Katócz Zoltán | Muzeul Ţării Crişurilor (original) (raw)
Papers by Katócz Zoltán
Crisia, 2024
The present study is a short summary of the archaeological research conducted from February 5–16,... more The present study is a short summary of the archaeological research conducted from February 5–16, 2024, at the Casa Zmăului cave. As part of an investment project for the rehabilitation of the railroad, a long-awaited opportunity was provided to conduct the first archaeological excavation at this point. One of the most important trade routes, providing a direct connection between Transylvania and Pannonia, used to pass here. Nowadays only the ruins of a stone building (observation tower) are a reminder of the historical importance of the area. Medieval documents confirm that the customs port came into the possession of the clerics of Oradea at the end of the 11th century, and then it is mentioned several times in the second half of the 13th century, in connection with conflicts over the division and donation of feudal holdings.
Crisia, 2024
The aim of this study is to bring together all the available data on the roof models unearthed in... more The aim of this study is to bring together all the available data on the roof models unearthed in north-western Romania and attributed to the Nir culture. The following archaeological data we are about to present is a summary of all the information known at the present stage of research on this subject. The archaeological significance of this artefact type lies in the fact that it is a miniature representation of a building element (the roof), which is almost impossible to detect during archaeological investigations. Over the years, roof models have been mentioned several times in the literature, but in most cases little attention has been paid to their detailed presentation. Therefore, we considered it important to carry out a study that would include all the existing archaeological data on these finds’ characteristic of the Nir culture.
Ziridava, Studia Archaeologica, 2024
The main purpose of this article is to compile all the information already known, as well as othe... more The main purpose of this article is to compile all the information already known, as well as others that have not yet been published about the Late Copper Age pottery fragments discovered within the perimeter of the Valea lui Mihai town. These archaeological data represent a small part of an investigation conducted during 2016–2022, whose main goal was to identify in the field all sites from the Ier Region dated to this chronological period and to mark them with GIS methods. The archaeological importance of Valea lui Mihai is due also to the fact that first traces of the Baden culture in this region had been identified almost a century ago during an archaeological excavation. Over the years, other sites dated to the Late Copper Age were also mentioned in the area of Valea lui Mihai, however a lot of the information is misleading and contradictory. Therefore, I believe it is important to accomplish a study that would present all existing archaeological data in connection with the finds that belong to the Baden and Coțofeni cultures identified at Valea lui Mihai.
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Archaeological research to better understand the habitat of early bronze age communities in the I... more Archaeological research to better understand the habitat of early bronze age communities in the Ier Region [Érmellék] has been the subject of several studies in recent decades. As part of an international research project, there was the opportunity to carry an archaeological excavations at the well-known archaeological site at Andrid – Corlat [Érendréd – Korlát]. This archaeological point is known in the literature as a large fortified settlement, with an area of 18.6 ha, dated to the end of the Bronze Age, belonging to the Gáva culture, located on the first terrace of the Ier Valley. Following the archaeological excavations, organized in the summer of 2011 in Andrid – Corlat, a significant amount of prehistoric pottery was discovered, of which we would like to discuss only about the materials dated to the II phase of the Early Bronze Age, belonging to the Nir [Nyírség] culture. The few ceramic fragments of the Nir culture were outlined in a culture layer at the depth of - 0.30-0.60 m, still this material has a strong archaeological importance. Perhaps, the most representative ceramic material, discovered at this site, is a roof model, and it is the only model completely preserved from the total spread area of the Nir culture. Andrid – Corlat is one of the few sites in northwestern Romania, where ceramic materials of the Nir culture were discovered during modern archaeological research. These archaeological investigations confirm the presence of communities of this culture on the terraces of the right bank of Ier Valley, which slightly changes the map of the territorial distribution of the culture. Based on the stratigraphic observations of the site, we can state that Nir culture pottery occurs independently in the culture layer, which would indicate the presence of an open settlement near the surveyed surface.
