neolouphis - Profile (original) (raw)

on 8 June 2007 (#13120951)

Philosophy Community for Neolouphis

Select Members , Moderated

This community is dedicated to promote Philosophy.

While participating in our community, please observe the following rules.

Violating the Following Rules Will Get You Banned Without Warning:

No trolling. Do not write posts or responses with the intent of disrupting rational discussion.

Do not sexually harass other users or attack a user for his/her race or sexual orientation.

Posts must be about philosophy. Examples of philosophically-relevant topics are ones involving:

aesthetics (art, music, beauty, etc.)
epistemology (reason, faith, logic, intuition, relativism, etc.)
ethics (right and wrong, virtues, etc.)
logic (syllogisms, predicate logic, logical fallacies, etc.)
metaphysics (god, time, existence, being, etc.)
political philosophy (fundamentals of state, law, rights, liberty, government, authority, etc.)
semantics (meaning, language, numbers, etc.)

Put long posts behind a cut.

No comments disabled posts. Make all posts public.

Trading insults is acceptable; flaming is not. A flame is any post or response sent with the intent of personally attacking the other person. Acceptable: “Your argument is stupid.” Unacceptable: “You are stupid.” Not all situations are this clear-cut, but whether or not something counts as a flame is left up to moderator discretion. If you feel you have been flamed, contact a moderator immediately.

If you have a problem with how another person is treating you, contact a moderator immediately. Do not retaliate in like manner. Do not write a new post about the person or the person's behavior. Do not write posts complaining that your posts have been deleted. Do not generate drama. Etc.

Application of these rules and punishment for violation of them are solely matters of moderator discretion. These rules ought to serve as a rough outline of how one should behave in this community. These rules are not a substitute for using common sense. The moderators reserve the right to decide if a certain behavior not covered by the rules is deleterious to the community and therefore worthy of punitive action. The moderators reserve the right to amend and expand these rules as needed.

As patterned from

agnosticism, analytic philosophy, ancient philosophy, aquinas, atheism, brandy, camus, classics, coffee, cognac, contemporary philosophy, deism, dostoevsky, epistemology, gin, hegel, hiphop, jazz, kafka, kant, linguistics, literature, medieval philosophy, metal, metaphysics, modern philosophy, philosophy of mind, plato, postmodernism, r&b, religion, rock, semiotics, theism