Fabrizio Boldrini | Montesca - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Fabrizio Boldrini

Research paper thumbnail of Le scuole comeorganizzazioni che apprendono: riconcettualizzare il  modello  di  Kools  e  Stoll  sulla  base  dei  risultati  di  un’analisi qualitativo-percettiva

V. 3 N. 5 (2022): Leadership, innovazione e cambiamento organizzativo. Promuovere comunità di apprendimento professionale, 2022

L’articolo proposto si basa su una ricercainternazionale sviluppata in Italia, Spagna, B... more L’articolo proposto si basa su una ricercainternazionale sviluppata in Italia, Spagna, Bulgaria e Turchia. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di proporre un modellobasato sulle esperienze e sulle pratiche esistentievolto a realizzare nelle scuole queicambiamenti che saranno necessari per preparare i ragazzial loro futuro. L’idea è che se una scuola vuole essere un’organizzazioneche apprendedeve iniziare a pensare in modo diverso. Anchesequesto tipo di concezione della scuolapotrebbe non essere nuovo, è tempo di dare a quest’ultimauna differenteprospettiva di vita:attingerea ciò che gli studi e gli sforzi precedenti possono offrire, ma collegando questo approccio a una base di conoscenze più ampia e pertinente e al contesto attuale.KEYWORDS: school, organization, innovation, improvement, educating communityPAROLE CHIAVE:scuola, organizzazione, innovazione, cambiamento, comunità educante

Research paper thumbnail of Le scuole come organizzazioni che apprendono: riconcettualizzare il modello di Kools e Stoll sulla base dei risultati di un’analisi qualitativo-percettiva

IUL Research, Jun 17, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Raising awareness to natural hazards: the RACCE European Project

The natural risk assessment and its further step in finding how to mitigate these risks, give to ... more The natural risk assessment and its further step in finding how to mitigate these risks, give to education and outreach activities an important role. A long term effort in implementing innovative educational activities is essential to convey information able to contribute for a better understanding of peculiar territorial features and related hazard and risk. Promoting the geological heritage and educating people on natural phenomena can play key role in disseminating information and good practices to minimize the effect of possible disasters. Raising awareness to natural hazards: the RACCE European Project RACCE PARTNERS ARE: Main deliverables of the project would be the elaboration of an innovative and mobile experimental Educational Project connected with school curricula and a Travelling Exhibition. Project is expected to contribute in sharing information, in raising awareness, in minimizing the impact of such disasters and finally, in the establishment in the areas involved of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy)

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality for Integration and Multiculturalism. Pedagogic and Didactic Prosocial Model

Research paper thumbnail of Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy)

Research paper thumbnail of State of the art and mapping competencies report

Research paper thumbnail of Crete

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication refl ect... more This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication refl ects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Patch_Guidelines_corretto.indd 1 15-12-2011 9:04:13 P.A.T.C.H. PARTNERSHIP:

Research paper thumbnail of The perception of violence among peers in an European perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse comparee des profils professionnels dans les secteurs lies a l'environment: etudes de cas en Italie, en France et en Grece = Comparative analysis of professional profiles in environment-related sectors: case studies in Italy, France and Greece

This study, undertaken in parallel in three European Union countries, aims to analyse the most si... more This study, undertaken in parallel in three European Union countries, aims to analyse the most significant professional figures in the environmental sector in both the public and private domains, within and outside enterprises, and relating to small and medium sized businesses. This work amplifies and extends research previously undertaken by CEDEFOP in 1998, which evaluated the impact of qualitative and quantitative changes in the labour market, relating to environmental protection. It also examines the new professional profiles that have become necessary as a result of the changes as well as the levels of qualification concerned with the developments in progress. The intentions of this work are to: evaluate in advance the changes to competencies in the environmental field in order to adapt the supply and demand of skill formation; and to verify, in view of the development of 'green activities', existing levels and methods of skill formation and to judge their adequacy to d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse comparee des profils professionnels dans les secteurs lies a l'environment: etudes de cas en Italie, en France et en Grece = Comparative analysis of professional profiles in environment-related sectors: case studies in Italy, France and Greece

