noctis_soporae - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 July 2008 (#16026668)

Umbrarum hic locus est, somni noctisque soporae...

this is the graphic community of christinchen

aboutThis is the graphic community of christinchen.Things I will post here: Icons, Wallpapers, Textures, Brushes, Tutorials and everything else I can come up with. Feel free to watch or join this community.
rulesMost posts will be public, but from time to time I'll post things for members only. Those will be graphics or fics (maybe an alternate ending or a sequel...). When I accept requests, I'll also accept them from members only.Everything I post here was made by me and it took me a lot of time and work to get it done, so please comment and credit!Please credit either christinchen or noctis_soporae. Thank you!My resources can be found HERE
creditLayout CSS | Profile Layout Community Moodtheme All other Graphics


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a dog's breakfast, being human, chuck, eureka, farscape, firefly, game one, giga games, gravitation, harry potter, heroes, iron man, lord of the rings, lost, merlin, moonlight, queer as folk, rps, serenity, shelter, skins, stargate atlantis, stargate sg-1, supernatural