Vasile Stănescu | Mercer University (original) (raw)

Articles by Vasile Stănescu

Research paper thumbnail of The Rhetoric of Vegan/ Vegetarianism, and Health, Medicine, and Culture

Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 2022

This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examina... more This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examination of vegan and vegetarian diets/lifestyles through the perspective of several scholars, activists, and/or medical practitioners. Through these conversations, the authors illuminate many key areas of interest and future examination related to vegan and vegetarian diets through the lens of several subtopics including health impact, ethics, cultural influence on diet, gender, medical advice, emerging "meat" technologies, and societal rhetoric about vegans and vegetarians. The dialogue participants provide a discussion on how vegetarian dietsand vegan diets in particular-can progress individual and public human health, liberate non-human animals, improve the environment, and provide a vehicle in which several important social justice movements (for both humans and animals) can take root, all the while recognizing the many reasons reasons people might choose a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Research paper thumbnail of Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (Slovene translation of White Power Milk)

Animot, 2021

»Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (drugi del) Do prvega dela članka »Bel... more »Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (drugi del) Do prvega dela članka »Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »altright« lahko dostopate s klikom na to povezavo.

Research paper thumbnail of Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent

Disability and Animality: Crip Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies (Routledge), 2020

“Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent,” Disability and Ani... more “Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent,” Disability and Animality: Crip Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies, Routledge. (2020). 161-181. Invited.

Temple Grandin claims that her autism allows her to think like animals and, therefore, understand them in a way that neurotypical people cannot. Based on this belief, she advises multiple animal farms on what she believes the “best practices” for these farms would entail in terms of helping the animals. Furthermore, she claims that once these farms have implemented these practices, purchasing their meat represents a humane and ethical choice. In contrast, we argue that Grandin’s arguments enact a double-violence against both animals and autistic people. In the first place, Grandin obscures the violence against farmed animals since she informs the reader that the animals are, now, happy on even so-called “factory farms.” And, in the second place, in our current anthropocentric world, Grandin perpetuates devaluing stereotypes concerning non-neurotypical people who are rendered as “exotic” and “magical” in their ability to “understand” animals since they (and, supposedly, they alone) think as nonhuman animals do. However, we argue, neither other autistic people nor farmed animals need Grandin to “translate” for them at all.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial

Climate Change Denial and Public Relations (Routledge), 2020

“‘Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial” Climate Change Denial and Public Relations. St... more “‘Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial” Climate Change Denial and Public Relations. Strategic Communication and Interest Groups in Climate Inaction Routledge. (2019):178-194. doi:10.4324/9781351121798. Invited

Arguably, the single most categorical and effective statement on the environmental dangers of the raising of animals for human consumption was issued by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In 2006, the FAO produced a 391-page report titled “Livestock’s Long Shadow”, concluding that animal farming presents a “major threat to the environment” with such “deep and wide-ranging” impacts that it should rank as a leading focus for environmental policy. The report concluded that “[t] he livestock sector is a major player [in climate change], responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent. This is a higher share than transport”(Steinfeld et al., 2006, p. xxi). Nor was the call for action at all hidden: As Henning Steinfeld, Chief of FAO’s Livestock Information and Policy Branch, put it (FAO, 2006):“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems. Urgent action is required to remedy the situation”. 1 Furthermore, the chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, repeatedly suggested that people should decrease their consumption of meat in order to help offset climate change. As he stated (in Jowit, 2008):“In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reductions in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive opportunity…. Give up meat for one day [a week] initially, and decrease it from there”. The evidence caused Yvo de Boer, then executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to conclude “the best solution would be …

Research paper thumbnail of Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness

Vegan Entanglements, 2022

“Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness ” Veg... more “Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness ” Vegan Entanglements, Lantern. (2022).71-88.

Research paper thumbnail of Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish

American Behavioral Scientist, 2019

“Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish.” American Behavioral S... more “Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish.” American Behavioral Scientist, (February 2019), 63 (8). doi:10.1177/0002764219830462. 1120-1136.

Advocates for eating locally raised animals claim that their practice is helpful in protecting the environment. However, the opposite is true. As such, their references to “nature” have less to do with a scientific stable ecosystem and, instead, represent a call for a return to a “natural” order of human’s supposedly benevolent domain over other animals. Instead of a science-based environmental policy, local meat operates as a type of “postcommodity fetish.” It is because of the desire to escape the confines of consumerist culture, to return to romanticized idea of Edenic-purity, which underlies the desire to purchase “locally” produced animal products.

