leoninedialect - Profile (original) (raw)
on 25 August 2009 (#21762863)
the leonine dialect.WELCOME to the leonine dialect, Nero's personal musebox. all of the muses I play with will go here, and if you've got a musebox, feel free to ask to affiliate; it's even cooler if we have fandoms in common. You'll find a crapload of muse-related stuff among other things. if you've got muses that want to play, drop on by. the sandbox is big enough XD.be warned, crack is apparent, go with caution. ~Nerocurrent version: |
angst, cracky stuff, dead or alive, king of fighters, kingdom hearts, laughter, lulz, museboxes, muses, prons, role playing, soul calibur, sparkling rage, tekken, wrestling, writing, yuugiou, ♥
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