Dr. Mohammed Abaoli | Mizan Tepi University (original) (raw)

Videos by Dr. Mohammed Abaoli

This video can help you simply animate your presentation by using simple technologies. You will m... more This video can help you simply animate your presentation by using simple technologies. You will make your presentation attractive and lovable by your audiences after done with this video.


This video contains the Scientific Research definitions, methodologies and designs. particularly ... more This video contains the Scientific Research definitions, methodologies and designs. particularly it implies on Biophysical Sciences.


Papers by Dr. Mohammed Abaoli

Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia

FoodSciRN: Other Food Sustainability & Security (Topic), 2019

The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in tran... more The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in transparent plastic greenhouses on pots and laboratory for Commiphora boranensis, Commiphora habessinica and Commiphora corrugate species by using complete random block design with four treatments and five replications. All salinity levels (control, 8, 16 and 24dS/m) were then applied to each species with 5 replications making 20 treatments among the total of 60 pots. Data was collected on root and shoot length, root length density, root and shoot biomass by destructive methods. Germination percentage was recorded on completion of germination in lab. All data were tested at P < 0.05 for significant differences.C. corrugate and C. boranensis recorded only 0 and 11.4% seed germination, respectively at 24dS/m salinity level, and C. habessinica was more tolerant to salinity with 50.13% germination at 24dS/m. As salinity increased to 24dS/m ECe, the shoot length of C. corrugate was null. The r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil Quality Status under Dryland Vegetation of Yabello District Southern Ethiopia

Soil Quality Status under Dryland Vegetation of Yabello District, Southern Ethiopia, 2021

The current research has investigated the soil quality status under dryland vegetation of Yabello... more The current research has investigated the soil quality status under dryland vegetation of Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia in which we should identify the nature and extent of salinity problem of the area for further research bases. About 48 soil samples were taken from 0-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91-120 cm soil depths by opening 12 representative soil profile pits at 1.5 m depth. Soil color, texture, bulk density, Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Na, K, Mg, Ca, CaCO3, gypsum (CaSO4), pH, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) were analyzed. The dominant soil texture was silty-clay-loam. Bulk density varied from 1.1 to 1.31 g/cm 3. High SOC content was observed in 0-30 cm. The soil pH ranged from 7.1 to 8.6. The electrical conductivity shows indirect relationship with soil depth while CaCO3 and CaSO4 concentrations were observed in a direct relationship with depth. About 41% are non-saline, 38.31% saline, 15.23% saline-sodic and 5.46% sodic soils. Na concentration in saline soils was greater than Ca and Mg in all the soil depths. Ca and Mg contents were higher above 60 cm soil depth in non-saline soils. The concentrations of SO2-4 and HCO-3 were observed to be higher at the most lower depth than upper. SAR value tends to be higher at lower depths in saline and saline-sodic soils, but decreases at lower depth of the non-saline soils. The distribution of ESP above 60 cm depth was in an increasing order in saline and saline-sodic soils. The result of the research has shown the direction to which extent of salinity we should consider for the Commiphora plant species we want to grow on the area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Sequestration under Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) Agroforestry and Adjacent Land Uses in the Vicinity of Black Sea, Trabzon, Turkey

International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 2018

The current study has addressed the effect of Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry on carbon ... more The current study has addressed the effect of Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry on carbon sequestration. Eight sample plots were collected from Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry using random sampling method. The diameter of all trees in each plot with ≥ 2cm at 1.3m DBH was measured by using a calliper. Average diameter, aboveground biomass, and carbon stock were calculated for each plot. Comparative data for natural forestland was used for C was taken from KTU, and the soil C was converted from the biomass conversion equation. Biomass carbon was significantly higher in the Natural forest (68.02Mgha⁻¹) than in the Hazelnut agroforestry (16.89Mgha⁻¹). SOC in Hazelnut agroforestry, Natural forest, and arable agricultural land were 7.70, 385.85, and 0.00 Mgha⁻¹ respectively. Biomass C, on average accounts for only 0.00% of the total C in arable agriculture, and 11.02% for the Hazelnut agroforestry while 88.05% for Natural forest. The result shows that the conversion of arable crop field to Hazelnut agroforestry can sequester a large amount of C in the soil as well as in the biomass than Arable agricultural lands.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species  in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia

The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia, 2029

The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in tran... more The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in transparent plastic greenhouses on pots and laboratory in the 2018 season for Commiphora boranensis, Commiphora habessinica and Commiphora corrugate species by using complete random block design with four treatments and five replications.
All salinity levels (0.49dS/m or control, 8, 16 and 24dS/m) were then applied to each species with 5 replications making 20 treatments among the total of 60 pots. Data was collected on root and shoot length, root length density, root and shoot biomass by destructive methods. Germination percentage was recorded on completion of germination
in lab. All data were tested at P < 0.05 for significant differences. C. corrugate and C. boranensis recorded only 0 and 40% seed germination, respectively at 24dS/m salinity level, and C. habessinica was more tolerant to salinity with 51.3% germination at 24dS/m. As salinity increased to 24dS/m ECe, the shoot length of C. corrugate was null.
The result of C. habessinica recorded the highest shoot dry matter at control level and was radically declined to
2.05g and 1.43g at 16ds/m and 24ds/m levels respectively, while shoot dry matter of C. corrugate and C.
habessinica at 24ds/m showed no statistical differences. No statistical differences were observed between C. boranensis and C. corrugate at 8ds/m for root length and density. As salinity increased to 24dS/m, the root dry matter decreased for all species. Generally, C. habessinica showed best tolerance in salinity increment followed by
C. boranensis and C. corrugate respectively. So, we can conclude that C. habessinica better fit to restore dryland ecosystem with salt affected soils at least with less or equal to the current level of salinity used in the experiment.

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Research paper thumbnail of እስልምና እና ዓለም አቀፍ የሰብአዊነት ሕግ በአምባገነናዊ የመንግስት ስርዓት ውስጥ

እስልምና እና ዓለም አቀፍ የሰብአዊነት ሕግ በአምባገነናዊ የመንግስት ስርዓት ውስጥ, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Yield and Yield Components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) as Affected by Irrigation Scheduling and Nitrogen Fertilization at Hawassa Area Districts in Southern Ethiopia

This study investigated the effects of different Nitrogen (N) levels and irrigation regimes on yi... more This study investigated the effects of different Nitrogen (N) levels and irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) at Hawassa area district, southern Ethiopia in 2012. It was a factorial experiment laid out in split plot design with three replications of four irrigation regimes and five N levels. Data on yield and yield components were collected and analyzed. Application of N at different levels and irrigation regime increased total and marketable bulb yield over the unfertilized plot, and their interaction showed a significant effect on the average bulb weight; mean bulb diameter and water productivity of onion. Further increase in N application beyond 100 kg Nha –1 and irrigation beyond 75% crop evapo-transpiration ETc did not bring about significant changes. Therefore, 100 kg Nha-1 and irrigation at 75% ETc can be tentatively recommended for onion production to the studied area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Potential under Native Forest and Adjacent Land use Systems at Gera, South- Western Ethiopia

Abstract- The current study evaluated the differences in soil and biomass carbon (BC) stocks of n... more Abstract- The current study evaluated the differences in soil and biomass carbon (BC) stocks of native forest, annual crop field and coffee based agroforestry at Gera, South-west Ethiopia. A total of 24 sample plots were collected by Stratified random sampling method. After measuring
the required parameters; BC (above and below ground), and SOC, texture, bulk density and pH
were analyzed. The results showed that, BC significantly varied with land use types. On the other
hand, the SOC under native forest and coffee based agroforestry has no significant difference,
while it shows significant difference under the annual crop field. The present study indicated that,
the total carbon stock in the native forest is greater than coffee based agroforestry which shows
much greater difference than annual crop field. This may indicate that, conversion of annual crop
field to coffee based agroforestry can increases carbon stock and sequestration potential in the
study area.
Keywords: annual crop field; biomass carbon; coffee based agroforestry; land use change; native forest; soil organic carbon.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of credit and saving share campony in poverty reduction in Gumay district, South west Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the effect of agroforestry based soil and water conservation measures on selected soil properties at Tembaro district, SNNPR, Ethiopia

This study was aimed at evaluating the changes on bulk density, and soil moisture content. Three ... more This study was aimed at evaluating the changes on bulk
density, and soil moisture content. Three residence time
Soil-water conservation (SWC) structures and control land
use type: Agroforestry based SWC for 7 and 3-years
residence, physical barriers of SWC for 3-years residence
and non-SWC land use types with three replications from
the sampling frame. Soil samples for bulk density, and
moisture content determination were collected from upper,
middle, and lower positions of the structures by using an 'X'
design and then averaged for each experimental plot. The
results showed that except for bulk density which was
significant only in the 30-60cm depth layer in case of noSWC

land use type’s soil moisture content showed
significant variations. However, there was no interaction
effect between land use types and depths across all the
parameters considered. Soil moisture content generally
conservation of 7-years residence land use types with low


