Eduard Cristobal-Fransi | Universitat de Lleida (original) (raw)
Papers by Eduard Cristobal-Fransi
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2017
Los seniors se configuran como un colectivo de especial relevancia para un gran número de industr... more Los seniors se configuran como un colectivo de especial relevancia para un gran número de industrias. El cambio en el estilo de vida de la población mayor más orientada actualmente al disfrute del tiempo libre que generaciones anteriores y por tanto, más propensa a viajar, beneficia al sector turístico. Hasta ahora, estudios centrados en los seniors han analizado su comportamiento como algo homogéneo en comparación con otras franjas de edad. En esta investigación, con una muestra útil de 2.541 individuos, partimos de la consideración que dicho grupo es heterogéneo, con distintas características y niveles de uso de Internet, y proponemos, mediante una clasificación, tres perfiles de internautas seniors en función de los productos comprados en línea. Encontramos un segmento que utiliza Internet para comprar, sobretodo, productos y servicios turísticos. En las conclusiones se presentan las reflexiones más significativas sobre los segmentos obtenidos y su implicación en la gestión.
Tourism Analysis, 2021
Tourists travel because they are pushed by their internal motivations and attracted or pulled by ... more Tourists travel because they are pushed by their internal motivations and attracted or pulled by certain elements and features of destinations. However, a growing number of destinations have similar tourist attractions and need to differentiate themselves. The aim of this study is to unveil the power of high-level culinary tourism, focusing on Michelin-starred restaurants, as a pull factor and generator of tourism flows, as well as to create a model to quantify the level of importance of these highquality restaurants as nuclei of a destination. The gastronomic and culinary industry is one of the most traditional sectors in most economies and is now becoming a fundamental element in attracting tourism and promotion. In this study, we argue that certain types of business, such as high-quality restaurants, can generate tourism flows in their own right within a context where the role of tourists and enterprises has shifted from a passive to an active one, in which companies actively see...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2021
In terms of destination image, museums represent a tourism resource of the first magnitude. Howev... more In terms of destination image, museums represent a tourism resource of the first magnitude. However, just as the information available online influences visitors’ decision-making about destinations, the internet is also fundamental in promoting and attracting visitors to museums. For that reason, we sought to analyse the online presence of museums in the seven most visited cities in Spain. To examine the museums’ websites, we developed an integrative model based on web content analysis (WCA ) and the extended model of internet commerce adoption (eMICA) that we applied to 77 publicly and privately run museums in Spain. Both WCA and the eMICA indicated that, despite their great economic and touristic scope, museums in Spain's most visited cities tend to mismanage their online presence and communication. We thus tentatively attributed the online presence of museums in Spain to type of museum management and several city-related parameters as explanatory variables. Multiple linear re...
Sustainability, 2020
The role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in business management is cu... more The role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in business management is currently a topic of increasing interest. Web 2.0 has emerged as an important source of innovation that contributes to organizational performance and improving the competitiveness of the tourism industry. However, evidence has been found that the tourism industry encounters difficulties when it comes to adopting these technologies and effectively applying them to e-commerce. The aim of this study is to analyze whether the websites belonging to industrial tourism facilitate effective communication with their target audiences. To this end, we propose and implement a model for analyzing websites based on the content analysis technique, considering the dimensions of information, communication, e-commerce, and additional Functions. This model is applied to 128 tourism resources in Catalonia with the aim of identifying opportunities arising from the use of Web 2.0 tools and addressing identified...