Research paper thumbnail of Prosocialità nella Scuola superiore: una guida per i docenti

Prosocialità nella Scuola superiore: una guida per i docenti, 2020

Anche se esistono consistenti studi sulle dinamiche prosociali ed il tema non è certo nuovo nella... more Anche se esistono consistenti studi sulle dinamiche prosociali ed il tema non è certo nuovo nella discussione pedagogica che presenteremo anche se in una sintesi offrendo ai docenti ed agli esperti l’opportunità di approfondimenti se saranno necessari., questo approccio può essere definito originale nella misura in cui non si riferisce ad elementi comportamentali negativi ( omo-fobia, xenofobia, bullismo etc...) proponendo strategie di rimozione, ma indica potenziali strategie di carattere educativo per sviluppare comportamenti positivi, che vanno ricondotti, e lo sono generalmente nella accreditata teoria piscologica, sotto il termine omnicomprensivo di “prosocialità”
Valutare questa direzione e prenderla si auspica possa anche offrire un contributo alla riduzione di conflitti sociali di carattere educativo. Si tratta in genere di aporie nella visione educativa condivisa da agenzie formative formali e non formali, che investono soprattutto la dimensione valoriale

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality in Secondary education: A day in my school: what being prosocial can give to an ordinary school day

Prosociality in Secondary education: a practical guide , 2020

The school is a Community consisting of teachers, pupils, administrative personnel and naturally ... more The school is a Community consisting of teachers, pupils, administrative personnel and naturally parents. All of them have a role in education. What does it mean to be an educator and why pro-sociality plays a role in educational process? Studies on cognitive psychology show that the Prosocial behaviour fosters positive traits for children and society. Furthermore, encouraging the adoption of prosocial behaviours has positive effects on decreasing social conflicts.
Pro-sociality has a pedagogical relevance: this can act as a tool for empowering the social competences of students and as a catalyst in re-creating/strengthening inside and outside the school an Educating Caring Community, in terms of social expressions for youngsters‖ education and lifelong learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Buone Pratiche contro Bullismo e Cyberbullismo

Sintesi di buone pratiche europee contro il bullimso e cyberbullismo

Research paper thumbnail of La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l’intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dimensione di benessere personale e di comunità

La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dim... more La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dimensione di benessere personale e di comunità

Pedagogia anno XX 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Montessori Method to motivate adults Centro studi Villa Montesca Fo… 5 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS

The opportunity to create an educative frame-method based on the Montessori approach set for adul... more The opportunity to create an educative frame-method based on the Montessori approach set for adults is very actual and can give important results if applied to target groups with problems related to their relationship with the traditional form of learning and with the “sociality” of the education. Studies show that the problems are still very similar (Christophersen ER, Mortweet SL. Building skills that last a lifetime. 2003) to those highlighted in analysis about the relationship between the space and the content of education. Adults with problems of social marginalisation are diffident towards the education and they generally believe that the skills needed for the life are better learnt out of the formal educative background. These categories of adults are in need of social skills as a basis to gain a better place into the society. The MOMA approach experimented and evaluated in national laboratories whose results are explained in this book, is based on the effort to overturn the traditional assumptions determining strong barrier to the involvement of vulnerable target groups in the formal educative systems. Rather before and in terms of social pedagogy these problems were clearly expressed by Freire in his very relevant book
‘The pedagogy of oppressed’

