Higashide Tomo | Nagasaki International University (original) (raw)

Papers by Higashide Tomo

Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語をめぐる諸問題の検討と定義の提案 Reconsidering the Vocative in Japanese: Toward a New Definition

日本文化学報, 2019

This paper proposes a definition of the Japanese vocative. First, we consider the position that r... more This paper proposes a definition of the Japanese vocative. First, we consider the position that referring to words like anata, omae, and watashi as pronouns is inappropriate morphologically, functionally, semantically and lexicologically. We then discuss the similarities of terms such as koshō ‘name’, yobikakego ‘vocative’, and taishōshi ‘address term’. Finally, we reanalyze former studies from the perspective of a part of speech, sentence structure and speech act. The expressions for addressing a person, such as otōsan and sensei, are categorized as nouns, structurally as freestanding words. Their use as a speech act is considered to initiate and maintain the discourse with the hearer. In order to explain certain interesting phenomena that occur in conversation, we analyze them at the level of discourse. Thus we propose a definition of the vocative in Japanese as an element without particles through which the speaker indicates the hearer.

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Research paper thumbnail of ピア・ラーニングの方法の1つとしての録音の可能性 -大人数会話授業での実践報告 - The Potential of Voice Recording as a Tool for Peer Learning: A Practical Report of Conversation Lessons in Large Classes

日語日文学, 2019

Conversation courses often need to be taught to large groups of over 40 people because of various... more Conversation courses often need to be taught to large groups of over 40 people because of various management factors of universities. In a large class, the language level of students is not the same and they are motivated differently. Under these circumstances, peer learning seems to be an effective way to manage a class. In this paper I propose voice recording on a smartphone as a tool for conversation training, through which students record their speech, check and correct it with peers. The post-course survey shows that most of students accept this method and see effectiveness in it, however, a few of them are embarrassed to do this activity.

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Research paper thumbnail of 「呼びかける」という行為についての小考―日本語とロシア語の例から― Analysis of Personal Address as a Speech Act

地球社会統合科学研究, 2017

This paper focuses on personal address as a speech act, by using Japanese and Russian vocatives a... more This paper focuses on personal address as a speech act, by using Japanese and Russian vocatives as an illustration. First of all, addressing someone, in particular an unknown person, is a speech act of an interactive negotiation between speaker and hearer; the speaker needs to choose an appropriate word and use it in an appropriate situation. This means that addressing is the speaker’s subjective action. At the same time, the hearer always judges the appropriateness of the word chosen by the speaker. Secondly, every vocative has two coexisting functions: identification and evaluation. A speaker in an instant chooses one form for the vocative, assessing the balance between the two functions. Japanese second-person pronouns have relatively strong evaluative properties, that is why they are mostly avoided. On the other hand, it is easier to choose second-person references which invoke temporary characteristics of the hearer or are generally socially approved, because they include less personal evaluation toward the hearer. Finally, we discussed this preference regarding address, drawing from the analysis of Suzuki (1973), who says Japanese address forms always include the element of confirmation about fixed personal and social roles. Speaker’s feelings or attitudes, very ephemeral and fluid, are difficult to express by Japanese address forms. In comparison to Japanese, Russian vocatives more frequently convey speaker’s feeling, for example in a stand-alone vocative sentence. They can act as a substitute of another speech act (e.g. censure, scolding), showing explicitly the feeling or attitude toward the hearer, in contrast to Japanese address forms.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語の教授における問題点―Речевой этикетの教材分析を通じて― Линвогодидактическая проблема об обращений -Анализ учебных пособий по речевому этикету РКИ-

ロシア語教育研究, 2018

Адекватный выбор и использовоние обращений очень важны для коммуникации. В статье анализируются у... more Адекватный выбор и использовоние обращений очень важны для коммуникации. В статье анализируются учебные пособия по речевому этикету РКИ с точки зрения представления в них обращений, а также обсуждаются проблемы, возникающие при преподавании обращений иностранцам.
Предмет анализа – четыре учебного пособия по речевому этикету РКИ. При анализе мы выделили представляемые в них обращения по двум группе, предлогаемой Гольдином В.Е. [1983, 1987], обращению-индексу и обращению-регулятиву. В результате анализа показано, что обращения по-разному представлены в учебниках количественно. Во всех учебниках обнаружено собственное имя и его варианты со суффиксами, но другие варианты обращения как метафор или термины родства гораздо реже, и даже иногда совсем не представлено.
Далее нами обсуждены три проблемы с точки зрения дидактки обращений. Во-первых, учащимся невозможно выбрать активно какую-либо форму обращения из возможных вариантов, поскольку в пособиях не написано эксплицитное объяснение о диминутивах собственных имен. Во-вторых, в связи с наличием эксплицитного объяснения о диминутивах, учащимся необходимо употреблять одну и ту же форму обращения к тому или иному собеседнику, несмотря на то, что в русском языке возможно менять обращение в зависимости от эмоции говорящего. В-третьех, обращеие-регулятив следует представлять с разными речевыми действиями эффективно, по-скольку оно активно функуционирует в регулировании отношений собеседников.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語と対聞き手指向性 The Vocative and Orientedness Toward Hearer

