Olena Horobets | The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (original) (raw)

Papers by Olena Horobets

Research paper thumbnail of The Statistical Analysis of Tendencies and Regularities of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Book Products

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing in Ukraine and in the World

Statistika Ukraïni, Oct 18, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing Industry in Ukraine: 1917–2017

Statistika Ukraïni, Aug 22, 2019

A broad statistical analysis of the book publishing industry over 1917-2017 is performed, with fo... more A broad statistical analysis of the book publishing industry over 1917-2017 is performed, with focus on the dynamics of industry indicators in 1991-2017. It is shown that throughout this period the average annual growth in the number of books and brochures produced by the book publishing industry made 620 units, or 5.13%. But the circulation had overall negative dynamics: its average annual decline made 3310 thousand, or 3.9%. The largest absolute decline in the circulation is recorded in 1993, 1999, and 2015. It is revealed that the per capita output in the industry was 1.5 books in 2013, 0.8 in 2015, and 1.1 in 2017. It is stressed that because books constitute a culture component and contribute in the moral enrichment of the society and book reading enhance the education level of a nation, the book supply of the population observed throughout the period of the Ukraine's independence is unacceptable. A fact raising concern is that reading ranks fifth as a way of recreation in the Ukrainian society. It is demonstrated that the assumption about minor significance of a printed book in the digital era is fallacious and ungrounded. Transformations in science and technology, politics or economy have been persisting in Ukraine, but its people remain to be book readers. A book may change the format or production methods and materials, but a book is an integral attribute of the humanity. The events in Ukraine, both positive and negative, had strong impact on the development and change of socioeconomic paradigms, which had implications for the book publishing industry. The development of any industry cannot be considered in isolation, by taking its dynamics off the context of socio-political processes and phenomena. It is shown that in the present-day conditions, when the living standards of the population are largely dependent on the salary rate or the household income, the need to purchase books had lower priority than meeting vital necessities of daily life. The importance of a further in-depth study of the external factors with impact on the industry development is stressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data Support for Project Management in the Conditions of War: The Experience of Ukraine

International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, Jun 3, 2023

The article contains a review of the unique Ukrainian experience of launched and implemented proj... more The article contains a review of the unique Ukrainian experience of launched and implemented projects in the conditions of a global risk, i. e. the war. It is highlighted that the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the Ukrainian territory caused global threats and risks for public and business organizations and the Ukrainian society as a whole. The emphasis is made on top innovative projects of Ukraine launched and implemented (or being rapidly developed) due to the intensive use of digitalized processes. The authors presented a review of global reforms in the areas of strategic importance for Ukraine: development of road infrastructures in Ukraine, modernization of heath protection sector, reduction of Ukraine's dependence on energy imports (especially on Russia), development of digitalized processes, improvement of the education quality and bringing the domestic education system in conformity with European standards. These reforms involved the development of megaprojects that could be successfully implemented several years before the beginning of the war and continue to be extensively used in daily activities of Ukrainian citizens. The issue of big data implementation as a useful ground for the successful accomplishment of projects in the conditions of war and the future postwar period is elaborated on.

Research paper thumbnail of Organization of Big Data in The Structure of The Digitalization Ecosystem of a Globalized Society

Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnoï akademìï statistiki, oblìku ta auditu, Dec 22, 2020

The notions of "globalization" and "digitalization" are discussed. The main tendencies of globali... more The notions of "globalization" and "digitalization" are discussed. The main tendencies of globalization processes, their positive and negative implications for the society are determined. The modules of digitalized ecosystems are described. It is determined that the data sets that currently exist are the engine of innovation and are new alternative sources of statistics for offi cial statistics. An approach to organization of big data is elaborated for demonstrating the data hierarchy. In spite of all the risks globalization opens up new opportunities and eliminate the borders fi rst and foremost for education, R&D, medical services, and manufacturing. Developing in the conditions laid by globalization, countries need to consolidate the effort, because global problems imply global approaches to their solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Big Data by Ukrainian official statistics when martial law applies: problems and solutions

Statistics in Transition new series

The article is focused on issues of the secure operation of official statistics in Ukraine during... more The article is focused on issues of the secure operation of official statistics in Ukraine during the application of martial law. It was found that the gaps in conventional sources of statistical data caused by the war needed to be filled with data from alternative sources, including Big Data. The level of digitalisation in Ukraine as the basis for using Big Data was analysed by the proposed indices of internetisation, social progress and digital transformation. Thanks to our research, several problems (methodological, legal, financial, and managerial) were identified as vital for statistical offices on their way to the implementation of Big Data in statistical processes. Our proposals concern tools for Big Data processing, such as Data Hypercube as a way for presenting Big Data for their visualisation, applications of Web scraping in estimating the consumer prices index, analyses of labour and real estate markets, and the applications of specialised software for the collection, pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Using Marketing Tools for Program and Project Management in the Project Management System