Sustainability, 2020
In this article, we introduce the themes and approaches covered in this special issue on Sustaina... more In this article, we introduce the themes and approaches covered in this special issue on Sustainable Tourism Marketing. Its objective has been to analyze the main contributions made as a result of research related to sustainable tourism-marketing management and current trends in this field. This issue has gathered articles about the marketing of destinations and the marketing and communication management of companies and tourism organizations from a sustainable tourism perspective. This editorial piece provides a useful introduction to the relationship between tourism and sustainable marketing management that can be used by researchers and practitioners to develop tourism marketing strategies from a sustainable perspective.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019
Culinary or gastronomic tourism has become one of the main exponents of cultural tourism and a ke... more Culinary or gastronomic tourism has become one of the main exponents of cultural tourism and a key element of a destination’s image identity. Since travellers consult and produce online travel reviews (OTR) before and during a trip, this research aims to provide and implement a framework for analysing OTRs of dining establishments to measure their contribution to destination image formation in their designative (cognitive) and appraisive (affective and evaluative) aspects. To do this, a website was selected from which to download OTRs, extract useful information from the textual and paratextual elements, build a keyword frequency matrix, and perform a quantitative and thematic content analysis. This method was applied to a random sample of 500,000 OTRs from the TripAdvisor restaurants section, written in English, between 2013 and 2017, by tourists visiting the Canary Islands. Results show that, although the gastronomic image of the destination is positive in general, the local and r...
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 2017
ABSTRACT Websites have become a fundamental marketing tool for tourism businesses and have a spec... more ABSTRACT Websites have become a fundamental marketing tool for tourism businesses and have a special importance for highly rated restaurants. The aim of this article is to propose and apply a model to evaluate the deployment and adoption of website marketing features of restaurants from a specific category. The model is based on the application of an extended model of Internet commerce adoption (eMICA) technique for technical depth, combined with content analysis for breadth. This study analyzes the website features and capabilities for Spanish restaurants in the 2015 Michelin Red Guide. A total of 102 restaurants were analyzed. The results of the website evaluation model suggest that, despite the importance of the restaurant sector in the economy and in the tourism industry, the websites of high-quality restaurants require improvements to adapt to customers’ demands. Results further found that these websites are not tourist-orientated and are established at different stages of development.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018
High-quality restaurants have become key assets in the economies of many countries and are often ... more High-quality restaurants have become key assets in the economies of many countries and are often considered attractors of tourism in themselves. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose a model to evaluate the development and maturity of restaurant websites. The model consists of a progressive analysis of the restaurants' websites, which starts with a content analysis, and continues with the application of the eMICA model to identify each website's level of maturity. It finishes with a PCA integrating both methods. This model is applied to 980 Michelin-starred restaurants in France, Italy and Spain to determine whether their websites facilitate efficient communication and are adapted to e-commerce. Results show that website maturity and content development are positively related, and that the aforementioned restaurants are not taking advantage of the opportunities that the Internet offers, and show different progress depending on the country where they are located and the category.
Intangible Capital, 2018
Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants... more Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants to ascertain the profile of this type of customer, their behaviour and their influence on the destinations where they are located.Design/methodology: During the months of July to December 2016, a survey was conducted on a sample of 187 tourists who had visited Michelin-starred restaurants in order to highlight the most valued aspects during the process of choosing, consulting and booking the top-level restaurant service.Contributions and results: The results reveal the existence of two segments whose behaviour is different, where the individuals of the first consider the culinary experience as the main reason for their tourist visit to the destination. In contrast, the second segment considers that their visit to the destination is the main reason for their tourism. Moreover, the diners from both segments display different behaviour in terms of their post-purchase, recommendation and in...
Sustainability, 2018
The purpose of this article is to analyse whether ski resorts in Europe are economically viable. ... more The purpose of this article is to analyse whether ski resorts in Europe are economically viable. Data originates from the financial statements of the 61 largest ski lift operators in Austria, France, and Italy. Descriptive statistics reveal that these operators are characterized by positive and relatively high returns, and by having little debt in general terms. The results show that the most economically profitable ski operators are also the largest. The elevation of the ski area is not relevant. Ski lift operators in Austria have a higher profitability than those in France and Italy. Overall, larger ski resorts are better prepared for the future investment needed to adapt to the new conditions in the industry, such as climate variability.