Research paper thumbnail of State of the Art and Mapping of Competences Report

This document is the synthesis Report of the Mapping of the competences in the Culture and Creati... more This document is the synthesis Report of the Mapping of the competences in the Culture and Creative Sector (CCS) carried on in Greece, Italy and Spain. The Authors of the national reports gave all the documents and information on which the results and comments are based.
The National reports were realized by:
 CUP Consorzio Universitario Piceno (ITALY)
 Athens Chamber of Tradesmen (Greece)
 FVEM, Federación Vizcaína de empresas del metal (Spain)
The comments and the attempt of comparison are in full responsibility of the Authors of the Summary report. The primary idea that comes in mind when we thing to the so defined “art professions” or “creative professions” is related to the idea of defining, validating, maintaining, and reproducing certain categories of actions, related to what is generally accepted and defined as “cultural category of art and craft”, in order to produce an economic added value that it is clearly expected as “added” to the cultural and humanistic values.
The creative sector is distributed through a network of institutions (schools, museums, galleries, commercial market systems, and industries), all of which participate in constructing a global, international system or network of networks for Art and creativity.
The skills related to the Art world and to the creative sectors are thus part of the modern systems of competences, and many parts of these networks are now highly professionalized and organized in an industrial way.
The creative economy is difficult to define and measure. However, we have the opportunity to identify not totally satisfactory attempts to find common terminology and streamline statistical data. Furthermore, if we take into account the Cultural and Creative sector in all the EU Countries and in the rest of the world, matters become even more complex with diverse cultural issues fusing into other definitions.
Even if finding and investigating common definition is not the aim of this report, anyway this complicated debate is one of the reason of the fascination and specificity of the creative industries which ‘refuse to lie down and be measured like other sectors of the economy. And that is why economists and statisticians will probably never stop debating how to define them and how to estimate their worth’ (Newbegin 2010).
The rise of these cultural and creative sectors as an ‘industry’ has also brought resistance from numerous artists and creative practitioners who do not want to associate themselves or their work with the post-industrial consumerist conditions set by ‘industry’. They prefer to see themselves as individual creative practitioners who are closer to social activism and cultural value than industrial workmanship. Without undermining the social and intrinsic value of the cultural and creative sectors, which in themselves add value to the economic discourse for cultural and creative potential, those championing these sectors are also aware that the process of validation for the sector and its specificities cannot be approached without an ‘industry’ lens. This is the process which has revolutionised political agendas in the last decade and which set an important cultural agenda in numerous countries, regions and cities. The most successful managed to fuse the grassroots social and cultural values with the discourse on markets and growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality for Integration and Multiculturalizm. Pedagogic and Didactic Prosocial Model

Research paper thumbnail of Pro SAVE -Prosociality Against Violence and Exclusion

Prosociality by Fabrizio Boldrini

Research paper thumbnail of Pro SAVE ‐ Prosociality Against Violence and Exclusion

Il termine Prosocialità indica un concetto speculare di ciò che in psicologia viene definito “com... more Il termine Prosocialità indica un concetto speculare di ciò che in psicologia viene definito “comportamento prosociale”, vale a dire un complesso di azioni che beneficiano altri, la società o un gruppo di persone. La Prosocialità è caratterizzata da azioni di aiuto di cui il donatore non beneficia dei risultati.
Un comportamento prosociale perciò, può essere definito come una serie di azioni volontarie intese ad aiutare o beneficiare un altro individuo o un gruppo di persone senza alcuna aspettativa di ritorno in termini di benefici. Malgrado il ricevente si avvalga di un’azione prosociale, questa può anche risultare cara al donatore. Sorge così il la domanda se aiutare un altro a proprie spese. Quando si parla di comportamento prosociale, vengono enfatizzate le azioni esterne ed esplicite al contrario di quelle interne ed implicite delle azioni prosociali. Un’azione prosociale implica il miglioramento sia mentale che fisico di un individuo.
Il concetto di prosocialità risiede accanto al comportamento prosociale. Le basi scientifiche vengono chiaramente definite in ciò che viene chiamata “la teoria del gioco”, considerata uno dei maggiori contributi dell’economia sperimentale.