Acta Mvsei Porolissensis, 2023
Based on the research carried out by Dr. Andrássy Ernest from Valea lui Mihai, we know the prehis... more Based on the research carried out by Dr. Andrássy Ernest from Valea lui Mihai, we know the prehistoric, Roman and medieval sites in the Ier Region. He practically started the first archaeological researches in northwestern Romania. Therefore, the most important and famous archaeological sites in Bihor County are also related to Andrássy’s name, whose discoveries fundamentally changed the concept of the Middle Bronze Age and introduced the name of the Ottoman culture in archaeology. However, in the Romanian archaeological literature, we find very little information related to this archaeologist and collector. Dr. Andrássy Ernest dedicated his life to science: he was the founder and director of the first private museum in Romania in the 1950’s, where he exhibited an unique ethnographic, numismatic, archaeological and paleontological collection. The Valea lui Mihai archaeological museum was inaugurated on October 9, 1952, so it should have celebrated its 70th anniversary. Unfortunately, the museum had a short life (less than 6 years), and it seems some parts of its collection have been lost forever. So, we consider that it is more important to discuss about the personality and the scientific activity of this remarkable man. As a result, within this article we, first of all, want to pay tribute to the memory of dr. Andrássy Ernest.
Crisia, 2024
Following archaeological surveys conducted in 1954, 2015-2017, and 2022, systematic archaeologica... more Following archaeological surveys conducted in 1954, 2015-2017, and 2022, systematic archaeological research was initiated in 2023 at the Bronze Age tell and the medieval monastery of Sântion – Movila Mănăstirii/Kolostordomb. In the 2023 campaign, a new research unit, designated S 3, was established, and excavation activities were continued in the S 2 unit, which had been previously initiated in 2015 but not completed. In S 2, the current level of trampling is 3.42 meters below the present surface. A total of 45 main archaeological contexts were identified. The initial four contexts (Cxt. 1-4) are associated with the medieval monastery. The earliest Bronze Age level, which has remained undisturbed by subsequent modifications, is Cxt. 5, while the final context is Cxt. 44. The Bronze Age stratigraphic accumulations reach a depth of 2.62 meters (Fig. 4). The absolute dates are placed between 1892-1631 cal BC 2σ (95.4%), which corresponds to second period of the Otomani ceramic style.
In the 2023 archaeological campaign, the foundation of a two-room building with a west-east orientation was identified. This structure was part of the south wing of the monastery (Fig. 6). The building was equipped with approximately three or four rooms, each with a heating stove. Based on the thickness of the foundations, it is plausible that the structure had a second floor. After its dismantling, which occurred at some point during the mid-16th century, the area was leveled with a substantial layer of rubble, and rooms with brick floors were constructed (Fig. 5). The family monastery was constructed before 1215, as documented in written sources, and its existence persisted throughout the Middle Ages until its disappearance at the end of the 16th century. Previous observations indicating that the monastery underwent at least two major phases of construction in the area under investigation, and probably several other redevelopments, were confirmed.
Egy lehetséges előd és egy bizonyosan középkori erődítés: a Bihar megyei Körösszeg vára Florin Mă... more Egy lehetséges előd és egy bizonyosan középkori erődítés: a Bihar megyei Körösszeg vára Florin Mărginean: Két világ határán. Körös-Maros közi erődítések régészete a 16. század második fele és a 17. század között Benus Ferenc: Látni a láthatatlant? A szarvasi török kori palánkvár Fülöp Máté: Egy Sebes-Körös menti vár Erdélyből. Sebesvár a középkori írott és régészeti források tükrében Fogalomjegyzék A kötet szerzői
The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information ... more The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established the significance of this settlement for reconstructing the realities of the Bronze Age in the Crișurilor Basin. In a scientific research project conducted between 2014-2017 and 2022-2023 this multi-layered site was investigated using both classical and non-invasive methods. The aim of the research was to establish the chronological position of this site in relation to the nearest Bronze Age tell, located approximately 7 km away in a straight line, at Toboliu. Archaeological research in the tell sites has demonstrated that they are contemporary, evolving during the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 1900-1600 BC).
Crisia Vol. LIII, Supliment nr. 1, 2023
The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information ... more The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established the significance of this settlement for reconstructing the realities of the Bronze Age in the Crișurilor Basin. The language used is clear, concise, and objective, with a formal register and precise word choice. The text adheres to conventional structure and formatting features, including consistent citation and footnote style. The grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct, and the text is free from bias and subjective evaluations. No changes in content have been made. In a scientific research project conducted between 2014 and 2016, this multilayered dwelling was investigated using both classical and non-invasive methods. The aim of the research was to establish the chronological position of this site in relation to the nearest Bronze Age tell, located approximately 7 km away in a straight line, at Toboliu. Archaeological research resumed in 2022 as part of a systematic investigation into the dwelling from the middle period of the Bronze Age and the medieval monastery that overlaps it.
