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Hi Isaac0. I've seen you have Angel Beats! in your favorites. Would you like to

join PA Works club to celebrate the studio behind this title?

Haye Isaac, it's no big deal. I'm equally as late in my reply as you were :)
Just reply whenever you have free time to do so, I don't mind.
You have other priorities to attend to.
How was your spring break btw, did you go away anywhere ?
Spring Break was way too short in my opinion.
They should give us at least two weeks off instead of just one like Winter break ;D
It's all good, looks like you made the the best of your spring break then =]
How is the new Corpse Party game? are you playing it on a PSP ?

Don't neglect your studies and make the best of your high school career,
so that you'll cherish all your memories in the future.
I have many regrets in high school, I hope that you won't leave your Secondary school education with the same feeling that I had.

Sounds badass, your school must be pretty prestigious to have facilities like that beside it :P
I'm a little jelly ;)
The only thing that our school had that was special was track & field complex and a community centre beside it (like 5 minute walk) with skating rings for hockey players.
Though I was never a hockey player myself and I never really followed the sport.

Aha, girl uniforms definitely have a lot more appeal than male ones xD
I think my favourite type of uniform would have to be in the sailor uniform style.
Either that or any of the Girl uniforms from all the Key produced VN's/Eroge/Anime/Manga
They always have an awesome design to it. :9

rofl, an anime related name would definitely be appropriate for Asian babies, but unfortunately the same concept doesn't apply well to Caucasian ones. :P
If I had a girl child in the future, i'd properly name her either Lilliana (Either with 1 or 2 L's in the middle) or Ashley.
That's just my personal selection though, I haven't decided on a male name yet.

I'm glad that you're surrounded by people that you think of in that way.
keep your friends and seniors close, they'll help you a lot in the future.

still procrastinating on the Clannad VN huh?
Take your time, the game isn't going away anytime soon ;P
Well I kinda did the same with Key's first Eroge/VN Kanon.
I said i would finish it over the break but i never really touched it.
Probably because some stuff happened during the break.
And I started playing this 3rd person RPG Shooter game called Dark Gunz
Well i used to play it, but my friend got me back into it.

definitely, Kyoto Animation could have easily branched Kotomi's route & Kyou's route into more of a romantic one where we see character development and emotions come out from both Tomoya and his female companions.

I see, well then if your opinion of it is so high, i guess i'll have to check out Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon someday then.
Won't be anytime soon though ;)
ahh i see I've experienced similar things with other ongoing series as well.
Only the haters will vote down series like that.

I guess you may be right... but its all about the time and location...
If those two requirements aren't met, then it could lead to some pretty awkward moments... >.>

I see, well since you have the Clannad DVD i'm sure that you can watch the series whenever.
I know what you mean by that though, since the Anime did such a great job depicting Nagisa's route in both Clannad & After Story.
Playing her route in the game can be pretty boring at times, but the Visual Novel is still much better than the series in my opinion.
Once you've reached after story and cleared Sanae & Akio's routes i'm sure you'll get what i mean.

Yeah, no voices. It doesn't really affect the game-play much for Katawa Shoujo. mainly because there is no way any voice actor could fit the voices of the distinctive characters that are in the Eroge/Visual Novel. I'm sure you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

wow sick on your DS huh? i wish i could have VN's/Eroge's in portable form.
Bummer that really sucks, i know how it feels to have data corrupted from games. It really blows.
Do you ever plan on picking up Fate/Stay Night in the future?

It's okay, i'm sure you'll have the chance to go to an anime convention in the future.
It's much better to plan ahead and go in groups though, so might want to start planning early.
I'd much rather go to a Vocaloid concert over the anime convention though, but I can't be too picky
Time can only tell what lies ahead in the future >.<

Damn so you beat the new Corpse Party huh? pretty sick.
oh that's too bad, only add-on stuff :( did you pay a lot for the game ?

BTW i wanted you to check out this Key Montage like video i found on youtube,
It's quite amazing, the person who made it connected all the best CG's, Videos, Music and gameplay from all of KEY's most famous works.
I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as i did =]

Well that's all for now,
I hope everything is going smoothly for you up north,
Take it easy Izzy,
I hope to hear back from you,
Your buddy,


Np budddy, i'm a little late myself.
Finally ! Spring Break has come ! (for me at least,)
I had a lot of things to do this week so I wasn't able to find free time to reply until now.

School should always be first, after your health and your family's health, school should come after those two.

well, now you know that Women are being signed to big name mixed martial arts companies like the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

ouch, that sounds like you had a rough morning last week :P
20 minutes is quite a bit of time for a bus to be stuck.
Yeah the no bugs part is definitely one of the best things about winter in my opinion ;)

interesting, so your school is in the middle of nowhere too?
Do you have any nearby facilities that students have access too? like community centers or gyms or fitness areas ?