Research paper thumbnail of Le scuole comeorganizzazioni che apprendono: riconcettualizzare il  modello  di  Kools  e  Stoll  sulla  base  dei  risultati  di  un’analisi qualitativo-percettiva

V. 3 N. 5 (2022): Leadership, innovazione e cambiamento organizzativo. Promuovere comunità di apprendimento professionale, 2022

L’articolo proposto si basa su una ricercainternazionale sviluppata in Italia, Spagna, B... more L’articolo proposto si basa su una ricercainternazionale sviluppata in Italia, Spagna, Bulgaria e Turchia. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di proporre un modellobasato sulle esperienze e sulle pratiche esistentievolto a realizzare nelle scuole queicambiamenti che saranno necessari per preparare i ragazzial loro futuro. L’idea è che se una scuola vuole essere un’organizzazioneche apprendedeve iniziare a pensare in modo diverso. Anchesequesto tipo di concezione della scuolapotrebbe non essere nuovo, è tempo di dare a quest’ultimauna differenteprospettiva di vita:attingerea ciò che gli studi e gli sforzi precedenti possono offrire, ma collegando questo approccio a una base di conoscenze più ampia e pertinente e al contesto attuale.KEYWORDS: school, organization, innovation, improvement, educating communityPAROLE CHIAVE:scuola, organizzazione, innovazione, cambiamento, comunità educante

Research paper thumbnail of Le scuole come organizzazioni che apprendono: riconcettualizzare il modello di Kools e Stoll sulla base dei risultati di un’analisi qualitativo-percettiva

IUL Research, Jun 17, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Raising awareness to natural hazards: the RACCE European Project

The natural risk assessment and its further step in finding how to mitigate these risks, give to ... more The natural risk assessment and its further step in finding how to mitigate these risks, give to education and outreach activities an important role. A long term effort in implementing innovative educational activities is essential to convey information able to contribute for a better understanding of peculiar territorial features and related hazard and risk. Promoting the geological heritage and educating people on natural phenomena can play key role in disseminating information and good practices to minimize the effect of possible disasters. Raising awareness to natural hazards: the RACCE European Project RACCE PARTNERS ARE: Main deliverables of the project would be the elaboration of an innovative and mobile experimental Educational Project connected with school curricula and a Travelling Exhibition. Project is expected to contribute in sharing information, in raising awareness, in minimizing the impact of such disasters and finally, in the establishment in the areas involved of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy)

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality for Integration and Multiculturalism. Pedagogic and Didactic Prosocial Model

Research paper thumbnail of Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca (Italy)

Research paper thumbnail of State of the art and mapping competencies report

Research paper thumbnail of Crete

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication refl ect... more This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication refl ects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Patch_Guidelines_corretto.indd 1 15-12-2011 9:04:13 P.A.T.C.H. PARTNERSHIP:

Research paper thumbnail of The perception of violence among peers in an European perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse comparee des profils professionnels dans les secteurs lies a l'environment: etudes de cas en Italie, en France et en Grece = Comparative analysis of professional profiles in environment-related sectors: case studies in Italy, France and Greece

This study, undertaken in parallel in three European Union countries, aims to analyse the most si... more This study, undertaken in parallel in three European Union countries, aims to analyse the most significant professional figures in the environmental sector in both the public and private domains, within and outside enterprises, and relating to small and medium sized businesses. This work amplifies and extends research previously undertaken by CEDEFOP in 1998, which evaluated the impact of qualitative and quantitative changes in the labour market, relating to environmental protection. It also examines the new professional profiles that have become necessary as a result of the changes as well as the levels of qualification concerned with the developments in progress. The intentions of this work are to: evaluate in advance the changes to competencies in the environmental field in order to adapt the supply and demand of skill formation; and to verify, in view of the development of 'green activities', existing levels and methods of skill formation and to judge their adequacy to d...

