Edy Budiman | Universitas Mulawarman (original) (raw)

Volume i, Issue i by Edy Budiman

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Learning: Visualization Tools of Data Structures Course to Support Learning Students

— Mobile learning course of data structure, it cannot only be used as auxiliaries of learning, bu... more — Mobile learning course of data structure, it cannot only be used as auxiliaries of learning, but also an independent learning mode. The various approaches theory of research and development, software design, and methods we use into built of media. The main objective is the construction of educational software adapted to learning. First and foremost, it is essential to have in mind that our application is designed for two very specific public; on the one side the lectures, who will use it as a teaching tool, and another side the students, for learning purposes. This research has created a mobile learning application for courses of data structures, the learning material is presented visually according curriculum-syllabus and learning outcomes of data structures. This application as one a learning media to support students who can be used all the time (long life learning).

Research paper thumbnail of End-to-End QoS Tool Development and Performance Analysis for Network Mobile

Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the cus... more Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the customer. Not only for marketing purposes, the quality of services can also bridge the gap between the promise given by the service provider and what the customers get. The main objective for developing this application is offers a system that can measure the performance of a mobile data communications network with to develop a measurement tool End-to-End QoS (client software) that is suitable for the mobile environment through traffic users, and to summarize the results of its performance test, determine the extent to which performance of QoS on ISP using each service pack featured mobile operator.

Books by Edy Budiman

Research paper thumbnail of Buku Ajar Mobile Programing for Student.pdf

Mulawarman University Press, 2018

Buku Mobile Programming for Student membahas cakupan materi-materi perkuliahan pada matakuliah p... more Buku Mobile Programming for Student membahas cakupan materi-materi perkuliahan pada matakuliah pemrograman mobile berbasis aplikasi Android berserta contoh latihan disetiap materi

Papers by Edy Budiman

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Nilai Siswa SDN 017 Anggana

Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang mempengaruhi perkembangan dunia pendidikan yang membuat... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang mempengaruhi perkembangan dunia pendidikan yang membuat para peserta didik ataupun staf pengajar lebih peka terhadap informasi–informasi pendidikan yang berbasis teknologi. Internet merupakan cabang perkembangan teknologi yang sudah biasa digunakan dikalangan masyarakat. Melalui internet ini pula, pendidikan di daerah–daerah terpencil juga bisa mendapatkan informasi yang baik dari pendidikan pusat dan mampu bersaing di dunia pendidikan. Perkembangan dari segala aspek ini, membuat para orang tua bisa lebih mudah dalam mengawasi perkembangan anak mereka melalui monitoring berbasis web sehingga hal ini lebih efektif bagi orang tua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah sistem monitoring yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang hasil belajar anak, serta dapat memudahkan staf pengejar dalam mengolah data nilai secara akurat. Sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan memiliki desain interface yang mudah dipahami. Penelitian in...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Manajemen Bandwith Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Dan Teknologi Infrmasi Unversitas Mulawarman Samarinda Menggunakan Metode Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB)

Aplikasi yang membutuhkan delay yang minim seperti apilkasi multimedia, dan aplikasi yang aka... more Aplikasi yang membutuhkan delay yang minim seperti apilkasi multimedia, dan aplikasi yang akan merebut bandwidth sebesar-besarnya seperti aplikasi pada ftp, serta aplikasi yang hanya memakan bandwidth sangat kecil seperti icmp dan web statis, akan membuat jumlah bandwidth yang ada tidak mendapatkan jatahnya sehingga performansi jaringan akan terasa menurun. Mengatasi hal tersebut, perlu diimplementasikan suatu teknik QoS yang bernama Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) yang merupakan suatu tawaran solusi untuk manajemen bandwidth pada jaringan yang digunakan oleh pihak ICT Universitas Mulawarman dalam pembagian bandwidth di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Usability Study of Student Academic Portal from a User’s Perspective

2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018

Usability is a key factor that determines the success of a management software or interactive sys... more Usability is a key factor that determines the success of a management software or interactive system, like student academic portal. The increasing usage of a portal requires usability evaluation method that is more accurate and effective to found usability problem, so it can be used for management service improvement in the academic process. The study aims to analyze the feasibility level of using a student academic portal. There are two methods that we using to find problems of convenience, i.e. Think Aloud Evaluation (TA), and Heuristic Evaluation. The study has resulted in the main factors affect the service capabilities of a student academic portal, revealing all the strengths and weaknesses of the portal based on the user’s perceptions of the system.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Hama Tanaman Buah Naga