In Ethiopia, population increases in alarming rate and this
increasing population pressure is identified as the major
driving factor of deforestation (Badege and Abdu, 2003).
Poverty and natural resources/environmental degradation
tend to negatively reinforce each other; that is, as the
land is degraded, agricultural productivity is lowered,
resulting in decreasing incomes and food security and
vice versa (Wakene and Heluf, 2000). This has resulted
in migration of rural poor to urban centers; increased
cultivation of marginal lands; encroachment into forest
increased in the Agroforestry based soil and water values of
bulk density. In contrast, no-SWC land use type showed the
lowest value in moisture content but with highest bulk
density value. The significant variations in soil moisture
content among the treatments can be attributed to
differences in soil carbon contents, and other soil attributes
found within the Agroforestry based land use systems
compared to the conditions in the non- Agroforestry based
practices. It can therefore be recommended that effective
SWC measures should be integrative systems where one
can integrated both the physical and biological SWC
practices simultaneously for improved land health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon under native forest and adjacent land uses  at Gera, South west Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Carbon Storage of Different Spaced Rubber  Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) Plantation at Bebeka Coffee  Farm, South-West Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Fine Root Biomass under Grevillea robusta and Juniperus procera in Gera Indigenous Agro- forestry systems, Southwest Ethiopia

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Teaching Documents by Dr. Mohammed Abaoli

Research paper thumbnail of NON-TIMBER FOREST PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION-Brief lecture notes

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Research paper thumbnail of METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY brief lecture notes

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Drafts by Dr. Mohammed Abaoli

Research paper thumbnail of INVASIVE SPECIES - Brief Lecture Notes.pptx


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Books by Dr. Mohammed Abaoli

Research paper thumbnail of BIIFTUU Turkish Afaan Oromoo English dictionary

This Dictionary contains about 25000 Turkish words translated to the targeted languages, more tha... more This Dictionary contains about 25000 Turkish words translated to the targeted languages, more than 70 demonistrative pictures, Turkish alphabets and nubers, and at the final portion there is a human body showing the names of our body parts. The objectives of preparing this dictionary are to bring Afan Oromo to other international languages and familiarize with technologies, to enhance students’ participation in Turkey scholarship while providing material to those already engaged, to enhance Oromo speaking people to learn Turkish and be the first beneficial of Turkey- Africa relationships. Particularly the current Turkey engagement in Africa, the huge investment projects in Ethiopia needs huge number of human power, so that as peoples become familiar to Turkish language, they will have opportunities to be hired at different level, and helping our Turkish brothers while nourishing themselves.

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This video can help you simply animate your presentation by using simple technologies. You will m... more This video can help you simply animate your presentation by using simple technologies. You will make your presentation attractive and lovable by your audiences after done with this video.


This video contains the Scientific Research definitions, methodologies and designs. particularly ... more This video contains the Scientific Research definitions, methodologies and designs. particularly it implies on Biophysical Sciences.


Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia

FoodSciRN: Other Food Sustainability & Security (Topic), 2019

The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in tran... more The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in transparent plastic greenhouses on pots and laboratory for Commiphora boranensis, Commiphora habessinica and Commiphora corrugate species by using complete random block design with four treatments and five replications. All salinity levels (control, 8, 16 and 24dS/m) were then applied to each species with 5 replications making 20 treatments among the total of 60 pots. Data was collected on root and shoot length, root length density, root and shoot biomass by destructive methods. Germination percentage was recorded on completion of germination in lab. All data were tested at P < 0.05 for significant differences.C. corrugate and C. boranensis recorded only 0 and 11.4% seed germination, respectively at 24dS/m salinity level, and C. habessinica was more tolerant to salinity with 50.13% germination at 24dS/m. As salinity increased to 24dS/m ECe, the shoot length of C. corrugate was null. The r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil Quality Status under Dryland Vegetation of Yabello District Southern Ethiopia

Soil Quality Status under Dryland Vegetation of Yabello District, Southern Ethiopia, 2021

