newyork_contest - Profile (original) (raw)




newyork_contest's Journal

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Journal created:

on 11 June 2009 (#20571436)


on 13 March 2010





Posting Access:

Select Members

.oneAbout Welcome to newyork_contest, a community about the wonderful city of New York. We will host weekly challenges which will focus on the city of New York. The new Challenge will be posted every Friday and you'll have time to enter your icons until Wednesday midnight. The voting will begin on Thursday and the winners will be posted most likely on Tuesday. Rules1. You have to join in order to participate.2. Icons cannot be animated.3. Only submit new icons, do not post old ones.4. Do not post the icons anywhere before the voting is over.5. The icons have to apply lj standarts.6. Only use the given picutes unless stated otherwise. 7. You are allowed to submit up to 4 icons per challenge.8. Submit an image ant the URL of your icon (how to)9. Comments will be screened.Voting RulesYou'll have to vote for a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as well as special categories (depending on the amount of icons). The votes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be weighted.1. Vote for your favorite icons using the given form.2. Do not vote for yourself.3. Do not tell others to vote for you.Important If you want to use one of the icons but you don't know who made it, do not credit me! Comment and ask me who made the icon.The Staff Maintainer: love_kate_walshBannermaker 1: Bannermaker 2: CreditLayout by milou_veronicaProfile code by ohsokitschy .twoaddison_stillsbasic_icontestbonasera_stillscalleigh_stillscsimiami_stillsdmesser_stillsdrjacksonstillsdrmckaystillsdswnchstrstillsiconstillness08intl_challengejsheppstillnesslotsicontestmarg_stillnessnvflnystillnessny_lyricalpost_ittsciencelove_icsmvl20in20smvl_icontestsvlane_icontestsweden_icontestvarious_contestWanna be affiliate?

challenge, challenges, icon challenge, icons, icontest, new york, new york city, stillness