nobody_btvs - Profile (original) (raw)
on 20 June 2004 (#3549926)
This LJ is for my story Nobody.
Its canon up to the fight with Caleb... then vears off into au. Xander was totally blinded by Caleb, Buffy, Willow, Giles, Robin, the SITs and Spike fought the First without Xander's help.
This starts six months after Xander is blinded. The gang has moved away from Sunnydale, and Xander is dealing with his handicap.
angel, angel fanfic, angel the series, angel/wesley, angel/xander, angelus, angst, anita blake, art, ats fanfiction, bite, blood, bloodlust, bloodplay, btvs, btvs fanfiction, btvs slash, buffy fanfic, clubs, computers, creative writing, d/s, daddy!kink, dancing, erotica, fan fiction, fandom, fanfic, fanfiction, fellatio, fucking, gay boys, gay porn, gay rights, gay sex, graphics, happy smut, homoerotica, homoeroticism, hurt!xander, hurt/comfort, i support gay marriage, immortal, immortality, jacob hoggard, james marsters, joss whedon, kink, kushiel series, laurell k hamilton, literature, men, music, mythology, nicholas brendon, nick brendon, oral sex, original slash fiction, painting, piercings, porn, pretty boys kissing, pretty boys touching, pretty girls kissing, pretty men, qaf, queer as folk, queer eye, reading, reading slash, rimming, s/x, schmangst, sex, sire, slash, slash fanfic, slash fanfiction, slashfic, smut, smut and sex, spander, spike, spike fanfiction, spike slash, spike/xander, tattoos, vampires, web design, web designing, writing, writing slash, x/s, xander, xander fanfiction, xander slash, xander/spike, xander/spike/angel