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse comparee des profils professionnels dans les secteurs lies a l'environment: etudes de cas en Italie, en France et en Grece = Comparative analysis of professional profiles in environment-related sectors: case studies in Italy, France and Greece

Research paper thumbnail of Prosocialità nella Scuola superiore: una guida per i docenti

Prosocialità nella Scuola superiore: una guida per i docenti, 2020

Anche se esistono consistenti studi sulle dinamiche prosociali ed il tema non è certo nuovo nella... more Anche se esistono consistenti studi sulle dinamiche prosociali ed il tema non è certo nuovo nella discussione pedagogica che presenteremo anche se in una sintesi offrendo ai docenti ed agli esperti l’opportunità di approfondimenti se saranno necessari., questo approccio può essere definito originale nella misura in cui non si riferisce ad elementi comportamentali negativi ( omo-fobia, xenofobia, bullismo etc...) proponendo strategie di rimozione, ma indica potenziali strategie di carattere educativo per sviluppare comportamenti positivi, che vanno ricondotti, e lo sono generalmente nella accreditata teoria piscologica, sotto il termine omnicomprensivo di “prosocialità”
Valutare questa direzione e prenderla si auspica possa anche offrire un contributo alla riduzione di conflitti sociali di carattere educativo. Si tratta in genere di aporie nella visione educativa condivisa da agenzie formative formali e non formali, che investono soprattutto la dimensione valoriale

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality in Secondary education: A day in my school: what being prosocial can give to an ordinary school day

Prosociality in Secondary education: a practical guide , 2020

The school is a Community consisting of teachers, pupils, administrative personnel and naturally ... more The school is a Community consisting of teachers, pupils, administrative personnel and naturally parents. All of them have a role in education. What does it mean to be an educator and why pro-sociality plays a role in educational process? Studies on cognitive psychology show that the Prosocial behaviour fosters positive traits for children and society. Furthermore, encouraging the adoption of prosocial behaviours has positive effects on decreasing social conflicts.
Pro-sociality has a pedagogical relevance: this can act as a tool for empowering the social competences of students and as a catalyst in re-creating/strengthening inside and outside the school an Educating Caring Community, in terms of social expressions for youngsters‖ education and lifelong learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Buone Pratiche contro Bullismo e Cyberbullismo

Sintesi di buone pratiche europee contro il bullimso e cyberbullismo

Research paper thumbnail of La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l’intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dimensione di benessere personale e di comunità

La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dim... more La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dimensione di benessere personale e di comunità

Pedagogia anno XX 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Montessori Method to motivate adults Centro studi Villa Montesca Fo… 5 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS

The opportunity to create an educative frame-method based on the Montessori approach set for adul... more The opportunity to create an educative frame-method based on the Montessori approach set for adults is very actual and can give important results if applied to target groups with problems related to their relationship with the traditional form of learning and with the “sociality” of the education. Studies show that the problems are still very similar (Christophersen ER, Mortweet SL. Building skills that last a lifetime. 2003) to those highlighted in analysis about the relationship between the space and the content of education. Adults with problems of social marginalisation are diffident towards the education and they generally believe that the skills needed for the life are better learnt out of the formal educative background. These categories of adults are in need of social skills as a basis to gain a better place into the society. The MOMA approach experimented and evaluated in national laboratories whose results are explained in this book, is based on the effort to overturn the traditional assumptions determining strong barrier to the involvement of vulnerable target groups in the formal educative systems. Rather before and in terms of social pedagogy these problems were clearly expressed by Freire in his very relevant book
‘The pedagogy of oppressed’

