magicalmilkcan - Profile (original) (raw)

on 8 August 2007 (#13553577)

The Lowdown (Or Something Like That...)
Welcome to magicalmilkcan, the new media journal of sage_heartbreak!♥ This journal contains the icons/fanfiction/fanart/AMVs/other crap of Magical Milkcan AKA Sandry. All of these things were written/made by Sandry and are NOT TO BE STOLEN. However, if you wish to use icons/media other than fanfiction, just comment on that post and give credit somewhere for the icon.♥ Looking for Sandry's actual journal? sage_heartbreak. Comment to be added - it's friends-only.♥ Sandry doesn't own any of the titles she makes fanstuff for, she just loves them enough to want to make a tribute to them!♥ If you want to see Sandry's previous work (and this is recommended!), go to magical_milkcan, her previous media journal.
Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

anime, black cat, bleach, dragonball z, fanart, fanfiction, icons, manga, rpgs, shaman king, tales of symphonia, tales of the abyss, video games, wallpapers