Mabel Lie | Newcastle University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mabel Lie

Research paper thumbnail of Preventing Type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes: women's experiences and implications for diabetes prevention interventions

Diabetic Medicine, 2013

To explore factors influencing post-natal health behaviours following the experience of gestation... more To explore factors influencing post-natal health behaviours following the experience of gestational diabetes, and to elicit women's views about the feasibility of lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes during the first 2 years after childbirth. Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with women who had gestational diabetes. In phase 1 (31 women), interviews explored the experience of gestational diabetes, ideas about future risk of diabetes and factors influencing post-natal health-related behaviours. Statements were developed summarizing women's views of lifestyle change to prevent diabetes. In phase 2 (14 women), interviews explored how the passage of time had contributed to changes in health behaviour, and the statements were used to develop views about diabetes interventions. Women were aware of their risk of developing diabetes, but did not always act on such knowledge. Pregnancy motivated behaviour changes to benefit the unborn child, but after delivery these changes were often not maintained. Tiredness, maternal attachment and childcare demands were prominent barriers in the early post-natal months. Later, work, family and child development became more significant barriers. Many women became more receptive to healthy eating messages around the time of weaning. Women were positive about long-term support for self-management to reduce their diabetes risk. There is potential to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes post-natally among women with gestational diabetes. Interventions need to be developed that take into account contextual factors and competing demands, are flexible and respond to women's individual circumstances. Randomized trials of such interventions are warranted.

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Research paper thumbnail of The construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti

Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2000

This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to ex... more This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to examine difficulties in the creation of spoken language corpora in which features such as code switching (simply described here as the process of switching from one language to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomised preference trial of medical versus surgical termination of pregnancy less than 14 weeks' gestation (TOPS)

Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 2009

To determine the acceptability, efficacy and costs of medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) com... more To determine the acceptability, efficacy and costs of medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) compared with surgical termination of pregnancy (STOP) at less than 14 weeks' gestation, and to understand women's decision-making processes and experiences when accessing the termination service. A partially randomised preference trial and economic evaluation with follow-up at 2 weeks and 3 months. The Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Women accepted for termination of pregnancy (TOP) under the relevant Acts of Parliament with pregnancies < 14 weeks' gestation on the day of abortion. A further group of women attending contraception and sexual health clinics participated in a discrete choice experiment (DCE). STOP: all women > or = 6 weeks' and < 14 weeks' gestation were primed with misoprostol 400 micrograms 2 hours before the procedure. STOP was performed under general anaesthesia using vacuum aspiration. MTOP: all women < 14 weeks' ges...

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk communication in the hyperacute setting of stroke thrombolysis: an interview study of clinicians

Emergency Medicine Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Let the computer choose?’: the experience of participants in a randomised preference trial of medical versus surgical termination of pregnancy

Sociology of Health & Illness, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Health state descriptions to elicit stroke values: do they reflect patient experience of stroke?

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Research paper thumbnail of sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 - Supplemental material for Service user and staff acceptance of fetal ultrasound telemedicine

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 for Service user and staff acceptanc... more Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 for Service user and staff acceptance of fetal ultrasound telemedicine by Elaine Bidmead, Mabel Lie, Alison Marshall, Stephen Robson and Vikki J. Smith in Digital Health

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a corpus of spoken sylheti

This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to ex... more This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to examine difficulties in the creation of spoken language corpora in which features such as code switching (simply described here as the process of switching from one language to another during the course of an interaction; however, this description disguises a host of situations, which will be examined in the paper) are common. The paper also presents a transliteration scheme for Sylheti based around the Roman alphabet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards equal voices: childcare and children in Chinese and Bangladeshi households in Newcastle upon Tyne

... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my ... more ... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my research is the doctoral research contributed by Katy Gardner and SultanaKhanum looking specifically at the Bangladeshi ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of abortion: A narrative review of qualitative studies

