mtyg_discuss - Profile (original) (raw)

on 2 November 2007 (#14165242)

Make the Yuletide Gay - popslash secret santa.

This (and the DW community of the same name) is the place to keep informed about the Popslash Secret Santa fic exchange - Make the Yuletide Gay.

Challenge Schedule

Sign ups open: October 16th (USA, UK, Europe) / October 17st (AUS).
Sign ups close: 11:59 PST October 31th.
Assignments sent out on or before: November 1st (USA, UK, Europe) / November 2nd (AUS).
Stories to be submitted on or before: 11:59pm PST December 20th.
Stories to go live: December 24th (USA, UK, Europe) / December 25th (AUS).
Author reveal: January 6th (USA, UK, Europe) / January 7th (AUS).

a-rok, aj/brian, aj/chris, aj/howie, aj/jc, aj/joey, aj/justin, aj/kevin, aj/lance, aj/nick, backstreet gsf, bassez, bonekaos, bonetone, bootyboys, brian/chris, brian/howie, brian/jc, brian/joey, brian/justin, brian/kevin, brian/lance, brian/nick, cartrick, cbass, choey, chowie, chris/howie, chris/jc, chris/joey, chris/justin, chris/kevin, chris/lance, chris/nick, christmas, crossover, d-rok, d-train, fanfic, gift exchange, glee, hojo, hoju, howie/jc, howie/joey, howie/justin, howie/kevin, howie/lance, howie/nick, jc/joey, jc/justin, jc/kevin, jc/lance, jc/nick, joec, joey/justin, joey/kevin, joey/lance, joey/nick, jola, joy, juc, juke, juni, justin/kevin, justin/lance, justin/nick, kevin/lance, kevin/nick, kevinick, kfc, lambs, lance/nick, letterboys, lick, make the yuletide gay, mochamint, nickc, nsync gsf, popslash, richtone, secret santa, sparkle under the tree, supersweet, surprise, sweet-n-low, sweetbone, timberrok, timbertone, timbertrick, trickc, trickyfish, trickynick, winter holidays, yuletide