Sustainability, 2018
The impacts of climate change are affecting ski tourism in Europe’s southernmost ski resorts, suc... more The impacts of climate change are affecting ski tourism in Europe’s southernmost ski resorts, such as those in France, and Spain. This is leading to changes in the scheduling of activities which, in turn, imply changes in how ski resorts are managed. The main aim of this work is to analyze whether ski resort websites are developing an effective marketing strategy and if they are adapted to e-commerce and the needs of contemporary society, including the adaptations needed to better face climate change and the stagnation the sector is suffering. In order to achieve this, we have developed a model to analyze ski resort websites; it is based on web content analysis, taking four factors into account: information, communication, e-commerce, and additional functions. We will, secondly, apply the eMICA (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption) methodology to analyze the maturity of such e-commerce activities in ski tourism. Fifty-two ski resorts in Spain and 173 in France were analyzed...
Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 2017
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to analyse the current situation at Lleida-Alguair... more Purpose: The main objective of this article is to analyse the current situation at Lleida-Alguaire Airport and propose possible actions to increase its profitability.Design/methodology/approach: This study presents the method as a research tool applied to regional airports, in particular, Lleida-Alguaire Airport.Findings: The study shows the importance of air transport and the current situation of Spanish airports, specifically in Catalonia, exposing the main air traffic imbalances between different airports and their effect on tourism. Finally, it describes and analyses the situation of Lleida-Alguaire Airport.Practical implications: Some actions in relation with aeronautical traffic are presented in order to improve and increase the efficiency of the system.Originality/value: This article is one of the first works to focus on regional airports and it seeks ways to improve their economic and social efficiency.
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 2017
La presente investigación busca conocer si los sitios web de las estaciones de esquí de España y ... more La presente investigación busca conocer si los sitios web de las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra facilitan una comunicación eficaz con sus públicos objetivo. Para ello, se propone y se aplica un modelo para el análisis de las páginas web de las estaciones de esquí, basado en la técnica de análisis de contenido, considerando las dimensiones de información, comunicación, comercio electrónico y funciones adicionales. Este modelo se aplicó a la totalidad de las estaciones de esquí y montaña de España y Andorra: 31 alpinas, 21 nórdicas y 1 cubierta. Los resultados indican que las estaciones de esquí alpino están mejor preparadas que las de esquí nórdico, a pesar de que todavía tienen mucho recorrido por hacer a la hora de facilitar una comunicación y una interacción efectivas con su público objetivo. Palabras clave: TIC; turismo de nieve; comercio electrónico; estación de esquí; análisis del contenido web Resum. Desenvolupament de les TIC en el turisme de neu: Anàlisi de la presència en línia de les estacions d'esquí a Espanya i Andorra La present investigació busca conèixer si els llocs web de les estacions d'esquí d'Espanya i d'Andorra faciliten una comunicació eficaç amb els seus públics objectiu. Per aquest motiu, es proposa i s'aplica un model per analitzar les pàgines web de les estacions d'esquí, basat en la tècnica d'anàlisi de contingut i considerant les dimensions d'informació, comunicació, comerç electrònic i funcions addicionals. Aquest model es va aplicar a la totalitat de les estacions d'esquí i de muntanya d'Espanya i d'Andorra: 31 d'alpines, 21 de nòrdiques i 1 de coberta. Els resultats indiquen que les estacions d'esquí alpí estan més ben preparades que les d'esquí nòrdic, malgrat que encara tenen molt de recorregut per fer a l'hora de facilitar una comunicació i una interacció efectives amb el seu públic objectiu. Paraules clau: TIC; turisme de neu; comerç electrònic; estació d'esquí; anàlisi del contingut web N. Daries-Ramon; E.Cristóbal-Fransi; Desarrollo de las TIC en el turismo de nieve: Análisis de la presencia E. Martín-Fuentes; E. Mariné-Roig en línea de las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra 400 Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 2017, vol. 63/2 Résumé. Le développement des TIC dans le tourisme de neige: Analyse de la présence en ligne des stations de ski en Espagne et Andorre Cette recherche vise à savoir si les sites web des stations de ski en Espagne et en Andorre fournissent une communication efficace avec leurs publics cibles. À cette fin, nous proposons et appliquons un modèle pour l'analyse des sites web des stations de ski fondé sur la technique d'analyse du contenu, en considérant les aspects de l'information, de la communication, du commerce électronique et des fonctions supplémentaires. Ce modèle s'applique à toutes les stations de ski de l'Espagne et de l'Andorre: 31 de skialpin, 21 de ski nordique et 1 indoor. Les résultats indiquent que les stations de ski alpin sont mieux préparées que celles de ski nordique bien qu'elles aient encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour faciliter unecommunication efficace et l'interaction avec leur public cible. Mots-clés: TIC; tourisme de neige; commerce électronique; station de ski; analyse de contenu web