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences"


Research paper thumbnail of Export and Import Capacities of Book Trade in the U.S. And Great Britain: A Comparative Analysis


Research paper thumbnail of Book Publishing in the Context of Digital Economy: A Statistical Analysis

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, 2018

In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and bo... more In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and book publishing needs to be a competitive industry in the market. Therefore, the statistical analysis of world book publishing is necessary to determine the landmark movement for domestic publishers supposed to find a solid niche in the digital economy. Book publishing is an economic activity which effectiveness is measured by not only publication figures but by the level of education and consciousness of the nation, demonstrating its intellectual capacity to the whole world. The article gives an example of a successful online Amazon business. The state of popularity of the e-book in France, Korea, and China is investigated. A statistical analysis of book publishing of Ukraine is presented. The dynamics of the increase of Internet subscribers in the territory of Ukraine was observed. The dynamics of the main indicators presented in the tables is simulated. The simulation results showed tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data of Source of Statistical Information: On the Example of the Book Publishing Industry

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, 2019

The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order... more The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order to determine the potentials for their practical applications at industry level, with emphasis on book publishing. The main components of big data are highlighted, which form the reference model for big data management. An all-purpose model for big data processing is constructed by use of the analyzed information sources. A brief review of Hadoop big data analysis program is carried out. Applications of big data to improve business processes are analyzed with reference to renowned international companies, Internet platforms engaged in electronic commerce, and social networks. A brief review of Ukrainian cases of successful electronic commerce is made. As regards big data applications in book publishing, reference is made to the practices of Jellybooks company. The algorithm of big data collection by use of electronic book is constructed and illustrated. It is concluded that any industry ...

Research paper thumbnail of Library of the University as an Integral Part in Shaping the Future Elite of the Nation

Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту (м. Київ), бібліотека БІБЛІОТЕКА ВИЩОГО НАВЧАЛЬ... more Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту (м. Київ), бібліотека БІБЛІОТЕКА ВИЩОГО НАВЧАЛЬНОГО ЗАКЛАДУ ЯК НЕВІД'ЄМНА СКЛАДОВА У ФОРМУВАННІ МАЙБУТНЬОЇ ЕЛІТИ НАЦІЇ Розглядається роль і значення бібліотеки вищого навчального закладу як інформаційного центру у формуванні нової еліти нації. Визначено основні завдання бібліотеки внз у популяризації головних засад під час формування морально-етичного та духовно збагаченого користувача. Ключові слова: бібліотека вищого навчального закладу, виховання, інформаційний центр, користувач, бібліотека Національної академії статистики, обліку та аудиту. Здавна бібліотеки вважалися священними джерелами знань, тому недарма перші бібліотеки України знаходилися саме при монастирях та церквах (варто згадати бібліотеки Софійського собору, Києво-Печерської лаври), а уже пізніше почали створюватись при вищих навчальних закладах (ВНЗ)-Києво-Могилянській академії, Львівському, Харківському, Київському університетах, адже саме у вишах «народжуються» видатні особистості, в стінах навчального закладу вони «виростають» та самостверджуються. Формування особистості розпочинається ще в глибокому дитинстві, а тому до лав вищих навчальних закладів вступають уже сформовані індивідуальності, які готові відстоювати власну думку та мають особливий, хоч ще, порівняно, юний, але уже сформований світогляд. Тому першорядною задачею вузу та бібліотеки є максимальне розширення та активізування загальної бази знань студента, а також удосконалення його, насамперед, як особистості, а уже потім як висококваліфікованого, всебічно розвинутого фахівця, адже отримана якісна освіта однієї людини є запорукою майбутнього для усієї країни. З часів відкриття перших бібліотек при університетах пройшло багато часу, але й досі бібліотека-це інформаційний, освітній, культурний осередок, що є незмінним двигуном у процесі навчання кожного студента, незважаючи на вільний доступ до електронних ресурсів. Україна зараз знаходиться у стані глибокого реформування різних сфер діяльності, зокрема, освіти, але одне залишається незмінним: вищий навчальний заклад повинен БІБЛІОТЕКА УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ НА НОВОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОМУНІКАЦІЙ Матеріали ІІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Дніпро, НТБ ДНУЗТ, 1-2 грудня 2016 р. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2. Соловяненко, Д. Академічні бібліотеки у новому соціотехнічному вимірі: Частина четверта. Сучасний рівень дискурсу академічного бібліотекознавства та поступ е-науки / Денис Соловяненко // Бібліотечний вісник.-2011.-№ 1.-С. 8-24. 3. Ярошенко, Т. Наукові комунікації ХХІ століття: електронні ресурси для науки та освіти України / Т. Ярошенко // Бібліотечний вісник.-2006.-№ 5.-С. 17-22. Горобец Е. А. Национальная академия статистики, учета и аудита (г. Киев), библиотека БИБЛИОТЕКА ВЫСШЕГО УЧЕБНОГО ЗАВЕДЕНИЯ КАК НЕОТЪЕМЛЕМАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ БУДУЩЕЙ ЭЛИТЫ НАЦИИ Рассматривается роль и значение библиотеки высшего учебного заведения как информационного центра в формировании новой элиты нации. Определены основные задачи библиотеки вуза в популяризации главных принципов при формировании моральноэтического и духовно обогащенного пользователя. Ключевые слова: библиотека вуза, воспитание, информационный центр, пользователь, библиотека Национальной академии статистики, учета и аудита. Horobets O. O.