BMC Health Services Research, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Across the Oceans: Childcare and Grandparenting in UK Chinese and Bangladeshi Households

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Citizenship, volunteering and active ageing

Many voluntary organisations depend greatly on the unpaid services of older volunteers, a signifi... more Many voluntary organisations depend greatly on the unpaid services of older volunteers, a significant number of whom are women. Using data from one such organisation in the North East of England, this article uncovers the failure to link debates on citizenship with those on work-life balance, and the impact this has on clarifying citizenship issues as they relate to older people. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, our study found that volunteering is an expression of citizenship for many older people providing networks of support for both volunteer and client. This strong commitment to society and fellow citizens among older people counter-balances individualistic and instrumental reasons for volunteering promoted by the state and market. Our findings suggest that government views of volunteering as a route to paid work, as a panacea for society and therefore needing to be more ‘work-like’, are discordant with the perspectives of older volunteers. Rather ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Volunteering, self-help and citizenship in later life

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Research paper thumbnail of Technologie et confiance

Du fait de l’evolution demographique et de l’augmentation du nombre de personnes âgees vivant seu... more Du fait de l’evolution demographique et de l’augmentation du nombre de personnes âgees vivant seules, la prise en charge des populations vieillissantes suscite des preoccupations. Les avancees technologiques sont de plus en plus considerees comme une solution. Pour les personnes qui ne se considerent pas suffisamment âgees ou fragiles pour necessiter des soins et qui souhaitent conserver leur statut d’individus autonomes, le developpement des technologies d’assistance telles que les systemes ambiants de telesurveillance constituent une reponse possible. Cela implique toutefois de prendre en compte avec precaution la facon dont les personnes âgees considerent leur securite et leur intimite, mais egalement leurs experiences et leurs relations avec la technologie, les aidants et les prestataires de services concernes. Deux tests d’un systeme de telesurveillance ont ete menes au Royaume-Uni, avec le financement du United Kingdom Technology Strategy Board (Agence britannique d’innovation...

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Issues in Qualitative Research with Minority Ethnic Research Participants

This article draws on qualitative research on the Chinese and Bangladeshi communities in Newcastl... more This article draws on qualitative research on the Chinese and Bangladeshi communities in Newcastle upon Tyne. In-depth household research that includes the participation of different family members for inter-generational perspectives is not only inclusive in its approach but also invaluable in policy research on minority ethnic groups. Household research can lead to analyses that are holistic and take into consideration intra-household power relations as well as contextual and structural factors such as the impact of racism. The inclusion of children as research participants is of particular importance in minority ethnic households that are undergoing shifting identities, and thus changes in their values and preferences. The research found that the participants’ country of origin, length of stay in the UK, whether they were born or brought up in the UK were important factors to consider, apart from the more conventional variables of age, sex, area of residence and employment status....

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Equal Voices: Childcare and Children in Chinese and Bangladeshi Households in Newcastle upon Tyne

... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my ... more ... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my research is the doctoral research contributed by Katy Gardner and SultanaKhanum looking specifically at the Bangladeshi ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Art, authenticity and citizenship for people living with dementia in a care home

This paper reports on a study which examined the notions of authenticity and citizenship for peop... more This paper reports on a study which examined the notions of authenticity and citizenship for people living with cognitive impairment or dementia in a care home in the North East of England. We demonstrated that both notions were present and were encouraged by engagement with an artist, where this involved audio and visual recordings and the creation of a film. The artist’s interactions were observed by a non-participant observer using ethnographic techniques, including interviews with the residents, their families and the staff of the care home. The data were analyzed using grounded theory and the constant comparative method of qualitative analysis. Our findings suggest that participatory art might help to maintain and encourage authenticity and citizenship in people living with dementia in a care home. Certainly, authenticity and citizenship are notions worth pursuing in the context of dementia generally, but especially in care homes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Health state descriptors for eliciting stroke values: Do they reflect the experience of patients who have had a stroke?

