A Mathematician, an Engineer, and a Physicist walk into a bar... (original) (raw)
(no subject) @ 12:09 pm
The optimist sees the glass as half full.
The pessimist sees the glass as half empty.
The engineer sees a glass that is twice as big as it needs to be.
(no subject) @ 07:45 pm
I'm exhausted, beat, tired etc. etc.....
Hahahahha, yes I am very very very happy....
I am too tired and have to much studying to do to post more now... I'll post more later
pictures to come!
I DID it! @ 10:12 pm
Woo Hoo!!!
*pat* *pat*
Yup that's me patting myself on the back because I DID go for my run today! I'm up to 36 minutes! Woo hoo!!!
Still not running at lightening speed... but hey maybe someday.
I was thinking today that I'm not really losing weight (and by "losing weight" I mean "losing fat" because I don't really care what the scale says as long as I can wear my *skinny* jeans - I know muscle weighs more than fat anyways). That sucks! I mean I'm running like 10-12 miles a week and not losing weight???? How does that work?
*Grumble* *Grumble*
I guess I need to cut down on the sugar intake.... hmm that sweet tea is not too sweet to me I think. So I guess I'm going to have to limit my sweet tea intake to trips to Ma Possums and Isabel's only. All other meals = water :) Its cheaper that way too.
I'm also reminding myself that I didn't gain my weight over night so I should expect to lose it over night either... too bad.
So other things I did today:
Got through 2 more lectures on Controls (Thermo is as good as its going to get before Friday I think)
Still behind on my studying - I hope I get left alone tomorrow so I can crawl into a hole and not be disturbed
Ate some spaghetti (felt I should throw something else in there other than running and studying)
Run Today: 36 min!
Pace: Eh whatever
Number of bags of dark chocolate M&M's: 1 (mmmm.... chocolate....)
Number of times I thought my butt looked more "bootylicious" in the mirror since I started running: 1
Running and Studying @ 02:43 pm
I ran for 20 min yesterday :) Yesterday was my short run (i.e today should be my long run... groan). I decided to try that grass trail with the long uphill section at the beginning. I kicked it's grassy bum! I ran the whole way up and then kept going. I finally ran out of trail and took the thin mountain bike trail. Unfortunately it is little used and very ovrgrown, it didn't take me long to get lost. Eventually I found my way back and ran down the hill towards the park. I was doing really good! So I decided that when I got to the bottom, I would have like 2 minutes left and I thought I would try and get as far UP the hill again as I could in that time.
Ugh it was hard but I even made it back up the hill at the end of my run! I'm so proud!
I also finally was able to answer a few parts of a few of the thermo questions yesterday which is great. So today I'm starting on Controls again. I think I have enough information on this section to maybe do fairly well? So today's going to be a tough day of studying... I'm not sure I'll make it out for my run :(
Anyways for anyone who is curious, my running program should be pasted below. I have done every day highlighted in red :D I've been running for a long time now!
Minutes ran today: None yet :(
Times I bugged the security gaurd: 3
Song stuck in my head today: "We are Siamese if you please... bah bum bum cha, We are Siamese if you don't please... bah bum bum cha"
1 Week 'till Quals @ 08:55 pm
I went running today!
Yay for me! I debated whether I should try since my back has been bothering me...
Josh said it was probably only a matter of stretching so I stretched and pressed on!
I completed my whole run :)
I'm very happy and I can't wait 'till I make it to the next step where I start running for distance rather than time.... what if I someday ran a MARATHON! Hehe... well hell might just freeze over...
Got through Chapter 6 in Thermodynamics today, 2 Chapters to go
1 week and 1 day 'till the qualifying exam
Today's run: 30 min
Today's pace: 12 min/mile (hey its not lightening fast but I get there)
Times I watched Troy yesterday while studying: 4
Times I drooled over Brad Pitt: not enough
Troy (brought to you in espanol) @ 08:50 pm
La grandenza de la enternidad obsesiona a los hombres.
Y asi, nos preguntamos:
Reverberaran nuestras acciones a traves de los siglos?
Oira otra gente nuestos nombres, mucho despues de que muramos...
y se preguntara quienes eramos...
con cuanto valor peleamos...
con que ferocidad amamos?
Troy @ 10:48 pm
Men are huanted by the vasteness of enternity
and so we ask ourselves:
Will our actions echo across the centuries?
Will stangers hear our names? Long after we're gone...
and wonder who we were...
How bravely we fought...
How fiercly we loved?
(no subject) @ 03:53 am
When Life's getting you down remember:
Life's supposed to be a rollar coaster ride - Have fun learning to ride well!