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 2017
This study sought to determine whether ski resort websites facilitate effective communication wit... more This study sought to determine whether ski resort websites facilitate effective communication with their target audience and whether they are adapted to electronic commerce (e-commerce). To this end, first, a content analysis model was developed and applied to ski resort websites, considering four dimensions: Information, Communication, e-Commerce and Additional Features. Second, the extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption (eMICA) methodology was used to identify the opportunities arising from the use of Web 2.0 tools and suggest improvements for the detected shortcomings to enable these businesses to achieve more competitive management. The findings show that alpine ski resorts are better prepared than Nordic ones, although they still have a long way to go in facilitating effective communication and interaction with their target audience.
Intangible Capital, 2016
Purpose: The present work seeks analyze the profitability and the financial situation of the main... more Purpose: The present work seeks analyze the profitability and the financial situation of the main Catalan alpine ski resorts, with the objective to check if these are sustainable from an economic point of view, taking into account the external factors that affect him.Design/methodology: With the objective to carry out the study of profitability and financial situation, we obtained the financial states of the main Alpine ski resorts of the Catalan Pyrenees: Baqueira-Beret, Masella, Boí Taüll, Vallter 2000, La Molina, Vall de Núria and Espot Ski-Port Ainé, for the periods comprised between 2011-2015 and we proceeded to apply a series of economical and structural ratios with the purpose of establish a diagnostic on his situation.Findings: The results show that the Baqueira-Beret and Masella resorts are the only that obtain profits, whereas the rest of resorts obtain losses in all the periods analyzed. With regard to the financial situation, the results reveal that the level of indebted...
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2016
El papel de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la gestión empresarial c... more El papel de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la gestión empresarial constituye actualmente un tema de creciente interés tanto para académicos como para profesionales. La Web 2.0 se ha revelado como una importante fuente de innovación que contribuye al desempeño organizacional y a la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas del sector turístico. A pesar de ello, se han encontrado evidencias que revelan las dificultades para la adopción de estas tecnologías en algunas empresas del sector turístico y su aplicación para un efectivo comercio electrónico. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la implantación y uso de las herramientas de comercio electrónico en las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra a través de la metodología eMICA (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption), para identificar las oportunidades derivadas del uso de las herramientas Web 2.0 y mejorar las carencias detectadas para conseguir una gestión más c...
Revista Forestal Espanola Rfe, 1999
Las nuevas modalidades y metodologías de aplicación y gestión de los Fondos Estructurales propues... more Las nuevas modalidades y metodologías de aplicación y gestión de los Fondos Estructurales propuestas a raíz del desarrollo de la Agenda 2000, plantean una revisión y evolución con sendero de reforma hacia el nuevo reto de cohesión en la Unión, a través del esfuerzo y refuerzo en la concentración temática, geográfica-territorial y financiera. Los espacios rurales se ven evolucionar en estos últimos tiempos entre dinámicas territoriales y dinámicas sectoriales, entre ordenación del territorio y las lógicas sectoriales de las actividades económicas que las constituyen. Hoy día, ante la necesidad de una revitalización generalizada, los espacios rurales no pueden ser considerados independientemente, sino que debe establecerse una relación importante de interdependencia con los demás espacios. Atendiendo a estos aspectos y tratando de analizar y comprender la lógica de las dinámicas rurales, se plantea hoy día la reformulación del espacio rural, envuelto quizá en la denuncia de un relativ...