Crisia, 2022
Typological and Comparative Observations of the Late Copper Age Jugs
Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări, seria Arheologie, 2022
[O așezare de sfârșitul epoci cuprului din marginea Câmpiei Nirului Reflecții asupra săpăturilor ... more [O așezare de sfârșitul epoci cuprului din marginea Câmpiei Nirului Reflecții asupra săpăturilor arheologice realizate la situl de la Pișcolt – Nisipărie, în lumina cercetărilor vechi și recente. / A Late Copper Age Settlement on the Edge of the Nir Plain Reflections on the Archaeological Excavations Carried Out at the Pișcolt – Sandy Hill Site, in the Light of Old and Recent Research]
Crisia, LI, 2021
LUCIA MANOLICĂ, Tehnologii și materiale de construcții în arhitectura clădirilor civile și indust... more LUCIA MANOLICĂ, Tehnologii și materiale de construcții în arhitectura clădirilor civile și industriale din orașul Oradea la începutul secolului XX, Technologies and construction materials in the architecture of civil and industrial buildings in the city of Oradea at the beginning of the twentieth century LAURENȚIU-ȘTEFAN SZEMKOVICS, Decorație conferită unor persoane din Dieceza Oradea-Mare (1922), Decoration given to some people from the Diocese of Oradea-Mare (1922) CORNELIA ROMÎNAȘU, RADU ROMÎNAȘU, Aspecte din activitatea Poliției bihorene în perioada interbelică, Aspects of Police activity in Bihor in the interwar period IOAN CIORBA, Un raport privind evoluția Protopopiatului ortodox Ceica în intervalul 1918-1942, A report on the evolution of the Ceica Orthodox Archdiocese in the period 1918-1942 FRANCESCO RUVOLO, «Siamo partiti tutti d'Italia con i migliori ricordi». Studenti romeni nelle università Italiane, docenti italiani nelle università romene e altro. Contributi dal fondo Arcari, «Siamo partiti tutti d'Italia con i migliori ricordi». Romanian students in Italian universities, Italian teachers in Romanian universities and more. Contributions from the Arcari Fund
Kőbe zárt történelem: Tanulmányok Emődi János 80. születésnapjára, 2021
Studii si Comunicari Satu Mare, 2021
Câteva considerații generale despre materialele litice descoperite în Câmpia Nirului Carol Kacsó ... more Câteva considerații generale despre materialele litice descoperite în Câmpia Nirului Carol Kacsó Contribuții la cunoaşterea rotițelor de lut ars perforate din Bronzul târziu. Descoperiri din nordul şi nord-vestul Transilvaniei
Satu Mare studii şi comunicări, seria Arheologie XXXIII-XXXIV/I 2017-2018, 2020
The purpose of this sketch is to present several settlement and cultural-archeological data linke... more The purpose of this sketch is to present several settlement and cultural-archeological data linked to the Ier Valley from the Late Copper Age. The settlement processes in this region already discerned in the Neolithic, with a specific economic character which later populations could follow. However, the Baden communities practiced an economy based on animal husbandry. For this reason people of this culture has frequently changed locations, due to the shepherd-based lifestyle. Presumably, this is one of the reasons why we have numerous settlements in this area, but on the other hand, we must consider a large population growth during this period. The main theme of our paper is to identify the exact number of the settlements, and their position related to the environmental factors. For a better understanding of the settlement expansion and their dynamic evolution, we had to use palynological results for the lowland area. This may offer important evidence in the reconstruction of the prehistoric aspect of the Ier Valley. It is possible to study continuously a settlement into a further stage by collecting all the landscape archaeological and the material culture data. In the same time, it is necessary to study the geographic area, to catalogue the sites and analyze the possible intercultural relations. This will provide us with new perspectives for the settlement research for this well-defined micro-region. In the present stage of research, there were nineteen Baden sites recorded and one of these can be dated to the Cernavodă III period. The rest of the Late Copper Age settlements can be framed chronologically to the classic phase of the Baden culture. The ornamental motives on the finds were extremely diverse, due to the shape of the pottery, functional use, and technical benefits. The list of Baden-type discoveries has increased considerably compared to the previous years. For the better understanding of the Baden communities' habitat in the northwestern part of Transylvania, further surface research is required in the neighboring area.
Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, új sorozat X-XI, 2015-2016, 2019
Késő rézkori megjelenésüket követően a feltehetően életnagyságú szekereket mintázó kisplasztikák ... more Késő rézkori megjelenésüket követően a feltehetően életnagyságú szekereket mintázó kisplasztikák nagy számban jelennek meg a régészeti leletanyagban. A középső bronzkori tell kultúrákban kiemelkedően magas a kocsi-és kerékmodellek száma. A Kárpát-medencei kocsimodelleket a téma kutatói elsősorban kultikus tárgyaknak tekintik (nap-és halottkultusz), vagy házi oltárok részeinek tartják. Az egymástól aránylag nagy távolságra előkerülő szekérmodellek a középső bronzkorban valószínűleg általánosan ismert gondolati tartalmak összetett vizuális kommunikációjának eszközei. A középső bronzkori Nagykároly-Bobáld tell régészeti feltárásakor egy ép szekérmodell és kilenc kocsiszobor-töredék került elő.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Seria Historica 20/II, 2016
This article is about an intact ceramic vessel uncovered inside the Marienburg fortress during ar... more This article is about an intact ceramic vessel uncovered inside the Marienburg fortress during archaeological investigations carried out in 2014. The vessel is of a four-cornered shape which, as far as is currently known, is uncommon inside the Carpathian Arch. In terms of its shape and other features, it is currently the only Bodrogkeresztúr artefact of its kind to be uncovered at Feldioara/Marienburg. Immediately underneath the vessel, several sherds were found which corroborated the assignation of the artefact. All the ceramic pieces-including the four-cornered vessel-were uncovered in an undisturbed stratum which contained an array of materials dating back to the Hunyadihalom culture. The artefacts exhibit both decorative elements of Old Furchenstich style and features characteristic of the pill-shaped handle horizon.
Archaeological Reports by Katócz Zoltán
Following the archaeological research resumed in 2022, three layers were revealed, further noted ... more Following the archaeological research resumed in 2022, three layers were revealed, further noted after the previous archaeological research from 2015-2016. The first level (Cxt.39) consists of a brown soil mixed with small fragments of coal, over which wooden beams were placed. Below this level with wood impressions a more compact light yellowish leveling layer (Cxt.40) was discovered, after
which it was followed by a yellowish-brown floor (Cxt.41) with a large patch of white ash. The objective of the research in 2022 was to follow the possible changes of the ceramic material in the lower layers of the settlement. And secondly, to collect fragments of animal bones for radiocarbon analysis, to provide new chronological considerations related to the life of the Bronze Age communities in the Crișului Repede Valley.
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2021, 2022
Volum editat cu consultarea Comisiei Naționale de Arheologie Colegiul științific: prof.dr. Ionel ... more Volum editat cu consultarea Comisiei Naționale de Arheologie Colegiul științific: prof.dr. Ionel Cândea, membru corespondent al Academiei Române conf.dr. Vasile Cotiugă prof.dr. Florin Drașovean conf.dr. Ioan Carol Opriș prof.dr. Marian Țiplic Colegiul de redacție: Editor: conf.dr. Ioan Carol Opriș Grafică, machetare, tehnoredactare: Ruxandra Șerban Secretar de redacție: Ruxandra Șerban Copyright © autorii textelor, INP Autorii textelor își asumă responsabilitatea conținutului rapoartelor publicate Versiunea pe internet a Cronicii Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2021: www.patrimoniu.ro Cop. I: Vas ceramică descoperit în Callatis-Mangalia, str. Libertății 9 Cop IV: Fragment dintr-un monument elenistic de marmură-Histria, Sector Templu
Books by Katócz Zoltán
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bron... more Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. El este dedicat lui Tudor Soroceanu, cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 80 de ani, ca un modest omagiu pentru moștenirea științifică și sufletească pe care ne-a lăsat-o.
This volume brings together the contributions of 38 scholars concerned with Bronze Age topics on both sides of the Carpathians. It is dedicated to Tudor Soroceanu, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, as a modest homage to the scientific and spiritual legacy he left us.
