matrix_theory - Profile (original) (raw)

on 30 July 2004 (#4005809)

Palo Alto, California, United States

Just another lil' Matrix Fandom...

Rules: the only thing that matters here is discussing aspectes of the Matrix here: from the films, comics, online sources, and/or anything pertaining to the various RPGs being played here...or anywhere. If you post a pic that is not work safe (nudity or something of that nature) use one of the evil LJ·cut tags to post it behind. Beyond that, pretty much anything goes...if I see a need for some new rules down the road, I'll post updates.

If you want to advertise any kind of community please do so at Livejournal OverdoseWe·Need·a·Life and not here. I used to allow advertising in any of my communities if it kept to the theme of that community but I'd like to cut down on that a bit...until it dwindles to nothing.

Fandom Communities of this Moderator:
Aliens & PredatorAliens·Predator, Holy Journal Theme BatmanBat·Layouts, contrasting fandomsBatman·Ideal, This no am Bizarro WorldBizarro·World, Sentinel of LibertyCapt·America, something wonky this way comesConventionBlues, Cosmic Ray AddictsFantastic··Four, Don't mess with the purple pantsGamma·Reactions, Willpower IncorporatedGreen·Lanterns, Moody BastardI·Be·Moody, Legends of the DC UniverseJLA·Satellite, superpowered zombies that can thinkMarvel·Zombies, Take the purple pillMatrix·Theory, Earth's Mightiest HeroMighty·Avengers, Fanatical GeeksMulti·Genre·Fan, nice to see someone in this fandom getting laidNeo·and·Trin, Protectors of Gotham CityOrder·ofthe·Bat, The Fandom Without fearRadar·Vision, Videos & DVDs & disc...oh myRenters·Reviews, something wonky this way comesroom·for·Dopple, House of ElSons·of·Krypton, Spidey's HangoutSpidermen, Iron ManStark's·Armory, Ultimate Marvel FandomUltimate·Marvel, The Uncanny X-MenUncanny·X·Men, It's not real...It's unrealUnreal·Games, & Resistance Is FutileWe·r·Borg

your moderator is The DopplegangerRay
If you've got anything you need to talk with me about, complaints or questions or suggestions, do so here: Clicky!

agent brown, agent jackson, agent johnson, agent jones, agent smith, agent thompson, agent thomson, agents, agents of the matrix, agenty fanfiction, ai, animatrix, artifical intelligence, avatars, bullet time, bullet-time blow jobs, bullet-time blowjobs, bunnies, chocolate cake, computers, cookie room, cookies, cyber, cyber christ, daniel bernhardt, david kilde, desert eagles, dodging bullets, email, enter the matrix, evil bill, evil killer robots, ghey, hacking, hugo weaving, imp, interface, internet, livejournal, lj, martial arts, matrix, matrix agents, matrix fan art, matrix fanfics, matrix fanfiction, matrix online, matrix reloaded, matrix revisited, matrix revolutions, matrix roleplaying, matrix rpg, matt mccolm, mcrib, merovingian, morpheus, mr. anderson, neo, nightcrawler, niobe, online, paul goddard, persephone, persephone's ass, pr0n, programming, programs, reality, reloaded, revisited, revolutions, robert taylor, sci-fi, science fiction, sentient beings, sentient programs, sentinels, smithikins, sparks, special cake, switch, the agency, the architect, the kid, the matrix, the matrix online, the matrix reloaded, the oracle, the twins, the wachowski brothers, thomas anderson, trinity, twin 1, twin 2, virtual reality, virtuality, virus's, zion, zion mainframe, zion mainframe access codes, Матрица, Матрица: Перезагрузка, агент Браун, агент Смит, агенты Матрицы, аниматрица, виртуальная реальность, виртуальность, искусственный интеллект, матрица, матричные фанфики, фанфики