an interpretive ... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Laud (Codex Mictlan), with an interpretive overview of Ancient Mexican religion.

Research paper thumbnail of El Libro de Tezcatlipoca, Señor del Tiempo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Fejérváry-Mayer

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: El Libro de Tezcatlipoca, Señor del Tiempo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Fejérváry-Mayer, 1994

Commentary on precolonial religious Mexican codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Codex Tezcatlipoca), paying sp... more Commentary on precolonial religious Mexican codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Codex Tezcatlipoca), paying special attention to the history of the decipherment of the religious codices from ancient Mexico (Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group). Chapter on ongoing religious traditions in indigenous communities, especially concerning divination and dream symbolism.

Research paper thumbnail of Calendario de Pronósticos y Ofrendas. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Cospi.

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Peter L. Van der Loo: Calendario de Pronósticos y Ofrendas. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Cospi, 1994

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Cospi (Codex Tlamanalli), which deals with ... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Cospi (Codex Tlamanalli), which deals with the divinatory calendar and rituals. The introduction pays special attention to the question where the religious codices (members of the Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group) originated.

Research paper thumbnail of Los Templos del Cielo y de la Oscuridad: Oráculos y Liturgia. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borgia

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Luis Reyes García: Los Templos del Cielo y de la Oscuridad: Oráculos y Liturgia. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borgia, 1993

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Borgia (Codex Yoalli Ehecatl), paying speci... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Borgia (Codex Yoalli Ehecatl), paying special atention to the ritual and shamanic aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of El Manual del Adivino. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano B

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: El Manual del Adivino. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano B, 1993

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Vaticanus B (3773 (Codex Tonalpouhqui), pay... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Vaticanus B (3773 (Codex Tonalpouhqui), paying special attention to the ancient Mexican calendar and divinatory symbolism.

Research paper thumbnail of El Libro del Ciuacoatl. Homenaje para el año del Fuego Nuevo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borbónico

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Luis Reyes García: El Libro del Ciuacoatl. Homenaje para el año del Fuego Nuevo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borbónico, 1991

Commentary on the Aztec Codex Borbonicus (Codex Cihuacoatl), paying special attention to calendar... more Commentary on the Aztec Codex Borbonicus (Codex Cihuacoatl), paying special attention to calendar rituals and the iconography of deities.

Research paper thumbnail of Crónica Mixteca: El rey 8 Venado, Garra de Jaguar, y la dinastía de Teozacualco-Zaachila. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Zouche-Nuttall

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Crónica Mixteca: El rey 8 Venado, Garra de Jaguar, y la dinastía de Teozacualco-Zaachila. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Zouche-Nuttall, 1992

Commentary on the precolonial Mixtec historical codex Zouche-Nuttall (Codex Tonindeye), which con... more Commentary on the precolonial Mixtec historical codex Zouche-Nuttall (Codex Tonindeye), which contains several important ancient genealogies and also a crucial part of the dramatic biography of the Mixtec ruler Lord 8 Deer 'Jaguar Claw'. The commentary also discusses the Map of Teozacualco (with geographical identifications) and offers examples of readings of passages in the Mixtec language.

Research paper thumbnail of Origen e Historia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vindobonensis

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Origen e Historia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vindobonensis, 1992

Commentary on the Mixtec historical and ritual codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus 1 (Codex Yuta Tnoho)... more Commentary on the Mixtec historical and ritual codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus 1 (Codex Yuta Tnoho), a sacred pictorial text, which deals with the origin of the Postclassic Mixtec city states and dynasties and also contains (on the reverse side) the genealogy of the ruling family of Tilantongo. The commentary presents examples of how to read a Mixtec pictorial manuscript in the Mixtec language.

Research paper thumbnail of EL CÓDICE TONINDEYE (ZOUCHE-NUTTALL), CRÓNICA MIXTECA Apuntes para una nueva lectura

Codex Tonindeye (Codex Zouche-Nuttall) is a pictographic screenfold book, a precolonial chronicle... more Codex Tonindeye (Codex Zouche-Nuttall) is a pictographic screenfold book, a precolonial chronicle of the Ñuu Dzaui or Mixtec nation in Southern Mexico. This study offers an update of the earlier commentary by Anders, Jansen and Pérez Jiménez (1992), including a number of new insights and new hypotheses.
This preprint may be used together with a facsimile, drawings or photographs of the codex.
See for example the high resolution photos that are accessible through the website of the British Museum [] or the online edition of the publication of drawings with introduction by Zelia Nuttall in 1902 [].

