User talk:Johannes Richter (WMDE) - Meta (original) (raw)

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Hello, Johannes Richter (WMDE). Welcome to the Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! This website is for coordinating and discussing all Wikimedia projects. You may find it useful to read our policy page. If you are interested in doing translations, visit Meta:Babylon. You can also leave a note on Meta:Babel or Wikimedia Forum if you need help with something (please read the instructions at the top of the page before posting there). Also worthwhile acquainting yourself with the functions of global user pages. Happy editing!

Lionel Cristiano (talk) 14:52, 10 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hello. For many years, community members have requested an easy way to re-use references with different details. Now, a MediaWiki solution is coming: The new sub-referencing feature will work for wikitext and Visual Editor and will enhance the existing reference system. You can continue to use different ways of referencing, but you will probably encounter sub-references in articles written by other users. More information on the project page.

We want your feedback to make sure this feature works well for you:

Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team is planning to bring this feature to Wikimedia wikis later this year. We will reach out to creators/maintainers of tools and templates related to references beforehand.

Please help us spread the message. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 11:17, 9 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi John. I noticed your posts to very new editors on en-wiki, seeking input for user testing on de-wiki. I hope you get the response you want. But I just thought I'd suggest that you might, perhaps, get much better take up if you specify that the survey and involvement does not require knowledge of German. Not specifying that would certainly put me off were I a new user. Kind regards, Nick Moyes (talk) 08:43, 28 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Nick Moyes, thanks for the advice! We were specifically looking for input for user testing on _en_-wiki (and of course in English). Multiple users seemed to be confused about this, so we'll make this more clear the next time we are inviting people to participate in user testing. Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 07:45, 1 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 15:07, 17 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Johannes,

vielen Dank für die Information und eure Arbeit an der Sub-Referenzierungsfunktion!

Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass wir in der polnischen Wikipedia bereits eine Lösung in Form der Vorlage pl:template:odn (abgeleitet von „odnośnik“, was „Referenz“ bedeutet) haben. Diese Vorlage wird verwendet, um Inline-Referenzen zu erstellen und ist besonders nützlich, wenn man sich mehrfach im Artikel auf eine bibliografische Quelle beziehen möchte. Ein Beispiel für ihre Anwendung findet man im Artikel Die Geschichte der Stadt Wolin.

Habt ihr ein solches System in Betracht gezogen oder besteht die Möglichkeit, es anzupassen? Diese Vorlage funktioniert in vielen Fällen sehr gut und könnte eine einfachere Lösung darstellen als die Einführung einer neuen Wikitext-Syntax. Vielen Dank für euer Engagement und eure Bemühungen!

Beste Grüße!Zwiadowca21 15:19, 17 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Zwiadowca21, herzlichen Dank für dein Feedback! Wir haben uns Vorlagen wie odn natürlich angeschaut, die aber u.a. Probleme für VisualEditor-User erzeugen (Beispiel mit dem enwiki sfn-template). Deshalb arbeiten wir an einer MediaWiki-Lösung zur Wiederverwendung von Einzelnachweisen mit unterschiedlichen Details in der normalen references syntax. Dass diese Lösung – wenn VisualEditor und Wikitext gleich gut funktionieren sollen – allerdings manchmal Kompromisse erfordert, liegt auf der Hand. Jetzt stellt sich die Frage, ob die gefundene Lösung für Communities ok ist.

Künftig könnte es irgendwann mal ein Ansatz sein, dem VisualEditor "beizubringen", mit Vorlagen wie odn korrekt zu arbeiten, aber das erfordert viel Aufwand und mehr Ressourcen, als unser Team WMDE Technische Wünsche aktuell hat. Viele Grüße Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 16:00, 17 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

This got archived before you could respond. Who would be the person handling this? e 09:06, 23 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Usually each team make sure that there are no accounts of former employees with any "advanced" permissions. I don't think there is a person responsible for further steps in "account offboarding", because there has never been the need to lock accounts. Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 11:47, 24 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Is there a person responsible for IT security in general? e 11:04, 27 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

I don't think this is a security issue. There are policies for removing sensible permissions from inactive accounts which is the main "security" concern one might have. There are hundreds of thousands or millions of inactive accounts which don't pose a problem to our projects (no matter if the accounts belong to volunteers, affiliate staff members or any non-Wikimedia organization). You can find contact persons for all of our teams on our website. Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:57, 28 January 2025 (UTC)Reply