Ferenc Győri | University of Pécs (original) (raw)
Papers by Ferenc Győri
Turizam, Dec 31, 2022
Nowadays, it is in our fast-developing big cities, that the steps taken to improve the inhabitant... more Nowadays, it is in our fast-developing big cities, that the steps taken to improve the inhabitants' physical and mental health conditions have become increasingly important. The aim of health improvement can also be facilitated by extending the proportion of well-cared-for green areas in city centres, or, by rehabilitating particular buildings, streets, or districts; these developments have an obviously beneficial psychological effect on people. The establishment of such 'livable cities' can be rewarding from the point view of tourism, too, because, in general, tourists are happy if they can spend their free time in an urban environment which is devoid of visual conflicts. This is the reason why our team of researchers attempted to identify a so-called 'Visual Livability Index' (VLI) with the aim of qualifying the state our urban environment is in. When identifying the formerly mentioned index, primarily those positive and negative characteristic features are determined, which may have an impact on the aesthetic value of the settlement. Then, after summarizing the results of evaluations, the next step taken is when the streets, squares, whole districts of the given settlement, or even the entire city is qualified with the help of the VLI index, thus making the results comparable with those of other similar settlements.
Modern Geográfia
József Tóth was an outstanding figure in Hungarian geography. This article aims to present his sc... more József Tóth was an outstanding figure in Hungarian geography. This article aims to present his scientific talent management at the University of Pécs through the data of his PhD students (n=63). During the analysis we used university publications and electronic databases, as well as Spearman’s correlation calculation, independent T-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, Kruskal–Wallis test and Chi-squared test to explore the relationships. The largest proportion of students were born and worked in the Southern Great Plain, North Hungary and Transdanubia, however the winner of the regional talent migration is Transdanubia. The professional openness of the professor is reflected in the topic selection of the dissertations completed under his supervision. His students, carrying on his intellectual heritage, are still active in scientific publishing. The charismatic personality, world view and professional knowledge of the head of doctoral school are manifested in the diversity and academic perform...
Antioxidants, Jul 5, 2018
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are important cellular regulators of key physiologica... more Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are important cellular regulators of key physiological processes in skeletal muscle. In this review, we explain how RONS regulate muscle contraction and signaling, and why they are important for membrane remodeling, protein turnover, gene expression, and epigenetic adaptation. We discuss how RONS regulate carbohydrate uptake and metabolism of skeletal muscle, and how they indirectly regulate fat metabolism through silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 3 (SIRT3). RONS are causative/associative signaling molecules, which cause sarcopenia or muscle hypertrophy. Regular exercise influences redox biology, metabolism, and anabolic/catabolic pathways in skeletal muscle in an intensity dependent manner.
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
This paper aimed to analyze fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment tools that could be used ... more This paper aimed to analyze fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment tools that could be used for primary school children. In this narrative review, the Motoriktest für Vier- bis Sechjärige Kinder (MOT 4–6), Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (M-ABC-2), Motorische Basiskompetenzen (MOBAK) Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK), Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD), Maastricht Motoriek Test (MMT) and the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) were analyzed from a methodological perspective, such as the number of test items, tools and types of tests, in terms of the FMS area. The analysis revealed that to assess locomotor movement skills, the BOT-2 has an excellent test for running ability, but for detecting technical difficulties, the TGMD is recommended. To test hopping, the MMT is the best test. Object control movement skills are measured with throws, dribbles and catches. Most of the tools assessed these skills, but it turned out that the TGMD is the...
A rendszeres fizikai aktivitás pozitív egészségügyi hatásairól megdönthetetlen bizonyítékok állna... more A rendszeres fizikai aktivitás pozitív egészségügyi hatásairól megdönthetetlen bizonyítékok állnak rendelkezésünkre. A városi zöldterületek helyszínt biztosítanak a rendszeres testmozgáshoz, így – ökológiai jelentőségükön túl – részt vesznek a városlakók egészségének, jóllétének megőrzésében is. Jelen munkánk egy már megkezdett szegedi empirikus vizsgálatunkhoz, a szegedi Erzsébet-liget sportrekreációs parkhasználatának feltárásához kapcsolódó szakirodalmi áttekintés. Bemutatja a városi parkok jelentőségét, funkcióit, valamint azok szerepét az ember jó szomatikus, pszichés és szociális közérzetének létrehozásában, különös tekintettel a fizikai aktivitásra és néhány olyan változóra, ami mindazt befolyásolja (pl. elérhetőség, szociodemográfiai különbségek). Annak ellenére, hogy a fizikai aktivitást, valamint a zöldterületek elérhetősége és használata közötti összefüggést vizsgáló kutatási eredmények meglehetősen szerteágazóak, általánosságban elmondható, hogy a szabadtéri rekreációs i...
Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok
Korábbi tanulmányainkban (KARANCSI et al. 2020, 2022) kísérletet tettünk a Tisza-part természeti ... more Korábbi tanulmányainkban (KARANCSI et al. 2020, 2022) kísérletet tettünk a Tisza-part természeti és épített környezetének táj-és környezetesztétikai szempontú értékelésére, módszertanának kidolgozására. Akkor a vizsgálatainkat a különböző típusú vizuális egységek értékelésével végeztük. Ebben a tanulmányban térinformatikai adatok (Sentinel-2 multispektrális felvételek, szakági nyilvántartási térképek) és eszközök (SNAP 8.0-SeNtinel Applications Platform és QGIS Desktop 3.4) segítségével próbáljuk igazolni a korábbi eredményeinket és kiterjeszteni a teljes-az országhatártól Tiszakécskéig tartó-Tisza szakaszra a vizsgálatot, melynek végeredménye egy akár online használható tematikus térkép, amely a vízitúra időszakában (nyári vegetáció) színekkel mutatja, melyek a leglátványosabb partszakaszok, illetve hol van lehetőség a csónakokkal kikötésre.
This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside enviro... more This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside environment of the Tisza river, from the point of view of landscape-and environmental aesthetics and features, which might serve as background for river tourism. The research methodology was based on the theoretical division of the riverside into more or less homogeneous , easily observable sections (called visual units), and then they were evaluated one by one. Objectivity was one of the most important aims; researchers attempted to achieve it by applying the value-selection method. Following the evaluation of each sample section of the riverside area, all sections were then assigned to three different categories. Those sections which were capable of generating positive feelings were placed under the category 'Attractive', those which were capable of arousing less enthusiasm were assigned to the category of 'Neutral', and those which could be characterized by visually conflict...
A kötet összeállításában partnerünk a Közép Európai Sporttudományi Klaszter volt.
Healthcare, Jun 27, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside enviro... more This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside environment of the Tisza river, from the point of view of landscape-and environmental aesthetics and features, which might serve as background for river tourism. The research methodology was based on the theoretical division of the riverside into more or less homogeneous , easily observable sections (called visual units), and then they were evaluated one by one. Objectivity was one of the most important aims; researchers attempted to achieve it by applying the value-selection method. Following the evaluation of each sample section of the riverside area, all sections were then assigned to three different categories. Those sections which were capable of generating positive feelings were placed under the category 'Attractive', those which were capable of arousing less enthusiasm were assigned to the category of 'Neutral', and those which could be characterized by visually conflict...
This survey is an attempt to apprehend spatial problems of sport talent balance from a geographic... more This survey is an attempt to apprehend spatial problems of sport talent balance from a geographical point of view by describing the spatial appearance of birthplaces and death places. The digital version of the Hungarian Biographical Encyclopedia, containing nearly 20,000 entries was used for this purpose. The indicators, gained from the data available and the conclusions derived fom them, as well as the spatial patterns are all the results of a broad perspective of model analysis. The results of our research revealed the concentration processes of sport talent streaming, the predominance and draining effect of Budapest, the larger capacity of sport talent nurturing in the southern part of the Hungarian Great Plain, and he north-eastern allocation of the sport culture in Hungary in the last centuries. This research is related to the talent geography and also the geography of sports with it's new methods and thematic maps. Key words: sports geography, talents geography, sports ta...