The current research has investigated the soil quality status under dryland vegetation of Yabello... more The current research has investigated the soil quality status under dryland vegetation of Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia in which we should identify the nature and extent of salinity problem of the area for further research bases. About 48 soil samples were taken from 0-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91-120 cm soil depths by opening 12 representative soil profile pits at 1.5 m depth. Soil color, texture, bulk density, Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Na, K, Mg, Ca, CaCO3, gypsum (CaSO4), pH, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) were analyzed. The dominant soil texture was silty-clay-loam. Bulk density varied from 1.1 to 1.31 g/cm 3. High SOC content was observed in 0-30 cm. The soil pH ranged from 7.1 to 8.6. The electrical conductivity shows indirect relationship with soil depth while CaCO3 and CaSO4 concentrations were observed in a direct relationship with depth. About 41% are non-saline, 38.31% saline, 15.23% saline-sodic and 5.46% sodic soils. Na concentration in saline soils was greater than Ca and Mg in all the soil depths. Ca and Mg contents were higher above 60 cm soil depth in non-saline soils. The concentrations of SO2-4 and HCO-3 were observed to be higher at the most lower depth than upper. SAR value tends to be higher at lower depths in saline and saline-sodic soils, but decreases at lower depth of the non-saline soils. The distribution of ESP above 60 cm depth was in an increasing order in saline and saline-sodic soils. The result of the research has shown the direction to which extent of salinity we should consider for the Commiphora plant species we want to grow on the area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon Sequestration under Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) Agroforestry and Adjacent Land Uses in the Vicinity of Black Sea, Trabzon, Turkey

International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 2018

The current study has addressed the effect of Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry on carbon ... more The current study has addressed the effect of Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry on carbon sequestration. Eight sample plots were collected from Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) agroforestry using random sampling method. The diameter of all trees in each plot with ≥ 2cm at 1.3m DBH was measured by using a calliper. Average diameter, aboveground biomass, and carbon stock were calculated for each plot. Comparative data for natural forestland was used for C was taken from KTU, and the soil C was converted from the biomass conversion equation. Biomass carbon was significantly higher in the Natural forest (68.02Mgha⁻¹) than in the Hazelnut agroforestry (16.89Mgha⁻¹). SOC in Hazelnut agroforestry, Natural forest, and arable agricultural land were 7.70, 385.85, and 0.00 Mgha⁻¹ respectively. Biomass C, on average accounts for only 0.00% of the total C in arable agriculture, and 11.02% for the Hazelnut agroforestry while 88.05% for Natural forest. The result shows that the conversion of arable crop field to Hazelnut agroforestry can sequester a large amount of C in the soil as well as in the biomass than Arable agricultural lands.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species  in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia

The Significance of Salinity Level on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Selected Commiphora Species in Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia, 2029

The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in tran... more The experiment was carried out in Wanja Public Nursery sites in Gera, Southwest Ethiopia; in transparent plastic greenhouses on pots and laboratory in the 2018 season for Commiphora boranensis, Commiphora habessinica and Commiphora corrugate species by using complete random block design with four treatments and five replications.
All salinity levels (0.49dS/m or control, 8, 16 and 24dS/m) were then applied to each species with 5 replications making 20 treatments among the total of 60 pots. Data was collected on root and shoot length, root length density, root and shoot biomass by destructive methods. Germination percentage was recorded on completion of germination
in lab. All data were tested at P < 0.05 for significant differences. C. corrugate and C. boranensis recorded only 0 and 40% seed germination, respectively at 24dS/m salinity level, and C. habessinica was more tolerant to salinity with 51.3% germination at 24dS/m. As salinity increased to 24dS/m ECe, the shoot length of C. corrugate was null.
The result of C. habessinica recorded the highest shoot dry matter at control level and was radically declined to
2.05g and 1.43g at 16ds/m and 24ds/m levels respectively, while shoot dry matter of C. corrugate and C.
habessinica at 24ds/m showed no statistical differences. No statistical differences were observed between C. boranensis and C. corrugate at 8ds/m for root length and density. As salinity increased to 24dS/m, the root dry matter decreased for all species. Generally, C. habessinica showed best tolerance in salinity increment followed by
C. boranensis and C. corrugate respectively. So, we can conclude that C. habessinica better fit to restore dryland ecosystem with salt affected soils at least with less or equal to the current level of salinity used in the experiment.

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Research paper thumbnail of እስልምና እና ዓለም አቀፍ የሰብአዊነት ሕግ በአምባገነናዊ የመንግስት ስርዓት ውስጥ

እስልምና እና ዓለም አቀፍ የሰብአዊነት ሕግ በአምባገነናዊ የመንግስት ስርዓት ውስጥ, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Yield and Yield Components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) as Affected by Irrigation Scheduling and Nitrogen Fertilization at Hawassa Area Districts in Southern Ethiopia

This study investigated the effects of different Nitrogen (N) levels and irrigation regimes on yi... more This study investigated the effects of different Nitrogen (N) levels and irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) at Hawassa area district, southern Ethiopia in 2012. It was a factorial experiment laid out in split plot design with three replications of four irrigation regimes and five N levels. Data on yield and yield components were collected and analyzed. Application of N at different levels and irrigation regime increased total and marketable bulb yield over the unfertilized plot, and their interaction showed a significant effect on the average bulb weight; mean bulb diameter and water productivity of onion. Further increase in N application beyond 100 kg Nha –1 and irrigation beyond 75% crop evapo-transpiration ETc did not bring about significant changes. Therefore, 100 kg Nha-1 and irrigation at 75% ETc can be tentatively recommended for onion production to the studied area.