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Buah naga termasuk buah yang unik karena dihasilkan oleh kaktus dari marga Hylocereus dan Selenic... more Buah naga termasuk buah yang unik karena dihasilkan oleh kaktus dari marga Hylocereus dan Selenicereus . Buah Naga merupakan salah satu buah yang memiliki prospek bisnis yang tinggi di Indonesia maupun di mancanegara.. Dalam budidaya tanaman buah naga, tidak lepas dari berbagai tantangan, termasuk hama yang menyerangnya. Dalam proses mengidentifikasi hama yang menyerang tanaman buah naga diperlukan seorang pakar dalam bidang Pengendali Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan. Ketika pakar tidak ada, maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem pakar yang dapat memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai gejala serangan, hama dan pengendaliannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah Certainty Factor. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan 7 (tujuh) hama yang menyerang tanaman buah naga di Kalimantan Timur yaitu bekicot (Achatina fulica), kutu putih (Mealybugs), burung (Aves), lalat buah (Bactrocera papayae), tungau (Tetranychus sp.), kumbang (Hypomeces squamosus) dan belalang (Aularches miliaris).

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Metode PCQ pada QoS Jaringan Komputer Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Mulawarman

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Manfaat dari jaringan komputer sudah sangat banyak dirasakan. Apalagi dalam dunia komunikasi yang... more Manfaat dari jaringan komputer sudah sangat banyak dirasakan. Apalagi dalam dunia komunikasi yang serba cepat ini, jaringan komputer sering kali berperan penting dalam kegiatan pengiriman informasi yang cepat tersebut. Manajemen bandwidth merupakan hal penting dalam sebuah jaringan komputer. Manajemen bandwidth berfungsi untuk mengatur bandwidth jaringan sehingga setiap pengguna jaringan memperoleh bandwith yang adil dan merata. Teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikannya didasarkan pada pendekatan yang disebut Quality of Service (QoS) dan disesuaikan dengan standar TIPHON. QoS bukan membatasi tetapi lebih kepada menjaga kualitas bandwidth, tanpa adanya Quality of Service dalam sebuah jaringan intranet mengakibatkan ketidaksinambungan bandwidth yang diterima client. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh penulis adalah menyeimbangkan alokasi bandwidth sesuai untuk kebutuhan pengguna. Metode antrian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode Per Connection Queue ...

Research paper thumbnail of Klasifikasi Senjata Tradisional Mandau Suku Dayak Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier Berdasarkan Fitur Bentuk dan Tekstur

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Mandau adalah senjata tajam sejenis parang berasal dari kebudayaan Dayak di Kalimantan. Mandau me... more Mandau adalah senjata tajam sejenis parang berasal dari kebudayaan Dayak di Kalimantan. Mandau memiliki ukiran-ukiran di bagian bilahnya yang tidak tajam. Sering juga dijumpai tambahan lubang-lubang di bilahnya yang ditutup dengan kuningan atau tembaga dengan maksud memperindah bilah Mandau. Mandau memiliki kemiripan serta ciri khas yang membedakan dari masing-masing suku Dayak. Rumpun suku Dayak terbagi menjadi beberapa suku diantaranya Dayak Kenyah, Dayak Tunjung, Dayak Mahah dan Dayak Benuaq. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasi jenis Mandau menggunakan metode Naive Bayes Classifier berdasarkan fitur bentuk dan tekstur pada citra Mandau. Pada ektrstraksi fitur bentuk menggunanakan parameter Metric dan Eccentricity. Pada ekstraksi fitur tekstur menggunakan parameter Contrast, Correlation, Energy, dan Homogeneity. Data yang digunakan terdiri atas 4 jenis citra Mandau yaitu Mandau Dayak Kenyah, Mandau Dayak Mahah, Mandau Dayak Benuaq dan Mandau Dayak Tunjung, dimana masing...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Wedding Organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose Berbasis Web

