merely_theists - Profile (original) (raw)

on 22 November 2002 (#786324)

Non-adherents to a particular religion.

What we are:

People who believe there is something greater than ourselves. Most of us don't adhere to a particular type of religion and we search our ways. Here, thew members will share the joys and struggles of not belinging to a particular type of religion, but still believing in a divinity. Some of us are politheists, some of us are pantheists, some of us are monotheist. A lot of us are syncretist while others have just formed a philosopy or religion of our own.

What we are NOT:

Religion Bashers: Many of us are syncretists and believe in elements of religion. We simply find that belonging to a particular type of religion is not our own way to get close to a Divine force. It is not for merely theists to believe that our spiritual view is superior to anyone else unless having convincing reasons to do so.

Atheist/Agnostic Bashers We respect other's choice to disregard God, or to be skeptical. If some of us were atheists or agnostics at some point, we can share our experiences and dissatisfaction, but with respect for those who still adhere to Atheism or Agnosticism.

PLEASE BEWARE! If you belong to a particular type of faith or are an agnostic or atheist, you are welcome here, but understand that this is not an "Atheist Vs Theist" or a "People in organized Church Vs people who are not" Type-of-debate community (you get the idea). If you want debates of that nature This and this are great communities to do so. Here, the discussions are about our very particular takes on religion and spirituality.

Respect for other opinnions is a MUST! If you flame someone for their opinions, you are out of the community.

This community is young, so members are welcome to post suggestions about how to make this community a better place for us!

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