九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集, 2017

This paper focuses on the integrated explanation about various explicit uses of the Japanese voca... more This paper focuses on the integrated explanation about various explicit uses of the Japanese vocative in discourse, from the perspective of orientedness toward hearer. Specifically, we pointed out two characteristic uses of the vocative in discourse: double-use and use as a filler. These uses are also placed on the scale of orientedness toward hearer, one as having a very strong alignment to this scale, the other very weak.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語の二人称対称人称詞―談話における特殊な機能― The Special Usages of Japanese Second Person Pronouns in Conversation

言語文化論究, 2016

This paper focuses on the two usages of Japanese second person pronouns, for example "anta", "oma... more This paper focuses on the two usages of Japanese second person pronouns, for example "anta", "omae", "kimi", that occur in natural conversation. Firstly, the usage where a second person pronoun follows an address term occurs when there are some differences between reality and the presumption that the speaker has, and when the speaker experiences mostly negative emotions. Secondly, a single second person pronoun used as an isolated unit does not directly point to the real hearer in conversation, but instead sets the situation for use of that pronoun, shows positive attitude toward the hearer and makes him involved in the situation. These pronouns create negative and positive effects in conversation, because they dynamically change their connotation depending on the context.

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語の統語的遊離性―依頼表現に着目して― The Syntactic Non-integration of Vocative in Japanese: An Analysis of Expressions of Request

日本研究, 2017

This paper attempted to examine the validity of the definition of vocative in Japanese by focusi... more This paper attempted to examine the validity of the definition of vocative in Japanese by focusing on expressions of request. First, we analyzed syntactic features of words (or phrases) which refer to the hearer but are not followed by particles, and which take the role of the subject in the following utterance. Then, we discussed the syntactic non-integration of vocative, based on the fact that it is impossible to shift between the vocative and wa/ga. Finally, we explained that the vocative is chosen in conditions when a request occurs long after the vocative phrase and when this phrase itself is long.

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Research paper thumbnail of Особенности употребления обращений в русской речи как средства управления (на фоне японского языка)

Человек Сознание Коммуникация Интернет, 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Обучение иностранцев использованию обращений в русском языке как лингводидактическая проблема

Русская словесность в научном, культурном и образовательном пространстве (к 90-летию со дня рождения профессора В. И. Максимова), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語のポライトネス的要素の考察 Politeness of the Vocative in Japanese

東アジア日本語・日本文化研究, 2017

This paper focuses on the vocative in Japanese, from the perspective of the politeness theory by ... more This paper focuses on the vocative in Japanese, from the perspective of the politeness theory by Brown & Levinson, showing that the addition of a vocative to an utterance functions as a positive politeness strategy. First, I critically overviewed the work of Takiura (2007) about the politeness of terms of address in Japanese. Then I analyzed the use of vocative in conversation as a politeness strategy based on the hypothesis of Takahashi (2005) that the choice of terms of address in Japanese relies on discernment, i.e. “wakimae” (see Ide 2006), and their use depends on volitional choice as a politeness strategy. My results show that when the vocative occurs with a high-FTA utterance for the negative face of hearer, it functions as a positive politeness strategy. This can be explained in terms of the vocative highlighting the aim of utterance and at the same time shortening the distance toward the hearer, thus making the utterance more casual. A vocative appearing with an FTA utterance for positive face of hearer also strengthens the speech act as a positive politeness strategy. Finally, I suggested the possibility of the vocative being one of the forms of showing modality toward the hearer.

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語の機能―会話管理の観点から― The Function of Japanese Vocatives: From the Perspective of Conversation management

地球社会統合科学研究, 2015

This paper focuses on the function of Japanese vocatives, from the perspective of conversation ma... more This paper focuses on the function of Japanese vocatives, from the perspective of conversation management, in natural discourse, based on Kobayashi’s (2002) classification of where they occur in utterance. My results reveal that vocatives are mostly used at the initial and post-initial position of an utterance, help get the attention of the hearer, involve them in the interaction and function as an introductory remark for next utterance. There are alternatives to using introductory remarks, but vocatives have a strong denotational meaning, and therefore can get the attention of hearer, irrespective of where they occur, whilst at the same time clearly demonstrating the speaker’s awareness of the hearer.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語をめぐる諸問題の検討と定義の提案 Reconsidering the Vocative in Japanese: Toward a New Definition