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Rumah Pengantin Rose merupakan wedding organizer yang berada di kota Samarinda. Kurangnya media i... more Rumah Pengantin Rose merupakan wedding organizer yang berada di kota Samarinda. Kurangnya media informasi serta manajemen data pada Wedding Organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose membuat wedding organizer ini kurang dikenal masyarakat luas dan memiliki keterbatasan dalam memanajemen data klien. Media informasi dan media penyimpanan data yang masih manual menjadi masalah dalam bisnis Wedding Organizer sehingga diperlukan sistem yang dapat menjadi media penyebaran informasi terkait Rumah Pengantin Rose serta media penyimpanan data Rumah Pengantin Rose. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi wedding organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose berbasis web menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi wedding organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose yang menjadi media informasi serta tempat penyimpanan data.

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligent Decision Support Systems of Medicinal Forest Plants for Skin Disease

2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT)

The richness of Borneo’s biodiversity with the potential for indigenous tribal knowledge, one of ... more The richness of Borneo’s biodiversity with the potential for indigenous tribal knowledge, one of which is using various types of medicinal plants used in traditional local ethnic medicine, especially those around forest areas. This study aims to develop Borneo’s medicinal forest plants decision-making system for skin diseases based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10 version 2016). The determination of medicinal plants for the treatment of skin diseases is based on criteria types of plant species, how to process, how to use, and plant parts used. This research resulted in a decision support system intelligence software product for determining of 94 dataset medicinal forest plants for skin diseases using the AHP method for weight determination (priority), and WASPAS for preference. The implementation of the AHP-WASPAS method in case studies of medicinal forest plants decision shows that the user’s subjectivity in weighting and decision-making criteria affects the recommended preference values. Furthermore, the multi-criteria analysis method approach to decision making in applied case studies is less objective because the knowledge base of alternatives and criteria is complex.

Research paper thumbnail of End-to-End QoS Tool Development and Performance Analysis for Network Mobile

International journal of scientific research in science, engineering and technology, Apr 30, 2017

Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the cus... more Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the customer. Not only for marketing purposes, the quality of services can also bridge the gap between the promise given by the service provider and what the customers get. The main objective for developing this application is offers a system that can measure the performance of a mobile data communications network with to develop a measurement tool End-to-End QoS (client software) that is suitable for the mobile environment through traffic users, and to summarize the results of its performance test, determine the extent to which performance of QoS on ISP using each service pack featured mobile operator.

Research paper thumbnail of Turnitin: Measuring quality of service for mobile internet services

https://api.ithenticate.com, Aug 21, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Database Dan Sistem Informasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Etnis Asli Kalimantan

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI), 2017

Data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan di Kalimantan belum dikelola dengan baik. Kebanyakan data kea... more Data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan di Kalimantan belum dikelola dengan baik. Kebanyakan data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan berada terpisah pada meja para peneliti dan lembaga terkait atau kadang tidak diterbitkan pada wilayah Kalimantan sebagai salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia. Data tanaman obat seringkali sulit didapat yang membuat para pengelola atau pengguna akan kebutuhan informasi tersebut menjadi terhambat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity information system) sebagai media infomasi dan inventarisasi data tanaman obat etnis asli Kalimantan. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak pendekatan model proses incremental yang dimodelkan menggunakan unified modelling language (UML), kerangka pembuatan web model view control framewok Laravel dengan koneksi database MySQL. Pengujian sistem menggunakan black box testing. Hasil penelitian berupa sistem informasi berbasis web dan inventarisasi data tanaman ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peer Review: Jurnal_International_Bereputasi_Widians_Biodiversity Information System for Management of Medicinal Plants Data Tropical Rainforest Borneo

Research paper thumbnail of Edy Budiman Data for Informatics

The results of measuring the use of internet data and the data analysis for assistance decision m... more The results of measuring the use of internet data and the data analysis for assistance decision making using the optimization method

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Culture Heritage Dataset

Data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article of the Mobile Cul... more Data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article of the Mobile Cultural Heritage for Digital Literation Dayak Tribe Borneo

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of TCP variants in Long Term Evolution (LTE)

2017 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE), 2017

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the protocols that work in the OSI (Open System Int... more Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the protocols that work in the OSI (Open System Interconnection) modeling transport layer. TCP was designed more for wired networks. However, to meet the need for rapid development of network technology based on user needs, further development is needed for the use of TCP on wireless devices. One of the implementation of wireless-based network is mobile technology Long Term Evolution (LTE) broadband offering advantages, especially in terms of access. TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP SACK, and TCP Vegas are variants over the LTE network model with scenario. First is the view Throughput of each TCP variants when only one variant Certain working in the network. Both observe throughput All variants of TCP at the same time and have a QoS Equivalent, but with the possibility of a small congestion based on the capacity of the links made sufficient.

