nomads_gen_recs, posts by tag: hp:james - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

HP: All Gone Aside [Jan. 24th, 2011|11:16 am]Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs
[**Tags**|hp, hp:au, hp:dumbledore, hp:james, hp:marauder era, hp:mwpp, hp:peter, hp:remus, hp:sirius]All Gone Aside by alianoraHarry Potter Marauder Era AU Short story, completeThe aftermath of a prank gone horribly wrong.
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HP: Apothecary and Auror [Jan. 5th, 2007|10:19 am]Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs
[**Tags**|hp, hp:james, hp:pre-books, hp:short stories, hp:snape]Apothecary and Auror by PasiHarry Potter Pre-Books Novelette, completeSnape takes a job at Azkaban - and his first steps towards joining the Death Eaters.
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BtVS/HP: The End of the Beginning [Dec. 15th, 2006|10:31 am]Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs
[**Tags**|btvs, btvs:ethan, btvs:giles, btvs:novellas, btvs:pre-series, crossovers, hp, hp:james, hp:lily, hp:mwpp, hp:novellas, hp:pre-books, hp:snape]The End of the Beginning by MarinerBtVS/Harry Potter Pre-Books Novella, completeLondon, 1981; Giles and Ethan stumble across a kind of magic they don't understand, and a war they know nothing about.
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HP: Invisible [Dec. 5th, 2006|09:47 pm]Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs
[**Tags**|hp, hp:james, hp:pre-books, hp:short stories, hp:snape]Invisible by FernWithyHarry Potter Pre-Books Novelette, completeJames Potter infiltrates a Death Eater meeting - and comes face to face with Snape.
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