Research paper thumbnail of Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art, 2017

In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present... more In 'Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art', Maarten Jansen and Aurora Pérez present new interpretations of enigmatic masterpieces from ancient Mexico. Combining iconographical analysis with the study of archaeological contexts, historical sources and living cultural traditions, they shed light on central symbols and values of the religious heritage of indigenous peoples, paying special attention to precolonial perceptions of time and the importance of ancestor worship. They decipher the meaning of the treasure deposited in Tomb 7 at Monte Albán (Oaxaca) and of artworks such as the Roll of the New Fire (Selden Roll), the Aztec religious sculptures and, last but not least, the mysterious chapter of temple scenes from the Book of Night and Wind (Codex Borgia).
[ For high quality open access of each chapter > ]

Research paper thumbnail of The Mixtec Pictorial Manuscripts: Time, Agency and Memory in Ancient Mexico

[ ], 2011

The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-co... more The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-colonial Mesoamerica. Among its characteristic products were highly artistic pictographic codices depicting the history and dynasties of its city-states. This handbook surveys and describes the illustrated Mixtec manuscripts that survive in Europe, the United States and Mexico, outlines the history of their decipherment, current questions, discussions and methodologies relating to readings, social organisation, religion and historical drama, and surveys the six centuries of Mixtec history covered in the texts.
[For high quality open access of each chapter > ]

Research paper thumbnail of Encounter with the Plumed Serpent. Drama and Power in the Heart of Mesoamerica

Reconstruction of early Mixtec history, in particular the narrative of the origin of the Mixtec r... more Reconstruction of early Mixtec history, in particular the narrative of the origin of the Mixtec rulers and the epic story of Lord 8 Deer.

Research paper thumbnail of La Lengua Señorial de Ñuu Dzaui. Cultura literaria de los antiguos reinos y transformación colonial.

Research paper thumbnail of Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico). Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593).

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico). Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)., 2009

The Spanish-Mixtec Vocabulary published by the dominican friar Francisco de Alvarado in 1593 is h... more The Spanish-Mixtec Vocabulary published by the dominican friar Francisco de Alvarado in 1593 is here converted into a Mixtec-Spanish dictionary. The variant of the Mixtec language (Dzaha Dzavui) is that of Yucu Ndaa (Teposcolula).

Research paper thumbnail of El Lienzo de Otla. Memoria de un Paisaje Sagrado

Victor Hugo Ruiz Ortiz & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: El Lienzo de Otla. Memoria de un Paisaje Sagrado, 2009

Interpretation of the Lienzo of Otla, an indigenous pictographic document from the Coixtlahuaca a... more Interpretation of the Lienzo of Otla, an indigenous pictographic document from the Coixtlahuaca area (Oaxaca, Mexico) by Victor Hugo Ruiz Ortiz and Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen

Research paper thumbnail of Historia, literatura e ideologia de Ñuu Dzaui. El Códice Añute y su contexto histórico-cultural

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Historia, literatura e ideología de Ñuu Dzaui El Códice Añute y su contexto histórico-cultural, 2013

Commentary on the Mixtec historical Codex Añute (Codex Selden 3135). The origin and history of th... more Commentary on the Mixtec historical Codex Añute (Codex Selden 3135). The origin and history of the pictographic manuscript. Discussion of the pictorial writing system, exemplified with an interpretive study of the Map of Sosola. Discussion of Mixtec literature and literary language (ceremonial discourse and poetic expressions). Discussion of the Inquisition Process against the indigenous ruler and nobles of Yanhuitlan (1544). Complete reading and interpretation of the scenes of the pictorial manuscript Codex Añute (Selden). Discussion of main themes of Mesoamerican religious symbolism as present in Mixtec visual art.
See for the individual chapters also:

Research paper thumbnail of Codex Bodley. A Painted Chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Codex Bodley. A Painted Chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico (Bodleian Library, Oxford), 2005

Codex Bodley (Codex Ñuu Tnoo - Ndisi Nuu) is a precolonial Mexican pictorial manuscript, stemming... more Codex Bodley (Codex Ñuu Tnoo - Ndisi Nuu) is a precolonial Mexican pictorial manuscript, stemming from the Mixtec region (Ñuu Dzaui). It tells the history and genealogy of the rulers of the Mixtec city-states Tilantongo (Ñuu Tnoo) and Tlaxiaco (Ndisi Nuu) during the five centuries before the Spanish conquest (1521).
This book contains a general introduction to ancient Mixtec pictography, which discusses the history of the manuscript, its cultural-historical context and indicates how to read the manuscript, as well as a full page-by-page reading of both the obverse part of the codex (dealing with the dynasty of Tilantongo) and of the reverse part of the codex (dealing with the dynasty of Tlaxiaco).

Research paper thumbnail of Libro de la Vida. Texto explicativo del llamado Códice Magliabechiano

Commentary on the colonial Mexican religious Codex Magliabechi, paying special attention to the "... more Commentary on the colonial Mexican religious Codex Magliabechi, paying special attention to the "spiritual conquest" of Mexico (evangelization), and issues of representation in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Religión, Costumbres e Historia de los Antiguos Mexicanos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano A (Códice Vaticano 3738)

Commentary (including transcription and translation of the Italian text) on the colonial Mexican ... more Commentary (including transcription and translation of the Italian text) on the colonial Mexican religious and historical Codex Vaticanus A (3738), which contains detailed information on Aztec religion, rituals and history.