Research paper thumbnail of A Water Level Detection: IoT Platform Based on Wireless Sensor Network

2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been used in various fields and for various applications. This ... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been used in various fields and for various applications. This includes environmental monitoring, volcanic activity monitoring, supporting components in order to provide a smart city, and monitoring activity in the agricultural field. The detection of water level in the river is still not able to work automatically and real-time to determine the water level of the river. This causes the locals generally do not know when the river on the river level grows higher and higher. In this study designed a water level detection sensor-based wireless network that works automatically by reading the height of the water using ultrasonic sensor and then the elevation data is sent to a website so that the public can monitor the height of the river in real time. This system was designed using two main components HC-SR04 and NodeMCU. HC-SR04 periodically transmit data of water level in real time, then NodeMCU upload this to the monitoring platform. The test results show that the design can achieve the collection and stably upload of surrounding environment data, and meet the design requirement of remotely monitoring the living environment conditions. The invention has follow advantages: small power consumption, simple structure, low cost, convenient installation and urban communities of Samarinda no longer confused to monitor the water level in flood-prone points, with this study, now everything can be monitored in real time through all kinds of gadgets.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification Pests and Diseases of the Borneo Black Sweet in Tropical Rainforest

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The Borneo black sweet Coelogyne Pandurata is one of the mascots of flora in East Kalimantan Trop... more The Borneo black sweet Coelogyne Pandurata is one of the mascots of flora in East Kalimantan Tropical Rainforest. This orchid species only grows on the Borneo. The uniqueness of The Borneo black orchid Coelogyne Pandurata, has a black tongue (labellum) with a few green and hairy stripes. This research is to develop an expert system for identifying pests and diseases of black orchids, as a support for the conservation of biodiversity in the East Kalimantan tropical rainforests. The expert system is equipped with a knowledge base in diagnosing pests, symptoms, and diseases of black orchid using Bayes theorem. In this research 4 pests disturbed black orchids, namely bare snail pests, caterpillars pests, grasshoppers pests, and ant pests. The diseases that attacked black orchids were obtained, namely brown spot disease, fusarium wilt disease, soft rot disease, and root rot disease. The result of the calculation of the Bayes Theorem based on 5 symptoms chosen by the user that black orchi...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Learning: Visualization Tools of Data Structures Course to Support Learning Students

— Mobile learning course of data structure, it cannot only be used as auxiliaries of learning, bu... more — Mobile learning course of data structure, it cannot only be used as auxiliaries of learning, but also an independent learning mode. The various approaches theory of research and development, software design, and methods we use into built of media. The main objective is the construction of educational software adapted to learning. First and foremost, it is essential to have in mind that our application is designed for two very specific public; on the one side the lectures, who will use it as a teaching tool, and another side the students, for learning purposes. This research has created a mobile learning application for courses of data structures, the learning material is presented visually according curriculum-syllabus and learning outcomes of data structures. This application as one a learning media to support students who can be used all the time (long life learning).

Research paper thumbnail of End-to-End QoS Tool Development and Performance Analysis for Network Mobile

Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the cus... more Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the customer. Not only for marketing purposes, the quality of services can also bridge the gap between the promise given by the service provider and what the customers get. The main objective for developing this application is offers a system that can measure the performance of a mobile data communications network with to develop a measurement tool End-to-End QoS (client software) that is suitable for the mobile environment through traffic users, and to summarize the results of its performance test, determine the extent to which performance of QoS on ISP using each service pack featured mobile operator.