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2017
Los seniors se configuran como un colectivo de especial relevancia para un gran número de industr... more Los seniors se configuran como un colectivo de especial relevancia para un gran número de industrias. El cambio en el estilo de vida de la población mayor más orientada actualmente al disfrute del tiempo libre que generaciones anteriores y por tanto, más propensa a viajar, beneficia al sector turístico. Hasta ahora, estudios centrados en los seniors han analizado su comportamiento como algo homogéneo en comparación con otras franjas de edad. En esta investigación, con una muestra útil de 2.541 individuos, partimos de la consideración que dicho grupo es heterogéneo, con distintas características y niveles de uso de Internet, y proponemos, mediante una clasificación, tres perfiles de internautas seniors en función de los productos comprados en línea. Encontramos un segmento que utiliza Internet para comprar, sobretodo, productos y servicios turísticos. En las conclusiones se presentan las reflexiones más significativas sobre los segmentos obtenidos y su implicación en la gestión.
Tourism Analysis, 2021
Tourists travel because they are pushed by their internal motivations and attracted or pulled by ... more Tourists travel because they are pushed by their internal motivations and attracted or pulled by certain elements and features of destinations. However, a growing number of destinations have similar tourist attractions and need to differentiate themselves. The aim of this study is to unveil the power of high-level culinary tourism, focusing on Michelin-starred restaurants, as a pull factor and generator of tourism flows, as well as to create a model to quantify the level of importance of these highquality restaurants as nuclei of a destination. The gastronomic and culinary industry is one of the most traditional sectors in most economies and is now becoming a fundamental element in attracting tourism and promotion. In this study, we argue that certain types of business, such as high-quality restaurants, can generate tourism flows in their own right within a context where the role of tourists and enterprises has shifted from a passive to an active one, in which companies actively see...
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2021
In terms of destination image, museums represent a tourism resource of the first magnitude. Howev... more In terms of destination image, museums represent a tourism resource of the first magnitude. However, just as the information available online influences visitors’ decision-making about destinations, the internet is also fundamental in promoting and attracting visitors to museums. For that reason, we sought to analyse the online presence of museums in the seven most visited cities in Spain. To examine the museums’ websites, we developed an integrative model based on web content analysis (WCA ) and the extended model of internet commerce adoption (eMICA) that we applied to 77 publicly and privately run museums in Spain. Both WCA and the eMICA indicated that, despite their great economic and touristic scope, museums in Spain's most visited cities tend to mismanage their online presence and communication. We thus tentatively attributed the online presence of museums in Spain to type of museum management and several city-related parameters as explanatory variables. Multiple linear re...
Sustainability, 2020
The role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in business management is cu... more The role that information and communication technologies (ICTs) play in business management is currently a topic of increasing interest. Web 2.0 has emerged as an important source of innovation that contributes to organizational performance and improving the competitiveness of the tourism industry. However, evidence has been found that the tourism industry encounters difficulties when it comes to adopting these technologies and effectively applying them to e-commerce. The aim of this study is to analyze whether the websites belonging to industrial tourism facilitate effective communication with their target audiences. To this end, we propose and implement a model for analyzing websites based on the content analysis technique, considering the dimensions of information, communication, e-commerce, and additional Functions. This model is applied to 128 tourism resources in Catalonia with the aim of identifying opportunities arising from the use of Web 2.0 tools and addressing identified...