Research paper thumbnail of 'White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right'

Animal Studies Journal, 2018

“‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right,’” Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 20... more “‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right,’” Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 2018, 103-128.

This article analyzes why milk has been chosen as a symbol of racial purity by the ‘alt-right’. Specifically, this article argues the alt-right's current use of claims about milk, lactose tolerance, race, and masculinity can be connected to similar arguments originally made during the19th century against colonialized populations and immigration groups. In the 19th century, colonizing populations classified colonized populations as ‘effeminate corn and rice eaters’ because of their supposed lack of consumption of meat and dairy. This article argues that a similar practice continues today. It also argues that there is a relationship between the dietary racism ideas popularized by the alt-right and similar ideas published in academic journals, taught in some college classrooms, and reproduced in mainstream publications such as The Economist and PBS. In conclusion, this article documents a pattern between an earlier time in which anxiety over falling wages and increasing domestic immigration focused on issues of meat and dairy consumption and current anxiety over stagnant wages, fears over immigration, and a reassertion of the consumption of milk and dairy as a proxy reassertion of white privilege.

Research paper thumbnail of The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Political Act

Animaladies (Bloomsbury), 2018

The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Po... more The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Political Act, Animaladies. Bloomsbury. (2018). 137-154. (co-authored with James Stanescu).

[Research paper thumbnail of New Weapons: "Humane Farming," Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish [Partial reprint of “One Struggle;” updated and significantly expanded into new areas]](

Animal Oppression and Capitalism (Praeger), 2017

New Weapons: “Humane Farming,” Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish.” Animal Oppression an... more New Weapons: “Humane Farming,” Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish.”
Animal Oppression and Capitalism, Praeger. (2017): 209-228. Invited.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and The Rise of the  “Post-Commodity” Fetish [Reprint of the German version in English. Translated and significantly expanded.]](

The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology (Lexington), 2017

“The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and the Rise ... more “The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and the Rise of the Post-Commodity Fetish.” The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology. Lexington Books. (2017): 61-86

Research paper thumbnail of "Foreword" Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies

Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies, 2017

This book brings together comic studies and critical animal studies to provide a critical media a... more This book brings together comic studies and critical animal studies to provide a critical media analysis that centralizes total liberation for all beings-both human and nonhuman. Through the lens of superheroes, the book explores the cultural and literal consumption of nonhumans as a strategy for confronting humanism at large. (Forward)

Research paper thumbnail of An Open Letter to Peter Singer:  A Critical Engagement with Peter Singer’s Support of “Compassionate” and “Humane” Meat

Animal Liberation Currents , Nov 3, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia

Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture (Brill), 2016

The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia” Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture, B... more The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia” Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture, Brill, (2016): 90-108.

In 2008, Burger King began a new advertisement campaign entitled The Whopper Virgins, which purported to go to the “the most remote parts of the world” to discover people who “did not even have a word for hamburger”(Crispin, Porter & Bogusky 2008). The purpose for these travels was so that Burger King could conduct the “purest taste test in the world”(Ibid). The ads were filmed in Thailand, Greenland, and Romania. This ad campaign was one of the most successful in Burger King’s history, receiving multiple awards, significant web traffic, widespread media attention, and correlating with one of the largest stock price increase in the company’s history (Trosclair 2009; York 2009).

Research paper thumbnail of Future Directions For Critical Animal Studies

The Future of Critical Animals Studies: A Reader, 2014

"The Future of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Center,” The Future of Critical A... more "The Future of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Center,” The Future of Critical Animals Studies: A Reader, Rutledge, (co-authored with Helena Pedersen), (2014): 262-276. [Partial reprint of “One Struggle;” updated and expanded into new areas]

Research paper thumbnail of Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of "Happy Meat"

Critical Animal Studies (Canadian Scholars' Press), 2014

“Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of ‘Happy Meat’” Critical Animal Stu... more “Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of ‘Happy Meat’” Critical Animal Studies, Canadian Scholars Press, (2014): 216-233. Invited.