Research paper thumbnail of State of the Art and Mapping of Competences Report

This document is the synthesis Report of the Mapping of the competences in the Culture and Creati... more This document is the synthesis Report of the Mapping of the competences in the Culture and Creative Sector (CCS) carried on in Greece, Italy and Spain. The Authors of the national reports gave all the documents and information on which the results and comments are based.
The National reports were realized by:
 CUP Consorzio Universitario Piceno (ITALY)
 Athens Chamber of Tradesmen (Greece)
 FVEM, Federación Vizcaína de empresas del metal (Spain)
The comments and the attempt of comparison are in full responsibility of the Authors of the Summary report. The primary idea that comes in mind when we thing to the so defined “art professions” or “creative professions” is related to the idea of defining, validating, maintaining, and reproducing certain categories of actions, related to what is generally accepted and defined as “cultural category of art and craft”, in order to produce an economic added value that it is clearly expected as “added” to the cultural and humanistic values.
The creative sector is distributed through a network of institutions (schools, museums, galleries, commercial market systems, and industries), all of which participate in constructing a global, international system or network of networks for Art and creativity.
The skills related to the Art world and to the creative sectors are thus part of the modern systems of competences, and many parts of these networks are now highly professionalized and organized in an industrial way.
The creative economy is difficult to define and measure. However, we have the opportunity to identify not totally satisfactory attempts to find common terminology and streamline statistical data. Furthermore, if we take into account the Cultural and Creative sector in all the EU Countries and in the rest of the world, matters become even more complex with diverse cultural issues fusing into other definitions.
Even if finding and investigating common definition is not the aim of this report, anyway this complicated debate is one of the reason of the fascination and specificity of the creative industries which ‘refuse to lie down and be measured like other sectors of the economy. And that is why economists and statisticians will probably never stop debating how to define them and how to estimate their worth’ (Newbegin 2010).
The rise of these cultural and creative sectors as an ‘industry’ has also brought resistance from numerous artists and creative practitioners who do not want to associate themselves or their work with the post-industrial consumerist conditions set by ‘industry’. They prefer to see themselves as individual creative practitioners who are closer to social activism and cultural value than industrial workmanship. Without undermining the social and intrinsic value of the cultural and creative sectors, which in themselves add value to the economic discourse for cultural and creative potential, those championing these sectors are also aware that the process of validation for the sector and its specificities cannot be approached without an ‘industry’ lens. This is the process which has revolutionised political agendas in the last decade and which set an important cultural agenda in numerous countries, regions and cities. The most successful managed to fuse the grassroots social and cultural values with the discourse on markets and growth.

Research paper thumbnail of Prosociality for Integration and Multiculturalizm. Pedagogic and Didactic Prosocial Model

Research paper thumbnail of Pro SAVE -Prosociality Against Violence and Exclusion

Research paper thumbnail of Pro SAVE ‐ Prosociality Against Violence and Exclusion

Il termine Prosocialità indica un concetto speculare di ciò che in psicologia viene definito “com... more Il termine Prosocialità indica un concetto speculare di ciò che in psicologia viene definito “comportamento prosociale”, vale a dire un complesso di azioni che beneficiano altri, la società o un gruppo di persone. La Prosocialità è caratterizzata da azioni di aiuto di cui il donatore non beneficia dei risultati.
Un comportamento prosociale perciò, può essere definito come una serie di azioni volontarie intese ad aiutare o beneficiare un altro individuo o un gruppo di persone senza alcuna aspettativa di ritorno in termini di benefici. Malgrado il ricevente si avvalga di un’azione prosociale, questa può anche risultare cara al donatore. Sorge così il la domanda se aiutare un altro a proprie spese. Quando si parla di comportamento prosociale, vengono enfatizzate le azioni esterne ed esplicite al contrario di quelle interne ed implicite delle azioni prosociali. Un’azione prosociale implica il miglioramento sia mentale che fisico di un individuo.
Il concetto di prosocialità risiede accanto al comportamento prosociale. Le basi scientifiche vengono chiaramente definite in ciò che viene chiamata “la teoria del gioco”, considerata uno dei maggiori contributi dell’economia sperimentale.

Research paper thumbnail of La percezione della violenza tra bambini e adolescenti in una prospettiva europea

Lo studio ha los copo di identificare ed analizzare la percezione della violenza in bambini e ado... more Lo studio ha los copo di identificare ed analizzare la percezione della violenza in bambini e adolescenti, attraverso racconti e disegni

Research paper thumbnail of Prosocialità per l'integrazione e l'educazione multiculturale

L’obbiettivo di questo documento è di illustrare il concetto di Prosocialità alla comunità scolas... more L’obbiettivo di questo documento è di illustrare il concetto di Prosocialità alla comunità scolastica
(insegnanti, allievi, personale amministrativo) e in special modo agli educatori affinché possano
gradualmente conoscere la filosofia che ad essa sottintende. Il comportamento prosociale (ossia un
comportamento atto a beneficiare volutamente un’altra persona) promuove degli aspetti positivi sia per i
ragazzi che per la società ed incoraggiarlo spesso implica dover attenuare o eliminare comportamenti
sociali indesiderati.