Crisia, 2024
The present study is a short summary of the archaeological research conducted from February 5–16,... more The present study is a short summary of the archaeological research conducted from February 5–16, 2024, at the Casa Zmăului cave. As part of an investment project for the rehabilitation of the railroad, a long-awaited opportunity was provided to conduct the first archaeological excavation at this point. One of the most important trade routes, providing a direct connection between Transylvania and Pannonia, used to pass here. Nowadays only the ruins of a stone building (observation tower) are a reminder of the historical importance of the area. Medieval documents confirm that the customs port came into the possession of the clerics of Oradea at the end of the 11th century, and then it is mentioned several times in the second half of the 13th century, in connection with conflicts over the division and donation of feudal holdings.
Crisia, 2024
The aim of this study is to bring together all the available data on the roof models unearthed in... more The aim of this study is to bring together all the available data on the roof models unearthed in north-western Romania and attributed to the Nir culture. The following archaeological data we are about to present is a summary of all the information known at the present stage of research on this subject. The archaeological significance of this artefact type lies in the fact that it is a miniature representation of a building element (the roof), which is almost impossible to detect during archaeological investigations. Over the years, roof models have been mentioned several times in the literature, but in most cases little attention has been paid to their detailed presentation. Therefore, we considered it important to carry out a study that would include all the existing archaeological data on these finds’ characteristic of the Nir culture.
Ziridava, Studia Archaeologica, 2024
The main purpose of this article is to compile all the information already known, as well as othe... more The main purpose of this article is to compile all the information already known, as well as others that have not yet been published about the Late Copper Age pottery fragments discovered within the perimeter of the Valea lui Mihai town. These archaeological data represent a small part of an investigation conducted during 2016–2022, whose main goal was to identify in the field all sites from the Ier Region dated to this chronological period and to mark them with GIS methods. The archaeological importance of Valea lui Mihai is due also to the fact that first traces of the Baden culture in this region had been identified almost a century ago during an archaeological excavation. Over the years, other sites dated to the Late Copper Age were also mentioned in the area of Valea lui Mihai, however a lot of the information is misleading and contradictory. Therefore, I believe it is important to accomplish a study that would present all existing archaeological data in connection with the finds that belong to the Baden and Coțofeni cultures identified at Valea lui Mihai.
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Archaeological research to better understand the habitat of early bronze age communities in the I... more Archaeological research to better understand the habitat of early bronze age communities in the Ier Region [Érmellék] has been the subject of several studies in recent decades. As part of an international research project, there was the opportunity to carry an archaeological excavations at the well-known archaeological site at Andrid – Corlat [Érendréd – Korlát]. This archaeological point is known in the literature as a large fortified settlement, with an area of 18.6 ha, dated to the end of the Bronze Age, belonging to the Gáva culture, located on the first terrace of the Ier Valley. Following the archaeological excavations, organized in the summer of 2011 in Andrid – Corlat, a significant amount of prehistoric pottery was discovered, of which we would like to discuss only about the materials dated to the II phase of the Early Bronze Age, belonging to the Nir [Nyírség] culture. The few ceramic fragments of the Nir culture were outlined in a culture layer at the depth of - 0.30-0.60 m, still this material has a strong archaeological importance. Perhaps, the most representative ceramic material, discovered at this site, is a roof model, and it is the only model completely preserved from the total spread area of the Nir culture. Andrid – Corlat is one of the few sites in northwestern Romania, where ceramic materials of the Nir culture were discovered during modern archaeological research. These archaeological investigations confirm the presence of communities of this culture on the terraces of the right bank of Ier Valley, which slightly changes the map of the territorial distribution of the culture. Based on the stratigraphic observations of the site, we can state that Nir culture pottery occurs independently in the culture layer, which would indicate the presence of an open settlement near the surveyed surface.