Sustainability, 2020
In this article, we introduce the themes and approaches covered in this special issue on Sustaina... more In this article, we introduce the themes and approaches covered in this special issue on Sustainable Tourism Marketing. Its objective has been to analyze the main contributions made as a result of research related to sustainable tourism-marketing management and current trends in this field. This issue has gathered articles about the marketing of destinations and the marketing and communication management of companies and tourism organizations from a sustainable tourism perspective. This editorial piece provides a useful introduction to the relationship between tourism and sustainable marketing management that can be used by researchers and practitioners to develop tourism marketing strategies from a sustainable perspective.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019
Culinary or gastronomic tourism has become one of the main exponents of cultural tourism and a ke... more Culinary or gastronomic tourism has become one of the main exponents of cultural tourism and a key element of a destination’s image identity. Since travellers consult and produce online travel reviews (OTR) before and during a trip, this research aims to provide and implement a framework for analysing OTRs of dining establishments to measure their contribution to destination image formation in their designative (cognitive) and appraisive (affective and evaluative) aspects. To do this, a website was selected from which to download OTRs, extract useful information from the textual and paratextual elements, build a keyword frequency matrix, and perform a quantitative and thematic content analysis. This method was applied to a random sample of 500,000 OTRs from the TripAdvisor restaurants section, written in English, between 2013 and 2017, by tourists visiting the Canary Islands. Results show that, although the gastronomic image of the destination is positive in general, the local and r...
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 2017
ABSTRACT Websites have become a fundamental marketing tool for tourism businesses and have a spec... more ABSTRACT Websites have become a fundamental marketing tool for tourism businesses and have a special importance for highly rated restaurants. The aim of this article is to propose and apply a model to evaluate the deployment and adoption of website marketing features of restaurants from a specific category. The model is based on the application of an extended model of Internet commerce adoption (eMICA) technique for technical depth, combined with content analysis for breadth. This study analyzes the website features and capabilities for Spanish restaurants in the 2015 Michelin Red Guide. A total of 102 restaurants were analyzed. The results of the website evaluation model suggest that, despite the importance of the restaurant sector in the economy and in the tourism industry, the websites of high-quality restaurants require improvements to adapt to customers’ demands. Results further found that these websites are not tourist-orientated and are established at different stages of development.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2018
High-quality restaurants have become key assets in the economies of many countries and are often ... more High-quality restaurants have become key assets in the economies of many countries and are often considered attractors of tourism in themselves. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose a model to evaluate the development and maturity of restaurant websites. The model consists of a progressive analysis of the restaurants' websites, which starts with a content analysis, and continues with the application of the eMICA model to identify each website's level of maturity. It finishes with a PCA integrating both methods. This model is applied to 980 Michelin-starred restaurants in France, Italy and Spain to determine whether their websites facilitate efficient communication and are adapted to e-commerce. Results show that website maturity and content development are positively related, and that the aforementioned restaurants are not taking advantage of the opportunities that the Internet offers, and show different progress depending on the country where they are located and the category.
Intangible Capital, 2018
Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants... more Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants to ascertain the profile of this type of customer, their behaviour and their influence on the destinations where they are located.Design/methodology: During the months of July to December 2016, a survey was conducted on a sample of 187 tourists who had visited Michelin-starred restaurants in order to highlight the most valued aspects during the process of choosing, consulting and booking the top-level restaurant service.Contributions and results: The results reveal the existence of two segments whose behaviour is different, where the individuals of the first consider the culinary experience as the main reason for their tourist visit to the destination. In contrast, the second segment considers that their visit to the destination is the main reason for their tourism. Moreover, the diners from both segments display different behaviour in terms of their post-purchase, recommendation and in...
Sustainability, 2018
The purpose of this article is to analyse whether ski resorts in Europe are economically viable. ... more The purpose of this article is to analyse whether ski resorts in Europe are economically viable. Data originates from the financial statements of the 61 largest ski lift operators in Austria, France, and Italy. Descriptive statistics reveal that these operators are characterized by positive and relatively high returns, and by having little debt in general terms. The results show that the most economically profitable ski operators are also the largest. The elevation of the ski area is not relevant. Ski lift operators in Austria have a higher profitability than those in France and Italy. Overall, larger ski resorts are better prepared for the future investment needed to adapt to the new conditions in the industry, such as climate variability.