In the framework of the European education programs related to the integration of people with spe... more In the framework of the European education programs related to the integration of people with special needs, the action KA1 is focused on the Roma people and their social perspective to be part of the education system in their countries of residence.
However, in many official documents it is underlined how it is impossible or very difficult to have an approach exclusively addressed to inclusion in education. In the documents there are various references to the different problems that interest the social life of the Roma communities in Europe. In that respect the four key policy pillars of health, education, housing and employment, define what is generally called “a
holistic approach to Roma inclusion”. A holistic approach implies taking into consideration elements of culture and identity into inclusion policies and programmes. Also, strategies dealing with Roma inclusion in the education system have to reflect different aspects in various contexts. The aspects to be considered in the framework of the holistic approach to Roma inclusion are:
- Education - to ensure that all Roma children complete at least primary school and have access to quality
- Employment – to reduce the employment gap between Roma and the rest of the population.
- Healthcare – to reduce the gap in the health status between the Roma and the rest of the population.
Also, to give the essential sanitary assistance to those that live in poverty.
- Housing and essential services – to close the gap between the share of Roma with access to housing and
public utilities and that of the rest of the population.
This manual is the result of the products and experimentations carried out within the SMILE project. By taking in consideration the above mentioned aspects, the project tried to increase of the recognition and respect of the Roma culture. Moreover, it took into account that communities are composed by individuals who have their own individual goals, needs and ambitions.

Research paper thumbnail of Civil protection from a drill activity to a contribution to a contextualised learning in school

Teaching and learning specific scientific contents has been an important focus of research in sci... more Teaching and learning specific scientific contents has been an important focus of research
in science education in both Europe and North America. When the issue is related to the civil
protection, the problem seems to be limited to a “how-to-do” tasks to be activated in case of an
emergency in a certain situation specifically related to an occurring disasters.
This view restricts civil protection to the boundary of practical exercises and takes it out the circle
of pedagogic actions. The first effort should be adapt the civil protection issue to the field of
scientific education and consider it as a potential section of science education in all the school
degrees. This article intends to present civil protection education as a part of the scientific studies in
school in order to accompany the effect and the impact of all these activities strictly related to
behaviours and strategy to put into action in case of natural and manmade disaster, such as
exercises, drills and practical simulations.

Research paper thumbnail of Best Practices on Disasters' Risk - Awareness, prevention and Preparedness Measures - an educational approach

This booklet was prepared in the frames of the SEE project www.seeproject.eu It is a report on be... more This booklet was prepared in the frames of the SEE project www.seeproject.eu It is a report on best practices identified from existing educational projects or actions at European level on disasters’ risk awareness, prevention and preparedness measures for emergencies and self protection. Based on
knowledge, expertise and innovation it aims to build a culture of safety and resilience for education.
The selection of these elements of excellence was realized by a SWOT matrix analysis and will form the basis of the decision-making process for the establishment of a teaching program for disasters.


Il patrimonio culturale rappresenta un elemento rilevante ed imprescindibile del contesto di ogni... more Il patrimonio culturale rappresenta un elemento rilevante ed
imprescindibile del contesto di ogni Paese europeo e ne costituisce non soltanto un importante elemento identitario, ma anche un fattore fondamentale di sviluppo economico e sociale. Questo dato ha da tempo stimolato una rifl essione su come ntervenire nel caso in cui i beni appartenenti a tale categoria, defi niti beni di valore storico, artistico e culturale o spesso semplicemente Beni Culturali e caratterizzati da una varietà estrema sia in termini di valore che di caratteri costitutivi, vengano messi in pericolo dal verifi carsi di un fenomeno calamitoso di origine naturale o antropica

Research paper thumbnail of Linee guida per la Gestione Innovativa degli spazi Scuola