[Research paper thumbnail of Das „Judas-Schwein“Wie wir „invasive Spezies“ unter der Vorgabe des „Naturschutzes“ töten [This is the German version of The Judas Pig; it was first published in German]](

Journal fürkritische Tierstudien [The German Journal for Critical Animal Studies] , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Kangaroo Court: Analyzing the 2006 "Hearing" of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

The Terrorization of Dissent, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of One Struggle

Defining Critical Animal Studies (Peter Lang), 2014

"One Struggle” Defining Critical Animal Studies (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory ... more "One Struggle” Defining Critical Animal Studies (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education) Peter Lang Publishing (co-authored with Stephanie Jenkins), (2014): 74-85.

Research paper thumbnail of Why Loving Animals is Not Enough

The Journal of American Culture, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Man's Best Friend: Why Human Rights Needs Animal Rights, from the Philippines to Abu Ghraib

Journal for Critical Animal Studies , 2012

In recent years several thinkers in the field of animal studies have claimed that there is a link... more In recent years several thinkers in the field of animal studies have claimed that there is a linkage between the abuses in Abu Ghraib and the abuses of animals. This article argues that these linkages are correct. Specifically, this article argues that the violence of Abu Ghraib can be connected back to the similar display of captured Filipinos, and their forced eating of dogs, in the 1904 World's Fair. In a deeper sense, this article argues that a failure to include animal rights renders human rights indeterminate and ineffective. Therefore, the paradoxes inherent in human rights, such as the state of exception as outlined by Giorgio Agamben, can only be solved if animal rights are included within this analysis. What both the Philippines and Abu Ghraib demonstrate is that as long as animals lack any rights or standing under the law, humans will also always be in danger of being redefined as animals, and thus of losing any human rights or standing under the law.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rhetoric of Vegan/ Vegetarianism, and Health, Medicine, and Culture

Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 2022

This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examina... more This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examination of vegan and vegetarian diets/lifestyles through the perspective of several scholars, activists, and/or medical practitioners. Through these conversations, the authors illuminate many key areas of interest and future examination related to vegan and vegetarian diets through the lens of several subtopics including health impact, ethics, cultural influence on diet, gender, medical advice, emerging "meat" technologies, and societal rhetoric about vegans and vegetarians. The dialogue participants provide a discussion on how vegetarian dietsand vegan diets in particular-can progress individual and public human health, liberate non-human animals, improve the environment, and provide a vehicle in which several important social justice movements (for both humans and animals) can take root, all the while recognizing the many reasons reasons people might choose a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Research paper thumbnail of Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (Slovene translation of White Power Milk)

Animot, 2021

»Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (drugi del) Do prvega dela članka »Bel... more »Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »alt-right« (drugi del) Do prvega dela članka »Bela moč mleka«: mleko, prehranski rasizem in »altright« lahko dostopate s klikom na to povezavo.

Research paper thumbnail of Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent

Disability and Animality: Crip Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies (Routledge), 2020

“Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent,” Disability and Ani... more “Lost in Translation: Temple Grandin, Sexual Violence, & The Myth of Consent,” Disability and Animality: Crip Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies, Routledge. (2020). 161-181. Invited.

Temple Grandin claims that her autism allows her to think like animals and, therefore, understand them in a way that neurotypical people cannot. Based on this belief, she advises multiple animal farms on what she believes the “best practices” for these farms would entail in terms of helping the animals. Furthermore, she claims that once these farms have implemented these practices, purchasing their meat represents a humane and ethical choice. In contrast, we argue that Grandin’s arguments enact a double-violence against both animals and autistic people. In the first place, Grandin obscures the violence against farmed animals since she informs the reader that the animals are, now, happy on even so-called “factory farms.” And, in the second place, in our current anthropocentric world, Grandin perpetuates devaluing stereotypes concerning non-neurotypical people who are rendered as “exotic” and “magical” in their ability to “understand” animals since they (and, supposedly, they alone) think as nonhuman animals do. However, we argue, neither other autistic people nor farmed animals need Grandin to “translate” for them at all.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial

Climate Change Denial and Public Relations (Routledge), 2020

“‘Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial” Climate Change Denial and Public Relations. St... more “‘Cowgate:’ Meat Eating and Climate Change Denial” Climate Change Denial and Public Relations. Strategic Communication and Interest Groups in Climate Inaction Routledge. (2019):178-194. doi:10.4324/9781351121798. Invited

