livejournal, posts by tag: authorities relations - LiveJournal (original) (raw)


Доступ к ЖЖ

Сегодня, 13 марта 2014г., администрацией сервиса LiveJournal Inc было получено предписание Роскомнадзора со ссылкой на требование Генеральной прокуратуры от 13.03.2014 № 27/3-286-2014/Нд6333-14 о принятии мер по ограничению доступа к информации, размещенной по адресу . Конфликтная комиссия сервиса LiveJournal Inc, расположенная в штаб-квартире в Калифорнии, рассмотрела предписание ведомства и в соответствии со стандартной процедурой ограничила доступ к блогу Письмо-уведомление об исполнении было направлено в Роскомнадзор.

На данный момент к нам обратился ряд пользователей (провайдерами которых являются: Onlime, Beeline и Ростелеком) с жалобами о проблемах с доступом к ресурсу

Окончательно доступ к ЖЖ будет восстановлен после того, как Роскомнадзор удалит ссылку на домен из единого реестра запрещенной информации. Мы делаем все, чтобы это произошло как можно скорее


Announcement regarding Drugoi's entry

Dear users,

With the reference to blocking URL in the Russian Federation in execution of the notification about adding it to the Common registry of domain names, URLs, and network addresses for identification of websites, containing information that is prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation, videlicet information about the suicidal styles, the LiveJournal management will block other users’ reposts of the banned entry.

Internet users in the Russian Federation will see an error message 451: "The page is blocked due to the decision of the authorities in your area".


Russian Authorities request regarding Drugoi's entry

On January 10, 2013, the LiveJournal management was officially informed by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies, and Mass Communications (of the Russian Federation) that URL has been added to the Common registry of domain names, URLs, and network addresses for identification of websites, containing information that is prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation, the registry entry 193-RI.

According to Part 7 of Article 15.1. of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies, and Information Protection", we are required to inform the owner of the blog, hosted by us, within 24 hours since the notification has been received, that he or she have to immediately remove the information, which is prohibited for distribution in the Russian Federation.

In compliance with request from banned sites registry operator, the LiveJournal Abuse Team came to the decision to block access to the above-noted blog entry in Russian Federation. Internet users in the Russian Federation will see an error message 451: "The page is blocked due to the decision of the authorities in your area." Users in other countries can still access it.

LiveJournal Team