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Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Potential under Native Forest and Adjacent Land use Systems at Gera, South- Western Ethiopia

Abstract- The current study evaluated the differences in soil and biomass carbon (BC) stocks of n... more Abstract- The current study evaluated the differences in soil and biomass carbon (BC) stocks of native forest, annual crop field and coffee based agroforestry at Gera, South-west Ethiopia. A total of 24 sample plots were collected by Stratified random sampling method. After measuring
the required parameters; BC (above and below ground), and SOC, texture, bulk density and pH
were analyzed. The results showed that, BC significantly varied with land use types. On the other
hand, the SOC under native forest and coffee based agroforestry has no significant difference,
while it shows significant difference under the annual crop field. The present study indicated that,
the total carbon stock in the native forest is greater than coffee based agroforestry which shows
much greater difference than annual crop field. This may indicate that, conversion of annual crop
field to coffee based agroforestry can increases carbon stock and sequestration potential in the
study area.
Keywords: annual crop field; biomass carbon; coffee based agroforestry; land use change; native forest; soil organic carbon.

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of credit and saving share campony in poverty reduction in Gumay district, South west Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the effect of agroforestry based soil and water conservation measures on selected soil properties at Tembaro district, SNNPR, Ethiopia

This study was aimed at evaluating the changes on bulk density, and soil moisture content. Three ... more This study was aimed at evaluating the changes on bulk
density, and soil moisture content. Three residence time
Soil-water conservation (SWC) structures and control land
use type: Agroforestry based SWC for 7 and 3-years
residence, physical barriers of SWC for 3-years residence
and non-SWC land use types with three replications from
the sampling frame. Soil samples for bulk density, and
moisture content determination were collected from upper,
middle, and lower positions of the structures by using an 'X'
design and then averaged for each experimental plot. The
results showed that except for bulk density which was
significant only in the 30-60cm depth layer in case of noSWC

land use type’s soil moisture content showed
significant variations. However, there was no interaction
effect between land use types and depths across all the
parameters considered. Soil moisture content generally
conservation of 7-years residence land use types with low


In Ethiopia, population increases in alarming rate and this
increasing population pressure is identified as the major
driving factor of deforestation (Badege and Abdu, 2003).
Poverty and natural resources/environmental degradation
tend to negatively reinforce each other; that is, as the
land is degraded, agricultural productivity is lowered,
resulting in decreasing incomes and food security and
vice versa (Wakene and Heluf, 2000). This has resulted
in migration of rural poor to urban centers; increased
cultivation of marginal lands; encroachment into forest
increased in the Agroforestry based soil and water values of
bulk density. In contrast, no-SWC land use type showed the
lowest value in moisture content but with highest bulk
density value. The significant variations in soil moisture
content among the treatments can be attributed to
differences in soil carbon contents, and other soil attributes
found within the Agroforestry based land use systems
compared to the conditions in the non- Agroforestry based
practices. It can therefore be recommended that effective
SWC measures should be integrative systems where one
can integrated both the physical and biological SWC
practices simultaneously for improved land health.

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbon under native forest and adjacent land uses  at Gera, South west Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Growth and Carbon Storage of Different Spaced Rubber  Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) Plantation at Bebeka Coffee  Farm, South-West Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Fine Root Biomass under Grevillea robusta and Juniperus procera in Gera Indigenous Agro- forestry systems, Southwest Ethiopia

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Research paper thumbnail of INVASIVE SPECIES - Brief Lecture Notes.pptx


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Research paper thumbnail of BIIFTUU Turkish Afaan Oromoo English dictionary

This Dictionary contains about 25000 Turkish words translated to the targeted languages, more tha... more This Dictionary contains about 25000 Turkish words translated to the targeted languages, more than 70 demonistrative pictures, Turkish alphabets and nubers, and at the final portion there is a human body showing the names of our body parts. The objectives of preparing this dictionary are to bring Afan Oromo to other international languages and familiarize with technologies, to enhance students’ participation in Turkey scholarship while providing material to those already engaged, to enhance Oromo speaking people to learn Turkish and be the first beneficial of Turkey- Africa relationships. Particularly the current Turkey engagement in Africa, the huge investment projects in Ethiopia needs huge number of human power, so that as peoples become familiar to Turkish language, they will have opportunities to be hired at different level, and helping our Turkish brothers while nourishing themselves.

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