I luv the girl uniforms ! they're (most of the time) very appealing to the eye.
i'd probably design my own uniform if i had the resources, it's always fun to stand out ;D

lmfao, i guess that's true.
Teachers can be pretty picky with child names,
Do you have any names you'd use for your future child? P:

Cool, that's a nice relationship you have with them then :)
too bad i don't really game anymore, oh well.
I guess if you put it that way, its no harm. everyone has their own lives after all.

well, you never know. Kappei might have made it to the Olympics doing track a field if he never met Okazaki or had his accident.
I kinda totally forget what disease or condition he has since it's been over 3 years since I've played.
Nice ! one more route ! i suppose you could finish it on your spring break?

For the Kyou/Ryou route, i'm sure it could be extended to at least 2 episodes, but 3 is a bit much, unless the company introduces character development like more lunch scenes dates/etc. other than that they did an okay job with Kyou/Ryou 1 ep arc.
As for Tomoyo however, they should have had WAY more character development. I may just be speaking in my bias, but Tomoyo's route was much more meaningful than Kyou's. Also her family history is pretty touching and gets to you. After playing Tomoyo After ~Its a Wonderful Life~ Tomoyo became one of my top 10 favourite characters again (:

lol quite the Nintendo gamer huh? i guess you did tell me that before :P
yeah i was aware that they had the same producers... but seriously? harvest moon is in the game title? I guess people got sick of the same old Harvest moon, so they added an RPG element to the game.

oh ? is Kyoukai SEnjou no Horizon a good anime then?
It seems like the 2nd season did pretty well with ratings.
I'll try to refrain from doing so ;)
I'm the type of person who rates up like 80% of the anime's I watch anyway.

cool, I played Sono Hanabira 1 like last year. I enjoyed it... but its not something you can play without a lot of privacy, unless you're not embarrassed by family members hearing the erotic moans of girls ever like 20 minutes.
Do your best buddy, one more route to go. (Y)

I'd wait for Ecstasy, you're already busy with so much other tasks.
Prob will be out before summer... hopefully ?

Hells no. use headphones and make sure no one looks at your screen >.<'

YAY Funn Stuff ! xD
are you doing anything for spring break?
really... so i should'nt have high hopes for Otoboku then :/
blah, oh well I really enjoyed the eroge of the series. It was something new and I enjoyed more than half of the girls and route, some were meaningful, while others were pointless. Over I enjoyed Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru eroge more than Katawa Shoujo, mainly because of the voice acting. Where in Katawa Shoujo, there were no voices.
yep i was on my dining room table, on my laptop.... good thing i had headphones on xD

Nice, you sure took your time playing Clannad though xP
Did you ever finish Fate/Stay Night Eroge like 100% completion?
I still wanna play it. but no time so far,
Right now i'm playing the Original Kanon Eroge by Key with a voice and english patch,
I managed to find a torrent for the game, as well as soundtracks for Kanon, Otoboku, and Air, Anime and Eroges.

Np lol
Its okay to slack.... sometimes ;)

Btw i'm going to attending an anime convention in Toronto from May 24th - May 26th
Its called Anime North, I donno if you heard of it before.
i'm really looking forward to it :)

No snow here again,
All melted. This winter was pretty barren down south in our province.
ahh well,
Take it easy Isaac,
I hope you enjoy your Spring/March Break.
Until Next time,


Haye Isaac,
Pardon my late reply,
I had to study for a physics test, had an English assignment and I had to write the HOAE aptitude test at my college over the past few days.
I finally have some free time, I was gonna reply last night after I watched UFC 157, but I ended up playing some Black Ops 2 zombies with my brother and passed out P:

btw, I don't know if you heard, but Women made history last night, headlining for the UFC 157 Card. Two bantamweight (135 lbs) female Mixed Martial Arts fighters entered the Ultimate Fighting Championship last night to fight for the UFC Bantamweight title in a 5 round fight. Ronda Rousey, a former Olympic Judo champion turned MMA fighter defended her title against Liz Carmouche a former Marine turned MMA fighter. It was quite the historic night.

Well as long as you keep yourself healthy and know your body's limits i'm sure you'll be fine (:

Snowstorms huh? I'm not too fond of heavy snowfall but I guess its better than rain.
We got some snow this week, was soo bare before with no snow on the ground, but since it's winter i guess its better to have snow than not to have it.
oh yeah? what do you love/hate about winter ? :O

well with your school schedule in place, i'm sure your teachers wouldn't accept an excuse like that for being late ;)

I see, I think other schools in my City do something similar to what your school does...
but the school I went to is in a neighbouring county city, so the rule/regulations were a bit different.

I could see why you would become accustomed to your particular schedule since you've been experiencing it since you were young.
It Just goes to show how different things can be even though our geography is almost the same, both of us being Ontarians :9

aha i could see why you would have difficulty deciding which male uniform to wear...
I wouldn't really mind most of the Uniforms in the anime's I watch... but most of the time i'm focusing on how the Female uniforms look P=
though if I had to pick one i'd pick the distinct school uniform from Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai xD Wearing red would be pretty badass in my opinion :)

I could see that P:
after all, no one would name a child after someone they aren't close to unless they're really attached to the name itself.