Research paper thumbnail of La Gran Familia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo de los llamados Códices Egerton y Becker II.

Commentary on several small Mixtec codices with edition and translation of colonial texts written... more Commentary on several small Mixtec codices with edition and translation of colonial texts written in the Mixtec language with the Spanish alphabet. Mixtec society in the 16th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Pintura de la Muerte y de los Destinos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Laud

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: Pintura de la Muerte y de los Destinos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Laud, 1994

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Laud (Codex Mictlan), with an interpretive ... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Laud (Codex Mictlan), with an interpretive overview of Ancient Mexican religion.

Research paper thumbnail of El Libro de Tezcatlipoca, Señor del Tiempo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Fejérváry-Mayer

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: El Libro de Tezcatlipoca, Señor del Tiempo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Fejérváry-Mayer, 1994

Commentary on precolonial religious Mexican codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Codex Tezcatlipoca), paying sp... more Commentary on precolonial religious Mexican codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Codex Tezcatlipoca), paying special attention to the history of the decipherment of the religious codices from ancient Mexico (Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group). Chapter on ongoing religious traditions in indigenous communities, especially concerning divination and dream symbolism.

Research paper thumbnail of Calendario de Pronósticos y Ofrendas. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Cospi.

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Peter L. Van der Loo: Calendario de Pronósticos y Ofrendas. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Cospi, 1994

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Cospi (Codex Tlamanalli), which deals with ... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Cospi (Codex Tlamanalli), which deals with the divinatory calendar and rituals. The introduction pays special attention to the question where the religious codices (members of the Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group) originated.

Research paper thumbnail of Los Templos del Cielo y de la Oscuridad: Oráculos y Liturgia. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borgia

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Luis Reyes García: Los Templos del Cielo y de la Oscuridad: Oráculos y Liturgia. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borgia, 1993

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Borgia (Codex Yoalli Ehecatl), paying speci... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Borgia (Codex Yoalli Ehecatl), paying special atention to the ritual and shamanic aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of El Manual del Adivino. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano B

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen: El Manual del Adivino. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vaticano B, 1993

Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Vaticanus B (3773 (Codex Tonalpouhqui), pay... more Commentary on the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Vaticanus B (3773 (Codex Tonalpouhqui), paying special attention to the ancient Mexican calendar and divinatory symbolism.

Research paper thumbnail of El Libro del Ciuacoatl. Homenaje para el año del Fuego Nuevo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borbónico

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Luis Reyes García: El Libro del Ciuacoatl. Homenaje para el año del Fuego Nuevo. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Borbónico, 1991

Commentary on the Aztec Codex Borbonicus (Codex Cihuacoatl), paying special attention to calendar... more Commentary on the Aztec Codex Borbonicus (Codex Cihuacoatl), paying special attention to calendar rituals and the iconography of deities.

Research paper thumbnail of Crónica Mixteca: El rey 8 Venado, Garra de Jaguar, y la dinastía de Teozacualco-Zaachila. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Zouche-Nuttall

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Crónica Mixteca: El rey 8 Venado, Garra de Jaguar, y la dinastía de Teozacualco-Zaachila. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Zouche-Nuttall, 1992

Commentary on the precolonial Mixtec historical codex Zouche-Nuttall (Codex Tonindeye), which con... more Commentary on the precolonial Mixtec historical codex Zouche-Nuttall (Codex Tonindeye), which contains several important ancient genealogies and also a crucial part of the dramatic biography of the Mixtec ruler Lord 8 Deer 'Jaguar Claw'. The commentary also discusses the Map of Teozacualco (with geographical identifications) and offers examples of readings of passages in the Mixtec language.

Research paper thumbnail of Origen e Historia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vindobonensis

Ferdinand Anders & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Origen e Historia de los Reyes Mixtecos. Libro explicativo del llamado Códice Vindobonensis, 1992

Commentary on the Mixtec historical and ritual codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus 1 (Codex Yuta Tnoho)... more Commentary on the Mixtec historical and ritual codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus 1 (Codex Yuta Tnoho), a sacred pictorial text, which deals with the origin of the Postclassic Mixtec city states and dynasties and also contains (on the reverse side) the genealogy of the ruling family of Tilantongo. The commentary presents examples of how to read a Mixtec pictorial manuscript in the Mixtec language.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiempo y Comunidad. Herencias e interacciones socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente

Edited volume with diverse essays on the cultural perception and social function of time in diffe... more Edited volume with diverse essays on the cultural perception and social function of time in different geographic and historical contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of El Mundo Precolonial y sus Transformaciones a partir del Contacto con los Europeos