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Sources of Information to Support a Set of Statistical Indicators of the Book Publishing

International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy

Issues of supporting the book publishing as an economic activity by a set of statistical indicato... more Issues of supporting the book publishing as an economic activity by a set of statistical indicators are investigated. It is found out that the existing set of statistical indicators does not meet the needs of researchers and practitioners, which is the case of not only Ukraine, but the global book publishing area. The case of the Ukrainian book publishing is taken for analysis to identify core problems faced by this industry. It is emphasized that a comprehensive study of the book publishing industry and presentation of the statistical information with high level of quality and aggregation requires the involvement of new alternative sources of data, of which big data should be highlighted. The component of scientific novelty is that an updated system of statistical indicators is proposed for the first time, with eight modules of sources of statistical information as alternative ones: questionnaires, electronic books, digital libraries, websites of publishers and bookstores, electron...

Research paper thumbnail of Research Data as a Result of Research Activities: the Role and Significance for the Official Statistics

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Research paper thumbnail of Digital economy: new challenges for the book publishing industry

Бізнес-аналітика в управлінні зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю: Матеріали VI Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції,, 2019

Вивчаючи емпіричні дослідження зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців щодо сучасного розвитку суспіл... more Вивчаючи емпіричні дослідження зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців щодо сучасного розвитку суспільства варто акцентувати увагу на тому, що ніхто з них не може спрогнозувати подальші події суспільного розвитку. Цифровізація поглинула усі, без виключення, сфери суспільно-економічної діяльності. Те, що здавалося фантасмагорією ще десять-двадцять років тому, зараз є нашою реальністю: штучний інтелект, роботи, дрони, нейромережі, безпілотні авто, квантові комп'ютери, 3D-друк з металів та ін. Однак, цифровізація почала зароджуватися саме тоді, коли пересічна людина вважала усе вищезазначене нереальним, а саме з 1990 р.[1, с. 12]. З того часу інформація почала розгалужувати свою інфраструктуру. У своїй книзі «Друга епоха машин: робота, прогрес та процвітання в період неймовірних технологій» Е. Бріньольфссон та Е. Макафі описують дослідження за допомогою якого було визначено, яка подія змінила людське життя та його розвиток. Було побудовано два графіка-зростання чисельності населення та соціальний розвиток. За своєю будовою ці графіки ідентичні. На першому, після тривалого (тисячолітнього) поступового розвитку пряма графіка «зламалася» на дев'яносто градусів, після чого відбулося стрімке зростання, на іншому графіку стрімке зростання відбулося в той самий період. Справа в тому, що «злам» відбувся наприкінці XVIII ст., тоді коли почалася промислова революція (а саме з винаходу парового двигуна та його удосконалення). Цей та й інші винаходи призвели як до стрімкого соціального розвитку так і до збільшення росту населення [2]. Те ж саме можна стверджувати сьогодні про інформаційні технології та цифровізацію суспільства які призводять до колосального збільшення потоку інформації. За попередніми розрахунками у 2020 р. кількість інформації зросте до 44 трильйонів гігабайт [3]. У 2017 р. країнами-лідерами у сфері цифрової економіки, за розрахунком Індексу цифрової економіки та суспільства Європейської комісії (DESI), стали Данія, Швеція, Фінляндія та Нідерланди (рис. 1) [4]. Проникнення Інтернету у відношенні до кількості населення у цих країн варіюється від 92% до 96% [5].