Good to hear, i'd appreciate it if we stuck to our screen names while in public posts.
Facebook with people you don't know IRL?
quite bold, well i guess it's no harm... as long as they aren't stalking you or anything ;D

German would be quite a useful language to learn as well.
Though i'd still prefer to learn Japanese =D

I'll probably be reading in the opposite order Fate/zero then moving on the Sword Art Online... if i ever get to reading them :P
I still need to catch up on the 3 months of manga that i missed....

hah you could be right...Kappei might have been in one of the scenes though he's not listed as a character on MAL....
okay i stand corrected he is listed on MAL just not as an anime supporting role, he's a manga supporting role.
hah it says "Kappei is the only character in the visual novel who does not appear in the animated versions of Clannad."
He got left out. >.>
I don't own the Clannad series on DVD so you'd know the anime better than I would.
I still prefer the Visual Novel solely based on the concentrated routes of the heroine characters and the developing romance between Tomoya and the girls.
Though I have a different opinion on the Clannad After Story anime since they focused mainly on Nagisa's route & we did get to see a bit of Yukine's route plus more.
KyoAni did such a spectacular job animating it. (:

I haven't played both Eroge's either (Yosuga no Sora & Amagami SS) mainly because Yosuga's english patch isn't 100% Translated yet, so i'm waiting for that and Amagami game is hard to come by, considering the fact its on PS2. I also think that their isn't an English Patch for Amagami SS yet.
Blah they could have made those 1 Episode OVAs with Tomoyo & Kyou/Ryou like 100x better if they made it into more than 1 episode !!!

Yeah i know what you mean, like conversing and giving gifts to the girls everyday... if only it were that easy.
I used to play the Harvest Moon series... well i still play, cuz i have a Game Boy Advance emulator which i mess around with whenever i'm extremely bored.
It is similar to RuneFactory, I think it has the same producers, but of course since Rune Factory is on the DS and 3DS it's a higher quality game with much more things to do.
Nintendo huh, did you ever own any Nintendo game systems ?

Awesome, that's alright everyone has their own preferences and opinions. I enjoy almost any genre. As long as the characters voices aren't annoying and the art is okay with a decent story line, i'll stick around until the end of an anime. though i haven't been doing much of that these days... Finishing anime series that is.

Cool 8/10 that's expected for Minami-ke.
I had fairly high expectations for the series because its right on the borderline of a high 7/10 and a low 8/10 on the average ratings here on MAL.
I'll look forward to watching it in the future then (:
I try not to rate series until i'm finished either, but lately it's becoming a bad habit, both rating series before they're done, and not finishing series.
Blah. I guess i'm more focused on Visual Novels/Eroge than anime/manga these days.

Nice little comparison you did there ;P
btw what Nukiges have you played before?
I'm sure you've played plenty of Nakiges =]

PM me whenever i'll try to reply as soon as possible.

Do your best to finish it. I'm sure you'll have more time after school is done and summer rolls around.

That's how i felt, i want to play LB! Ecstasy when the english patch is done so i don't miss out on the extra routes and content that was added to the eroge version. (=
I hope they finish soon, not too soon though cuz i still have a large to play list.

ahah Well considering your scenario, i would only play All Ages versions if i had to use a desktop as well.
I only play Eroge in the privacy of my own room. or another room with no one else in it.
kinda hard to play while another person is reading the text.

Glad to hear that, Katawa Shoujo shouldn't be missed.

Damn, well school is more important. Time management is all it takes to get through it. Gotta set priorities. sometimes gotta save the fun stuff for later.
lol right after i read this message I added Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru to my anime watch list and manga read list xP
I'm looking forward to seeing the anime adaptation. Though i'm sure they'll screw up the Eroge Route aspect of the series.
H scenes omg first time i read one of those i was playing on my dining room table... lol i had to relocate of course.
Princess Waltz was the first Eroge i played. It was after the first Visual Novel i played which was of course Clannad
do you remember your first eroge or visual novel you played?

Just finished the Eroge Shuffle!
Quite similar to the 24 episode anime which i own on DVD :P
you should check it out sometime. though it probably won't be for a while considering how busy you'll be in the upcoming years
I think the eroge takes the edge on ratings in my opinion though.

I'm gonna try to finish Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru eroge by the end of the week (:

Glad to hear back from ya ;)
I'm sure that I'm a much worse of a slacker than you are >.<'
Take it easy Izzy,


Hey buddy,
Just letting you know that i have a big aptitude test coming up this weekend that i have to study for, plus another test and assignment to write and complete prior to the weekend test, so i wont be able to reply for a little while. just a little heads up.
I'll reply as soon as i can after i'm done, promise :)


Hey Izzy,
I see, i'm glad you recovered from your cold (:
oh yeah? how much snow came down?
I had a few snow storms here as well, but since the weather warmed, we got some rain and most of the snow melted.
Though i'm not really complaining much, never did like the Winter season.

