Roujin Z (original) (raw)

Hey folks, another down to earth review from bullitbaby.

So ya say ya wanna blow off 90 minutes and have littlweto show for it but a silly smile on your face and a giggle in your chest. THEN YOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!
This movie comes with tongue in cheek futurism and a surprise ending that i loved. Why? Because its perfectly silly and a GREAT LAUGH.
No spoilers, cmon lets waste 90 minutes.

This is classic early 90s anime designed with a relatively simple plot common in the 90s. What wwas it? Computers will someday do everything for us but it will end... in disaster when the machines take over.

What was 1991?
Teminator 2 (the long awaited)
WWW made available to everyone in august 91
year of 386 and debut of 486
Color computers for apple system 7 and adobe photoshop 2.0 release changes graphic arts forever and direct to plate and press printing on apple send desktop publishing into full overdrive.
Yahoo is #1 search engine
Visual basic for microsoft is released soon to become one of the most popular ways to hack microsoft products thru a simple email or word document with VB Attachment. Just previewing the email or opening the word document would infect you. In 7 more years you will release windows98 dubbed the worst operating system in history by your own engineers. It still retains this honor in 2019.

Anyway, 91 was time when it was very common to envision the imminent takeover of computers eventually becoming thinking machines aka terminator 2.

This movie is a funny little ditty about a computerized bed that completely meets all the needs of the elderly including pooping and urinating (both are VACUUMED out with a bed attachment. (This made me genuinely laugh).

And if you keep a lighthearted feeling about wasting 90 minutes to smile giggle and laugh a little at this ssilly little spoof on futurism, youll enjoy it. Yes its about the โ€œdanger of autonomous machinesโ€. Agggggghhhh. (Tongue in cheek).

Yea, this movie barely even takes its own plot seriously as this poor budding AI robot bed stumbles around like an infant learning to walk....

.....but weighs like pfffft 5000 lbs at least and crushes everything in its path (laughing all the way).....but not intentionally.....NO NO more than a 4 year old trying to climb up onto a priceless antique table knocking over a priceless vase, dumping flower water all over the table and carpet and then sitting there and playing in the water as the parents stare in disbelief or maybe begin to cry hahaha. ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Desiring anything else of this movie would be a waste of time, and watching it is also a waste of time but the good kind of wasted time, with a smile and a laugh.