Background: To explore whether stroke health state descriptions used in preference elicitation st... more Background: To explore whether stroke health state descriptions used in preference elicitation studies reflect patients’experiences by comparing published descriptions with qualitative studies exploring patients’ lived experience. Methods: Two literature reviews were conducted: on stroke health state descriptions used in direct preference elicitation studies and the qualitative literature on patients’ stroke experience. Content and comparative thematic analysis was used to identify characteristics of stroke experience in both types of study which were further mapped onto health related quality of life (HRQOL) domains relevant to stroke. Two authors reviewed the coded text, categories and domains. Results: We included 35 studies: seven direct preference elicitation studies and 28 qualitative studies on patients’ experience. Fifteen coded categories were identified in the published health state descriptions and 29 in the qualitative studies. When mapped onto domains related to HRQOL, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Patients’ views of a fetal ultrasound telemedicine service: A mixed methods evaluation study

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate from the patient's perspective, a new fet... more Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate from the patient's perspective, a new fetal ultrasound telemedicine service to improve prenatal diagnosis and management at a rural district general hospital. Methods: Eligible patients requiring a specialist fetal medicine consultation were referred to a tertiary care centre for inclusion in the study. Women who underwent a telemedicine examination with a consultant guiding an ultra‐sonographer and providing specialist counselling via video‐conferencing link were approached to complete a structured questionnaire with the option of participating in a semi‐structured telephone interview. The questionnaire included a 5‐point scale to evaluate patient satisfaction with the consultation. The mixed methods analysis employed SPSS and Atlas.ti software packages. Results: Of the 80 consultations undertaken during the study, 38 new referrals having their first telemedicine consultation were approached; 31 returned survey questionnaires,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Older volunteers: capacities and constraints

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Research paper thumbnail of Preventing Type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes: women's experiences and implications for diabetes prevention interventions

Diabetic Medicine, 2013

To explore factors influencing post-natal health behaviours following the experience of gestation... more To explore factors influencing post-natal health behaviours following the experience of gestational diabetes, and to elicit women&#39;s views about the feasibility of lifestyle intervention to prevent diabetes during the first 2 years after childbirth. Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with women who had gestational diabetes. In phase 1 (31 women), interviews explored the experience of gestational diabetes, ideas about future risk of diabetes and factors influencing post-natal health-related behaviours. Statements were developed summarizing women&#39;s views of lifestyle change to prevent diabetes. In phase 2 (14 women), interviews explored how the passage of time had contributed to changes in health behaviour, and the statements were used to develop views about diabetes interventions. Women were aware of their risk of developing diabetes, but did not always act on such knowledge. Pregnancy motivated behaviour changes to benefit the unborn child, but after delivery these changes were often not maintained. Tiredness, maternal attachment and childcare demands were prominent barriers in the early post-natal months. Later, work, family and child development became more significant barriers. Many women became more receptive to healthy eating messages around the time of weaning. Women were positive about long-term support for self-management to reduce their diabetes risk. There is potential to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes post-natally among women with gestational diabetes. Interventions need to be developed that take into account contextual factors and competing demands, are flexible and respond to women&#39;s individual circumstances. Randomized trials of such interventions are warranted.

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Research paper thumbnail of The construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti

Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2000

This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to ex... more This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to examine difficulties in the creation of spoken language corpora in which features such as code switching (simply described here as the process of switching from one language to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Randomised preference trial of medical versus surgical termination of pregnancy less than 14 weeks' gestation (TOPS)

Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 2009

To determine the acceptability, efficacy and costs of medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) com... more To determine the acceptability, efficacy and costs of medical termination of pregnancy (MTOP) compared with surgical termination of pregnancy (STOP) at less than 14 weeks' gestation, and to understand women's decision-making processes and experiences when accessing the termination service. A partially randomised preference trial and economic evaluation with follow-up at 2 weeks and 3 months. The Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Women accepted for termination of pregnancy (TOP) under the relevant Acts of Parliament with pregnancies < 14 weeks' gestation on the day of abortion. A further group of women attending contraception and sexual health clinics participated in a discrete choice experiment (DCE). STOP: all women > or = 6 weeks' and < 14 weeks' gestation were primed with misoprostol 400 micrograms 2 hours before the procedure. STOP was performed under general anaesthesia using vacuum aspiration. MTOP: all women < 14 weeks' ges...