You got that right, everywhere is different. ;}
Yessir i really hated signing in for spare, almost made me late a few times >.>
well, if its your weekly-monthly schedule since gr. 9, then i'm sure you'd get used to it after a little while P:

for sure, getting paid for co-op would be a bonus imo. so it'd definitely be worth it.

School uniforms in anime's are the best xD
Which anime school uniform would you wear ?
For me... i'll have to get back to you on that, haven't seen school anime's in a while. at least involving guy uniforms.
my my, quite popular with the staff are we? ;9
kool, so that's your real name huh?
If you're interested in mine, i'll send you a PM.
I'd prefer you not use it on our public conversations on our respective walls though, using it in a PM or text i wouldn't mind.

German? i wouldn't doubt that, it's quite a widely used language.
well i guess Universities are being more lenient on languages these days?
Talk about Global villages =D

yeah, check out those light novels, i'm sure they'd be an enjoyable read (=

Well public opinion on anything tends to over exaggerate details on popular topics, such as the Mass Effect 3 ending.
So i'm sure it wasn't overly horrible.

I'm kinda bummed out that they didn't include Kappei into the story line at all, not even a cameo appearance.
I really enjoyed his story, it was touching and involved Tomoya as well as Ryou in his Route
they even let 'Kanako' a character who is exclusively in Tomoyo After ~Its a Wonderful Life~ make a cameo appearance in the Clannad Anime.
what a letdown. I guess Visual Novel/Arc style story progression doesn't really suit anime series much, though Amagami SS & Yosuga no Sora did a fine job at it.
If the Clannad anime was Arc based, i'm sure it would have more success and higher ratings, but that's just my personal opinion.

Oh wow, good luck affording all of those game systems =P
the PS4 is coming out soon. well to Japan at least, i donno what the ETA is for its North American release.
Rune Factory huh, i always wanted to play that... but the last Nintendo Portable i had was the Game Boy Advance SP... yeah long time ago.
more of a Sony gamer now. =]

hmm i'll list some movie titles in the PM i send you, be sure to check your inbox if your interested :)

really? i'm a bit surprised. well we all have our own tastes. I guess you prefer a better story with Drama, Characters and other elements over a Story with Action, Violence, bloodshed and more questionable themes. well everyone has their own Cup of Tea i guess ^.^

well if its only entertaining and nothing else comes from it, i think i'll save that anime for later then. Minami-ke that is.

Yeah like most Nukige Eroge... they're, most of the time, A Waste of my time.
Their are some exceptions though, but i guess my expectations are sometimes too high for games.

I see, well you'd better save the original FMA for years later then,
i'm sure some of the older art and animation will bother you if you don't do so.

Middle child huh... sounds troublesome. I enjoy being the Youngest P:
If you don't want other eye's prying on confidential personal information then you could always send me a PM.
i'll always read it over and reply to the best of my abilities.

Cool, so you've finally decided to put some time into the Clannad VN then, good.
Tbh, the route i disliked the most in Clannad was Fuuko's... This is solely my opinion, but I found her character quite annoying and at some times pointless to the plot.
Yeah yeah their is that whole Yoshino Yuusuke and Fuuko's elder sister's marriage thing, but they could have made her route much better in my opinion.
Keep at it and finish the game !!!

I see, I found a torrent for Rewrite on erogedownloads but i haven't for Little Busters! Ecstasy! the eroge version.
can you point me in the right direction by sending me a link if you have one?

lmfao I hope that you do get to play Katawa Shoujo someday, preferably before you turn 20.
It's a better game to play as a teenager i'd say, because most of the characters in the game are 18-19 yrs of age.
you can relate better if you close in age, at least that's how i feel.

Other than Clannad, have you touched any other Visual Novels/Eroge recently?
I downloaded this eroge "Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru" which directly translates to "The Maidens are Falling in Love with me" today and i haven't stopped playing it all day.
Quite an intriguing plot, probably because I've never played anything like it. the game has a 'Trap Protagonist' meaning a male lead dressing in female clothes... so it really is much different than other plots.

I never overwork myself, i'm quite the habitual slacker ;D
That's all for now,
Hope to hear back from you soon,
Keep it real Isaac,


Haye Isaac,
How's the winter season treating you?
Has it been really cold and stormy up north ?

yeah weird, since we're in the same province i'd think that the school system should be at least somewhat similar but i guess it does vary some city to city and school to school.
lucky you, our school had a shitty policy with spare which required students to sign in at the office... pretty dumb in my opinion.
Wow the seems like a pretty crazy weekly schedule, were all four years of your high school scheduled like that?
It would definitely take some getting used to if i were to enroll at your school.

go for it, the more experience the better,
Coop never hurts, unless it's located far from where you live or costs a lump sum of cash.

aha yee Uniforms have a lot of cons, but since i love anime uniforms soo much i wouldn't mind wearing one to go to school, as long as the uniform looks relatively good.
Make the best of your high school years, you'll never be going back. Also try your best to get some references as teachers, professors, principles, or VPs.
It'll help you later on when your looking for work or volunteer positions.
indeed, everyone looks like life through their own perspective and when someone tells you their life/lifestyle though their perspective it generally makes you interested, well thats how i feel at least.
Sickk, i'm gonna try to learn Japanese through "Rosetta Stone" my friend had a torrented copy of it. though its like 30 gigs large... >.<
wow that's pretty cool you can speak English or French and hand in work in both languages as long as a teacher is bilingual, pretty handy i'd say.
Scholarships are badass, hop onto those opportunities for sure =]

Cool thanks, i already downloaded vol 1-10 plus the extras of Sword Art Online.. though i donno when i'll read it.. since i haven't event read the Fate/Zero light novel yet.. and i've had it for over 6 months rofl.
Oh yeah here is a link to a some light novels you might want to read:

Though i'm sure you've already browsed the site a bit.