CD XV. Congreso AHILA ‘Crisis y Problemas en el Mundo Atlántico: 25. simposio F-40, 2009

Studies on the development of Indigenous American cultural traditions from precolonial times to t... more Studies on the development of Indigenous American cultural traditions from precolonial times to the present, presented at the simposium of this name during the XV. Congress of AHILA ‘Crisis y Problemas en el Mundo Atlántico’ , coordinated by Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen and Victor H. Ruiz Ortiz

Research paper thumbnail of Mixtec Writing and Society

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Laura van Broekhoven (eds): Mixtec Writing and Society, 2008

Edited volume with studies of Mixtec precolonial and colonial writing in the context of historica... more Edited volume with studies of Mixtec precolonial and colonial writing in the context of historical and social processes.

Research paper thumbnail of Códices, Caciques y Comunidades

Maarten Jansen & Luis Reyes García (eds.): Códices, Caciques y Comunidades. Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos (AHILA), 1997

Los primeros tres capítulos de este volumen examinan con detalle diferentes aspectos de la histor... more Los primeros tres capítulos de este volumen examinan con detalle diferentes aspectos de la historiografía pictórica precolonial: los conceptos mesoamericanos del pasado (Jansen), la representación de la casa de la autoridad (Batalla Rosado) y un ejemplo de la historiografía dinástica (van Doesburg & van Buren). Luego se discute la gran transformación social que se produjo en la época colonial temprana, y sus profundas implicaciones tanto para los descendientes de los antiguos reyes, los llamados caciques (Chance, Paredes Martínez), como para la forma y el contenido del registro histórico (Roskamp). La lndependencia significó la creación de una nueva "historia de bronce", cuyas imágenes por una parte se derivan de la antigüedad, por otra contrastan con las fuentes indígenas (una relación delicada, que es examinada por Mason). Al fin se traza la suerte de los caciques mesoamericanos en el tiempo republicano, cuando se van disolviendo y perdiendo su status y su base territorial (Monaghan).

Research paper thumbnail of La Visión India: Tierra, Cultura, Lengua y Derechos Humanos

La Visión India: Tierra, Cultura, Lengua y Derechos Humanos (organised and edited by Foundation Musiro), 1989

In 1988 (4-8 July) the 46th International Congress of Americanists took place in Amsterdam, The N... more In 1988 (4-8 July) the 46th International Congress of Americanists took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For that occasion several solidarity groups as well as individual scholars and students joined forces together with the Carib organisation Tukayana, formed by Carib migrants from Suriname living in Holland, to make sure that in this congress there would be a strong participation of Indigenous scholars from all over the Americas. To make fundraising possible a foundation was created, called Musiro, a term from the Carib language, which refers to mutual help and exchange in a community.
Senator Prof. Dr. Bas de Gaay Fortman accepted the presidency of the foundation; among the executive board members were Indigenous representatives Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez (Ñuu Sau / Mixtec) and Frans Malajuwara (Kaliña / Carib). Archaeologist Dr. Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen (Leiden University) was the scholarly coordinator of the initiative. Lee de Jong was the foundation's executive secretary, assisted by students Reina and Jaap de Vries as well as many other volunteers.
During a week-long symposium ‘La Visión India’ the invited speakers presented their analyses of a wide rage of topics, concentrating on issues of land, culture, language and human rights. This publication brings together the presentations of that symposium, published locally in Leiden (1989).
In addition the foundation Musiro created a lot of media attention for the event and also made it possible for the invited Indigenous representatives to visit support organisations In Holland and neighbouring countries and to participate in the session of the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples at the U.N. in Geneva that same year.

Research paper thumbnail of Los Indígenas de México en la época precolombina y en la actualidad

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Ted J.J. Leyenaar (eds.): Los Indígenas de México en la época precolombina y en la actualidad. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden., 1982

Volume containing different studies of indigenous cultures of Mexico through the ages, edited by ... more Volume containing different studies of indigenous cultures of Mexico through the ages, edited by Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen and Ted J.J. Leyenaar. This includes an article by Jansen (‘Viaje al otro Mundo’) about Tomb 1 of Zaachila (Oaxaca, Mexico) with the identification of the so-called "Xipe dynasty" in the Mixtec Codex Nuttall as the genealogy of the rulers of that Zapotec city-state.

Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing the Aztec Human Sacrifice

The Value of a Human Life: Ritual Killing and Human Sacrifice in Antiquity (Karel C. Innemée, ed.): 121-148. Sidestone Press, Leiden , 2022

This chapter argues that the term ‘sacrifice’ is a tendentious colonial misnomer that has become ... more This chapter argues that the term ‘sacrifice’ is a tendentious colonial misnomer that has become an automatic description for any act of killing in ancient Mesoamerica and still haunts the studies of Indigenous religions. Tracing its origin in the early colonial accounts one finds that this denomination (as ‘sacrifice-to-the-devil’ in combination with cannibalism) was used by the Spaniards in a systematic propagandistic fasion as part of the demonisation of the Aztec and other Mesoamerican cultures with the aim of justifying the colonial invasion. Many descriptions are evidently no eye-witness testimonies but based on hearsay and imagination. In a number of cases it is even doubtful that people were killed. In other cases, the killings, though maybe caried out in a ritualised context, seem not to have been actually first and foremost ‘sacrifices’, but rather forms of death penalty, execution, political murder or other instances of (in principle secular) homicide. In order to construct this hostile image, the colonial accounts misrepresented socially sanctioned killings, confusing them with religious acts such as ancestor worship and specific funerary customs, as well as with the frequent self sacrifice (bloodletting). There is an important, though often overlooked, parallel with the contemporaneous accusations of “witchcraft” against innocent women in European societies. But where modern scholarly consensus holds that the allegations of the witch craze were unwaranted, in the case of the “human sacrifice’ contemporary studies (also our own) have often still reproduced the terminology of the colonial demonisation. After 500 years it is time for a decolonial historical critique.

Research paper thumbnail of Sacrifice in Ancient Mexico

Aztecs (Doris Kurella, Martin Berger and Inés de Castro, eds.): 254-265, 2019

Brief discussion of the different forms of religious offerings and sacrifices, with a short histo... more Brief discussion of the different forms of religious offerings and sacrifices, with a short historical critique of the traditional (colonial) ideas about supposed human sacrifice.

Research paper thumbnail of Mexican Codices: An Introduction

Aztecs (Doris Kurella, Martin Berger and Inés de Castro, eds.): 47-53, 2019

Very brief introduction to precolonial Mexican pictography, discussing some examples from the Teo... more Very brief introduction to precolonial Mexican pictography, discussing some examples from the Teoamoxtli or Borgia Group and from the Mixtec Codices (e.g. the birthdate of Lord 8 Deer).

Research paper thumbnail of Deconstructing the Aztec Human Sacrifice

Incidental Paper, Center for Indigenous America Studies, Leiden University, 2019

European perspectives and Christian prejudices have profoundly influenced the perceptions and int... more European perspectives and Christian prejudices have profoundly influenced the perceptions and interpretations of the ancient cultures of Mexico and Central America since the beginning of the Spanish conquest, nearly 500 years ago (1519). Indigenous spirituality, for example, was - and sometimes still is - described in terms of idolatry and witchcraft. Particularly the sanguinary image of human sacrifice by heart extraction, followed by cannibalism, is omnipresent in the historical chronicles about the Aztec civilization and still dominant in contemporary scholarship. Sensationalist representations, propagated by popular scientific works, as well as by novels and films, have impacted the public at large until the present day.
Actually, clear archaeological and historical evidence for a religious custom of killing people with the specific aim of sacrificing them to the gods is conspicuously lacking. The early colonial sources do not contain credible eye-witness accounts but are rather the product of hear-say and imagination. It is quite obvious that the reports of the Spanish conquistadors were superficial, biased and primarily motivated by a desire to justify their own brutal invasion. The Spanish missionaries have added many details, but they arrived several years after the conquest, did their research decades later, and wrote their works as part of a “crusade against demons”. A critical analysis of the early colonial texts provokes serious doubts about their veracity. The allegation of “human sacrifice (in connection with cannibalism)” was part of creating an image of sanguinary and irrational idolatry. Alternative interpretations for supposed references to human sacrifice in pre-colonial visual art and archaeological data should therefore be explored seriously. Executions of enemy warriors or criminals are not to be classified as “sacrifices”, nor the (ceremonial) killing of family members, servants and others who had to accompany an important dead person to the Hereafter.
In general, it is time for a re-examination of such engrained stereotypes, not only to gain a better understanding of the indigenous cultural heritage, but also to assess how western ideas about other peoples in general are still under the spell of colonial propaganda.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronological correlations in Aztec and Mixtec history

Mesoamerican manuscripts: new scientific approaches and interpretations (Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Virginia Lladò-Buisán and Ludo Snijders, eds.): chapter 14 , 2019