Acta Mvsei Porolissensis, 2023
Based on the research carried out by Dr. Andrássy Ernest from Valea lui Mihai, we know the prehis... more Based on the research carried out by Dr. Andrássy Ernest from Valea lui Mihai, we know the prehistoric, Roman and medieval sites in the Ier Region. He practically started the first archaeological researches in northwestern Romania. Therefore, the most important and famous archaeological sites in Bihor County are also related to Andrássy’s name, whose discoveries fundamentally changed the concept of the Middle Bronze Age and introduced the name of the Ottoman culture in archaeology. However, in the Romanian archaeological literature, we find very little information related to this archaeologist and collector. Dr. Andrássy Ernest dedicated his life to science: he was the founder and director of the first private museum in Romania in the 1950’s, where he exhibited an unique ethnographic, numismatic, archaeological and paleontological collection. The Valea lui Mihai archaeological museum was inaugurated on October 9, 1952, so it should have celebrated its 70th anniversary. Unfortunately, the museum had a short life (less than 6 years), and it seems some parts of its collection have been lost forever. So, we consider that it is more important to discuss about the personality and the scientific activity of this remarkable man. As a result, within this article we, first of all, want to pay tribute to the memory of dr. Andrássy Ernest.
Crisia, 2024
Following archaeological surveys conducted in 1954, 2015-2017, and 2022, systematic archaeologica... more Following archaeological surveys conducted in 1954, 2015-2017, and 2022, systematic archaeological research was initiated in 2023 at the Bronze Age tell and the medieval monastery of Sântion – Movila Mănăstirii/Kolostordomb. In the 2023 campaign, a new research unit, designated S 3, was established, and excavation activities were continued in the S 2 unit, which had been previously initiated in 2015 but not completed. In S 2, the current level of trampling is 3.42 meters below the present surface. A total of 45 main archaeological contexts were identified. The initial four contexts (Cxt. 1-4) are associated with the medieval monastery. The earliest Bronze Age level, which has remained undisturbed by subsequent modifications, is Cxt. 5, while the final context is Cxt. 44. The Bronze Age stratigraphic accumulations reach a depth of 2.62 meters (Fig. 4). The absolute dates are placed between 1892-1631 cal BC 2σ (95.4%), which corresponds to second period of the Otomani ceramic style.
In the 2023 archaeological campaign, the foundation of a two-room building with a west-east orientation was identified. This structure was part of the south wing of the monastery (Fig. 6). The building was equipped with approximately three or four rooms, each with a heating stove. Based on the thickness of the foundations, it is plausible that the structure had a second floor. After its dismantling, which occurred at some point during the mid-16th century, the area was leveled with a substantial layer of rubble, and rooms with brick floors were constructed (Fig. 5). The family monastery was constructed before 1215, as documented in written sources, and its existence persisted throughout the Middle Ages until its disappearance at the end of the 16th century. Previous observations indicating that the monastery underwent at least two major phases of construction in the area under investigation, and probably several other redevelopments, were confirmed.
Egy lehetséges előd és egy bizonyosan középkori erődítés: a Bihar megyei Körösszeg vára Florin Mă... more Egy lehetséges előd és egy bizonyosan középkori erődítés: a Bihar megyei Körösszeg vára Florin Mărginean: Két világ határán. Körös-Maros közi erődítések régészete a 16. század második fele és a 17. század között Benus Ferenc: Látni a láthatatlant? A szarvasi török kori palánkvár Fülöp Máté: Egy Sebes-Körös menti vár Erdélyből. Sebesvár a középkori írott és régészeti források tükrében Fogalomjegyzék A kötet szerzői
The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information ... more The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established the significance of this settlement for reconstructing the realities of the Bronze Age in the Crișurilor Basin. In a scientific research project conducted between 2014-2017 and 2022-2023 this multi-layered site was investigated using both classical and non-invasive methods. The aim of the research was to establish the chronological position of this site in relation to the nearest Bronze Age tell, located approximately 7 km away in a straight line, at Toboliu. Archaeological research in the tell sites has demonstrated that they are contemporary, evolving during the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 1900-1600 BC).
Crisia Vol. LIII, Supliment nr. 1, 2023
The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information ... more The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established the significance of this settlement for reconstructing the realities of the Bronze Age in the Crișurilor Basin. The language used is clear, concise, and objective, with a formal register and precise word choice. The text adheres to conventional structure and formatting features, including consistent citation and footnote style. The grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct, and the text is free from bias and subjective evaluations. No changes in content have been made. In a scientific research project conducted between 2014 and 2016, this multilayered dwelling was investigated using both classical and non-invasive methods. The aim of the research was to establish the chronological position of this site in relation to the nearest Bronze Age tell, located approximately 7 km away in a straight line, at Toboliu. Archaeological research resumed in 2022 as part of a systematic investigation into the dwelling from the middle period of the Bronze Age and the medieval monastery that overlaps it.