Awesome, that's great that your going to such a highly ranked university in canada :)
Do your best ~
being an informed citizen is way better than being an uninformed or misinformed citizen =)

Well if its only the last 7 mins,
i'm sure you'll be fine.

she definitely made up herself in the Kappei route, though it was a pretty sad route.
I thought it was pointless at first .

Shitty... well the Vita looks pretty badasss,
Though i want a WiiU...
Books of shadows like creepy as hell,
and i'm sooo intrigued to play it ~ >.<

hmm, well i could suggest a few movies, and i'm sure you'll be hooked ;)
but everyone has their own opinions so i'll respect yours if you don't want me to tell you.

Yee i still have to finish Durarara,
plus Baccano! which is made by the same company/producers
you should check out Baccano! if you haven't already, its one of my favourite anime series and i haven't even finished it yet.
how is Minami-ke? it's on my planned to watch list, but i don't know much about it.

lmfao 2 more lives huh?
I wish that applied to every game... like Persona 3 FES. . . which is fukin hard to play and beat !!
some games i feel i don't waste time playing. others.... feel like a total waste of time.

I see, well that does make sense.
FMA original isn't as good. but it's still worth the watch. better than most animes.

np, everyone has different hobbies and pastimes, i don't mind

Cool, i'm the youngest, though i probably already told you that.
What's it like being the middle sibling?

friendzone huh? damn, keep you head up man.
you'll have you time to shine.

I just finished the main route to Tomoyo After ~Its a Wonderful Life~
T_T_T_T_T_T_T x 1000
there aren't good endings in the PC version... i need to get my hands on the memorial addition or PS2 addition for the Good endings !
It can't end like this ! I won't let it!!!!
I'll be finishing the bad route later tonight, hopefully.

Btw i might have asked you this question before, but did you ever get a chance to play and complete all routes of "Katawa Shoujo"?
just asking because i replayed Ibarazaki Emi route since it's been a whole year since i completed it already...

Well take it easy Izzy,
Message you again later,


(lol i almosted signed Isaac in my last post, so don't let it bother you. xD)

Yo Isaac,
you really should copy and paste it every now and then so that MAL doesn't delete the message when you submit reply sometimes.

okayy, i'll use both then ;D

lmfao i loved spare, which part of the day do you have it?
My spare was 1st period so like (8:20 am-9:45 am) [Bell rung at 8:15 am]
I could even show up anytime for spare, all i had to do was sign in at the office. ;P

good luck,
I'm sure the co-op experience will help you in the future so why not? go for it.
sounds like a long time lol.

Awesome, so do you have to wear uniforms and stuff?
Well okay maybe baddass was the wrong word to use then, maybe sounds interesting?
It's only because i've never experienced the high school setting that you're going through, i'm sure it's boring to you now.
but it might be compelling for others to hear about it, like myself (:
I'm sure my high school setting was much different than yours so you'll find some interesting things about my school. just as i find yours interesting.
I'm soo jelly ! so you're gonna actually be learning Japanese at your university ?!
Geez, i'm feel like looking up which universities offer than language to learn now.
Ahh i see, so that's how it works. So is the university your attending in Ottawa have bilingual studies then? I mean will things be taught in english or french there, cuz it seems that you didn't take English in gr. 12

Good point, In Highschool i hatedd chemm with a passion.
Probably because i had no desire to learn it. (mostly gr. 12 chem)
But this year i'm willing to learn it, and all the concepts are easier to understand now that i have a desire to learn the subject.
oh shit?
Where did you find the Light Novel for Sword Art Online, i'm interested in reading it,
Send me a link if you can please =]
Well make sure you give it some thought, it's your future after all, you wouldn't want to spend your life/career doing something that you don't like.
Wow now i'm extremely jelly, Ottawa University offers stuff like that? Studying Abroad !? I wanna go !!!! T_T
Good luck figuring it out, can't help you much there, i donno much about the universities in your area.
I'm sure it'll all be worth the time spend studying in Japan !

hmm. Well I hope your not too disappointed with the ending of Mass Effect 3 when you complete it.

