lotr_losers - Profile (original) (raw)

on 18 December 2003 (#1622328)

A little place for LOTR fans to come together and be losers!!! YAY!!!! Hee hee...If you're a fangirl, Tolkien fan, or just a movie fan, join and post whatever you want, from pictures and interviews to actor bios.

aragorn, astin, bag end, baggins, bilbo, billy, billy boyd, dom, dominic, dominic monaghan, elijah wood, elves, elvish, fellowship of the ring, fotr, frodo, frodo baggins, gamgee, gimli, hobbit, hobbiton, hobbits, j.r.r. tolkein, john rhys davies, jrr tolkein, legolas, legolas greenleaf, lord of the rings, lotr, meriadoc brandybuck, merry, merry brandybuck, movies, orlando bloom, orli, peregrin took, peter jackson, pippin, pippin took, return of the king, rosie, rotk, sam, samwise, samwise gamgee, sean, sean astin, shire, the fellowship, the one ring, the shire, the two towers, tolkien, took, ttt, two towers, viggo, viggo mortenson