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data of Source of Statistical Information: On the Example of the Book Publishing Industry

The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order... more The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order to determine the potentials for their practical applications at industry level, with emphasis on book publishing. The main components of big data are highlighted, which form
the reference model for big data management. An all-purpose model for big data processing is constructed by use of the analyzed information sources. A brief review of Hadoop big data analysis program is carried out. Applications of big data to improve business processes are analyzed with reference to renowned international companies, Internet platforms engaged in electronic commerce, and social networks. A brief review of Ukrainian cases of successful electronic commerce is made. As regards big data applications in book publishing, reference
is made to the practices of Jellybooks company. The algorithm of big data collection by use of electronic book is constructed and illustrated. It is concluded that any industry is capable to adapt the successful practices of electronic commerce leaders after leaning them. As far as book publishing is concerned, a well-organized system for on-line data collection will open up opportunities for quick production of statistical information, extension of the range of statistical data, monitoring of the current book publishing performance and prediction of its future developments.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Publishing in the Context of Digital Economy: A Statistical Analysis

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, (4), 28-37. , 2018

In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and bo... more In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and book publishing needs to be a competitive industry in the market. Therefore, the statistical analysis of world book publishing is necessary to determine the landmark movement for domestic publishers supposed to find a solid niche in the digital economy.

Book publishing is an economic activity which effectiveness is measured by not only publication figures but by the level of education and consciousness of the nation, demonstrating its intellectual capacity to the whole world.

The article gives an example of a successful online Amazon business. The state of popularity of the e-book in France, Korea, and China is investigated. A statistical analysis of book publishing of Ukraine is presented. The dynamics of the increase of Internet subscribers in the territory of Ukraine was observed. The dynamics of the main indicators presented in the tables is simulated. The simulation results showed that the time dependence of the number of published books and brochures, as well as the total circulation of publications, is best described by the polynomial of the fourth degree, Internet subscribers – the polynomial of the third degree. Summarizing the analysis, it was concluded that the years 2014 and 2015, when indicators and number of publications and circulation have rapidly decreased, are critical for book printing, as well as for almost all spheres of life of Ukraine, the first – from 26323 thousand units. in 2013 to 19958 thousand units. in 2015, the circulation during this time decreased by almost one and a half times. Taking into account the number of the population of Ukraine as of 2017 (44.03 million people), the indicators of the book publishing industry can be argued that the index of bookkeeping of Ukraine by 2017 was 1.02 books per person.

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing in Ukraine and in the World

Statistics of Ukraine, 2018

The level of education of the adult population is an indicator of the development of the human po... more The level of education of the adult population is an indicator of the development of the human potential of the state, in which reading serves as an invisible mechanism for multiplication of knowledge, expansion of the worldview, improvement of intellectual indicators. The successful development of the book business shows, first of all, the interest of the state in supporting the education of the nation. With the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, Internet technologies have become the undisputed leader in the field of leisure. XXI century is a period of internetization, which led to a decrease in the readability of print products among the population, and, consequently, to reduce its release both in units and in duplication. The problem is that books as intellectual agents gave way to television shows and computer games that do not carry any mental load on them. Taking into account the above, carrying out of statistical monitoring of book publishing is a necessary measure for the clarification of its current state, the formation of balance sheets in book markets and development in accordance with the requirements of time.
The world's leading publishers set their own trends in the distribution of a book product, but there are a number of factors that have a direct impact on the state of sales, both in Ukraine and in the world, because if at least one of them is not active or does not meet the declared standards – book publishing is doomed to inhibition.
The main problems of book publishing in Ukraine include: Lack of clear statistical information; Lack of financial resources; Passive regulatory framework of the industry.
Currently, there are only two networks of bookstores in Ukraine: Letter, owned by the powerful Russian publishing house “Eksmo”, and “E”. As of December 1, 2017, the literary centres of Ukraine on the issue of editions are: Kyiv – 5782 printed units; Kharkiv region – 4218 printed units; Lviv region – 1318 printed units.