I'm not saying i Dislike them. Maybe Ryou's particular "Shy Girl demeanor" didn't appeal to me.
though she was quite bold in some scenes of her route.

nope, I would never find your PSP is that humongous city,
not unless you had a GPS attached to it, and i had a method of transportation and knew how to get around Toronto xD

well, we'll have to wait until one of us buys it or watch gameplay videos online to see how they changed the style of the game then.

lol you use it too... so you can't say much :P

Cool, you should start using it for movies... though if you internet service provider is Cogeco, they won't be too happy.
So then again copyright laws are a bitch nowadays, so if you donno the details. maybe you should just stick to downlloading anime =]
Some visual novels can be obtained via torrents. that's how i downloaded Tomoyo After ~Its a Wonderful Life~ :D
STill have to finish that game.

I'll definitely have to finish Durarara soon then ;)

it's okayy lol,
I wasted a lot of time playing games.... unfortunately :/

I'll let you know when i start, but i'm watching quite a few series atm. so might be a while.

Yessir, loved it to death couldn't stop playing xD

sick, have you watched the original FMA? the one made before the manga was completed?
Its not as good but definitely worth the watch.
Cool i've done that too, just not with Angel Beats!
btw have you heard of Hellsing Ultimate OVA? its the Hellsing Series made after the manga was finished. don't mistake it for the 13 episode Hellsing Anime (TV), the anime was made before the manga was done... and i heard of most that they butchered the series. So watch the Hellsing Ultimate OVA which is 10 episodes. 50 mins long each episode.
It's definitely BADDASS. Gorey and dark as hell though.

Well i'm going to a friends house to watch the first UFC Superfight! At UFC 156: Jose Aldo vs. Frankie Edgar in the Featherweght division (145 lbs) on PPV at 10:00pm tonight.
I'm really into Mixed Martial Arts events. It's awesome to see athletes compete with each other in combat sports at the highest level.
I've also recently started attending MMA classes, kick boxing and Wrestling so i respect people in that field of athletics very much.
If your interested and get my message by that time, i'll PM you a streaming link if your interested :)

I have 3 older brothers, i'm the youngest in my family.
The brother that lives with me is currently 21. i just turned 19.
and my two older one are 26 & 27.
Do you have any siblings?

lmfao i say it to everyone, don't take it the wrong way.
I wouldn't know if you got dumped recently,
the only info i know about you is from these message exchanges and a few PM and texts once in a while. =O

Stay active and positive then :P
until next time Izzy,

Your buddy,


lmfao i hate that,
That's why if i know my message or post will be long, i make an effort to copy and paste the whole message once every 5 mins or so, because it'll save you like up to 10 min in the end :P use the hot keys: ctrl c and you're set, if you ever lose your message just press ctrl v and wolla there it is ;)
i'm sure retyping it was a pain in the pass =P

i'll alternate between Isaac & Izzy. ;)
but yeah i do prefer Isaac, that's just my personal opinion.

Ouch.... Physics, Calculus blow.... chemistry isn't as hard but it still sucks.
Yeah that sounds like a pretty hellish semester. good thing you took a spare ;)

Mmhmm i'd like to chill with you in person, but residence sucks and i won't be going to university until after i get my diploma from College, which is a 2-3 year program.

rofl yessir. Kami Nomi S3 will be sick !

oh damn, i didn't know that your went to a french catholic school, that's pretty baddass. so you're fully bilingual huh? awesome.
I wish i could read, write and speak another language.
wow English is not a mandatory?
interesting, school are set up so differently in different areas.

oh shit, so you did a fast track in Chemistry this year? that must be tough, hope you're doing well in your classes.
damnn engineering huh?
good lucky buddy, if you put your mind to it and focus. i'm sure you can graduate in that field of study.
Oh? haven't decided where you want to go yet?
What other career options do you have in mind?
as I told you before i'm trying to become a medical lab technologist or go in a field related to that. it's good pay and i can go anywhere in Canada to work once i've graduated.

lmfao another Mass Effect guy huh?
did you end up playing the 3rd one ?
I heard that the ending was a letdown.
yeah I heard it was more of a RPG than a shooter.

True, it's kinda like a bad route... but she is still a girl character... that you can date...
so meh. But i definitely like Kyou's character much more than Ryou's.. she's just too shy. Though shy girls appeal to me in real life. Not so much in games. Well i could be proven wrong.
Koumura's route is okay, you get some background as to how Okazaki Tomoya and Sunohara Youhei met in Highschool and an extra CG for your gallery :)

indeed, get one. ;)
I'll definitely finish Corpse Party one day... or i might convince my friend to get both Corpse Parties, the original & book of shadows for his vita and play it on there =P
lmfao you really think i could find your psp in toronto?
I don't have GPS for PSP's buddy P:

I agree with you. The close to 8-bit style graphics seemed outdated but the visual effects definitely gave me a good scare ;)
and it just was a really well made game imo.

Yessir. That's why i own it. Well not the DVD cuz its freaking $74.99 plus tax.
but i have it on my external hardrive. Highschool of the Dead that is.