A tervutasításos rendszer bukását, majd a rendszerváltás utáni évek válságkezelő iparpolitikáját ... more A tervutasításos rendszer bukását, majd a rendszerváltás utáni évek válságkezelő iparpolitikáját követően a hazai iparnak ma egy nyitott gazdaságban kell helytállnia. A napjainkban megélénkülő újraiparosodási folyamat elsősorban a betelepült nemzetközi nagyvállalatok beruházásain keresztül, mintegy a globális ipari átrendeződés részfolyamataként zajlik, de markánsan megjelennek benne a helyi adottságok, lehetőségek is. Mindez az ipar területi szerkezetére is erőteljes hatással van: egyrészt a hagyományos ipari területek megújulásával, funkcióváltásával, másrészt újak megjelenésével. Az újraiparosodás azon térségekben lehet sikeres, melyek földrajzi fekvése kedvező, s emellett rendelkeztek mozgósítható humán, illetve egyéb erőforrásokkal. A mai területfejlesztési politika nem hanyagolhatja el az ipari fejlődés elősegítését, az ipari decentralizáció folytatását, az ipari vállalkozások fővároson kívüli, saját gazdasági intézményeinek, telephelyei fejlesztéseinek támogatását, valamint a nemzeti és helyi piac szereplőinek segítését.
There are serious disadvantages of students in the border zone of the Southern Great Plains Regio... more There are serious disadvantages of students in the border zone of the Southern Great Plains Region for becoming outstanding achievers at school. Differences reflect the disparities concerning the opportunities for talent improvement. As it is attested by experience, school achievements are significant indicators of the individuals’ future career. On the other hand, talent improvement within the walls of a school is only one aspect of the many, which hints at the learners’skills and abilities, necessary from the point of view of further and more advanced studies. But several other aspects of secondary school education remain hidden behind the statistics, although, they might also play a role in assisting talented students. Growing inequality in the educational system serves as a warning sign, since it is a well known fact that in modern IT societies and economies the competitiveness of the human resources has become a factor of utmost importance
This paper analyzes the world-wide, international students mobility at the University of Szeged i... more This paper analyzes the world-wide, international students mobility at the University of Szeged in the light of the institution's annual educational statistics, as part of a complex research covering three universities in Hungary. International student mobility is mostly positively considered by casestudy literature: it extends its economic benefit to the host university, as well as the city, the region and the country. The University of Szeged plays a key role in Szeged’s economy. Students participating in international training offer economic benefits for both the university and the city. The number and proportion of foreign students is growing steadily, mainly in foreign-language, undivided and doctoral programs, especially in the fields of medical and health sciences. Europe is still the largest sender area, but the Asian “markets” are also expanding rapidly. 15% of all the university students in Szeged are foreigners coming from more than one hundred countries. At the same ...
Turizam, Dec 31, 2022
Nowadays, it is in our fast-developing big cities, that the steps taken to improve the inhabitant... more Nowadays, it is in our fast-developing big cities, that the steps taken to improve the inhabitants' physical and mental health conditions have become increasingly important. The aim of health improvement can also be facilitated by extending the proportion of well-cared-for green areas in city centres, or, by rehabilitating particular buildings, streets, or districts; these developments have an obviously beneficial psychological effect on people. The establishment of such 'livable cities' can be rewarding from the point view of tourism, too, because, in general, tourists are happy if they can spend their free time in an urban environment which is devoid of visual conflicts. This is the reason why our team of researchers attempted to identify a so-called 'Visual Livability Index' (VLI) with the aim of qualifying the state our urban environment is in. When identifying the formerly mentioned index, primarily those positive and negative characteristic features are determined, which may have an impact on the aesthetic value of the settlement. Then, after summarizing the results of evaluations, the next step taken is when the streets, squares, whole districts of the given settlement, or even the entire city is qualified with the help of the VLI index, thus making the results comparable with those of other similar settlements.
Modern Geográfia
József Tóth was an outstanding figure in Hungarian geography. This article aims to present his sc... more József Tóth was an outstanding figure in Hungarian geography. This article aims to present his scientific talent management at the University of Pécs through the data of his PhD students (n=63). During the analysis we used university publications and electronic databases, as well as Spearman’s correlation calculation, independent T-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, Kruskal–Wallis test and Chi-squared test to explore the relationships. The largest proportion of students were born and worked in the Southern Great Plain, North Hungary and Transdanubia, however the winner of the regional talent migration is Transdanubia. The professional openness of the professor is reflected in the topic selection of the dissertations completed under his supervision. His students, carrying on his intellectual heritage, are still active in scientific publishing. The charismatic personality, world view and professional knowledge of the head of doctoral school are manifested in the diversity and academic perform...