In the dates given by the Mixtec codices, the days were the same as in the Aztec calendar. The co... more In the dates given by the Mixtec codices, the days were the same as in the Aztec calendar. The correlation of these days with Christian (Julian/Gregorian) calendar the can be calculated on the basis of equivalences in the Aztec sources, e.g. 13 August 1521 was Aztec year 3 House day 1 Serpent. This day count is continued at present by the K’iche’ people in Guatemala. In giving names to the years of 365 days Aztecs and Mixtecs followed the same system, but the Mixtec year-bearer day was positioned 40 days before the Aztec year-bearer and therefore (due to mathematic rules) had the same day sign but in combination with a number of one digit less (Aztec year 2 Reed = Mixtec year 1 Reed). As the Julian/Gregorian year does involve leap years (the addition of one day per four years) but the Mesoamerican “historical year” consisted of 365 days without leap days, the position of the Aztec/Mixtec year-bearer regularly “recedes” one day every four years vis-à-vis the Julian year. Thus, from the 10th to the 16th century A.D. the position of the Mixtec year-bearer moved slowly but surely, in a retrograde manner, from a day in August to a day in March.
It is likely that the feast cycle of the 18 “months” (“ceremonial year”) was counted from a specific astronomical observation during the year (such as the winter solstice, the vernal equinox, and/or the first zenith passage of the sun). This must have resulted in occasional modifications to the length of a feast period, and therefore to the length of the “ceremonial year”, by adding an additional day (an average of one leap day every four years or of 13 leap days per 52 years). Consequently, the months / feasts would, more or less, conserve their position vis-à-vis the astronomical year and (and therefore vis-à-vis the Julian/Gregorian calendar). In other words there were no leap days in the cycles of 365 days, named after the year-bearer. But leap days were introduced in the duration of the months (feast periods). This reconstruction makes it possible to correlate Mixtec days and years with dates in the Julian/Gregorian calendar.
The birthdate of Lord 8 Deer ‘Jaguar Claw’, day 8 Deer of year 12 Reed, can so be calculated as 15 June 1064 (Julian) / 21 June 1064 (Gregorian), 18th day of the month Huico Dzavui (Aztec: Etzalcualiztli), i.e. coinciding with the summer solstice.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading Mixtec Manuscripts as Ceremonial Discourse: Historical and ideological background of Codex Añute (Selden)

Mesoamerican manuscripts: new scientific approaches and interpretations (Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Virginia Lladò-Buisán and Ludo Snijders, eds.): chapter 17, 2019

Analysis of the historical context and ideological background of the early colonial Codex Añute (... more Analysis of the historical context and ideological background of the early colonial Codex Añute (Selden) from the Mixtec town of Jaltepec. Aspects of ceremonial discourse and symbolism as well as purpose and performance. Interpretation of some key scenes, with chronological correlations. Reconstruction of its function in a specific dynastic ritual during the early colonial period. Possible explanation for the fact that this codex was painted over another manuscript (palimpsest Codex Yoho Yuchi).

Research paper thumbnail of Land, Heritage and Internal Colonialism in Mexico. Dossier of Mexican Case Studies for the ILA Committee on the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Incidental Paper, Center for Indigenous America Studies, Leiden University, 2019

1. Expropriated Heritage: Indigenous Rights vs Internal Colonialism in Mexico (Maarten E.R.G.N. J... more 1. Expropriated Heritage: Indigenous Rights vs Internal Colonialism in Mexico (Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez)
2. Reflections on Archaeology and Indigenous Rights in Ñuu Savi, the Mixtec Region (Liana Ivette Jiménez Osorio & Emmanuel Posselt Santoyo)
3. Implementación de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en Ñuu Savi, la región mixteca (Omar Aguilar Sánchez)
4. Maya Peoples vs Mexico-Monsanto: A case study on the effects of transnational corporatism in the implementation of the UNDRIP (Manuel May Castillo & Nora Salomé Tzec Caamal & Álvaro Mena Fuentes)
5. Indigenous Communal Guards on the Nahua Michoacan Coast: the case of Santa María Ostula (Osiris Sinuhé González Romero)

Research paper thumbnail of Defendiendo la Montaña Sagrada. La pintura 'Paisaje de las Indias Occidentales' de Jan Mostaert y la Conquista de Gran Canaria

INDIANA 35.2: 297-322, Berlin, 2018

Resumen: La pintura Paisaje de las Indias Occidentales en el Rijksmuseum de Amsterdam, Países Baj... more Resumen: La pintura Paisaje de las Indias Occidentales en el Rijksmuseum de Amsterdam, Países Bajos, se atribuye a Jan Mostaert de Haarlem (ca. 1475-1555/56). Tanto sobre el lugar como sobre el evento representado (un conflicto entre conquistadores españoles y un pueblo indígena que defiende una gran montaña) se han propuesto varias identificaciones. Después de un examen crítico de las hipótesis existentes este artículo continúa el camino indicado por Martínez de la Peña (1970) y Peter Mason (2015, 2017), quienes han identificado varios deta-lles de la pintura como propios de las Islas Canarias y de sus habitantes originales. Este artículo propone que la montaña de central importancia en la pintura corresponde al Roque Bentaiga de Gran Canaria, que el llamativo arco de piedra es la cercana formación rocosa llamada 'Ventana del Bentaiga' y que el monte nevado al fondo ha de ser el Teide, un volcán de la vecina isla de Tenerife, visible desde este área. La conclusión es que la pintura representa la batalla que tuvo lugar en este sitio en 1483 entre las tropas del conquistador español Pedro de Vera y los canarios que les opusieron feroz resistencia.