Research paper thumbnail of The Statistical Analysis of Tendencies and Regularities of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Book Products

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing in Ukraine and in the World

Statistika Ukraïni, Oct 18, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing Industry in Ukraine: 1917–2017

Statistika Ukraïni, Aug 22, 2019

A broad statistical analysis of the book publishing industry over 1917-2017 is performed, with fo... more A broad statistical analysis of the book publishing industry over 1917-2017 is performed, with focus on the dynamics of industry indicators in 1991-2017. It is shown that throughout this period the average annual growth in the number of books and brochures produced by the book publishing industry made 620 units, or 5.13%. But the circulation had overall negative dynamics: its average annual decline made 3310 thousand, or 3.9%. The largest absolute decline in the circulation is recorded in 1993, 1999, and 2015. It is revealed that the per capita output in the industry was 1.5 books in 2013, 0.8 in 2015, and 1.1 in 2017. It is stressed that because books constitute a culture component and contribute in the moral enrichment of the society and book reading enhance the education level of a nation, the book supply of the population observed throughout the period of the Ukraine's independence is unacceptable. A fact raising concern is that reading ranks fifth as a way of recreation in the Ukrainian society. It is demonstrated that the assumption about minor significance of a printed book in the digital era is fallacious and ungrounded. Transformations in science and technology, politics or economy have been persisting in Ukraine, but its people remain to be book readers. A book may change the format or production methods and materials, but a book is an integral attribute of the humanity. The events in Ukraine, both positive and negative, had strong impact on the development and change of socioeconomic paradigms, which had implications for the book publishing industry. The development of any industry cannot be considered in isolation, by taking its dynamics off the context of socio-political processes and phenomena. It is shown that in the present-day conditions, when the living standards of the population are largely dependent on the salary rate or the household income, the need to purchase books had lower priority than meeting vital necessities of daily life. The importance of a further in-depth study of the external factors with impact on the industry development is stressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data Support for Project Management in the Conditions of War: The Experience of Ukraine

International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, Jun 3, 2023

The article contains a review of the unique Ukrainian experience of launched and implemented proj... more The article contains a review of the unique Ukrainian experience of launched and implemented projects in the conditions of a global risk, i. e. the war. It is highlighted that the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the Ukrainian territory caused global threats and risks for public and business organizations and the Ukrainian society as a whole. The emphasis is made on top innovative projects of Ukraine launched and implemented (or being rapidly developed) due to the intensive use of digitalized processes. The authors presented a review of global reforms in the areas of strategic importance for Ukraine: development of road infrastructures in Ukraine, modernization of heath protection sector, reduction of Ukraine's dependence on energy imports (especially on Russia), development of digitalized processes, improvement of the education quality and bringing the domestic education system in conformity with European standards. These reforms involved the development of megaprojects that could be successfully implemented several years before the beginning of the war and continue to be extensively used in daily activities of Ukrainian citizens. The issue of big data implementation as a useful ground for the successful accomplishment of projects in the conditions of war and the future postwar period is elaborated on.

Research paper thumbnail of Organization of Big Data in The Structure of The Digitalization Ecosystem of a Globalized Society

Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnoï akademìï statistiki, oblìku ta auditu, Dec 22, 2020

The notions of "globalization" and "digitalization" are discussed. The main tendencies of globali... more The notions of "globalization" and "digitalization" are discussed. The main tendencies of globalization processes, their positive and negative implications for the society are determined. The modules of digitalized ecosystems are described. It is determined that the data sets that currently exist are the engine of innovation and are new alternative sources of statistics for offi cial statistics. An approach to organization of big data is elaborated for demonstrating the data hierarchy. In spite of all the risks globalization opens up new opportunities and eliminate the borders fi rst and foremost for education, R&D, medical services, and manufacturing. Developing in the conditions laid by globalization, countries need to consolidate the effort, because global problems imply global approaches to their solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Using Big Data by Ukrainian official statistics when martial law applies: problems and solutions

Statistics in Transition new series

The article is focused on issues of the secure operation of official statistics in Ukraine during... more The article is focused on issues of the secure operation of official statistics in Ukraine during the application of martial law. It was found that the gaps in conventional sources of statistical data caused by the war needed to be filled with data from alternative sources, including Big Data. The level of digitalisation in Ukraine as the basis for using Big Data was analysed by the proposed indices of internetisation, social progress and digital transformation. Thanks to our research, several problems (methodological, legal, financial, and managerial) were identified as vital for statistical offices on their way to the implementation of Big Data in statistical processes. Our proposals concern tools for Big Data processing, such as Data Hypercube as a way for presenting Big Data for their visualisation, applications of Web scraping in estimating the consumer prices index, analyses of labour and real estate markets, and the applications of specialised software for the collection, pro...