Montesca Paper, 2022

Le linee guida, ispirate dal Progetto Piccoli che valgono, coordinato a livello nazionale dalla O... more Le linee guida, ispirate dal Progetto Piccoli che valgono, coordinato a livello nazionale dalla ONG Mani Tese e finanziato dall'Impresa sociale con i Bambini, sono suggerimenti che vengono dall'esperienza quotidiana della scuola post-pandemica e rappresentano suggerimenti per una vera co-progettazione dello spazio educativo

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Interculturality From rEligion

Learning Interculturality From rEligion, 2018

In general terms, when in literature, sociology and politics we speak about religion we intend to... more In general terms, when in literature, sociology and politics we speak about religion we intend to make reference to a collection of cultural dimensions and visions of the world that are related to spirituality and to some aspects of the moral values. Religions have narratives, symbols, traditions, and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the universe.
In almost all the languages of the world it is possible to find words that have the same meaning of the English word for “religion”. However, the way the concept is conceived can appear very different and some have no word for religion at all. For example, the Sanskrit word "dharma," sometimes translated as “religion” also means “law”. Throughout classical South Asia, the study of law consisted of concepts such as penance through piety and ceremonial and practical traditions. Medieval Japan at first had a similar union between "imperial law" and universal or "Buddha law," but these later became independent sources of power. This leads Mircea Eliade to present a tautological explanation of what we intend as sacred, defined as that which is not profane; reflecting on his use of the term “profane” to encompass anything which is absolutely not sacred, he would have been better off defining sacred as anything that is not non-sacred. However, he prefers to stretch the definitions of words at will in order to make himself more legitimate and mask his inability to actually define what is sacred (though it is perhaps only definable in a tautological manner, as something relative to its inverse)

Research paper thumbnail of La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola

La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dim... more La dinamica dello sconforto a scuola: l'intelligenza emotiva come elemento di sviluppo di una dimensione di benessere personale e di comunità



L'approccio del progetto MOMA sperimentato e valutato in laboratori nazionali i cui risultati son... more L'approccio del progetto MOMA sperimentato e valutato in laboratori nazionali i cui risultati sono illustrati in questo libro, si basa sullo sforzo di ribaltare gli assunti tradizionali ell’essere montessoriano con caratteristiche adatte al coinvolgimento dei gruppi target vulnerabili nei sistemi educativi formali. In tempi recenti e nei termini espressi dalla pedagogia sociale, questi problemi sono stati chiaramente espressi da Paulo Freire nel suo importante libro 'La pedagogia degli oppressi'. Le conclusioni di Freire sono a favore della applicazione di una specifica pedagogia e di una conseguente didattica “speciale” volta a rendere meno evidenti questi ostacoli e a creare un ambiente di apprendimento in grado di rispondere alle esigenze degli adulti. Ma, se la tradizione educativa mostra che le questioni sollevate da una didattica inclusiva sono sono ben evidenti agli autori e pedagogisti (Knowls e al.), la conseguente potenziale rivoluzione dei metodi in termini di prevenire i concreti rischi di un approccio didattico non dedicato agli adulti può risultare essere solo una rivoluzione di carta. Il progetto Moma ha dunque l’ambizione di prendere conclusioni accertate e sperimentate: quelle della didattica montessoriana, per suggerire un cambiamento di target verticale ed uno orizzontale: cambiare destinatari, che diventano gli adulti; cambiare prospettiva e definire i contenuti in termini di “apprendimento durante tutto l’arco della vita” I risultati attesi su cui si basano le ipotesi all’origine di questo progetto sono, dunque, la proposta di una efficace applicazione della didattica di Maria ed Alice a gruppi target vulnerabili, le cui difficoltà di essere coinvolti in un percorso educativo formale può avere origine anche nella resistenza culturale degli adulti e dalla loro sfiducia verso l’educazione come chance di avere un futuro migliore. Naturalmente, il metodo Montessori deve essere pensato in un contesto diverso, soprattutto tenendo conto dell'influenza che la comunicazione sociale e le tecnologie hanno anche nella trasmissione di conoscenza degli adulti rispetto alle variegate derivazioni culturali che essi rappresentano.