Research paper thumbnail of Buku Ajar Mobile Programing for Student.pdf

Mulawarman University Press, 2018

Buku Mobile Programming for Student membahas cakupan materi-materi perkuliahan pada matakuliah p... more Buku Mobile Programming for Student membahas cakupan materi-materi perkuliahan pada matakuliah pemrograman mobile berbasis aplikasi Android berserta contoh latihan disetiap materi

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Monitoring Nilai Siswa SDN 017 Anggana

Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang mempengaruhi perkembangan dunia pendidikan yang membuat... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi sekarang mempengaruhi perkembangan dunia pendidikan yang membuat para peserta didik ataupun staf pengajar lebih peka terhadap informasi–informasi pendidikan yang berbasis teknologi. Internet merupakan cabang perkembangan teknologi yang sudah biasa digunakan dikalangan masyarakat. Melalui internet ini pula, pendidikan di daerah–daerah terpencil juga bisa mendapatkan informasi yang baik dari pendidikan pusat dan mampu bersaing di dunia pendidikan. Perkembangan dari segala aspek ini, membuat para orang tua bisa lebih mudah dalam mengawasi perkembangan anak mereka melalui monitoring berbasis web sehingga hal ini lebih efektif bagi orang tua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah sistem monitoring yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang hasil belajar anak, serta dapat memudahkan staf pengejar dalam mengolah data nilai secara akurat. Sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan memiliki desain interface yang mudah dipahami. Penelitian in...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Manajemen Bandwith Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Dan Teknologi Infrmasi Unversitas Mulawarman Samarinda Menggunakan Metode Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB)

Aplikasi yang membutuhkan delay yang minim seperti apilkasi multimedia, dan aplikasi yang aka... more Aplikasi yang membutuhkan delay yang minim seperti apilkasi multimedia, dan aplikasi yang akan merebut bandwidth sebesar-besarnya seperti aplikasi pada ftp, serta aplikasi yang hanya memakan bandwidth sangat kecil seperti icmp dan web statis, akan membuat jumlah bandwidth yang ada tidak mendapatkan jatahnya sehingga performansi jaringan akan terasa menurun. Mengatasi hal tersebut, perlu diimplementasikan suatu teknik QoS yang bernama Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) yang merupakan suatu tawaran solusi untuk manajemen bandwidth pada jaringan yang digunakan oleh pihak ICT Universitas Mulawarman dalam pembagian bandwidth di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Usability Study of Student Academic Portal from a User’s Perspective

2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018

Usability is a key factor that determines the success of a management software or interactive sys... more Usability is a key factor that determines the success of a management software or interactive system, like student academic portal. The increasing usage of a portal requires usability evaluation method that is more accurate and effective to found usability problem, so it can be used for management service improvement in the academic process. The study aims to analyze the feasibility level of using a student academic portal. There are two methods that we using to find problems of convenience, i.e. Think Aloud Evaluation (TA), and Heuristic Evaluation. The study has resulted in the main factors affect the service capabilities of a student academic portal, revealing all the strengths and weaknesses of the portal based on the user’s perceptions of the system.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Hama Tanaman Buah Naga

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Buah naga termasuk buah yang unik karena dihasilkan oleh kaktus dari marga Hylocereus dan Selenic... more Buah naga termasuk buah yang unik karena dihasilkan oleh kaktus dari marga Hylocereus dan Selenicereus . Buah Naga merupakan salah satu buah yang memiliki prospek bisnis yang tinggi di Indonesia maupun di mancanegara.. Dalam budidaya tanaman buah naga, tidak lepas dari berbagai tantangan, termasuk hama yang menyerangnya. Dalam proses mengidentifikasi hama yang menyerang tanaman buah naga diperlukan seorang pakar dalam bidang Pengendali Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan. Ketika pakar tidak ada, maka dibutuhkan suatu sistem pakar yang dapat memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai gejala serangan, hama dan pengendaliannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah Certainty Factor. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan 7 (tujuh) hama yang menyerang tanaman buah naga di Kalimantan Timur yaitu bekicot (Achatina fulica), kutu putih (Mealybugs), burung (Aves), lalat buah (Bactrocera papayae), tungau (Tetranychus sp.), kumbang (Hypomeces squamosus) dan belalang (Aularches miliaris).