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk communication in the hyperacute setting of stroke thrombolysis: an interview study of clinicians

Emergency Medicine Journal, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of ‘Let the computer choose?’: the experience of participants in a randomised preference trial of medical versus surgical termination of pregnancy

Sociology of Health & Illness, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Health state descriptions to elicit stroke values: do they reflect patient experience of stroke?

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Research paper thumbnail of sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 - Supplemental material for Service user and staff acceptance of fetal ultrasound telemedicine

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 for Service user and staff acceptanc... more Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-dhj-10.1177_2055207620925929 for Service user and staff acceptance of fetal ultrasound telemedicine by Elaine Bidmead, Mabel Lie, Alison Marshall, Stephen Robson and Vikki J. Smith in Digital Health

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Research paper thumbnail of Building a corpus of spoken sylheti

This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to ex... more This paper describes the construction of a corpus of spoken Sylheti. The corpus was created to examine difficulties in the creation of spoken language corpora in which features such as code switching (simply described here as the process of switching from one language to another during the course of an interaction; however, this description disguises a host of situations, which will be examined in the paper) are common. The paper also presents a transliteration scheme for Sylheti based around the Roman alphabet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards equal voices: childcare and children in Chinese and Bangladeshi households in Newcastle upon Tyne

... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my ... more ... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my research is the doctoral research contributed by Katy Gardner and SultanaKhanum looking specifically at the Bangladeshi ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of abortion: A narrative review of qualitative studies

BMC Health Services Research, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Across the Oceans: Childcare and Grandparenting in UK Chinese and Bangladeshi Households

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Citizenship, volunteering and active ageing

Many voluntary organisations depend greatly on the unpaid services of older volunteers, a signifi... more Many voluntary organisations depend greatly on the unpaid services of older volunteers, a significant number of whom are women. Using data from one such organisation in the North East of England, this article uncovers the failure to link debates on citizenship with those on work-life balance, and the impact this has on clarifying citizenship issues as they relate to older people. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, our study found that volunteering is an expression of citizenship for many older people providing networks of support for both volunteer and client. This strong commitment to society and fellow citizens among older people counter-balances individualistic and instrumental reasons for volunteering promoted by the state and market. Our findings suggest that government views of volunteering as a route to paid work, as a panacea for society and therefore needing to be more ‘work-like’, are discordant with the perspectives of older volunteers. Rather ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Volunteering, self-help and citizenship in later life

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Research paper thumbnail of Technologie et confiance

Du fait de l’evolution demographique et de l’augmentation du nombre de personnes âgees vivant seu... more Du fait de l’evolution demographique et de l’augmentation du nombre de personnes âgees vivant seules, la prise en charge des populations vieillissantes suscite des preoccupations. Les avancees technologiques sont de plus en plus considerees comme une solution. Pour les personnes qui ne se considerent pas suffisamment âgees ou fragiles pour necessiter des soins et qui souhaitent conserver leur statut d’individus autonomes, le developpement des technologies d’assistance telles que les systemes ambiants de telesurveillance constituent une reponse possible. Cela implique toutefois de prendre en compte avec precaution la facon dont les personnes âgees considerent leur securite et leur intimite, mais egalement leurs experiences et leurs relations avec la technologie, les aidants et les prestataires de services concernes. Deux tests d’un systeme de telesurveillance ont ete menes au Royaume-Uni, avec le financement du United Kingdom Technology Strategy Board (Agence britannique d’innovation...

