Welcome to magicalmilkcan, the new media journal of sage_heartbreak!♥ This journal contains the icons/fanfiction/fanart/AMVs/other crap of Magical Milkcan AKA Sandry. All of these things were written/made by Sandry and are NOT TO BE STOLEN. However, if you wish to use icons/media other than fanfiction, just comment on that post and give credit somewhere for the icon.♥ Looking for Sandry's actual journal? sage_heartbreak. Comment to be added - it's friends-only.♥ Sandry doesn't own any of the titles she makes fanstuff for, she just loves them enough to want to make a tribute to them!♥ If you want to see Sandry's previous work (and this is recommended!), go to magical_milkcan, her previous media journal.