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Metode PCQ pada QoS Jaringan Komputer Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Mulawarman

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Manfaat dari jaringan komputer sudah sangat banyak dirasakan. Apalagi dalam dunia komunikasi yang... more Manfaat dari jaringan komputer sudah sangat banyak dirasakan. Apalagi dalam dunia komunikasi yang serba cepat ini, jaringan komputer sering kali berperan penting dalam kegiatan pengiriman informasi yang cepat tersebut. Manajemen bandwidth merupakan hal penting dalam sebuah jaringan komputer. Manajemen bandwidth berfungsi untuk mengatur bandwidth jaringan sehingga setiap pengguna jaringan memperoleh bandwith yang adil dan merata. Teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikannya didasarkan pada pendekatan yang disebut Quality of Service (QoS) dan disesuaikan dengan standar TIPHON. QoS bukan membatasi tetapi lebih kepada menjaga kualitas bandwidth, tanpa adanya Quality of Service dalam sebuah jaringan intranet mengakibatkan ketidaksinambungan bandwidth yang diterima client. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh penulis adalah menyeimbangkan alokasi bandwidth sesuai untuk kebutuhan pengguna. Metode antrian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode Per Connection Queue ...

Research paper thumbnail of Klasifikasi Senjata Tradisional Mandau Suku Dayak Menggunakan Metode Naive Bayes Classifier Berdasarkan Fitur Bentuk dan Tekstur

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Mandau adalah senjata tajam sejenis parang berasal dari kebudayaan Dayak di Kalimantan. Mandau me... more Mandau adalah senjata tajam sejenis parang berasal dari kebudayaan Dayak di Kalimantan. Mandau memiliki ukiran-ukiran di bagian bilahnya yang tidak tajam. Sering juga dijumpai tambahan lubang-lubang di bilahnya yang ditutup dengan kuningan atau tembaga dengan maksud memperindah bilah Mandau. Mandau memiliki kemiripan serta ciri khas yang membedakan dari masing-masing suku Dayak. Rumpun suku Dayak terbagi menjadi beberapa suku diantaranya Dayak Kenyah, Dayak Tunjung, Dayak Mahah dan Dayak Benuaq. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasi jenis Mandau menggunakan metode Naive Bayes Classifier berdasarkan fitur bentuk dan tekstur pada citra Mandau. Pada ektrstraksi fitur bentuk menggunanakan parameter Metric dan Eccentricity. Pada ekstraksi fitur tekstur menggunakan parameter Contrast, Correlation, Energy, dan Homogeneity. Data yang digunakan terdiri atas 4 jenis citra Mandau yaitu Mandau Dayak Kenyah, Mandau Dayak Mahah, Mandau Dayak Benuaq dan Mandau Dayak Tunjung, dimana masing...

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Wedding Organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose Berbasis Web

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI)

Rumah Pengantin Rose merupakan wedding organizer yang berada di kota Samarinda. Kurangnya media i... more Rumah Pengantin Rose merupakan wedding organizer yang berada di kota Samarinda. Kurangnya media informasi serta manajemen data pada Wedding Organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose membuat wedding organizer ini kurang dikenal masyarakat luas dan memiliki keterbatasan dalam memanajemen data klien. Media informasi dan media penyimpanan data yang masih manual menjadi masalah dalam bisnis Wedding Organizer sehingga diperlukan sistem yang dapat menjadi media penyebaran informasi terkait Rumah Pengantin Rose serta media penyimpanan data Rumah Pengantin Rose. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi wedding organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose berbasis web menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi wedding organizer Rumah Pengantin Rose yang menjadi media informasi serta tempat penyimpanan data.

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligent Decision Support Systems of Medicinal Forest Plants for Skin Disease

2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT)

The richness of Borneo’s biodiversity with the potential for indigenous tribal knowledge, one of ... more The richness of Borneo’s biodiversity with the potential for indigenous tribal knowledge, one of which is using various types of medicinal plants used in traditional local ethnic medicine, especially those around forest areas. This study aims to develop Borneo’s medicinal forest plants decision-making system for skin diseases based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10 version 2016). The determination of medicinal plants for the treatment of skin diseases is based on criteria types of plant species, how to process, how to use, and plant parts used. This research resulted in a decision support system intelligence software product for determining of 94 dataset medicinal forest plants for skin diseases using the AHP method for weight determination (priority), and WASPAS for preference. The implementation of the AHP-WASPAS method in case studies of medicinal forest plants decision shows that the user’s subjectivity in weighting and decision-making criteria affects the recommended preference values. Furthermore, the multi-criteria analysis method approach to decision making in applied case studies is less objective because the knowledge base of alternatives and criteria is complex.

