manyoushuu - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 February 2003 (#918624)

A community for sharing your poems and prose.

This is a community intended for writing, poetry, song lyrics, and any other creative literary outlets people may wish to post, either to share with others or gain positive, constructive feedback on.

In the spirit of Japanese poetry exchanges, please feel free to post responses to other writings in similar styles, if the spirit so moves you, either as comments to the entry, or as new entries. (If you decide to post as a new entry, link to the original post so everyone else can keep track.)


These should be common sense, but we all know common sense isn't always common. So:

* Respect copyright. If it isn't your work, don't post it without permission. Enough said.

* Please remain respectful of others. Disagree or offer constructive criticism in a polite manner. Snarking, flaming, and trolling have no place in this community - take your bad attitudes over to a rant or snark community; they don't belong here.

* Please proofread and/or spellcheck, so that other members can better enjoy your posts without stumbling over bad typing or misspellings. LJ offers spellchecking tools - please use them.

* Postings that are more than several lines long should be placed behind a cut (see the LJ FAQ on how to do this if you aren't sure). Any and all pictures need to be placed behind a cut. No exceptions.

* If your writing is of a mature nature (something that would rate an R or NC-17 at the box office), please place it behind an LJ-cut with a warning.

* Some of us are lucky enough to be allowed to browse the 'net while at work - with this in mind, please avoid using icons that include nudity or other not-work-safe imagery. Thank you.

* This is not a promo community - unless you are promoting something directly related to this comm (which should be made clear in your post), take it over to community_promo.

* Have fun and enjoy yourself. The creative process shouldn't be an agonizing trial. :D


This community is maintained by kittyblue; if something is amiss, please drop her an email using kittyblue (at) livejournal (dot) com.

ancient japan, art, beowulf, books, buddhism, chaucer, chicken scratch, constructive criticism, dante, diary, editorial, epics, fan fiction, feedback, fiction, haiku, heian, history, homer, japanese poetry, journals, linked poetry, literature, love poems, lyrics, manuscript, medieval japan, murasaki shikibu, music, narratives, nonfiction, notes, novel, opus, ovid, play, poetry, prose, publications, reviews, roleplay, rp, sappho, script, scroll, sei shonagon, shinto, snippets, song lyrics, storytelling, tale of genji, vignettes, writer's block, writing