Arguably, the single most categorical and effective statement on the environmental dangers of the raising of animals for human consumption was issued by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). In 2006, the FAO produced a 391-page report titled “Livestock’s Long Shadow”, concluding that animal farming presents a “major threat to the environment” with such “deep and wide-ranging” impacts that it should rank as a leading focus for environmental policy. The report concluded that “[t] he livestock sector is a major player [in climate change], responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent. This is a higher share than transport”(Steinfeld et al., 2006, p. xxi). Nor was the call for action at all hidden: As Henning Steinfeld, Chief of FAO’s Livestock Information and Policy Branch, put it (FAO, 2006):“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems. Urgent action is required to remedy the situation”. 1 Furthermore, the chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, repeatedly suggested that people should decrease their consumption of meat in order to help offset climate change. As he stated (in Jowit, 2008):“In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reductions in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive opportunity…. Give up meat for one day [a week] initially, and decrease it from there”. The evidence caused Yvo de Boer, then executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to conclude “the best solution would be …

Research paper thumbnail of Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness

Vegan Entanglements, 2022

“Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness ” Veg... more “Until Every Cage is Empty: Animal Liberation, Prison Abolition, and the Wages of Humanness ” Vegan Entanglements, Lantern. (2022).71-88.

Research paper thumbnail of Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish

American Behavioral Scientist, 2019

“Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish.” American Behavioral S... more “Selling Eden: Environmentalism, Local Meat, and the Postcommodity Fetish.” American Behavioral Scientist, (February 2019), 63 (8). doi:10.1177/0002764219830462. 1120-1136.

Advocates for eating locally raised animals claim that their practice is helpful in protecting the environment. However, the opposite is true. As such, their references to “nature” have less to do with a scientific stable ecosystem and, instead, represent a call for a return to a “natural” order of human’s supposedly benevolent domain over other animals. Instead of a science-based environmental policy, local meat operates as a type of “postcommodity fetish.” It is because of the desire to escape the confines of consumerist culture, to return to romanticized idea of Edenic-purity, which underlies the desire to purchase “locally” produced animal products.

Research paper thumbnail of 'White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right'

Animal Studies Journal, 2018

“‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right,’” Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 20... more “‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right,’” Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 2018, 103-128.

This article analyzes why milk has been chosen as a symbol of racial purity by the ‘alt-right’. Specifically, this article argues the alt-right's current use of claims about milk, lactose tolerance, race, and masculinity can be connected to similar arguments originally made during the19th century against colonialized populations and immigration groups. In the 19th century, colonizing populations classified colonized populations as ‘effeminate corn and rice eaters’ because of their supposed lack of consumption of meat and dairy. This article argues that a similar practice continues today. It also argues that there is a relationship between the dietary racism ideas popularized by the alt-right and similar ideas published in academic journals, taught in some college classrooms, and reproduced in mainstream publications such as The Economist and PBS. In conclusion, this article documents a pattern between an earlier time in which anxiety over falling wages and increasing domestic immigration focused on issues of meat and dairy consumption and current anxiety over stagnant wages, fears over immigration, and a reassertion of the consumption of milk and dairy as a proxy reassertion of white privilege.

Research paper thumbnail of The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Political Act

Animaladies (Bloomsbury), 2018

The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Po... more The Personal Is Political: Orthorexia Nervosa, the Pathogenization of Veganism, and Grief as a Political Act, Animaladies. Bloomsbury. (2018). 137-154. (co-authored with James Stanescu).

[Research paper thumbnail of New Weapons: "Humane Farming," Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish [Partial reprint of “One Struggle;” updated and significantly expanded into new areas]](

Animal Oppression and Capitalism (Praeger), 2017

New Weapons: “Humane Farming,” Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish.” Animal Oppression an... more New Weapons: “Humane Farming,” Biopolitics, and the Post-Commodity Fetish.”
Animal Oppression and Capitalism, Praeger. (2017): 209-228. Invited.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and The Rise of the  “Post-Commodity” Fetish [Reprint of the German version in English. Translated and significantly expanded.]](

The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology (Lexington), 2017

“The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and the Rise ... more “The Judas Pig: The Killing of “Feral” Pigs on the Santa Cruz Islands, Biopolitics, and the Rise of the Post-Commodity Fetish.” The Ethics and Rhetoric of Invasion Ecology. Lexington Books. (2017): 61-86

Research paper thumbnail of "Foreword" Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies

Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies, 2017

This book brings together comic studies and critical animal studies to provide a critical media a... more This book brings together comic studies and critical animal studies to provide a critical media analysis that centralizes total liberation for all beings-both human and nonhuman. Through the lens of superheroes, the book explores the cultural and literal consumption of nonhumans as a strategy for confronting humanism at large. (Forward)

Research paper thumbnail of An Open Letter to Peter Singer:  A Critical Engagement with Peter Singer’s Support of “Compassionate” and “Humane” Meat

Animal Liberation Currents , Nov 3, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia

Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture (Brill), 2016

The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia” Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture, B... more The Whopper Virgins: Hamburgers, Gender, and Xenophobia” Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture, Brill, (2016): 90-108.