Antioxidants, Jul 5, 2018
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are important cellular regulators of key physiologica... more Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are important cellular regulators of key physiological processes in skeletal muscle. In this review, we explain how RONS regulate muscle contraction and signaling, and why they are important for membrane remodeling, protein turnover, gene expression, and epigenetic adaptation. We discuss how RONS regulate carbohydrate uptake and metabolism of skeletal muscle, and how they indirectly regulate fat metabolism through silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 3 (SIRT3). RONS are causative/associative signaling molecules, which cause sarcopenia or muscle hypertrophy. Regular exercise influences redox biology, metabolism, and anabolic/catabolic pathways in skeletal muscle in an intensity dependent manner.
Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
This paper aimed to analyze fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment tools that could be used ... more This paper aimed to analyze fundamental movement skill (FMS) assessment tools that could be used for primary school children. In this narrative review, the Motoriktest für Vier- bis Sechjärige Kinder (MOT 4–6), Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (M-ABC-2), Motorische Basiskompetenzen (MOBAK) Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder (KTK), Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD), Maastricht Motoriek Test (MMT) and the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) were analyzed from a methodological perspective, such as the number of test items, tools and types of tests, in terms of the FMS area. The analysis revealed that to assess locomotor movement skills, the BOT-2 has an excellent test for running ability, but for detecting technical difficulties, the TGMD is recommended. To test hopping, the MMT is the best test. Object control movement skills are measured with throws, dribbles and catches. Most of the tools assessed these skills, but it turned out that the TGMD is the...
A rendszeres fizikai aktivitás pozitív egészségügyi hatásairól megdönthetetlen bizonyítékok állna... more A rendszeres fizikai aktivitás pozitív egészségügyi hatásairól megdönthetetlen bizonyítékok állnak rendelkezésünkre. A városi zöldterületek helyszínt biztosítanak a rendszeres testmozgáshoz, így – ökológiai jelentőségükön túl – részt vesznek a városlakók egészségének, jóllétének megőrzésében is. Jelen munkánk egy már megkezdett szegedi empirikus vizsgálatunkhoz, a szegedi Erzsébet-liget sportrekreációs parkhasználatának feltárásához kapcsolódó szakirodalmi áttekintés. Bemutatja a városi parkok jelentőségét, funkcióit, valamint azok szerepét az ember jó szomatikus, pszichés és szociális közérzetének létrehozásában, különös tekintettel a fizikai aktivitásra és néhány olyan változóra, ami mindazt befolyásolja (pl. elérhetőség, szociodemográfiai különbségek). Annak ellenére, hogy a fizikai aktivitást, valamint a zöldterületek elérhetősége és használata közötti összefüggést vizsgáló kutatási eredmények meglehetősen szerteágazóak, általánosságban elmondható, hogy a szabadtéri rekreációs i...
Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok
Korábbi tanulmányainkban (KARANCSI et al. 2020, 2022) kísérletet tettünk a Tisza-part természeti ... more Korábbi tanulmányainkban (KARANCSI et al. 2020, 2022) kísérletet tettünk a Tisza-part természeti és épített környezetének táj-és környezetesztétikai szempontú értékelésére, módszertanának kidolgozására. Akkor a vizsgálatainkat a különböző típusú vizuális egységek értékelésével végeztük. Ebben a tanulmányban térinformatikai adatok (Sentinel-2 multispektrális felvételek, szakági nyilvántartási térképek) és eszközök (SNAP 8.0-SeNtinel Applications Platform és QGIS Desktop 3.4) segítségével próbáljuk igazolni a korábbi eredményeinket és kiterjeszteni a teljes-az országhatártól Tiszakécskéig tartó-Tisza szakaszra a vizsgálatot, melynek végeredménye egy akár online használható tematikus térkép, amely a vízitúra időszakában (nyári vegetáció) színekkel mutatja, melyek a leglátványosabb partszakaszok, illetve hol van lehetőség a csónakokkal kikötésre.
This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside enviro... more This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside environment of the Tisza river, from the point of view of landscape-and environmental aesthetics and features, which might serve as background for river tourism. The research methodology was based on the theoretical division of the riverside into more or less homogeneous , easily observable sections (called visual units), and then they were evaluated one by one. Objectivity was one of the most important aims; researchers attempted to achieve it by applying the value-selection method. Following the evaluation of each sample section of the riverside area, all sections were then assigned to three different categories. Those sections which were capable of generating positive feelings were placed under the category 'Attractive', those which were capable of arousing less enthusiasm were assigned to the category of 'Neutral', and those which could be characterized by visually conflict...
A kötet összeállításában partnerünk a Közép Európai Sporttudományi Klaszter volt.