Research paper thumbnail of The Indigenous Condition: an introductory note

Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Manuel May Castillo and Amy Strecker, eds): 25-37, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of El Oro en la Tumba 7 de Monte Albán: contexto y significado

Arqueología Mexicana 144: 55-61, 2017

Interpretive study of golden objects in Tomb 7 of Monte Abán (Oaxaca, Mexico).

Research paper thumbnail of Searching for the Sanctuary of Lady 9 Reed: Huajuapan, Ring of Stones

Ángel Iván Rivera Guzmán & Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Searching for the Sanctuary of Lady 9 Reed: Huajuapan, Ring of Stones. In: Estudios INDIANA, vol. 9 (Places of Power and Memory in Mesoamerica‘s Past and Present , edited by Daniel Graña-Behrens): 199-232, 2016

The Ñuu Dzaui (Mixtec) codices refer to a place-sign 'Ring of Stones', which, the context suggest... more The Ñuu Dzaui (Mixtec) codices refer to a place-sign 'Ring of Stones', which, the context suggests, must be an important Postclassic site in the Mixteca Baja region (in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Puebla). The Patron Deity of this place is Lady 9 Reed, who plays an active role in early Ñuu Dzaui history, particularly in the episode known as the 'War against the Stone Men'. She had various sanctuaries throughout the region, e.g. in Tonalá, where she was visited by the warrior king Lord 8 Deer 'Jaguar Claw' in AD 1097. This article presents arguments for the identification of 'Ring of Stones' as ancient Huajuapan (in the Western part of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico) and examines some of the related archaeological remains.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiempo, Religión e Interculturalidad en la Colonia: los catecismos pictográficos de México

Tiempo y Comunidad. Herencias e interacciones socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente (Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Valentina Raffa, eds.): 65-101, 2015

Study of early colonial pictographic catechisms in the context of the “spiritual conquest” of Mex... more Study of early colonial pictographic catechisms in the context of the “spiritual conquest” of Mexico, with a complete reading of the pictographic catechism preserved in the Biblioteca Burgoa of Oaxaca.

Research paper thumbnail of Primordial Times in Mesoamerican Memory: Monuments, Tombs, and Codices

Globalized Antiquity: Uses and Perceptions of the Past in India, Mesoamerica, and Europe (Ute Schüren, Daniel Marc Segesser, Thomas Späth, eds.), 2015

Discussion of pre-Columbian concepts of time and antiquity in Mesoamerica, which have survived ... more Discussion of pre-Columbian concepts of time and antiquity in Mesoamerica, which have survived from different cultures and time periods. These concepts show marked similarities, for example, in their systems of time reckoning, their ideas about the creation of mankind, and the related founding of dynasties or the representation of important rulers. Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztec ruling elites of the Postclassic (c. 900–1521 CE) refer to earlier cultures and reuse the remains of their abandoned cities such as Monte Albán and Teotihuacan in order to back their legitimacy by association with these sacred places and their ancient histories and symbolic power. Focus on the use of symbolically charged images and narratives of Mixtec culture. Studying a variety of sources can be very fruitful for understanding Mixtec historiography because the information given can often be interrelated. Taking as a starting point the puzzling appearance of Postclassic Mixtec artifacts in a much earlier Zapotec tomb, this contribution offers a stimulating interpretation of the interrelatedness of the reuse of abandoned Classic sites, the creation concept, and the self-representation and legitimization of ruling elites. Such references provide royal lineages with a temporal depth reaching back into primordial moments or indicate new eras. The text points to the importance of ruptures and disjunctions as watersheds in the ordering of historical memory. Interestingly, some ideas in the historiography of the contemporary Mixtec population basically conform to this scheme.

Research paper thumbnail of Monte Albán y la Memoria Mixteca

Monte Albán y la Memoria Mixteca. Informe preliminar sobre investigaciones en progreso, 2012

Interpretation of the scenes on carved bones and golden objects in Tomb 7 of Monte Albán in relat... more Interpretation of the scenes on carved bones and golden objects in Tomb 7 of Monte Albán in relation to the information provided by the Mixtec codices. Identification of of the representation of the ceremonial center of Monte Albán in the Mixtec Codices.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ancient Mexican Books of Time: interpretive developments and prospects

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43/44, 2012

Time was an important theme in the indigenous civilization of Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central Ame... more Time was an important theme in the indigenous civilization of Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America). A prime source for understanding the ancient symbolic associations and related practices is the small corpus of – still quite enigmatic – ancient screenfold manuscripts, nowadays dispersed over libraries and museums in different countries. The central structuring principle of these pictographic and hieroglyphic texts is the pre-colonial calendar, which was not only the dominant framework for historiography and astronomical observations, but was also used for divination, medical treatment, ritual performance, community organization and moral codes. Here we will examine the state of the art in the progress of interpretation and indicate prospects for future research.