Research paper thumbnail of Using Marketing Tools for Program and Project Management in the Project Management System

International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences"


Research paper thumbnail of Export and Import Capacities of Book Trade in the U.S. And Great Britain: A Comparative Analysis


Research paper thumbnail of Book Publishing in the Context of Digital Economy: A Statistical Analysis

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, 2018

In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and bo... more In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and book publishing needs to be a competitive industry in the market. Therefore, the statistical analysis of world book publishing is necessary to determine the landmark movement for domestic publishers supposed to find a solid niche in the digital economy. Book publishing is an economic activity which effectiveness is measured by not only publication figures but by the level of education and consciousness of the nation, demonstrating its intellectual capacity to the whole world. The article gives an example of a successful online Amazon business. The state of popularity of the e-book in France, Korea, and China is investigated. A statistical analysis of book publishing of Ukraine is presented. The dynamics of the increase of Internet subscribers in the territory of Ukraine was observed. The dynamics of the main indicators presented in the tables is simulated. The simulation results showed tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data of Source of Statistical Information: On the Example of the Book Publishing Industry

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, 2019

The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order... more The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order to determine the potentials for their practical applications at industry level, with emphasis on book publishing. The main components of big data are highlighted, which form the reference model for big data management. An all-purpose model for big data processing is constructed by use of the analyzed information sources. A brief review of Hadoop big data analysis program is carried out. Applications of big data to improve business processes are analyzed with reference to renowned international companies, Internet platforms engaged in electronic commerce, and social networks. A brief review of Ukrainian cases of successful electronic commerce is made. As regards big data applications in book publishing, reference is made to the practices of Jellybooks company. The algorithm of big data collection by use of electronic book is constructed and illustrated. It is concluded that any industry ...

Research paper thumbnail of Library of the University as an Integral Part in Shaping the Future Elite of the Nation

Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту (м. Київ), бібліотека БІБЛІОТЕКА ВИЩОГО НАВЧАЛЬ... more Національна академія статистики, обліку та аудиту (м. Київ), бібліотека БІБЛІОТЕКА ВИЩОГО НАВЧАЛЬНОГО ЗАКЛАДУ ЯК НЕВІД'ЄМНА СКЛАДОВА У ФОРМУВАННІ МАЙБУТНЬОЇ ЕЛІТИ НАЦІЇ Розглядається роль і значення бібліотеки вищого навчального закладу як інформаційного центру у формуванні нової еліти нації. Визначено основні завдання бібліотеки внз у популяризації головних засад під час формування морально-етичного та духовно збагаченого користувача. Ключові слова: бібліотека вищого навчального закладу, виховання, інформаційний центр, користувач, бібліотека Національної академії статистики, обліку та аудиту. Здавна бібліотеки вважалися священними джерелами знань, тому недарма перші бібліотеки України знаходилися саме при монастирях та церквах (варто згадати бібліотеки Софійського собору, Києво-Печерської лаври), а уже пізніше почали створюватись при вищих навчальних закладах (ВНЗ)-Києво-Могилянській академії, Львівському, Харківському, Київському університетах, адже саме у вишах «народжуються» видатні особистості, в стінах навчального закладу вони «виростають» та самостверджуються. Формування особистості розпочинається ще в глибокому дитинстві, а тому до лав вищих навчальних закладів вступають уже сформовані індивідуальності, які готові відстоювати власну думку та мають особливий, хоч ще, порівняно, юний, але уже сформований світогляд. Тому першорядною задачею вузу та бібліотеки є максимальне розширення та активізування загальної бази знань студента, а також удосконалення його, насамперед, як особистості, а уже потім як висококваліфікованого, всебічно розвинутого фахівця, адже отримана якісна освіта однієї людини є запорукою майбутнього для усієї країни. З часів відкриття перших бібліотек при університетах пройшло багато часу, але й досі бібліотека-це інформаційний, освітній, культурний осередок, що є незмінним двигуном у процесі навчання кожного студента, незважаючи на вільний доступ до електронних ресурсів. Україна зараз знаходиться у стані глибокого реформування різних сфер діяльності, зокрема, освіти, але одне залишається незмінним: вищий навчальний заклад повинен БІБЛІОТЕКА УНІВЕРСИТЕТУ НА НОВОМУ ЕТАПІ РОЗВИТКУ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ КОМУНІКАЦІЙ Матеріали ІІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, м. Дніпро, НТБ ДНУЗТ, 1-2 грудня 2016 р. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2. Соловяненко, Д. Академічні бібліотеки у новому соціотехнічному вимірі: Частина четверта. Сучасний рівень дискурсу академічного бібліотекознавства та поступ е-науки / Денис Соловяненко // Бібліотечний вісник.-2011.-№ 1.-С. 8-24. 3. Ярошенко, Т. Наукові комунікації ХХІ століття: електронні ресурси для науки та освіти України / Т. Ярошенко // Бібліотечний вісник.-2006.-№ 5.-С. 17-22. Горобец Е. А. Национальная академия статистики, учета и аудита (г. Киев), библиотека БИБЛИОТЕКА ВЫСШЕГО УЧЕБНОГО ЗАВЕДЕНИЯ КАК НЕОТЪЕМЛЕМАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ БУДУЩЕЙ ЭЛИТЫ НАЦИИ Рассматривается роль и значение библиотеки высшего учебного заведения как информационного центра в формировании новой элиты нации. Определены основные задачи библиотеки вуза в популяризации главных принципов при формировании моральноэтического и духовно обогащенного пользователя. Ключевые слова: библиотека вуза, воспитание, информационный центр, пользователь, библиотека Национальной академии статистики, учета и аудита. Horobets O. O.