Crisia, 2022
Typological and Comparative Observations of the Late Copper Age Jugs
Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări, seria Arheologie, 2022
[O așezare de sfârșitul epoci cuprului din marginea Câmpiei Nirului Reflecții asupra săpăturilor ... more [O așezare de sfârșitul epoci cuprului din marginea Câmpiei Nirului Reflecții asupra săpăturilor arheologice realizate la situl de la Pișcolt – Nisipărie, în lumina cercetărilor vechi și recente. / A Late Copper Age Settlement on the Edge of the Nir Plain Reflections on the Archaeological Excavations Carried Out at the Pișcolt – Sandy Hill Site, in the Light of Old and Recent Research]
Crisia, LI, 2021
LUCIA MANOLICĂ, Tehnologii și materiale de construcții în arhitectura clădirilor civile și indust... more LUCIA MANOLICĂ, Tehnologii și materiale de construcții în arhitectura clădirilor civile și industriale din orașul Oradea la începutul secolului XX, Technologies and construction materials in the architecture of civil and industrial buildings in the city of Oradea at the beginning of the twentieth century LAURENȚIU-ȘTEFAN SZEMKOVICS, Decorație conferită unor persoane din Dieceza Oradea-Mare (1922), Decoration given to some people from the Diocese of Oradea-Mare (1922) CORNELIA ROMÎNAȘU, RADU ROMÎNAȘU, Aspecte din activitatea Poliției bihorene în perioada interbelică, Aspects of Police activity in Bihor in the interwar period IOAN CIORBA, Un raport privind evoluția Protopopiatului ortodox Ceica în intervalul 1918-1942, A report on the evolution of the Ceica Orthodox Archdiocese in the period 1918-1942 FRANCESCO RUVOLO, «Siamo partiti tutti d'Italia con i migliori ricordi». Studenti romeni nelle università Italiane, docenti italiani nelle università romene e altro. Contributi dal fondo Arcari, «Siamo partiti tutti d'Italia con i migliori ricordi». Romanian students in Italian universities, Italian teachers in Romanian universities and more. Contributions from the Arcari Fund
Kőbe zárt történelem: Tanulmányok Emődi János 80. születésnapjára, 2021
Studii si Comunicari Satu Mare, 2021
Câteva considerații generale despre materialele litice descoperite în Câmpia Nirului Carol Kacsó ... more Câteva considerații generale despre materialele litice descoperite în Câmpia Nirului Carol Kacsó Contribuții la cunoaşterea rotițelor de lut ars perforate din Bronzul târziu. Descoperiri din nordul şi nord-vestul Transilvaniei
Satu Mare studii şi comunicări, seria Arheologie XXXIII-XXXIV/I 2017-2018, 2020
The purpose of this sketch is to present several settlement and cultural-archeological data linke... more The purpose of this sketch is to present several settlement and cultural-archeological data linked to the Ier Valley from the Late Copper Age. The settlement processes in this region already discerned in the Neolithic, with a specific economic character which later populations could follow. However, the Baden communities practiced an economy based on animal husbandry. For this reason people of this culture has frequently changed locations, due to the shepherd-based lifestyle. Presumably, this is one of the reasons why we have numerous settlements in this area, but on the other hand, we must consider a large population growth during this period. The main theme of our paper is to identify the exact number of the settlements, and their position related to the environmental factors. For a better understanding of the settlement expansion and their dynamic evolution, we had to use palynological results for the lowland area. This may offer important evidence in the reconstruction of the prehistoric aspect of the Ier Valley. It is possible to study continuously a settlement into a further stage by collecting all the landscape archaeological and the material culture data. In the same time, it is necessary to study the geographic area, to catalogue the sites and analyze the possible intercultural relations. This will provide us with new perspectives for the settlement research for this well-defined micro-region. In the present stage of research, there were nineteen Baden sites recorded and one of these can be dated to the Cernavodă III period. The rest of the Late Copper Age settlements can be framed chronologically to the classic phase of the Baden culture. The ornamental motives on the finds were extremely diverse, due to the shape of the pottery, functional use, and technical benefits. The list of Baden-type discoveries has increased considerably compared to the previous years. For the better understanding of the Baden communities' habitat in the northwestern part of Transylvania, further surface research is required in the neighboring area.
Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Múzeum Érem- és Régiségtárából, új sorozat X-XI, 2015-2016, 2019
Késő rézkori megjelenésüket követően a feltehetően életnagyságú szekereket mintázó kisplasztikák ... more Késő rézkori megjelenésüket követően a feltehetően életnagyságú szekereket mintázó kisplasztikák nagy számban jelennek meg a régészeti leletanyagban. A középső bronzkori tell kultúrákban kiemelkedően magas a kocsi-és kerékmodellek száma. A Kárpát-medencei kocsimodelleket a téma kutatói elsősorban kultikus tárgyaknak tekintik (nap-és halottkultusz), vagy házi oltárok részeinek tartják. Az egymástól aránylag nagy távolságra előkerülő szekérmodellek a középső bronzkorban valószínűleg általánosan ismert gondolati tartalmak összetett vizuális kommunikációjának eszközei. A középső bronzkori Nagykároly-Bobáld tell régészeti feltárásakor egy ép szekérmodell és kilenc kocsiszobor-töredék került elő.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Seria Historica 20/II, 2016
This article is about an intact ceramic vessel uncovered inside the Marienburg fortress during ar... more This article is about an intact ceramic vessel uncovered inside the Marienburg fortress during archaeological investigations carried out in 2014. The vessel is of a four-cornered shape which, as far as is currently known, is uncommon inside the Carpathian Arch. In terms of its shape and other features, it is currently the only Bodrogkeresztúr artefact of its kind to be uncovered at Feldioara/Marienburg. Immediately underneath the vessel, several sherds were found which corroborated the assignation of the artefact. All the ceramic pieces-including the four-cornered vessel-were uncovered in an undisturbed stratum which contained an array of materials dating back to the Hunyadihalom culture. The artefacts exhibit both decorative elements of Old Furchenstich style and features characteristic of the pill-shaped handle horizon.
Following the archaeological research resumed in 2022, three layers were revealed, further noted ... more Following the archaeological research resumed in 2022, three layers were revealed, further noted after the previous archaeological research from 2015-2016. The first level (Cxt.39) consists of a brown soil mixed with small fragments of coal, over which wooden beams were placed. Below this level with wood impressions a more compact light yellowish leveling layer (Cxt.40) was discovered, after
which it was followed by a yellowish-brown floor (Cxt.41) with a large patch of white ash. The objective of the research in 2022 was to follow the possible changes of the ceramic material in the lower layers of the settlement. And secondly, to collect fragments of animal bones for radiocarbon analysis, to provide new chronological considerations related to the life of the Bronze Age communities in the Crișului Repede Valley.
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2021, 2022
Volum editat cu consultarea Comisiei Naționale de Arheologie Colegiul științific: prof.dr. Ionel ... more Volum editat cu consultarea Comisiei Naționale de Arheologie Colegiul științific: prof.dr. Ionel Cândea, membru corespondent al Academiei Române conf.dr. Vasile Cotiugă prof.dr. Florin Drașovean conf.dr. Ioan Carol Opriș prof.dr. Marian Țiplic Colegiul de redacție: Editor: conf.dr. Ioan Carol Opriș Grafică, machetare, tehnoredactare: Ruxandra Șerban Secretar de redacție: Ruxandra Șerban Copyright © autorii textelor, INP Autorii textelor își asumă responsabilitatea conținutului rapoartelor publicate Versiunea pe internet a Cronicii Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2021: www.patrimoniu.ro Cop. I: Vas ceramică descoperit în Callatis-Mangalia, str. Libertății 9 Cop IV: Fragment dintr-un monument elenistic de marmură-Histria, Sector Templu
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bron... more Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. El este dedicat lui Tudor Soroceanu, cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 80 de ani, ca un modest omagiu pentru moștenirea științifică și sufletească pe care ne-a lăsat-o.
This volume brings together the contributions of 38 scholars concerned with Bronze Age topics on both sides of the Carpathians. It is dedicated to Tudor Soroceanu, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, as a modest homage to the scientific and spiritual legacy he left us.