In 2008, Burger King began a new advertisement campaign entitled The Whopper Virgins, which purported to go to the “the most remote parts of the world” to discover people who “did not even have a word for hamburger”(Crispin, Porter & Bogusky 2008). The purpose for these travels was so that Burger King could conduct the “purest taste test in the world”(Ibid). The ads were filmed in Thailand, Greenland, and Romania. This ad campaign was one of the most successful in Burger King’s history, receiving multiple awards, significant web traffic, widespread media attention, and correlating with one of the largest stock price increase in the company’s history (Trosclair 2009; York 2009).

Research paper thumbnail of Future Directions For Critical Animal Studies

The Future of Critical Animals Studies: A Reader, 2014

"The Future of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Center,” The Future of Critical A... more "The Future of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Center,” The Future of Critical Animals Studies: A Reader, Rutledge, (co-authored with Helena Pedersen), (2014): 262-276. [Partial reprint of “One Struggle;” updated and expanded into new areas]

Research paper thumbnail of Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of "Happy Meat"

Critical Animal Studies (Canadian Scholars' Press), 2014

“Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of ‘Happy Meat’” Critical Animal Stu... more “Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of ‘Happy Meat’” Critical Animal Studies, Canadian Scholars Press, (2014): 216-233. Invited.

[Research paper thumbnail of Das „Judas-Schwein“Wie wir „invasive Spezies“ unter der Vorgabe des „Naturschutzes“ töten [This is the German version of The Judas Pig; it was first published in German]](

Journal fürkritische Tierstudien [The German Journal for Critical Animal Studies] , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Kangaroo Court: Analyzing the 2006 "Hearing" of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

The Terrorization of Dissent, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of One Struggle

Defining Critical Animal Studies (Peter Lang), 2014

"One Struggle” Defining Critical Animal Studies (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory ... more "One Struggle” Defining Critical Animal Studies (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education) Peter Lang Publishing (co-authored with Stephanie Jenkins), (2014): 74-85.

Research paper thumbnail of Why Loving Animals is Not Enough

The Journal of American Culture, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Man's Best Friend: Why Human Rights Needs Animal Rights, from the Philippines to Abu Ghraib

Journal for Critical Animal Studies , 2012

In recent years several thinkers in the field of animal studies have claimed that there is a link... more In recent years several thinkers in the field of animal studies have claimed that there is a linkage between the abuses in Abu Ghraib and the abuses of animals. This article argues that these linkages are correct. Specifically, this article argues that the violence of Abu Ghraib can be connected back to the similar display of captured Filipinos, and their forced eating of dogs, in the 1904 World's Fair. In a deeper sense, this article argues that a failure to include animal rights renders human rights indeterminate and ineffective. Therefore, the paradoxes inherent in human rights, such as the state of exception as outlined by Giorgio Agamben, can only be solved if animal rights are included within this analysis. What both the Philippines and Abu Ghraib demonstrate is that as long as animals lack any rights or standing under the law, humans will also always be in danger of being redefined as animals, and thus of losing any human rights or standing under the law.

Research paper thumbnail of “Fake News” of Animal Advocacy:  Response to the claim that only 2%(or less) of people in the United States are vegetarian

Critical Animal, 2019

Summary: About 1 out of 10 Americans identify as either vegetarian or vegan (between 8 to 13 per... more Summary:
About 1 out of 10 Americans identify as either vegetarian or vegan (between 8 to 13 percent).
This percent is consistent across several different studies
This percent is growing (with higher percentages for those under 50.)
It is inaccurate to believe that a large number of people falsely claim to be vegetarian (although some people who are transitioning to a vegetarian diet and some pescetarians may claim to be vegetarian).
However, half the people who strictly follow a vegetarian or vegan diet may choose not to identify with the labels. This is, in part, because of a fear of negative stigma around the labels “vegetarian” or “vegan.”
The failure of studies and the media to accurately report the number of vegetarians and vegans may harm the animal rights movement. Likewise, inaccurate stereotypes of vegans (including by animal rights activists themselves), may also be harmful.
Therefore, as activists, we should strive to let people know the comparatively high rates of people transitioning to a vegetarian and vegan diet and combat those suggesting inaccurate stereotypes of vegetarians and vegans.