日本文化学報, 2019

This paper proposes a definition of the Japanese vocative. First, we consider the position that r... more This paper proposes a definition of the Japanese vocative. First, we consider the position that referring to words like anata, omae, and watashi as pronouns is inappropriate morphologically, functionally, semantically and lexicologically. We then discuss the similarities of terms such as koshō ‘name’, yobikakego ‘vocative’, and taishōshi ‘address term’. Finally, we reanalyze former studies from the perspective of a part of speech, sentence structure and speech act. The expressions for addressing a person, such as otōsan and sensei, are categorized as nouns, structurally as freestanding words. Their use as a speech act is considered to initiate and maintain the discourse with the hearer. In order to explain certain interesting phenomena that occur in conversation, we analyze them at the level of discourse. Thus we propose a definition of the vocative in Japanese as an element without particles through which the speaker indicates the hearer.

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Research paper thumbnail of ピア・ラーニングの方法の1つとしての録音の可能性 -大人数会話授業での実践報告 - The Potential of Voice Recording as a Tool for Peer Learning: A Practical Report of Conversation Lessons in Large Classes

日語日文学, 2019

Conversation courses often need to be taught to large groups of over 40 people because of various... more Conversation courses often need to be taught to large groups of over 40 people because of various management factors of universities. In a large class, the language level of students is not the same and they are motivated differently. Under these circumstances, peer learning seems to be an effective way to manage a class. In this paper I propose voice recording on a smartphone as a tool for conversation training, through which students record their speech, check and correct it with peers. The post-course survey shows that most of students accept this method and see effectiveness in it, however, a few of them are embarrassed to do this activity.

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Research paper thumbnail of 「呼びかける」という行為についての小考―日本語とロシア語の例から― Analysis of Personal Address as a Speech Act

地球社会統合科学研究, 2017

This paper focuses on personal address as a speech act, by using Japanese and Russian vocatives a... more This paper focuses on personal address as a speech act, by using Japanese and Russian vocatives as an illustration. First of all, addressing someone, in particular an unknown person, is a speech act of an interactive negotiation between speaker and hearer; the speaker needs to choose an appropriate word and use it in an appropriate situation. This means that addressing is the speaker’s subjective action. At the same time, the hearer always judges the appropriateness of the word chosen by the speaker. Secondly, every vocative has two coexisting functions: identification and evaluation. A speaker in an instant chooses one form for the vocative, assessing the balance between the two functions. Japanese second-person pronouns have relatively strong evaluative properties, that is why they are mostly avoided. On the other hand, it is easier to choose second-person references which invoke temporary characteristics of the hearer or are generally socially approved, because they include less personal evaluation toward the hearer. Finally, we discussed this preference regarding address, drawing from the analysis of Suzuki (1973), who says Japanese address forms always include the element of confirmation about fixed personal and social roles. Speaker’s feelings or attitudes, very ephemeral and fluid, are difficult to express by Japanese address forms. In comparison to Japanese, Russian vocatives more frequently convey speaker’s feeling, for example in a stand-alone vocative sentence. They can act as a substitute of another speech act (e.g. censure, scolding), showing explicitly the feeling or attitude toward the hearer, in contrast to Japanese address forms.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語の教授における問題点―Речевой этикетの教材分析を通じて― Линвогодидактическая проблема об обращений -Анализ учебных пособий по речевому этикету РКИ-

ロシア語教育研究, 2018

Адекватный выбор и использовоние обращений очень важны для коммуникации. В статье анализируются у... more Адекватный выбор и использовоние обращений очень важны для коммуникации. В статье анализируются учебные пособия по речевому этикету РКИ с точки зрения представления в них обращений, а также обсуждаются проблемы, возникающие при преподавании обращений иностранцам.
Предмет анализа – четыре учебного пособия по речевому этикету РКИ. При анализе мы выделили представляемые в них обращения по двум группе, предлогаемой Гольдином В.Е. [1983, 1987], обращению-индексу и обращению-регулятиву. В результате анализа показано, что обращения по-разному представлены в учебниках количественно. Во всех учебниках обнаружено собственное имя и его варианты со суффиксами, но другие варианты обращения как метафор или термины родства гораздо реже, и даже иногда совсем не представлено.
Далее нами обсуждены три проблемы с точки зрения дидактки обращений. Во-первых, учащимся невозможно выбрать активно какую-либо форму обращения из возможных вариантов, поскольку в пособиях не написано эксплицитное объяснение о диминутивах собственных имен. Во-вторых, в связи с наличием эксплицитного объяснения о диминутивах, учащимся необходимо употреблять одну и ту же форму обращения к тому или иному собеседнику, несмотря на то, что в русском языке возможно менять обращение в зависимости от эмоции говорящего. В-третьех, обращеие-регулятив следует представлять с разными речевыми действиями эффективно, по-скольку оно активно функуционирует в регулировании отношений собеседников.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語と対聞き手指向性 The Vocative and Orientedness Toward Hearer

