ms_mw - Profile (original) (raw)

on 8 August 2006 (#10864290)

Always Take The Weather With You

This community is dedicated to the love that is Michael Shanks and Michael Weatherly.

Your maintainers are claudiasharon and shepteldan. We post drabble fic daily related to the two actors. Some may seem a bit hinky, some may not make any sense whatsoever, but they will most likely make you laugh or make you cry. Or both.

If you would like to post fanfiction, make sure you put it behind a livejournal cut and that it is related to Michael Shanks and/or Michael Weatherly (Tv Show or RL {if you so please}) just make sure you include pairings, rating, warnings, Title, Author, and a summary or excerpt from the story.

Icons are allowed, however if you have more then three, please post them under a livejournal cut.

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