Sustainability, 2018
The impacts of climate change are affecting ski tourism in Europe’s southernmost ski resorts, suc... more The impacts of climate change are affecting ski tourism in Europe’s southernmost ski resorts, such as those in France, and Spain. This is leading to changes in the scheduling of activities which, in turn, imply changes in how ski resorts are managed. The main aim of this work is to analyze whether ski resort websites are developing an effective marketing strategy and if they are adapted to e-commerce and the needs of contemporary society, including the adaptations needed to better face climate change and the stagnation the sector is suffering. In order to achieve this, we have developed a model to analyze ski resort websites; it is based on web content analysis, taking four factors into account: information, communication, e-commerce, and additional functions. We will, secondly, apply the eMICA (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption) methodology to analyze the maturity of such e-commerce activities in ski tourism. Fifty-two ski resorts in Spain and 173 in France were analyzed...
Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 2017
Purpose: The main objective of this article is to analyse the current situation at Lleida-Alguair... more Purpose: The main objective of this article is to analyse the current situation at Lleida-Alguaire Airport and propose possible actions to increase its profitability.Design/methodology/approach: This study presents the method as a research tool applied to regional airports, in particular, Lleida-Alguaire Airport.Findings: The study shows the importance of air transport and the current situation of Spanish airports, specifically in Catalonia, exposing the main air traffic imbalances between different airports and their effect on tourism. Finally, it describes and analyses the situation of Lleida-Alguaire Airport.Practical implications: Some actions in relation with aeronautical traffic are presented in order to improve and increase the efficiency of the system.Originality/value: This article is one of the first works to focus on regional airports and it seeks ways to improve their economic and social efficiency.
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 2017
La presente investigación busca conocer si los sitios web de las estaciones de esquí de España y ... more La presente investigación busca conocer si los sitios web de las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra facilitan una comunicación eficaz con sus públicos objetivo. Para ello, se propone y se aplica un modelo para el análisis de las páginas web de las estaciones de esquí, basado en la técnica de análisis de contenido, considerando las dimensiones de información, comunicación, comercio electrónico y funciones adicionales. Este modelo se aplicó a la totalidad de las estaciones de esquí y montaña de España y Andorra: 31 alpinas, 21 nórdicas y 1 cubierta. Los resultados indican que las estaciones de esquí alpino están mejor preparadas que las de esquí nórdico, a pesar de que todavía tienen mucho recorrido por hacer a la hora de facilitar una comunicación y una interacción efectivas con su público objetivo. Palabras clave: TIC; turismo de nieve; comercio electrónico; estación de esquí; análisis del contenido web Resum. Desenvolupament de les TIC en el turisme de neu: Anàlisi de la presència en línia de les estacions d'esquí a Espanya i Andorra La present investigació busca conèixer si els llocs web de les estacions d'esquí d'Espanya i d'Andorra faciliten una comunicació eficaç amb els seus públics objectiu. Per aquest motiu, es proposa i s'aplica un model per analitzar les pàgines web de les estacions d'esquí, basat en la tècnica d'anàlisi de contingut i considerant les dimensions d'informació, comunicació, comerç electrònic i funcions addicionals. Aquest model es va aplicar a la totalitat de les estacions d'esquí i de muntanya d'Espanya i d'Andorra: 31 d'alpines, 21 de nòrdiques i 1 de coberta. Els resultats indiquen que les estacions d'esquí alpí estan més ben preparades que les d'esquí nòrdic, malgrat que encara tenen molt de recorregut per fer a l'hora de facilitar una comunicació i una interacció efectives amb el seu públic objectiu. Paraules clau: TIC; turisme de neu; comerç electrònic; estació d'esquí; anàlisi del contingut web N. Daries-Ramon; E.Cristóbal-Fransi; Desarrollo de las TIC en el turismo de nieve: Análisis de la presencia E. Martín-Fuentes; E. Mariné-Roig en línea de las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra 400 Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica 2017, vol. 63/2 Résumé. Le développement des TIC dans le tourisme de neige: Analyse de la présence en ligne des stations de ski en Espagne et Andorre Cette recherche vise à savoir si les sites web des stations de ski en Espagne et en Andorre fournissent une communication efficace avec leurs publics cibles. À cette fin, nous proposons et appliquons un modèle pour l'analyse des sites web des stations de ski fondé sur la technique d'analyse du contenu, en considérant les aspects de l'information, de la communication, du commerce électronique et des fonctions supplémentaires. Ce modèle s'applique à toutes les stations de ski de l'Espagne et de l'Andorre: 31 de skialpin, 21 de ski nordique et 1 indoor. Les résultats indiquent que les stations de ski alpin sont mieux préparées que celles de ski nordique bien qu'elles aient encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour faciliter unecommunication efficace et l'interaction avec leur public cible. Mots-clés: TIC; tourisme de neige; commerce électronique; station de ski; analyse de contenu web
Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 2017
This study sought to determine whether ski resort websites facilitate effective communication wit... more This study sought to determine whether ski resort websites facilitate effective communication with their target audience and whether they are adapted to electronic commerce (e-commerce). To this end, first, a content analysis model was developed and applied to ski resort websites, considering four dimensions: Information, Communication, e-Commerce and Additional Features. Second, the extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption (eMICA) methodology was used to identify the opportunities arising from the use of Web 2.0 tools and suggest improvements for the detected shortcomings to enable these businesses to achieve more competitive management. The findings show that alpine ski resorts are better prepared than Nordic ones, although they still have a long way to go in facilitating effective communication and interaction with their target audience.
Intangible Capital, 2016
Purpose: The present work seeks analyze the profitability and the financial situation of the main... more Purpose: The present work seeks analyze the profitability and the financial situation of the main Catalan alpine ski resorts, with the objective to check if these are sustainable from an economic point of view, taking into account the external factors that affect him.Design/methodology: With the objective to carry out the study of profitability and financial situation, we obtained the financial states of the main Alpine ski resorts of the Catalan Pyrenees: Baqueira-Beret, Masella, Boí Taüll, Vallter 2000, La Molina, Vall de Núria and Espot Ski-Port Ainé, for the periods comprised between 2011-2015 and we proceeded to apply a series of economical and structural ratios with the purpose of establish a diagnostic on his situation.Findings: The results show that the Baqueira-Beret and Masella resorts are the only that obtain profits, whereas the rest of resorts obtain losses in all the periods analyzed. With regard to the financial situation, the results reveal that the level of indebted...
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2016
El papel de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la gestión empresarial c... more El papel de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la gestión empresarial constituye actualmente un tema de creciente interés tanto para académicos como para profesionales. La Web 2.0 se ha revelado como una importante fuente de innovación que contribuye al desempeño organizacional y a la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas del sector turístico. A pesar de ello, se han encontrado evidencias que revelan las dificultades para la adopción de estas tecnologías en algunas empresas del sector turístico y su aplicación para un efectivo comercio electrónico. De acuerdo con lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la implantación y uso de las herramientas de comercio electrónico en las estaciones de esquí de España y Andorra a través de la metodología eMICA (Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption), para identificar las oportunidades derivadas del uso de las herramientas Web 2.0 y mejorar las carencias detectadas para conseguir una gestión más c...
Revista Forestal Espanola Rfe, 1999
Las nuevas modalidades y metodologías de aplicación y gestión de los Fondos Estructurales propues... more Las nuevas modalidades y metodologías de aplicación y gestión de los Fondos Estructurales propuestas a raíz del desarrollo de la Agenda 2000, plantean una revisión y evolución con sendero de reforma hacia el nuevo reto de cohesión en la Unión, a través del esfuerzo y refuerzo en la concentración temática, geográfica-territorial y financiera. Los espacios rurales se ven evolucionar en estos últimos tiempos entre dinámicas territoriales y dinámicas sectoriales, entre ordenación del territorio y las lógicas sectoriales de las actividades económicas que las constituyen. Hoy día, ante la necesidad de una revitalización generalizada, los espacios rurales no pueden ser considerados independientemente, sino que debe establecerse una relación importante de interdependencia con los demás espacios. Atendiendo a estos aspectos y tratando de analizar y comprender la lógica de las dinámicas rurales, se plantea hoy día la reformulación del espacio rural, envuelto quizá en la denuncia de un relativ...