Research paper thumbnail of Commemorating Tom Regan

Animal Liberation Currents , 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Public Policy Libraries: Urban & Backyard Chickens

Animal & Society Institute , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Animal Realism: Consumerism as a Failed Strategy

Loomus, Viljandi, Estonia, 2021

"Animal Futures. Animal rights in activism and academia." organized by Loomus and Eesti Vegan Sel... more "Animal Futures. Animal rights in activism and academia." organized by Loomus and Eesti Vegan Selts took place online on May 8 and 9, 2021. The conference focused on imagining futures for human-animal relations in a world that is rapidly transforming.

Vasile Stanescu | Birds of a Feather: Animal Liberation, Veganism and Social Justice

This presentation argues that animal liberation and veganism should be rethought. In particular, I argue that veganism should be rethought of as neither a diet nor an individual lifestyle choice, but instead, a principled action grounded in animal liberation and social justice. Furthermore, I argue that, far from “voting with our dollars” veganism should be rethought in terms of anti-capitalism and anti-consumerism. Moreover, I argue that animal rights and critical animal scholars should focus on developing solidarity with other social justice movements including Black Lives Matter, disability communities, gender-based movements, and others.

In addition, while admitting their partial value, I question a fetishization of new consumer options (for example, Burger King’s decision to sell the “Impossible Burger”) as the main path forward for animal liberation. In contrast, I argue that a correct understanding of veganism would fight against oppression against all animals—including human ones—and instead seek out solidarity with the wider social justice community. In other words, the future of animal liberation is not of consumerism, but of revolution.

Research paper thumbnail of The World is on Fire: Animal Agriculture, Climate Change, And The Path Forward

University of Kent, 2021

‘In 2006, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), issued a report titled “Livestock’s L... more ‘In 2006, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), issued a report titled “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” concluding that animal farming presents a “major threat to the environment” with such “deep and wide-ranging” impacts that it should rank as the leading focus for environmental policy.

Recently, these stakes were raised again when the UN determined that the world has only fourteen years to act to prevent catastrophic effects due to climate change. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity estimates as high as 150 species go extinct each day; the UN determined animal agriculture represents the single largest cause of habit loss, species extinction, and biodiversity loss.

Most importantly, exponentially more animals are killed, in worse conditions, every year: My first publication in critical animal studies, entitled “Green Eggs and Ham: The Myth of Sustainable Meat and The Danger of the Local” was published in 2010; at that time, the world raised and killed approximately 60 billion land animals each year. Today it is 80 billion; the UN estimates by 2050, the number will exceed 120 billion. The world is on fire.‘The response by many, including both advocates for animal agriculture and animal rights, has been three main strategies:
Attempts to move toward local, humane, and free-range animal farming based on, in part, a belief that such moves will positively affect the environment
The rise of so-called “in vitro” meat which, like claims about humane meat, will also offset the environmental effects of animal agriculture
Market based moves to sell new meat substitutes, such as Burger King’s decision to sell the Impossible Whopper.
‘However, in reality none of these proposed solutions will work. Indeed, most – if not all – will in reality make the environmental effects of animal agriculture worse. Instead, I argue, we need a social justice based approach to animal advocacy, based on directly confronting speciesism and anthropocentrism, that seeks to build solidarity between animal rights and other social justice movements to affect broad-based change. We are running out of time. To paraphrase the famous maxim attributed to Marx: As scholars, we no longer possess the luxury to only understand the world; we have to change it.’

Research paper thumbnail of "The Only Way: Animal Agriculture and Climate Change,” Workshop on The Need for a Transition to a Plant-Based Food System in Canada, University of Alberta, 2020 (Edited by Nation Rising).

Research paper thumbnail of Defining Critical Animal Studies

Animals & Society Institute, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of “Debate on the topic of in vitro meat.” Conscious Eating Conference. The University of California at Berkeley. 2019. Part I.