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Research paper thumbnail of Methodological Issues in Qualitative Research with Minority Ethnic Research Participants

This article draws on qualitative research on the Chinese and Bangladeshi communities in Newcastl... more This article draws on qualitative research on the Chinese and Bangladeshi communities in Newcastle upon Tyne. In-depth household research that includes the participation of different family members for inter-generational perspectives is not only inclusive in its approach but also invaluable in policy research on minority ethnic groups. Household research can lead to analyses that are holistic and take into consideration intra-household power relations as well as contextual and structural factors such as the impact of racism. The inclusion of children as research participants is of particular importance in minority ethnic households that are undergoing shifting identities, and thus changes in their values and preferences. The research found that the participants’ country of origin, length of stay in the UK, whether they were born or brought up in the UK were important factors to consider, apart from the more conventional variables of age, sex, area of residence and employment status....

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Equal Voices: Childcare and Children in Chinese and Bangladeshi Households in Newcastle upon Tyne

... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my ... more ... 258 Figure 7.5: Ferdousi family and networks ..... 259 ... has been most inspirational to my research is the doctoral research contributed by Katy Gardner and SultanaKhanum looking specifically at the Bangladeshi ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Art, authenticity and citizenship for people living with dementia in a care home

This paper reports on a study which examined the notions of authenticity and citizenship for peop... more This paper reports on a study which examined the notions of authenticity and citizenship for people living with cognitive impairment or dementia in a care home in the North East of England. We demonstrated that both notions were present and were encouraged by engagement with an artist, where this involved audio and visual recordings and the creation of a film. The artist’s interactions were observed by a non-participant observer using ethnographic techniques, including interviews with the residents, their families and the staff of the care home. The data were analyzed using grounded theory and the constant comparative method of qualitative analysis. Our findings suggest that participatory art might help to maintain and encourage authenticity and citizenship in people living with dementia in a care home. Certainly, authenticity and citizenship are notions worth pursuing in the context of dementia generally, but especially in care homes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Health state descriptors for eliciting stroke values: Do they reflect the experience of patients who have had a stroke?

Background: To explore whether stroke health state descriptions used in preference elicitation st... more Background: To explore whether stroke health state descriptions used in preference elicitation studies reflect patients’experiences by comparing published descriptions with qualitative studies exploring patients’ lived experience. Methods: Two literature reviews were conducted: on stroke health state descriptions used in direct preference elicitation studies and the qualitative literature on patients’ stroke experience. Content and comparative thematic analysis was used to identify characteristics of stroke experience in both types of study which were further mapped onto health related quality of life (HRQOL) domains relevant to stroke. Two authors reviewed the coded text, categories and domains. Results: We included 35 studies: seven direct preference elicitation studies and 28 qualitative studies on patients’ experience. Fifteen coded categories were identified in the published health state descriptions and 29 in the qualitative studies. When mapped onto domains related to HRQOL, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Patients’ views of a fetal ultrasound telemedicine service: A mixed methods evaluation study

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate from the patient's perspective, a new fet... more Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate from the patient's perspective, a new fetal ultrasound telemedicine service to improve prenatal diagnosis and management at a rural district general hospital. Methods: Eligible patients requiring a specialist fetal medicine consultation were referred to a tertiary care centre for inclusion in the study. Women who underwent a telemedicine examination with a consultant guiding an ultra‐sonographer and providing specialist counselling via video‐conferencing link were approached to complete a structured questionnaire with the option of participating in a semi‐structured telephone interview. The questionnaire included a 5‐point scale to evaluate patient satisfaction with the consultation. The mixed methods analysis employed SPSS and Atlas.ti software packages. Results: Of the 80 consultations undertaken during the study, 38 new referrals having their first telemedicine consultation were approached; 31 returned survey questionnaires,...

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Research paper thumbnail of Older volunteers: capacities and constraints

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