For months now, I've been fighting with my meditation practice. Recently it had gotten so bad, I wasn't even sitting anymore. Somehow, I had turned it into the most onerous of tasks. Considering that sitting meditation is a big part of our practice, mine was pretty screwed. I couldn't ask for advice because I was already getting too much and it was making things worse. Then I decided I was going to stop fighting. A couple of nights ago, with the breath as companion, I sat on the bank of the endless river of thoughts and calmly watched it all flow by. I didn't own any of it, none of it owned me. We were just peacefully abiding together. It was an utterly delightful experience and one of the best sits I've ever had. Now the cushion and I are friends again. In the future, there will be more problems, but there will also be patience and resolution. And after each round, a little more insight. |