LJ get-together (original) (raw)

In just a day, I made two new friends. And turned an online-friend into an IRL-friend. :) It's amazing how the internet can change the way we see the world, opening paths that may well have been closed had the internet never become what it is today. It was a great feeling meeting noodlefan, snygging84 and darnia all for the first time. The world is full of exciting and fabulous people, and once online you may find them. :)

| Noodle Dude posting in LJ get-together | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

Hej allihopa!

I was supposed to come to the LJGT in Västervik the other month, but unfortunately couldn't make it. Now I'm trying to get a second chance to meet you people, during a small get together.

The most suitable day for nordiclania and me seems Friday the 18th, so it would be great if as many other people as possible could join us. The more the merrier!

The program I'm thinking of consists of several parts:

  1. Do something touristy (since I am one), like sightseeing, a museum, or shopping. I'm not a great walker, so 20 km hikes are not my thing, but I love strolling around city centers.
  2. Fika some time in the afternoon (15 - 16h)
  3. Dinner starting between 18h and 19h
  4. Drinks afterwards

Whoever reads this is welcome to join us in any or several of the above items.
For all parts, I'm really welcoming suggestions on what to do, where to go, etc.
So, let's hear it!

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Wow, the LJ get-together has generated its first couple! :D


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da_smaskus and nackrufs were talking about having a get-together in Stockholm sometime. Stockholm is a great place for get-togethers of course, lots of things to do and see. Many of us live in Stockholm too so for people who are coming to visit, you can stay for free and if we would turn out to be too many, there are always "vandrarhem". :)

I've also been thinking about the possibility of arranging something during winter. Which would require a lot more work I'm sure and the weather wouldn't be as nice either. ;) But still!

If any of you have ideas on what could be done, post comments or brand new posts! :D

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Well, I must say that the LJGT I put together for June 30th - July 2nd at my summer house in Småland, Sweden was a huge sucess. Not all people I had invited could come, of course, but at least we came to be 8 people in total. A great start to something quite so big. :) I'm wishing this could be a yearly event among my LJ friends and I will at least try to make it that way, although it will be a tough task getting everyone under one roof. ^^

My post where all the pictures are is friends only, but I'll post a couple of pics here so you can get a sneak peek of what it was like. :)

© nordiclania

© nackrufs

Anywho, you are welcome to join this community to discuss anything LJGT related. See you around! :)

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