Healthcare, Jun 27, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside enviro... more This paper represents a methodological attempt to evaluate the natural and built riverside environment of the Tisza river, from the point of view of landscape-and environmental aesthetics and features, which might serve as background for river tourism. The research methodology was based on the theoretical division of the riverside into more or less homogeneous , easily observable sections (called visual units), and then they were evaluated one by one. Objectivity was one of the most important aims; researchers attempted to achieve it by applying the value-selection method. Following the evaluation of each sample section of the riverside area, all sections were then assigned to three different categories. Those sections which were capable of generating positive feelings were placed under the category 'Attractive', those which were capable of arousing less enthusiasm were assigned to the category of 'Neutral', and those which could be characterized by visually conflict...
This survey is an attempt to apprehend spatial problems of sport talent balance from a geographic... more This survey is an attempt to apprehend spatial problems of sport talent balance from a geographical point of view by describing the spatial appearance of birthplaces and death places. The digital version of the Hungarian Biographical Encyclopedia, containing nearly 20,000 entries was used for this purpose. The indicators, gained from the data available and the conclusions derived fom them, as well as the spatial patterns are all the results of a broad perspective of model analysis. The results of our research revealed the concentration processes of sport talent streaming, the predominance and draining effect of Budapest, the larger capacity of sport talent nurturing in the southern part of the Hungarian Great Plain, and he north-eastern allocation of the sport culture in Hungary in the last centuries. This research is related to the talent geography and also the geography of sports with it's new methods and thematic maps. Key words: sports geography, talents geography, sports ta...
A tervutasításos rendszer bukását, majd a rendszerváltás utáni évek válságkezelő iparpolitikáját ... more A tervutasításos rendszer bukását, majd a rendszerváltás utáni évek válságkezelő iparpolitikáját követően a hazai iparnak ma egy nyitott gazdaságban kell helytállnia. A napjainkban megélénkülő újraiparosodási folyamat elsősorban a betelepült nemzetközi nagyvállalatok beruházásain keresztül, mintegy a globális ipari átrendeződés részfolyamataként zajlik, de markánsan megjelennek benne a helyi adottságok, lehetőségek is. Mindez az ipar területi szerkezetére is erőteljes hatással van: egyrészt a hagyományos ipari területek megújulásával, funkcióváltásával, másrészt újak megjelenésével. Az újraiparosodás azon térségekben lehet sikeres, melyek földrajzi fekvése kedvező, s emellett rendelkeztek mozgósítható humán, illetve egyéb erőforrásokkal. A mai területfejlesztési politika nem hanyagolhatja el az ipari fejlődés elősegítését, az ipari decentralizáció folytatását, az ipari vállalkozások fővároson kívüli, saját gazdasági intézményeinek, telephelyei fejlesztéseinek támogatását, valamint a nemzeti és helyi piac szereplőinek segítését.
There are serious disadvantages of students in the border zone of the Southern Great Plains Regio... more There are serious disadvantages of students in the border zone of the Southern Great Plains Region for becoming outstanding achievers at school. Differences reflect the disparities concerning the opportunities for talent improvement. As it is attested by experience, school achievements are significant indicators of the individuals’ future career. On the other hand, talent improvement within the walls of a school is only one aspect of the many, which hints at the learners’skills and abilities, necessary from the point of view of further and more advanced studies. But several other aspects of secondary school education remain hidden behind the statistics, although, they might also play a role in assisting talented students. Growing inequality in the educational system serves as a warning sign, since it is a well known fact that in modern IT societies and economies the competitiveness of the human resources has become a factor of utmost importance
This paper analyzes the world-wide, international students mobility at the University of Szeged i... more This paper analyzes the world-wide, international students mobility at the University of Szeged in the light of the institution's annual educational statistics, as part of a complex research covering three universities in Hungary. International student mobility is mostly positively considered by casestudy literature: it extends its economic benefit to the host university, as well as the city, the region and the country. The University of Szeged plays a key role in Szeged’s economy. Students participating in international training offer economic benefits for both the university and the city. The number and proportion of foreign students is growing steadily, mainly in foreign-language, undivided and doctoral programs, especially in the fields of medical and health sciences. Europe is still the largest sender area, but the Asian “markets” are also expanding rapidly. 15% of all the university students in Szeged are foreigners coming from more than one hundred countries. At the same ...