I see. well if you use torrents, you could always just download a dvd rip of the movies from torrent sites and watch them on your free time.

lmfao you watched Durarara huh?
I still have to finish it, i'm about halfway through,
My anime/manga career has really plummeted in the last 6-10 months.
Your time watched has wayy surpassed mine and i don't think i'll ever beat you now P=

Cool, i had Kokoro Connect, Sakurasou na Pet no Kanojo, Boku wa Tomodachi NEXT, and OreShura on my planned to watch list already. but i added Robotics;Notes, Love Live! to my watch list.
Thanks for the series.
Now i have even more to watch .... lol

lol Spring break ! beat Clannad !!!
I did it in one spring break! though that's all i played.... during the break lmfao.

Yay more movies xD
I ended up seeing The Last Stand starring Arnold Schwarzenegger though, which was another enjoyable action movie, you shouldn't miss if your a fan of him.

omfg you finally saw it lol.
I watched it last year & fell in love. Well i'm glad you have Brotherhood in your top 5.
I even convince my brother, who only watched Death Note, DBZ and Naruto Shippuuden to watch Brotherhood and he loves it too xD

Well Take it easy buddy,
Tell me how things turn out.

Your Friend,


Haye Isaac,
All finished with exams huh, what classes do you have for your last semester of your highschool career? Did you take a spare?
Nicee, so you ace'd all of your exams then? :P

lmfao Ottawa huh? well i'll consider it, but you might already be done your program by the time I start there. Also Residence is a bit of a stretch for myself.

Cool, lol
I guess i was too excited by Kami Nomi S3 that i neglected the new Kanon OVA that was announced beside it P:

aha well i'm glad that someone's memory remains intact ;)
Electives, as in classes you personally pick, that are you are not required to take per year/mandatory ie. English (gr. 9-12), Math (gr. 9-11) Science (Gr. 9-10) and in your case Religion (gr.9-12)

lmfao, those litle trolls =P I rarely-ever play online. Only Zombies on Black ops ;)
Maybe some Counter Strike once in a while.

Cool, did you do Ryou's, Koumura's paths (Teacher Route)? and i'm guessing your saving Nagisa for last because she has the true route after you get all the white orbs from the other routes.

lmfao have fun with that. they're exactly cheap.
but i guess you could just buy a Vita, it is capable of playing most popular psp games including corpse party, fate/extra and persona 3 portable... though you might have to purchase them again.

I would play Corpse Party...
but the LCD screen of both my psp 1000 & 2000 are cracked. I'd need a replacement if i wanted to continuing my psp gaming career ;P

Cool thanks for the link, Corpse Party 2 definitely seems pretty spooky and a promising game, though the graphics are a bit... overdone? the word i'll use, the style may grow on me in the future.

True, I want the manga artist to actually start thinking about the story aspect of the series... instead of trying to cash in on the once hit series. . .

Yeah i heard it was pretty good.
The movies i listed are definitely ones you should check out.
Also don't forget about quentin tarantino's Django Unchained starring Jamie Foxx & christopher waltz. it's a really good movie.

Now that your new semester started, will you have more free time to do leisure activities ? or are you already indulging in that P:
I see you're still watching ongoing anime series, i'm sure that takes up a chunk of your time. Any good new series lately? I haven't watched any ongoing series since Spring of 2012 tbh.

If you have the leisure time... Finish Clannad !
You won't regret it, unless your the type that likes to savor games. I do sometimes.

I am successfully succeeding xD

Glad to hear back from you,

Gotta go, going to see hansel and Gretel starring Jeremy Renner....
It should be... interesting... or just a butcher of the old fairy tale P=

Well, I hope to hear back from you,

Your buddy,


Cool i'll let my friend know about it, see if he's interested. =]

Cool, that's good to hear.
So how did you last math exam go? You should have wrote it today right?
Awesome ! i'm glad that we will still be exchanging messages :)

Wow awesome, Congratulations ! you'll be going to Ottawa huh, Is that close or far from where you live?
I''d say do both, but that's all up to you man.
I'm going for Medical Lab Science which is a 3 yr program at my College plus i'm gonna go for my general degree in science at a university after the program, if all plans work out smoothly.

Ahh okay, i still haven't decided when i'd catch up though, so we'll talk more about Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai later.
S3 will be a masterpiece if it's done properly :)
Where did you near the announcement for a new Kanon OVA? can you send me the link please?

lol, you must be pretty confident in your memorization and interpretation skills if you procastinated studying :P
Nice, what electives did you take? besides religion.

Yeah, check it out, you'll definitely pull stuff from the book.

I 2nd that statement, Online FPS Blows, most of the time.

Wow you sure take your time lol.
you should at least finish Tomoyo's route.
Though it pains me to say it, but i heard there are no "good" endings in Tomoyo After ~It's a Wonderful Life~ Eroge. :/
At least that's what i've heard. Not unless you get the "Memorial Edition" which is All Ages.... I hope that is merely a rumor, i'll find out first hand within the next month and update you though.
sweet, you're on top of things ;)

check out Game of Thrones first.
It's the shortest of the 3 and the 3rd season is coming out in March.

you'd better find it.
I need a replacement LCD screen :/

shitty, PSN game huh... i wonder if PS Vita has it?

