Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 1 (original) (raw)

Girls und panzer is a show that shouldn't have worked, After all the concept of lolis driving tanks and blowing each other up isn't exactly a returning concept: but rather a totally original piece of work that's way to entertaining even with the dull story and lack of game modes. For those who don't know, this series of parts takes place after the main series and the movie (you can safely skip all the ova's apart from the 40 minute ova with the Italian loli.)


The story is as such: A girl in the student council is going to repeat another year at the academy,... so the sensha'do team has to win a tournament in order to stop her doing so. And that's pretty much it, the story has never been a strong point in this series. After all, the animes always been about lolis driving tanks and when they try a emotional scene it never really hits home or make you care for the characters.



The art style is.. unique, its a blend of 3d CGI and fluent 2d animation. Now if your reading this I'm assuming that you have watches the rest of the series up until this point: and if so you would know that the CGI is some of the best in anime. There is no jank in the CGI whatsoever, sure it can take some time to adjust to but when you do, you will fall in love with the animation style this anime has to offer. The 2d is fluent and cutesy and the same goes with the 3D tanks.



Its pretty standard, VA's are great like always and everything matches up well enough. Now, I'm not American but when I heard the opening for these parts I might have turned patriotic right then and there. As soon as it starts there's bullets and what seems like a American war cry of some sorts? I know this doesn't make sense (like at all) but when you watch this or should I say when you, you will see what I mean. Anyway, the OST is fantastic as always: as they use each country's real life national anthem. Even my people (the British) have there real life national anthem and its hype as fuck whenever it comes on.. excuse my language.


This anime has a large focus on characters, but it overwhelms its self by adding so many different country's and teams so you cant really feel emotional for any character. Of course our main focus like always is Orai academy's Sensha'do team, so we get some minor character development there but none of them are particularly emotional or make you root for the character in question. all the teams have massive potential and could do with a OVA of there own to help build there characters, not much else to say here.



Your enjoyment will heavily depend on whether you have watched the main anime and the movie just after it. If you haven't watched it you will be clueless: and even if you have watched it like me you will still be confused. My advise would be too not pay attention to the story and just have some mindless fun watching this dumpster fire of a anime. Worth a watch just don't take it seriously.


Overall; 7/10

Give it a watch, the 3 parts that are out now are only 50 mins each or 2 episodes put together. Mindless fun and lolis blowing each other up with 50 tons of steel.

Thanks for reading!