Research paper thumbnail of Invocaciones del Otro Mundo: caracol, cráneo y el culto a los ancestros

Un cráneo y un caracol de estilo Mixteca-Puebla. Patrimonio recuperado (Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava & Ángel Iván Rivera Guzmán & María Teresa Castillo Mangas, coords.), 2011

Iconographical analysis and interpretation of the images carved on two Ancient Mexican artefacts ... more Iconographical analysis and interpretation of the images carved on two Ancient Mexican artefacts (a skull and a conch) as expressions of the invocation of ancestors.

Research paper thumbnail of The Historical Profile of Kukulkan

The Maya and their Neighbours: internal and external contacts through time (Laura van Broekhoven & Rogelio Valencia Rivera & Benjamin Vis & Frauke Sachse, eds.): 89-104, 2010

The famous Toltec historical figure Nacxitl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, in Yucatan known as Kukulcan ... more The famous Toltec historical figure Nacxitl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, in Yucatan known as Kukulcan and referred to as Nacxit in the Popol Vuh, appears in Mixtec historical codices and Lienzos of the Coixtlahuaca Valley as Lord 4 Jaguar, ruler of Cholula and important ally of the Mixtec ruler Lord 8 Deer. Different arguments for this identification are presented and the chronological implications are discussed in detail.

Research paper thumbnail of Mixtec Cultural Vocabulary and Pictorial Writing

Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen & Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez: Mixtec Cultural Vocabulary and Pictorial Writing. In: Linguistics and Archaeology in the Americas: the historization of language and society (Eithne Carlin & Simon van de Kerke, eds.): 45-82. Brill, Leiden / Boston., 2010

Discussion of present day traditional artefacts and ceremonial language, in relation to the Mixte... more Discussion of present day traditional artefacts and ceremonial language, in relation to the Mixtec codices. Description of the preparation of pulque in the Mixtec language.

Research paper thumbnail of Lenguaje ceremonial en los códices mixtecos

Image and Ritual in the Aztec World (Sylvie Peperstraete, ed.): 7-18, 2009

Identification of elements and structures of Mixtec ceremonial discourse in the Mixtec pictograph... more Identification of elements and structures of Mixtec ceremonial discourse in the Mixtec pictographic codices

Research paper thumbnail of Inauguración de Templos y Dinastías. La Piedra Grabada de Ñuu Yuchi

Bases de la Complejidad Social en Oaxaca. Memoria de la IV Mesa Redonda de Monte Albán (Nelly M. Robles García, ed.). Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia & Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Mexico., 2009

Interpretation of carved stone, from the site of San José Tres Lagunas, between Tilantongo and Ja... more Interpretation of carved stone, from the site of San José Tres Lagunas, between Tilantongo and Jaltepec in the Mixteca Alta (Oaxaca, Mexico). Identification of this site as the Town of Flints (Ñuu Yuchi) in the Mixtec codices. Analysis of the relation between this archaeological monument and the epic narrative about Lord 8 Deer, Lady 6 Monkey and Lord 4 Wind in those codices. General discussion of the foundation rituals and dynastic inauguration ceremonies of Mixtec dynasties.

Research paper thumbnail of Katarzyna Mikulska, coord., Nuevo Comentario al Códice Vaticano B ( 3773) y edición facsimilar

Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl vol. 67: 269-287, 2024

Review article about the new facsimile edition (2020) of the precolonial Mexican religious Codex ... more Review article about the new facsimile edition (2020) of the precolonial Mexican religious Codex Vaticanus B (Codex Tonalpouhqui) and the accompanying volume of detailed interpretive studies.

[Research paper thumbnail of Diel, Lori B. (2018) The Codex Mexicanus: A Guide to Life in Late Sixteenth‐Century New Spain [book review]](

Bulletin of Latin American Research 39 (3): 415-416, 2020

Review of the photographic edition of the Codex Mexicanus with commentary by L.B. Diel. This is ... more Review of the photographic edition of the Codex Mexicanus with commentary by L.B. Diel.
This is the author's manuscript of the review. For the published version please refer to Bulletin of Latin American Research 39 (3): 415-416.

[Research paper thumbnail of Matthew Restall, When Montezuma Met Cortés. The True Story of the Meeting that Changed History, New York, HarperCollins, 2018. [REVIEW]](

Rivista italiana di storia internazionale, I (2): 359-364, 2018

Review of new book by M. Restall about the Spanish conquest of Mexico, the role and biography of ... more Review of new book by M. Restall about the Spanish conquest of Mexico, the role and biography of Cortes, as well as the personality of the Aztec ruler Montezuma.

Research paper thumbnail of Indigenous Literary Heritage

Latin American Research Review vol. 50, no. 2: 239-247, 2015

Review of several recent works on Ancient Mexican writing systems, literature and ongoing oral tr... more Review of several recent works on Ancient Mexican writing systems, literature and ongoing oral traditions.