One of your fave, makes more sense.
I still have to finish the first Corpse Party: Blood Covered game :(

lmfao, that's the reason i bought it. The pages are also enlarged, so it's a pretty massive and heavy book, with 17 chapters & a bonus Cosplay Chapter ! xD
I wanted it since it came out so i bought it, completely plastic wrapped P:
I also wanted to support the author.... so he can get his ass in the studio and actually draw manga!!!! GRRRR
it's been almost 2 fukin years since they made a goddamn chapter.

Awesome, I heard that movie was good, how did you like it?
if you enjoyed Lord of the Rings trilogy and would like to see a prequel to the series, you should check out The Hobbit.
I also watched The Silver Linings Playbook which is a Romantic/Comedy staring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. It's a good movie, if you like the genres.
007: Skyfall was a really nice action movie too. :)

I'm still trying =]
lmfao you slacker ! xP

Hope to hear back from you,


Sup Buddy,
didn't expect a reply from you so quickly :P
I'm glad your willing to still chat with meh :)
If your busy with exams then you can take your time on replying, after all grades are more important. Have you decided what you are going to do or where you're going to study after secondary school ?

So i'm guessing that this Arc of Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai isn't the best one ? :(
Btw they're making a 3rd season on The World God Only Knows ! xD
I'm sooo pumped. Also they just finished the Tenri OVA arc of Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai, but i'm sure you've already seen that P:

oh shit? so your on exam week, lol well i chose the perfect time to reply then lmfao.
my bad. What exams did you have ? & again i believe grades are more important than replying so we can chat after your exams if you want to use your time for studying.

Hmm though you may not take references or help from a person like me, but you should read this book: The Mystery Method
its a book to help you with the ladies. I read it and it has a lot of good things in it, though some of the things taught in it are for older men. I never got the chance to finish it. here's a pdf of it
You don't have to read it if you don't want of course.

lol well i'm on both sides of that. I enjoy mindless FPS cuz i love getting headshots and i enjoy a good strategy game one in a while :)

Yeah each route is about 4 hours max even if you read slow or use the auto reading thingy and there are 5 girls (technically there are 6 but the last girl isn't a main girl)
so it'll take you 20 hours max to finish Katawa Shoujo, not that long of a game. The no voices might bother you a bit, but i'd say at least 2 of the 5 routes you'll enjoy.
Have you not finished the Clannad Visual Novel yet?
Btw I just recently downloaded the Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ Eroge. Which i'm planning on finishing in the near future. If your interested, the full english patch is out now. You can get it here:
I was gonna buy Clannad After Story on DVD.... but then i found out that it's $89.99 plus tax.... it'll a little over my budget.

btw, have you been playing any eroge or visual novels recently?

you should definitely check out at least one of the shows, they're very compelling and they'll leave you wanting more in the end. P:

WHAT ! ? Nooooo another game i can't play T_T
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is out for the PSP? shitt i can't believe i broke mine ! Grrr ! damn that blows, i hope you find your psp asap.
Do you know if Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is on the PSN network? or is it a purchasable game from stores?

Favourite game ever huh? that's quite a statement, I'm really mad that i broke my psp :@
lol I don't think i deserve being called a Senpai, but thank for the respect.
Keep up the good work Kouhai xD

Yesterday I went to a movie with a friend, and i ended up buying the Highschool of the Dead Ch 1-17 in full color xD
It was pretty expensive but i'd say 100% worth the price :D

Have you been watching any movies recently?

lmfao this time I'm really gonna try hard to fix them :P

Hope to hear from you soon, but not too soon.
Study hard !


Heyy Isaac,
It's been a while, just over 2 months since we've last conversed.
I should be the one apologizing. As usual, my life doesn't seem to settle and things keep on coming up. I haven't been watching much anime recently and I haven't read manga for over 2 months now. I should really catch up. That includes Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai, so no spoilers please :)

How have things been? It's your last term of School right? How is your final year going?
Probably better than mine went, I hope.

I'll try to keep in touch more frequently from now on, now that I sorted some things out in my life. If your willing to still chat with me then i'm all eyes and ears.

Cool so you still enjoy strategy games huh? You must be quite the thinker and strategist then ;)

Katawa Shoujo took me 15 days to complete because i kinda started it around exam time and I stretched out playing it for a while, I don't fully commit to games unless they really have me hooked. Or i just like to finish routes and sometimes forget about the game and return to it after some time. and yes I did use a walkthrough for all routes except Lilly Satou which was the first route that i completed.

Big bang theory is a great show.
Some other shows that you should check out are: The Walking Dead, Dexster, & Game of Thrones. All of which I follow religiously :)

How's the gaming life been? have you completed any VN's, eroge? or video games recently?
I've completed a small number in the past two months, but nothing to boast about.
If you decide to reply to this message, i'll tell you more about them.

I hope that we can still continue to converse.
I know that my replying habits are quite poor, but i'll try to fix them in the future.