Research paper thumbnail of “Debate on the topic of in vitro meat.” Conscious Eating Conference. The University of California at Berkeley. 2019. Part II.

Research paper thumbnail of Selling Eden: Environmentalism and the Myth of "Humane" Meat

The Humane Hoax: An Online Summit, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of New Weapons: Biopolitics, Direct Action, and the Myth of Consent

The University of Toronto: "The Animal Rights Academy", 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Crocodile Tears: Compassionate Carnivores and the Marketing of "Happy Meat"

Conscious Eating Conference; the University of California at Berkeley , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of One Struggle

Defining Critical Animal Studies: Challenging the Ivory Tower, 2014

The talk starts at 1:00:00.

Research paper thumbnail of Why Loving Animals Is Not Enough: A Feminist Critique

Research paper thumbnail of Where’s the Beef?: Meat Consumption, Environmental Organizations, and Global Climate Change

Chi Interdisciplinary Conference on Global Climate and the Environment: Sponsored by the Wood Institute for the Environment, Stanford, CA, 2011 , 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Paper Tigers: The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Rhetoric of Terror

Toronto, (89.5 FM)., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of “The Image of the Animal: from Earthlings to Locavorism,” Critical Animal Studies  Film and Artist Lecture Series: California College of the Arts, CA, 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of Eat local, or not? Debate starts with localvore question and veers afield

Burlington Free Press , 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Livestock and methane: What's a consumer to do?

Burlington Free Press, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Fight Climate Change By Going Vegan

Research paper thumbnail of Will "Clean Meat" Close Slaughterhouses?? | Jane Unchained News

Jane Unchained: Voice for the Voiceless , 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Trading Patronage for Power in the AR Movement An Animal Rights Article from

[Research paper thumbnail of Carnea de cal este la fel de sigura ca Carnea de cal este la fel de sigura ca cea de vita * Ca sa evitam astfel de scandauri, cel mai bine ar fi sa nu mai consumam carne [ Translated title "Horse meat is as safe as beef . To avoid such scandals, it would be best not to eat meat"]](

Research paper thumbnail of Vasile Stanescu on in vitro meat and 'animal realism'

North American Association for Critical Animal Studies, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Case Against Lab Grown Meat

Creating a Vegan World, 2022

“Vasile Stănescu is an Associate Professor and researcher who talks about the ethical and environ... more “Vasile Stănescu is an Associate Professor and researcher who talks about the ethical and environmental issues with the lab grown meat industry. During this interview, he talks about what he feels is the best solution to shift the behavior of the billions of people who still eat meat.”

Research paper thumbnail of Is Lab-grown Meat really a Sustainable and Ethical Food Solution?

Science is Gray , 2021\_W0mSwUuPh3cVOMajDth6way0JUMR8AKPUW7wO6vfA...[ more ](;)[\_W0mSwUuPh3cVOMajDth6way0JUMR8AKPUW7wO6vfArzcm9F2jc1awag](

"Do you have questions about lab-grown meat? Wondering if it's really as sustainable and great for animals as great as many proponents claim? Will it solve the ethical and environmental problems with our current food system and factory farming?

Today Dr. Vasile Stanescu joins me to take a holistic deep dive into the benefits and downside of lab-grown meat (AKA in vitro meat, cell-based meat, cultured meat, or clean meat) and who this novel technology will really benefit!

We cover:
- what lab meat is/how its made
- what proponents claim this miracle product can do
- Will it help end animal exploitation and factory farming?
- Fetal bovine serum and animal inputs
- the sustainability of lab meat
- The validity of using the free market/technology to solve moral issues in society
- What do we really need to end speciesism?
- Corporate control of our food supply"

Research paper thumbnail of White Power Milk

Knowing Animals, 2021

On this episode of Knowing Animals, we speak to Dr Vasile Stanescu. Vasile is an associate profes... more On this episode of Knowing Animals, we speak to Dr Vasile Stanescu. Vasile is an associate professor of Communication Studies at Mercer University in the United States. Lots of listeners will know him for his work in critical animal studies: he co-edits the Critical Animal Studies book series published by Brill, he’s a former co-editor of the Journal for Critical Animal Studies, and a co-founder of the North American Association for Critical Animal Studies. Today, we’re going to talk about his paper “‘White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right’”, which was published in 2018 in Animal Studies Journal.