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Sources of Information to Support a Set of Statistical Indicators of the Book Publishing

International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy

Issues of supporting the book publishing as an economic activity by a set of statistical indicato... more Issues of supporting the book publishing as an economic activity by a set of statistical indicators are investigated. It is found out that the existing set of statistical indicators does not meet the needs of researchers and practitioners, which is the case of not only Ukraine, but the global book publishing area. The case of the Ukrainian book publishing is taken for analysis to identify core problems faced by this industry. It is emphasized that a comprehensive study of the book publishing industry and presentation of the statistical information with high level of quality and aggregation requires the involvement of new alternative sources of data, of which big data should be highlighted. The component of scientific novelty is that an updated system of statistical indicators is proposed for the first time, with eight modules of sources of statistical information as alternative ones: questionnaires, electronic books, digital libraries, websites of publishers and bookstores, electron...

Research paper thumbnail of Research Data as a Result of Research Activities: the Role and Significance for the Official Statistics

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

Research paper thumbnail of Digital economy: new challenges for the book publishing industry

Бізнес-аналітика в управлінні зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю: Матеріали VI Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції,, 2019

Вивчаючи емпіричні дослідження зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців щодо сучасного розвитку суспіл... more Вивчаючи емпіричні дослідження зарубіжних та вітчизняних науковців щодо сучасного розвитку суспільства варто акцентувати увагу на тому, що ніхто з них не може спрогнозувати подальші події суспільного розвитку. Цифровізація поглинула усі, без виключення, сфери суспільно-економічної діяльності. Те, що здавалося фантасмагорією ще десять-двадцять років тому, зараз є нашою реальністю: штучний інтелект, роботи, дрони, нейромережі, безпілотні авто, квантові комп'ютери, 3D-друк з металів та ін. Однак, цифровізація почала зароджуватися саме тоді, коли пересічна людина вважала усе вищезазначене нереальним, а саме з 1990 р.[1, с. 12]. З того часу інформація почала розгалужувати свою інфраструктуру. У своїй книзі «Друга епоха машин: робота, прогрес та процвітання в період неймовірних технологій» Е. Бріньольфссон та Е. Макафі описують дослідження за допомогою якого було визначено, яка подія змінила людське життя та його розвиток. Було побудовано два графіка-зростання чисельності населення та соціальний розвиток. За своєю будовою ці графіки ідентичні. На першому, після тривалого (тисячолітнього) поступового розвитку пряма графіка «зламалася» на дев'яносто градусів, після чого відбулося стрімке зростання, на іншому графіку стрімке зростання відбулося в той самий період. Справа в тому, що «злам» відбувся наприкінці XVIII ст., тоді коли почалася промислова революція (а саме з винаходу парового двигуна та його удосконалення). Цей та й інші винаходи призвели як до стрімкого соціального розвитку так і до збільшення росту населення [2]. Те ж саме можна стверджувати сьогодні про інформаційні технології та цифровізацію суспільства які призводять до колосального збільшення потоку інформації. За попередніми розрахунками у 2020 р. кількість інформації зросте до 44 трильйонів гігабайт [3]. У 2017 р. країнами-лідерами у сфері цифрової економіки, за розрахунком Індексу цифрової економіки та суспільства Європейської комісії (DESI), стали Данія, Швеція, Фінляндія та Нідерланди (рис. 1) [4]. Проникнення Інтернету у відношенні до кількості населення у цих країн варіюється від 92% до 96% [5].

