ljcrack - Profile (original) (raw)

on 11 September 2003 (#1318708)

Slayer Tales mun community, new and improved!

acting, action/adventure, aim chat, angel, ats, being special, btvs, buffy, chosen family, comedy, comics, demons, drama, duct tape, faingel, fanfiction, fes, friendship, geeks, iconning, icons, jolt cola, lawn darts, live journal, lj crack, los angeles, mosquito netting, movies, mpd, mr gordo, multiple online personalities, old calendars, penguins, roleplaying, rpgs, scary!faces, shiny, shipping, slayers, smurfs, snark, spander, spangel, spuffy, squeee, stakes, stucco, sunnydale, television, the internet, troll hammers, vampires, voodoo, watchers, writing, xaith