This episode is brought to you by the Australasian Animal Studies Association and the Animal Publics book series with Sydney University Press.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sixth Great Extinction

Research paper thumbnail of What is Critical Animal Studies?

Always for Animal Rights:, 2020 ... more

This week, I am pleased to present my second interview with the Critical Animal Studies scholar Vasile Stanescu (

In this interview, Vasile explains what Critical Animal Studies is, and he challenges us to reconsider our use of the term "nonhuman animal". He also speaks about how speciesism is connected to other forms of oppression, why animal rights activists should be opposed to capitalism, how the animal agriculture industry is funding disinformation about the effects of animal agriculture on climate change, and why there is no such thing as humane or sustainable animal agriculture. Additionally, he points out that animal rights activists should work with (and not against!) other social justice movements. It's a fascinating interview!

During the discussion, Vasile spoke about his academic journal article titled "'White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right'" (, and his open letter to Peter Singer (, both of which you can read for free online. He also mentioned the Animals & Society Institute video in which he explains what Critical Animal Studies is:

Research paper thumbnail of Why Vegans Should Never Promote Lab-Grown "Meat"

Always for Animal Rights, 2020[ more ](;)[\_17Mdc05d1VcgxTUtFFb8c](

This week's episode features an interview with the professors Vasile Stanescu, PhD, and John Sanbonmatsu, PhD, who explain why animal advocates should not promote lab-grown "meat" (a.k.a. animal flesh).

In 2019, John and Vasile participated in a debate in which they pointed out that lab "meat" harms animals directly and serves to further entrench animal exploitation in our culture. This is what we discuss on this week's show.

This is a very important topic that animal advocates need to be aware of. I hope you'll tune in!

You can learn more about this issue at You can also read Vasile's blog post (which he mentioned in the interview) in which he makes the case that vegan advocacy is, and has been, effective.

You may also wish to read my blog post in which I argue that vegan advocacy is the most essential part of the animal rights movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy to Politics: Assessing the Work of Tom Regan.

Animal Liberation Currents, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of One Nation, Under Meat: A Tragic Love Story Of the American Appetite

Green Grid Radio: CA (KZSU 90.1FM), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Locavorism, Permaculture, and Thinking about the Global/Local

Research paper thumbnail of Critical Theory and Animal Liberation

Acknowledgments Introduction Part I. Commodity Fetishism and Structural Violence Chapter 1: Procr... more Acknowledgments Introduction Part I. Commodity Fetishism and Structural Violence Chapter 1: Procrustean Solutions to Animal Identity and Welfare Problems Karen Davis Chapter 2: Road Kill: Commodity Fetishism and Structural Violence Dennis Soron Chapter 3: Corporate Power, Ecological Crisis, and Animal Rights Carl Boggs Part II. Animals, Marxism, and the Frankfurt School Chapter 4: Humanism = Speciesism?: Marx on Humans and Animals Ted Benton Chapter 5: Reflections on the Prospects for a Non-Speciesist Marxism Renzo Llorente Chapter 6: Thinking With: Animals in Schopenhauer, Horkheimer, and Adorno Christina Gerhardt Chapter 7: Animal is to Kantianism as Jew Is to Fascism: Adorno's Bestiary Eduardo Mendieta Part III. Speciesism and Ideologies of Domination Chapter 8: Dialectic of Anthropocentrism Aaron Bell Chapter 9: Animal Repression: Speciesism as Pathology Zipporah Weisberg Chapter 10: Neuroscience (a Poem) Susan Benston Chapter 11: Everyday Rituals of the Master Race: Fascism...

Research paper thumbnail of The Rhetoric of Vegan/ Vegetarianism, and Health, Medicine, and Culture

Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 2022

This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examina... more This dialogue piece provides scholars of the rhetoric of health and medicine with a close examination of vegan and vegetarian diets/lifestyles through the perspective of several scholars, activists, and/or medical practitioners. Through these conversations, the authors illuminate many key areas of interest and future examination related to vegan and vegetarian diets through the lens of several subtopics including health impact, ethics, cultural influence on diet, gender, medical advice, emerging "meat" technologies, and societal rhetoric about vegans and vegetarians. The dialogue participants provide a discussion on how vegetarian dietsand vegan diets in particular-can progress individual and public human health, liberate non-human animals, improve the environment, and provide a vehicle in which several important social justice movements (for both humans and animals) can take root, all the while recognizing the many reasons reasons people might choose a vegetarian or vegan diet.