Research paper thumbnail of Big Data of Source of Statistical Information: On the Example of the Book Publishing Industry

The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order... more The article’s objective is to review domestic and foreign sources related with big data, in order to determine the potentials for their practical applications at industry level, with emphasis on book publishing. The main components of big data are highlighted, which form
the reference model for big data management. An all-purpose model for big data processing is constructed by use of the analyzed information sources. A brief review of Hadoop big data analysis program is carried out. Applications of big data to improve business processes are analyzed with reference to renowned international companies, Internet platforms engaged in electronic commerce, and social networks. A brief review of Ukrainian cases of successful electronic commerce is made. As regards big data applications in book publishing, reference
is made to the practices of Jellybooks company. The algorithm of big data collection by use of electronic book is constructed and illustrated. It is concluded that any industry is capable to adapt the successful practices of electronic commerce leaders after leaning them. As far as book publishing is concerned, a well-organized system for on-line data collection will open up opportunities for quick production of statistical information, extension of the range of statistical data, monitoring of the current book publishing performance and prediction of its future developments.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Publishing in the Context of Digital Economy: A Statistical Analysis

Scientific Bulletin of the National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, (4), 28-37. , 2018

In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and bo... more In the era of the digital economy, books should continue to be relevant to modern society, and book publishing needs to be a competitive industry in the market. Therefore, the statistical analysis of world book publishing is necessary to determine the landmark movement for domestic publishers supposed to find a solid niche in the digital economy.

Book publishing is an economic activity which effectiveness is measured by not only publication figures but by the level of education and consciousness of the nation, demonstrating its intellectual capacity to the whole world.

The article gives an example of a successful online Amazon business. The state of popularity of the e-book in France, Korea, and China is investigated. A statistical analysis of book publishing of Ukraine is presented. The dynamics of the increase of Internet subscribers in the territory of Ukraine was observed. The dynamics of the main indicators presented in the tables is simulated. The simulation results showed that the time dependence of the number of published books and brochures, as well as the total circulation of publications, is best described by the polynomial of the fourth degree, Internet subscribers – the polynomial of the third degree. Summarizing the analysis, it was concluded that the years 2014 and 2015, when indicators and number of publications and circulation have rapidly decreased, are critical for book printing, as well as for almost all spheres of life of Ukraine, the first – from 26323 thousand units. in 2013 to 19958 thousand units. in 2015, the circulation during this time decreased by almost one and a half times. Taking into account the number of the population of Ukraine as of 2017 (44.03 million people), the indicators of the book publishing industry can be argued that the index of bookkeeping of Ukraine by 2017 was 1.02 books per person.

Research paper thumbnail of Statistical Analysis of Book Publishing in Ukraine and in the World

Statistics of Ukraine, 2018

The level of education of the adult population is an indicator of the development of the human po... more The level of education of the adult population is an indicator of the development of the human potential of the state, in which reading serves as an invisible mechanism for multiplication of knowledge, expansion of the worldview, improvement of intellectual indicators. The successful development of the book business shows, first of all, the interest of the state in supporting the education of the nation. With the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, Internet technologies have become the undisputed leader in the field of leisure. XXI century is a period of internetization, which led to a decrease in the readability of print products among the population, and, consequently, to reduce its release both in units and in duplication. The problem is that books as intellectual agents gave way to television shows and computer games that do not carry any mental load on them. Taking into account the above, carrying out of statistical monitoring of book publishing is a necessary measure for the clarification of its current state, the formation of balance sheets in book markets and development in accordance with the requirements of time.
The world's leading publishers set their own trends in the distribution of a book product, but there are a number of factors that have a direct impact on the state of sales, both in Ukraine and in the world, because if at least one of them is not active or does not meet the declared standards – book publishing is doomed to inhibition.
The main problems of book publishing in Ukraine include: Lack of clear statistical information; Lack of financial resources; Passive regulatory framework of the industry.
Currently, there are only two networks of bookstores in Ukraine: Letter, owned by the powerful Russian publishing house “Eksmo”, and “E”. As of December 1, 2017, the literary centres of Ukraine on the issue of editions are: Kyiv – 5782 printed units; Kharkiv region – 4218 printed units; Lviv region – 1318 printed units.