九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集, 2017

This paper focuses on the integrated explanation about various explicit uses of the Japanese voca... more This paper focuses on the integrated explanation about various explicit uses of the Japanese vocative in discourse, from the perspective of orientedness toward hearer. Specifically, we pointed out two characteristic uses of the vocative in discourse: double-use and use as a filler. These uses are also placed on the scale of orientedness toward hearer, one as having a very strong alignment to this scale, the other very weak.

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Research paper thumbnail of 呼びかけ語の二人称対称人称詞―談話における特殊な機能― The Special Usages of Japanese Second Person Pronouns in Conversation

言語文化論究, 2016

This paper focuses on the two usages of Japanese second person pronouns, for example "anta", "oma... more This paper focuses on the two usages of Japanese second person pronouns, for example "anta", "omae", "kimi", that occur in natural conversation. Firstly, the usage where a second person pronoun follows an address term occurs when there are some differences between reality and the presumption that the speaker has, and when the speaker experiences mostly negative emotions. Secondly, a single second person pronoun used as an isolated unit does not directly point to the real hearer in conversation, but instead sets the situation for use of that pronoun, shows positive attitude toward the hearer and makes him involved in the situation. These pronouns create negative and positive effects in conversation, because they dynamically change their connotation depending on the context.

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語の統語的遊離性―依頼表現に着目して― The Syntactic Non-integration of Vocative in Japanese: An Analysis of Expressions of Request

日本研究, 2017

This paper attempted to examine the validity of the definition of vocative in Japanese by focusi... more This paper attempted to examine the validity of the definition of vocative in Japanese by focusing on expressions of request. First, we analyzed syntactic features of words (or phrases) which refer to the hearer but are not followed by particles, and which take the role of the subject in the following utterance. Then, we discussed the syntactic non-integration of vocative, based on the fact that it is impossible to shift between the vocative and wa/ga. Finally, we explained that the vocative is chosen in conditions when a request occurs long after the vocative phrase and when this phrase itself is long.

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Research paper thumbnail of Особенности употребления обращений в русской речи как средства управления (на фоне японского языка)

Человек Сознание Коммуникация Интернет, 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Обучение иностранцев использованию обращений в русском языке как лингводидактическая проблема

Русская словесность в научном, культурном и образовательном пространстве (к 90-летию со дня рождения профессора В. И. Максимова), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語のポライトネス的要素の考察 Politeness of the Vocative in Japanese

東アジア日本語・日本文化研究, 2017

This paper focuses on the vocative in Japanese, from the perspective of the politeness theory by ... more This paper focuses on the vocative in Japanese, from the perspective of the politeness theory by Brown & Levinson, showing that the addition of a vocative to an utterance functions as a positive politeness strategy. First, I critically overviewed the work of Takiura (2007) about the politeness of terms of address in Japanese. Then I analyzed the use of vocative in conversation as a politeness strategy based on the hypothesis of Takahashi (2005) that the choice of terms of address in Japanese relies on discernment, i.e. “wakimae” (see Ide 2006), and their use depends on volitional choice as a politeness strategy. My results show that when the vocative occurs with a high-FTA utterance for the negative face of hearer, it functions as a positive politeness strategy. This can be explained in terms of the vocative highlighting the aim of utterance and at the same time shortening the distance toward the hearer, thus making the utterance more casual. A vocative appearing with an FTA utterance for positive face of hearer also strengthens the speech act as a positive politeness strategy. Finally, I suggested the possibility of the vocative being one of the forms of showing modality toward the hearer.

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Research paper thumbnail of 日本語の呼びかけ語の機能―会話管理の観点から― The Function of Japanese Vocatives: From the Perspective of Conversation management

地球社会統合科学研究, 2015

This paper focuses on the function of Japanese vocatives, from the perspective of conversation ma... more This paper focuses on the function of Japanese vocatives, from the perspective of conversation management, in natural discourse, based on Kobayashi’s (2002) classification of where they occur in utterance. My results reveal that vocatives are mostly used at the initial and post-initial position of an utterance, help get the attention of the hearer, involve them in the interaction and function as an introductory remark for next utterance. There are alternatives to using introductory remarks, but vocatives have a strong denotational meaning, and therefore can get the attention of hearer, irrespective of where they occur, whilst at the same time clearly demonstrating the speaker’s awareness of the hearer.

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