Research paper thumbnail of End-to-End QoS Tool Development and Performance Analysis for Network Mobile

International journal of scientific research in science, engineering and technology, Apr 30, 2017

Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the cus... more Quality of Service is an important thing in maintaining the performance of the service to the customer. Not only for marketing purposes, the quality of services can also bridge the gap between the promise given by the service provider and what the customers get. The main objective for developing this application is offers a system that can measure the performance of a mobile data communications network with to develop a measurement tool End-to-End QoS (client software) that is suitable for the mobile environment through traffic users, and to summarize the results of its performance test, determine the extent to which performance of QoS on ISP using each service pack featured mobile operator.

Research paper thumbnail of Turnitin: Measuring quality of service for mobile internet services

https://api.ithenticate.com, Aug 21, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Database Dan Sistem Informasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Etnis Asli Kalimantan

Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi (JURTI), 2017

Data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan di Kalimantan belum dikelola dengan baik. Kebanyakan data kea... more Data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan di Kalimantan belum dikelola dengan baik. Kebanyakan data keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan berada terpisah pada meja para peneliti dan lembaga terkait atau kadang tidak diterbitkan pada wilayah Kalimantan sebagai salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia. Data tanaman obat seringkali sulit didapat yang membuat para pengelola atau pengguna akan kebutuhan informasi tersebut menjadi terhambat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity information system) sebagai media infomasi dan inventarisasi data tanaman obat etnis asli Kalimantan. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak pendekatan model proses incremental yang dimodelkan menggunakan unified modelling language (UML), kerangka pembuatan web model view control framewok Laravel dengan koneksi database MySQL. Pengujian sistem menggunakan black box testing. Hasil penelitian berupa sistem informasi berbasis web dan inventarisasi data tanaman ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peer Review: Jurnal_International_Bereputasi_Widians_Biodiversity Information System for Management of Medicinal Plants Data Tropical Rainforest Borneo

Research paper thumbnail of Edy Budiman Data for Informatics

The results of measuring the use of internet data and the data analysis for assistance decision m... more The results of measuring the use of internet data and the data analysis for assistance decision making using the optimization method

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Culture Heritage Dataset

Data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article of the Mobile Cul... more Data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article of the Mobile Cultural Heritage for Digital Literation Dayak Tribe Borneo

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of TCP variants in Long Term Evolution (LTE)

2017 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEEIE), 2017

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the protocols that work in the OSI (Open System Int... more Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the protocols that work in the OSI (Open System Interconnection) modeling transport layer. TCP was designed more for wired networks. However, to meet the need for rapid development of network technology based on user needs, further development is needed for the use of TCP on wireless devices. One of the implementation of wireless-based network is mobile technology Long Term Evolution (LTE) broadband offering advantages, especially in terms of access. TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP SACK, and TCP Vegas are variants over the LTE network model with scenario. First is the view Throughput of each TCP variants when only one variant Certain working in the network. Both observe throughput All variants of TCP at the same time and have a QoS Equivalent, but with the possibility of a small congestion based on the capacity of the links made sufficient.

Research paper thumbnail of A Water Level Detection: IoT Platform Based on Wireless Sensor Network

2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been used in various fields and for various applications. This ... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been used in various fields and for various applications. This includes environmental monitoring, volcanic activity monitoring, supporting components in order to provide a smart city, and monitoring activity in the agricultural field. The detection of water level in the river is still not able to work automatically and real-time to determine the water level of the river. This causes the locals generally do not know when the river on the river level grows higher and higher. In this study designed a water level detection sensor-based wireless network that works automatically by reading the height of the water using ultrasonic sensor and then the elevation data is sent to a website so that the public can monitor the height of the river in real time. This system was designed using two main components HC-SR04 and NodeMCU. HC-SR04 periodically transmit data of water level in real time, then NodeMCU upload this to the monitoring platform. The test results show that the design can achieve the collection and stably upload of surrounding environment data, and meet the design requirement of remotely monitoring the living environment conditions. The invention has follow advantages: small power consumption, simple structure, low cost, convenient installation and urban communities of Samarinda no longer confused to monitor the water level in flood-prone points, with this study, now everything can be monitored in real time through all kinds of gadgets.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification Pests and Diseases of the Borneo Black Sweet in Tropical Rainforest

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021

The Borneo black sweet Coelogyne Pandurata is one of the mascots of flora in East Kalimantan Trop... more The Borneo black sweet Coelogyne Pandurata is one of the mascots of flora in East Kalimantan Tropical Rainforest. This orchid species only grows on the Borneo. The uniqueness of The Borneo black orchid Coelogyne Pandurata, has a black tongue (labellum) with a few green and hairy stripes. This research is to develop an expert system for identifying pests and diseases of black orchids, as a support for the conservation of biodiversity in the East Kalimantan tropical rainforests. The expert system is equipped with a knowledge base in diagnosing pests, symptoms, and diseases of black orchid using Bayes theorem. In this research 4 pests disturbed black orchids, namely bare snail pests, caterpillars pests, grasshoppers pests, and ant pests. The diseases that attacked black orchids were obtained, namely brown spot disease, fusarium wilt disease, soft rot disease, and root rot disease. The result of the calculation of the Bayes Theorem based on 5 symptoms chosen by the user that black orchi...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobile Network Experience in Forest Research and Conservation Areas

2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2021

The availability of mobile network connections in conservation forest areas is very important for... more The availability of mobile network connections in conservation forest areas is very important for institutions in the forestry sector for research, development, and technological innovation on biodiversity. This study aims to evaluate the mobile network experience in forest conservation areas for the research needs, development, and technological innovation in forestry. This study aims to evaluate the availability of mobile networks in the research plot forest in the Henry Bastaman track, Joko Mulyono track, and the Wartono Kadri track in the conservation forest area Samboja, East Borneo. The measurement method uses a drive-test operator benchmarking approach to measure network parameters such as downlink, uplink, browser-web, and video streaming. Evaluation results are obtained based on the key performance parameter Quality of Service Experience (QoSE) multimedia network (ITU-T G.1010) for web browsing, download and upload, and video streaming experiences in poor network availability categories. The research contribution shows that the main factor of network failure in forest areas due to the influence of NLOS is related to the geographical condition of the forest (tree cover, hilly areas). In addition, there are limitations to infrastructure networks such as Base Transceiver Station (BTS).

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Manajemen Rekam Medis Berbasis Website

Sistem pelayanan pada Puskesmas Juanda masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga proses pelayanan m... more Sistem pelayanan pada Puskesmas Juanda masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga proses pelayanan masih berjalan lamban. Oleh karena itu perlu dibangun sebuah sistem manajemen rekam medis dengan tujuan memudahkan dalam proses pelayanan pasien terkhusus untuk bagian rekam medis. Metode pengembangan waterfall dengan alat bantu perancangan sistem menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) dan Data Flow Diagram (DFD) telah digunakan. Hasil penelitian menegaskan bahwa data rekam medis seperti data obat, data pasien, laporan data pasien, laporan data stok obat dan grafik kunjungan pasien serta grafik stok obat mampu memberikan kemudahan dalam manajemen Puskesmas dalam melakukan perencanaan kedepan.

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Informasi Spesies Dan Morfologi Tanaman Bambu Di Kalimantan

Sistem informasi spesies dan morfologi tanaman bambu di Kalimantan, merupakan sistem informasi ya... more Sistem informasi spesies dan morfologi tanaman bambu di Kalimantan, merupakan sistem informasi yang dapat menyajikan deskripsi tanaman bambu. Pengembangan sistem informasi dapat di implementasikan dengan berbagai teknologi, data tumbuhan seringkali sulit didapat yang membuat para pengelola atau pengguna akan kebutuhan informasi tersebut menjadi terhambat. Kebanyakan data Tanaman bambu berada terpisah pada meja para peneliti dan lembaga terkait atau kadang tidak diterbitkan padahal wilayah Kalimantan sebagai salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem informasi morfologi dan spesies tanaman bambu di kalimantan sebagai media informasi dan inventarisasi data Tanaman hutan hujan tropis Kalimantan. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak pendekatan kerangka pembuatan web model view control framework Laravel dengan koneksi database MySQL. Pengujian sistem menggunakan proses blackbox testing. Hasil penelitian berupa prototipe desain si...